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thinking . . although im actually not that set on her storyline, but i do know cinnabar definitely does not make it to the stage, i was thinking that although arcaro does not care enough to supply her with the complete minimum of atleast a dress,
she could probably get a recycled dress from a previous competitor, slightly ripped, still stained with blood and everything ( and showing off some past experimental surgery scars ) . and she’s also missing a heel, because why not . it’s ok though, she looks fine in it . .
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dunno if i should send this here or on your main blog buuuuuuut i wanted to ask… what would zero’s opinion be on dante ( @rockwgooglyeyes ) because of their like. whatever he has going on with sirius toxic yaoi yuri het whatever but like they’re not in a relationship i think guys don’t quote me on that i’m still wondering some things help
alsoooooo how would zero and sirius meet at anakt that would make zero interested in sirius? like how would his interest in her start? since im. eyes wide open for information 🤗 just curious apriiii!!!!!! sorry this was like three questions in one.. love ya!!!
his opinion on dante ? well, right now, it’s uhm, just kind of complete neutralness .
normally, zero bases his opinions on others by different individual perspectives, sometimes what he hears about them ( but doesn’t really form his own with his lack of his own opinions towards other things . ), but since he has nothing to base off, he remains neutral and apathetic towards dante .
and on the interest for sirius, id say thats its kinda just this natural feeling where you want to know and understand someone ? zero isn’t commonly interested in anything, and that’s one reason he wants to truly know and understand sirius . he wants to know why he even felt that way about them . ( not a crush though . ? atleast i think haha i dont know help i . forgot . )
and lastly as for their meeting . . i honestly have like no idea 😀 zeros interest and feelings for sirius came actually pretty naturally, kinda like your being tugged towards something and you don’t even know why . . also, although im definitely not sure of this, i was thinking that zero was actually kind of aware of sirius before anakt ?
i don’t know where noct or sirius got the experimentation devices, but if it has to do with noct maybe being in the research / experimentation field . . keirii actually keeps tabs of certain other segyein in the areas of experimentation based roles . sometimes keirii discusses small and scattered info from these tabs with zero, and if noct is involved in experimentation, keirii would definitely have a file on them and would maybe mention sirius to zero once ? i don’t know help
it’s completely fine ! i like having the extra questions, and i hope you don’t mind how long this is . . love you too <3 !
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okie . . random little designs i made for nyx’s other children . . im honestly not that sure about them and i dont know if rock is too, so these probably aren’t official .
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here’s the little headcanoned information i made about the other two !
the 2nd born was a girl, and the 3rd born was a boy . the girl is named yami ( evening ), and the boy is named natsuki ( moon / night in general ) . basically, morning ( asa ), evening, and night in order !
yami is the one with the least resemblance to nyx . although i did pick her hair color from darkening nyx’s, her eye colors and other features are probably all from the stud . natsuki is the one that resembles nyx the most .
although im not sure who owns natsuki right now, i actually kinda headcanoned that yami was also bought by kyuno ! although her and asahi don’t know they’re related, they still have a general sibling type bond .
yami actually struggles the most out of the 3 to remember nyx . she clinged more to the stud before she was sold . though asa does sometimes share her memories about him with her at times .
yami is energetic and bright but naive, and natsuki is sweet and thoughtful but always stressed or nervous in some way or form . .
anyways, again, nothing is official right now i think . . these are just my thoughts right now . as always, nyx belongs to @rockwgooglyeyes !
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archery or equestrian for aurien
( specifically rhythmic ) gymnastics or fencing for asahi
maybe tennis, also equestrian, or even shooting for cinnabar
fencing, swimming, soccer, track, or hockey for zhuli
volleyball, or track for aster !
Which olympic sport would your alnst oc compete in??
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why can i see this happening between leto ( @paradisedisconcert / @14-alc ) and cinna in the modern au . . swap papa with sister though . ( leto being eleven and cinna being jim . . )
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( exhausted and heavy breathing ) ok . . last . . one . . ( collapses onto floor )
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introducing . . aster . .
she’s my last gurl of s40 because i think ill die before spreading info of her, asahi, cinnabar, and zhuli all consistently and equally at once .
here’s some other input from her though !
the thing they have on in the second version, is actually there because theyre going blind . although it doesn’t do well at healing or making their vision better at all, it does slightly help preserve it . they do go fully blind in her later teens .
i originally drew them much more different, but changed it because it looked lazy and they looked too much like asahi . .
i also made them just for clove lol . i think they’re either close friends or partners ? ill have to have zero’s opinion !
they’re biologically female, but prefer they / them pronouns .
crown / head band thingy is based off a halo ! they’re actually generally based off an angel to be honest . .
silly and kinda crazy as a kid, but got more mature and calm as they grew up .
i pondered making them completely miserable for clove so he could be their hope / god, but scrapped it because like all of my other ocs are already miserable . . maybe they can be clove’s new vessel of “ hope “ instead ?
grew up with a coddling, affectionate and kind guardian, but is still treated just as a pet in the end . they become more and more aware of this as they grow up .
only enrolled in anakt for training, not going to be in the competition .
determined to get clove out of the competition so they can be together again .
their greatest wish is to be able to see again, and to see clove again as well .
anyways, that’s all for now ! credits for the assets go to @shakingparadigm : D ! and @zerostyrant, i hope you like them : 3 let me know on your thoughts for them and maybe some of the other information if you’d like !
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( exhausted and heavy breathing ) ok . . last . . one . . ( collapses onto floor )
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introducing . . aster . .
she’s my last gurl of s40 because i think ill die before spreading info of her, asahi, cinnabar, and zhuli all consistently and equally at once .
here’s some other input from her though !
the thing they have on in the second version, is actually there because theyre going blind . although it doesn’t do well at healing or making their vision better at all, it does slightly help preserve it . they do go fully blind in her later teens .
i originally drew them much more different, but changed it because it looked lazy and they looked too much like asahi . .
i also made them just for clove lol . i think they’re either close friends or partners ? ill have to have zero’s opinion !
they’re biologically female, but prefer they / them pronouns .
crown / head band thingy is based off a halo ! they’re actually generally based off an angel to be honest . .
silly and kinda crazy as a kid, but got more mature and calm as they grew up .
i pondered making them completely miserable for clove so he could be their hope / god, but scrapped it because like all of my other ocs are already miserable . . maybe they can be clove’s new vessel of “ hope “ instead ?
grew up with a coddling, affectionate and kind guardian, but is still treated just as a pet in the end . they become more and more aware of this as they grow up .
only enrolled in anakt for training, not going to be in the competition .
determined to get clove out of the competition so they can be together again .
their greatest wish is to be able to see again, and to see clove again as well .
anyways, that’s all for now ! credits for the assets go to @shakingparadigm : D ! and @zerostyrant, i hope you like them : 3 let me know on your thoughts for them and maybe some of the other information if you’d like !
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( exhausted and heavy breathing ) ok . . last . . one . . ( collapses onto floor )
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introducing . . aster . .
they’re my last character of s40 because i think ill die before spreading info of them, asahi, cinnabar, and zhuli all consistently and equally at once .
here’s some other input from them though !
the thing they have on in the second version, is actually there because theyre going blind . although it doesn’t do well at healing or making their vision better at all, it does slightly help preserve it . they do go fully blind in their later teens .
i originally drew them much more different, but changed it because it looked lazy and they looked too much like asahi . .
i also made them just for clove lol . i think they’re either close friends or partners ? ill have to have zero’s opinion !
they’re biologically female, but prefer they / them pronouns .
crown / head band thingy is based off a halo ! they’re actually generally based off an angel to be honest . .
silly and kinda crazy as a kid, but got more mature and calm as they grew up .
i pondered making them completely miserable for clove so he could be their hope / god, but scrapped it because like all of my other ocs are already miserable . . maybe they can be clove’s new vessel of “ hope “ instead ?
grew up with a coddling, affectionate and kind guardian, but is still treated just as a pet in the end . they become more and more aware of this as they grow up .
only enrolled in anakt for training, not going to be in the competition .
determined to get clove out of the competition so they can be together again .
their greatest wish is to be able to see again, and to see clove again as well .
anyways, that’s all for now ! credits for the assets go to @shakingparadigm : D ! and @zerostyrant, i hope you like them : 3 let me know on your thoughts for them and maybe some of the other information if you’d like !
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just realized how much the part of evangelion where asuka has to confront her past by arael fits cinna . .
( apologies in advance blue, im still kinda changing some parts of cinna 😭 )
“ why am i crying ? i swore that i wouldn’t cry anymore . “ is something she’d definitely say . . she cried a lot as a child, especially soon after she was sold to arcaro . she couldn’t handle the pain . at least, not back then .
“ because im not a child ! i grew up faster then other people, i didnt need a stupid stuffed toy ! “ this fits a lot . although she didn’t choose to or want to, she grew up much faster then others . she had to, and she had no choice about it . i don’t think you can even consider her just a child, even among the other children at anakt .
“ please look at me ! im begging you mama, don’t stop being my mother ! “ swap mama with father and she’s set to go . . this ties in with her belief when she was younger that castor, could somehow save her . she was also pretty desperate for his attention at the age too .
when she finally concludes that he definitely never cared for her, she layers her own feelings of sadness and rage and betrayal with apathy in a shallow attempt that maybe it would actually set in, and maybe one day, she could learn not care for him in the slightest in return .
( it didn’t work . if anything, it just lodged those feelings of resentment deeper into her . so many disgusting and hateful feelings that she loathes to ever admit or express at all . )
“ why are you there, damn you ! you won’t help me, you won’t even hold me, your no one, no one, no one ! why won’t you look at me ? ! “ more parts of cinna’s feelings towards cas . . especially the “ you won’t help me “ part . .
i would say the “ why are you there, damn you ! “ part works more in a way of cinnabar questioning why she even still cares about him after all this ? why is he here, he’s done absolutely nothing for you . he doesn’t even care about you . why do you still care about him ?
yeagh, random thoughts haha .
( castor : @bluemoonscape )
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thinking about the song composer struggles by cg5 and how it connects to cinnabar . . actually, how one part connects to her .
the part being “ sheep sheep, it’s time for sleep, rest your head it’s time for bed, in the morning you may wake, or in the morning you’ll be dead . “ . . it kinda reflects to me, atleast, how unimportant life is to cinna’s owner, arcaro .
the lyrics “ in the morning you may wake, “ symbolizing how you either might live to see another day in his “ lab “, or “ or in the morning you’ll be dead “ or you’ll just die .
in arcaro’s lab, you can be alive one second and dead the other . your not special or important, your easily replaceable . you don’t matter here . this is mainly what leads to cinna’s extremely low self esteem .
i know i sound really inarticulate and im sorry 😭 ill work on this more when i can actually connect my thoughts . .
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so . . Cinnabar :3 how does she feel about physical affection and such (Yuna is very clingy and also very touchy and lovely with her I imagine but i wanna make sure that would actually be ok. she would be a frequent hand holder)
i think she’d generally be ok with it ! she’d definitely be a little bit jumpy at first with it . although arcaro didn’t directly physically abuse her by hitting her, her older “ siblings “, or arcaro’s other, often older pets did hit her at times .
but i think she’d come around to really like it ! she’d also start trying to reciprocate more herself over time as well ! i would say yuna would just have to take it a bit slow, you know ?
thank you for the ask starry ! ! love you < 3
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What are your s40 ocs ages? If you posted abt it im so sorry i couldnt find themm😭
oop it’s completely fine ! ! i didn’t even list all of them : ‘ ) . .
zhuli is 20, asahi is 19, and cinnabar is ( estimated because she’s dead ) about 24 !
awwwww luv u too ! ! < 3
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after the season is done, what do you plan on doing with your oc blog/ocs?
for azure, i'd probably focus on the AUs we have created. but before that i will take a break!
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lolol this question is so old but im trying to make up for like never talking about cinna
im gonna go out on a limb and say that although it’s not particularly precious to cinna, she generally just keeps it around her just for the sake of it, and there are just a lot of feelings towards it,
cinna’s most important item to herself, is a sharp, red and ornately made pin decorated with spider lilies . it was gifted to her by sonii before she was given to arcaro . i imagine this was because sonii got a bit attached to cinna for being the first of cas’s children and being around her a lot, also probably causing to her late date of sale . ( but definitely not enough to keep cinna with her . )
it still has a bit of dried blood ( tying this with cas’s blanket ehehe ) from a past bloody encounter with one of her “ siblings “ / another of arcaro’s pets, ( or in arcaro’s words, one of his “ failed experiments “ . ) that never quite washed off .
What is your oc’s most precious item?
Macbeth’s precious item would be the first doll he made, which is one of one of his siblings. Its quite old but he makes sure it stays in one piece and does maintenance often.
Inna would have a scrapbook, like a big ole thing. In it would be like sketches or drawings of his friends as well as little stories he wrote or book pages he really liked (he doesnt realize stealing a page from a book is bad and took the phrase literally)
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oop it’s fine ! ! although i do thank you for all you said, it’s all incredibly kind and reassuring to me, you don’t even have to apologize, it’s just me being really dramatic on my part : (
but yep, im completely fine with you writing with her ! im curious and excited to see what you interpret for a interaction between her and cas ! ( cinna is 100 % going to avoid him from the start . . also may i ask what cas would think of cinna’s “ guardian “, arcaro ? )
all I could personally think for an interaction between them would be them silently sitting together before cinna literally just goes “ erm . . awkward . . “ and then just . leaves . yeah .
( by the way, id say a lot of s40 are still kids right now ? i mean, they probably just had the new season class start since the current season is still ongoing ! )
by the way, really hate that i forgot to list this, but even though cinna’s talking voice claim is pretty different from her singing voice claim ( which is lisa chikafuji by the way : D specially her voice in this cover : )
cinna’s talking voice claim is crona from soul eater ( who she takes a lot of inspiration from ) . yeagh .
( this is crona’s voice by the way ! : they’re the purple haired one !
putting this one down because it’s definitely something cinna would do, but this clip below is literally just crona’s voice : )
( small side note : don’t worry, the effects of arcaro’s experimentation on cinna will take effect more later in her life : D )
just noticed cinna is the girlie i talk about the least of the 3 . . forgive me everyone . . i shall share some info i made about her just now . .
cinna is a very . . pessimistic individual to say the least .
when she first arrived at the garden, she was extremely detached and disassociated from her classmates and surroundings, and often avoided everyone at all costs possible .
the best you could at least see of her, would be her either just sitting silently under a tree, or her aimlessly trailing away to wherever .
she’s introverted and timid, negative, shy, and always anxious and stressed about something, whether it be about someone or something . this heightened a lot when she was around others . ( and still does now sometimes ) when she deems she can’t deal with something, she shuts down entirely .
she can also go on morbid rambles about disturbing topics if she feels comfortable enough with you : D !
she also has lapses of time where she can just be straight up cruel and inconsiderate of others, taking the sad reality of things and stretching it, surrounding someone with it until it swallows them up .
all of these traits mainly come from her “ home “ life . although she is the oldest of cas’s children, she was put to sale quite later then her siblings, and was left as the last one left of her father’s “ litters “ .
sonii gave her to a pet human modifier shortly after this as a gift of a new “ lab rat “ . cinna’s guardian is named guardian arcaro by the way .
arcaro is a bit like urak, but more . . uncaring for his “ pets “ ? ( who he deems as “ lab rats “ instead ) he often experiments carelessly with them, so much that it’d probably be assumed he doesn’t even know the limit of what a human can take .
cinna is deemed one of the more fortunate pets of arcaro, “ only “ having a vast amount of trauma emotionally and physically from being cruelly experimented since she was a child so far, while most of her other less fortunate siblings, ended up tortured physically for the most part before their untimely deaths .
because of this as well, she does not view herself as human, but more as a underserving burden, who should have never been born . her worldview is muddled and cold . why are we here if not only to suffer ?
this all starts to change when she meets yuna, who through time brightens her world, and gives her a reason and want to live, to keep going and become a better person . although i won’t ramble on that too much though since this post is already pretty long,
cinna does become a better person with yuna around her now ! ! she becomes much more involved with her classmates, and is overall viewed as a shy and quaint, sometimes a bit creepy but cute girl !
though, for her thoughts on cas ( which i really haven’t mentioned until now im so sorry blue i honestly thought you didn’t care 😭 ), in very short and simplified terms, she naively thought that he could save her ( when she was both younger and started being experimented on ) at first, but now honestly doesnt care for him in the slightest .
nothing like bottling up your feelings of betrayal and sadness until they’re gone ( they not they’re just lodged even deeper into you now ) am i right ?
( also to add to the angst she does view her younger self as a “ stupid and immature little girl . “ )
( yuna belongs to @starry-skiez, and cas belongs to @bluemoonscape ! by the way blue, thoughts on my depressed little cinnamonroll : 3 ? )
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just noticed cinna is the girlie i talk about the least of the 3 . . forgive me everyone . . i shall share some info i made about her just now . .
cinna is a very . . pessimistic individual to say the least .
when she first arrived at the garden, she was extremely detached and disassociated from her classmates and surroundings, and often avoided everyone at all costs possible .
the best you could at least see of her, would be her either just sitting silently under a tree, or her aimlessly trailing away to wherever .
she’s introverted and timid, negative, shy, and always anxious and stressed about something, whether it be about someone or something . this heightened a lot when she was around others . ( and still does now sometimes ) when she deems she can’t deal with something, she shuts down entirely .
she can also go on morbid rambles about disturbing topics if she feels comfortable enough with you : D !
she also has lapses of time where she can just be straight up cruel and inconsiderate of others, taking the sad reality of things and stretching it, surrounding someone with it until it swallows them up .
all of these traits mainly come from her “ home “ life . although she is the oldest of cas’s children, she was put to sale quite later then her siblings, and was left as the last one left of her father’s “ litters “ .
sonii gave her to a pet human modifier shortly after this as a gift of a new “ lab rat “ . cinna’s guardian is named guardian arcaro by the way .
arcaro is a bit like urak, but more . . uncaring for his “ pets “ ? ( who he deems as “ lab rats “ instead ) he often experiments carelessly with them, so much that it’d probably be assumed he doesn’t even know the limit of what a human can take .
cinna is deemed one of the more fortunate pets of arcaro, “ only “ having a vast amount of trauma emotionally and physically from being cruelly experimented since she was a child so far, while most of her other less fortunate siblings, ended up tortured physically for the most part before their untimely deaths .
because of this as well, she does not view herself as human, but more as a underserving burden, who should have never been born . her worldview is muddled and cold . why are we here if not only to suffer ?
this all starts to change when she meets yuna, who through time brightens her world, and gives her a reason and want to live, to keep going and become a better person . although i won’t ramble on that too much though since this post is already pretty long,
cinna does become a better person with yuna around her now ! ! she becomes much more involved with her classmates, and is overall viewed as a shy and quaint, sometimes a bit creepy but cute girl !
though, for her thoughts on cas ( which i really haven’t mentioned until now im so sorry blue i honestly thought you didn’t care 😭 ), in very short and simplified terms, she naively thought that he could save her ( when she was both younger and started being experimented on ) at first, but now honestly doesnt care for him in the slightest .
nothing like bottling up your feelings of betrayal and sadness until they’re gone ( they not they’re just lodged even deeper into you now ) am i right ?
( also to add to the angst she does view her younger self as a “ stupid and immature little girl . “ )
( yuna belongs to @starry-skiez, and cas belongs to @bluemoonscape ! by the way blue, thoughts on my depressed little cinnamonroll : 3 ? )
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yayayay asahi when she first got to anakt !
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( yep, she had a very big uniform change when she got older )
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