I apologize for my absence, I've been waiting for an FC pack so I can roleplay properly. I promise I haven't forgotten any of my replies (or starters) and I hope to keep roleplaying with my thread partners soon!
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I would drag you into the SHU and I would strip you completely and spank you with the screwdriver.
Oh my. Well..this is an interesting one, that’s for sure.
Big Boo, is that you?
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”.. And that’s my cue to walk away.” Taking notice of Big Boo, Aleks knew what she did as her MOD. “I like to point out that the only way you are getting into my pants.. Is if I am desperate. I have to be really desperate to have sex with you.”
Big Boo scoffed loudly, almost appalled at this random girl's assumption. "I barely fuckin' looked in your direction, kid," She seethed, eyes narrowed in defense. "You don't have to be desperate to fuck me, you're lookin' desperate by just assumin' I would."
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Big Boo nodded slowly, enjoying the fact that Diaz wanted to help her feed Little Boo. "I'm in your debt, kid." She replied with a half smile as she backed out of the kitchen. "In your debt!"
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    “I can’t really comment on your size, blanca…but I’ll make sure your little furball gets all the scraps there is, okay? Peanut butter ain’t gonna’ do no good for your dog.”
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"Yeah and a man," She scoffed, thinking about the old tale of the teenager who was poisoned by her grandmother only to be awoken by an older man kissing on her. That had always been a weird story to Boo. "Getting all up on someone while they're sleeping is weird, an a count of rape. And weird." The butch protested with creased eyebrows as she relaxed into the bed as Alex explained her mattress situation. Without a doubt, Boo probably caught a decent 4% of that conversation, most of that time had been spent looking at Alex's chest. At the other woman's question, Big Boo perked up a bit and shrugged. "Nah, I was waitin' on the girls, but I couldn't find none of them. Probably all showering or working now that I think about it...." Boo shrugged again before pursing her lips. "I'm assumin' you didn't eat yet, Snow White?"
"Only thing missing is my lips as red as rubies I guess. I’m surprised you didn’t try and kiss me awake then." She couldn’t help but tease her. "Now that would be a twist, a drug dealing Snow White. That I would love to see. Fuck if I know. I had to fill in a form and it would take a couple of weeks, well I’m still fucking waiting. I have no idea where that meth head took it, so I can’t take it back either. I thought about taking her little friend’s mattress, but.. I don’t think I want to do that. Bad enough I had to fall asleep looking at that face. Did you have breakfast yet?" 
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Aye! Don't you go insulting my ladies! I've had quality pussy way before Mercy and definitely after her too. I'm just not as picky as you are.
You’re kiddin’ me, right?
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If Mercy’s your Everest, might I, as the resident pussy connoisseur, suggest yanking your head outta your twat as soon as fuckin’ possible? You got nothing on the finer breeds I’ve bagged, and I got serious secondhand embarrassment just thinking about your lows if Wigga went homewrecker on the climax of your kitty count.  
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Boo laughed breathlessly at the brunette, scooting forward with the bag in hand. Sugar had a point, if you weren't in some kind of group or a part of a bigger operation, no one did business with you. Tucking in her lips, she couldn't help but smirk. "Fair enough," She replied digressively. "You know ever thought about gettin' yourself someone who has all the connects? Someone like me?" Pushing out her lips, she looked between the bag and Sugar, eventually tossing them gently to other girl's bed. "Consider this first bag my treat. Something like an offer, if you will."
A look of jealousy crossed her features as she saw the bag. “Ugh, probably nothin’ they want. I mean, I don’t have any ties to shit or anything, and while I have a good bit of money in my commissary it ain’t like anybody needs anything from there…” 
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"What do you want with me?"
Big Boo smiled, bringing her tiny body closer into Lena’s as the fork turned blade poked her tender skin. The silky, sensitive, skin began to bleed right onto the sharp object. “Answers,” She replied in almost a whisper. “Like, who told the guards about deal with Vee, and why it even matters to anyone else.” Big Boo glanced back into the darkness of the jail corridors. The coast was still clear, and she eventually looked back to Lena. “Don’t worry, I can wait.”
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"This will hurt…"
Big Boo raised an eyebrow while she sized the other woman up and down. This twig of a bitch had to be joking, right? Pushing out her stomach to bounce the woman off her chest, Boo couldn’t help but chuckle. “Honey, I may look like a teddy bear, but don’t think I’m over weight by sixty pounds for nothing.” She growled through her teeth, bringing up her finger to point it at the other woman. “I’ll slap you so hard from here to tomorrow night. Don’t try me.”
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Friendly reminder that while I do prefer to type in smaller text style, I am not opposed to the normal text font. Whatever is comfortable for the other person — I do not care.
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"Help! Someone help me!" "Leave me alone!" "Don’t touch me!" "Stay back! I’ll call the police!" "What do you want with me?" "Please, I won’t tell anyone, please…" "What are you going to do with that?" "You look tired, maybe you should go to sleep." "This knife has your name on it.” "I wonder how your screams sound…" "This will hurt…" "Your blood is so pretty." "Why am I here? to kill you, of course…" "Keep quiet, don’t scream.."
SERIAL KILLER → sentence meme
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"The first term of acceptance is talking to yourself," Big Boo pointed out as she sat in front of the blonde in the cafeteria. "In which case, I would recommend you not doing? I don't think you could handle Psych."
"I think I’m finally starting to accept the fact that I’m going to be in here for the rest of my sentence and I’m okay with that. I’m where I should be and I’m actually content with that." Was this a sign that she was losing it?
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Rolling her eyes, Big Boo made her way over to the other bunk and plopped down. She wasn't even sure who the bed belonged to, but who even cared? Definitely not a butch. "What can I say? You're a peaceful sleeper.. modern day Snow White or whatever," The woman shrugged to herself as she looked around in observation. "How the fuck do you not have mattress yet? Where the hell is it?"
Alex rubbed her eyes and sat up fully and pulled the covers back. “The fact I was still sleeping didn’t give a clue that I have not seen anyone yet? Still you decided to wait and.. watch me sleep?” She rolled her eyes. She did like Boo, thought she was funny, but they had a bit of a, complicated friendship. “What can I say, why wake up when you have a beautiful dream.” Alex motioned with her head to her bed. “Sit your fat ass down, I need a moment to wake up properly. I still don’t have a fucking mattress and it fucks up my sleeping routine. Well, I always needed a moment to wake up properly, but this isn’t helping.” 
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Big Boo arched an eyebrow, perking her ears at the sound of this other girl's preference. Holding up her finger for only a moment, Boo scoped the area out before reaching under her bed an pulling out her own stash of Sour Patch Kids. Giving them a kiss, she looked over at her bunkmate. "I could hook you up, but girls here always want somethin' for somethin'," Boo informed the other woman casually. "What'cha got to offer these girls, hm?"
"Not really. Though, seeing how I’ve been noticin’ you eatin’ things way better than this shit, you have some kind of connection, right?" She asked, sounding hopeful. The crap she was eating was gross, and she would kill for some Sour Patch kids and some peanut butter cups. "Cause if you do, you should so hook me up."
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"Scraps for dinner?" Boo looks down at herself. "Unless you all are feedin'em leftovers, do I look like the type to leave scraps on my tray?" She asked rhetorically through a scoff, then proceeded to roll her eyes. "C'mon, what do I gotta do, huh?"
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  “The dog gets fed, and gets the scraps from dinner; why the hell would it need peanut butter? It don’t need nothin’ more than a bowl of food a day.”
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Boo couldn't deny her new bunkmate was a hot new piece of ass, one she wanted mind getting in on eventually. "You're preaching to the already fat people in the choir, kid," Boo moaned as she continued on picking at her nails. Glancing up at the brunette across from her, Boo lowered her eyebrows. "Why do you buy that expired junk anyway? Don't know anyone who could get you to the good goods yet?" She asked rhetorically, for one being the exact connect she'd been hinting at.
Sophie couldn’t believe how incredibly bored she was. She knew prison wasn’t gonna be all fun and shit, but she had never felt so…well, bored in her life. She tried writing to her friends, but there wasn’t really much for her to say. She started to read, but the book she got was pretty much shit—she was gonna glare at the person who told her to read Twilight. So here she sat on her bunk, eating a candy bar she got out of commissary.
"I’m gonna gain like a million pounds in here, I just know it."
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Also one more psa -- I don't have gifs of Boo, because she's so painfully unpopular at the moment, I'll be searching around for gif hunts. In the meantime, accept my plain replies/posts. Sorry.
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