everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
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“Don’t gotta wonder. I know. Just learned it was better to CAUSE the danger, is all.”
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❝ How is that any better? There is already so much chaos and damage in the world without our help. ❞
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
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❝ The cure didn’t work, so... it kind of was. ❞
@everlxsting liked x for a starter
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“What happened with Andrew wasn’t your fault.”
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
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❝ No. What? You’re…it’s you that’s…interrupting…that’s…exactly what you said. ❞
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❝ Look, will you just…hold this for two seconds and not ask questions? ❞
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The way that the strange man immediately became flustered made Jemma arch an eyebrow, carefully studying him.
❝ Asking questions is innate to human nature, and it is both unfair and unlikely that you would ask me to do so, especially as a scientist. ❞ Regardless, she held the object, turning it over in her hand quizzically.
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
@noblestilinski liked this post for a starter from Rose Tyler ! ! !
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❝ If you could go anywhere in the universe, where would you go ? ❞
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
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❝ So I know that last trial definitely was not a success, but nobody was harmed and this research is important... so we try again. ❞
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
do you participate in pride related events? any other events? (for the mun + Kara and any other muses that want to answer!!)
Pride Month Questionnaire;
From @metahuman-mutanthuman
For Kara;
Kara absolutely gets involved with Pride-related events. She is always a very proud part of National City Pride, and you can usually find her flying alongside the Bi Pride float. There was a lot of negative press the first time she did it, but eventually people realized that Supergirl did not really seem to have much of a romantic life and just reveled in her ability to save them from their own troubles. 
As for Kara herself, Alex and the others at the DEO are really the only ones who are aware of her bisexuality. She told Alex pretty shortly after she first began questioning, as she figured that Alex would for sure understand considering everything she went through to accept her own sexual identity, and eventually began to tell her closest friends. There is a part of her that wishes she could march in Pride-related advents with as much audacity as Supergirl, but she also understands that the superhero representation likely has more weight to many individuals. 
For Other Muses;
Although my other muses mostly identify somewhere on the queer spectrum (Jemma Simmons is a biromantic demisexual, Jessica Jones is pansexual, Rey is pansexual, Diana Prince is bisexual, and Nomi Marks is pansexual), the majority of them do not really participate in Pride-related events. 
In Jemma Simmons’ case, she did not really begin to accept her sexuality until she had graduated from the Academy, and the secrecy of her profession has always prevented her from doing so. She has always wanted to go, but the circumstances have not really permitted in the past; additionally, she has told only very minimum people in her life about her sexuality, so she is not quite ready for the sheer number of people that would know if she attended a Pride event.
Jessica Jones hates many things: organized events and mass amounts of people. Pride parades and most other Pride events happen to have both, so she tends to actively avoid them. However, she has been known to frequent a gay bar or two for her nightly supply of booze. 
At the current point in time, I don’t think Pride-related events exist in the Star Wars universe, and I do not have any alternate universes for Rey at this time. However, I think she would be very willing to become involved with Pride events to promote what she believes in.
Diana Prince is out and proud. She has never understood why certain people perceive sexualities that differ from heterosexual as a negative, as she was raised in an environment of all women that also cultivated many lesbian relationships. She wants to share this open-mindedness, which she believes she can do by being a bisexual superhero who is very proudly involved with Pride events.
Nomi Marks is technically pansexual, as discussed by the showrunner Lana Wachowski (who has stated that all of the Sense8s are pansexual), but, apart from her cluster, she tends to have an immensely strong preference towards other women. We have canonly seen her involved with Pride parades, and her relationship with Neets continuously compels her to be a part of other Pride events. 
For the Mun;
Although I do identify as queer (I used to consider myself as bisexual, but I’m not entirely certain anymore; all I know is that I am most definitely, most certainly not straight), I have not yet participated in any Pride parades. I would like to, but my anxiety is a huge hindrance. I have been involved with queer groups in the past, such as my high school’s Gay-Straight Alliance and a queer Christian group at my university, and attended events with these groups; my favorite was probably attending a Hayley Kiyoko concert with my girlfriend and aforementioned queer Christian group last year.
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
REPOST, do not reblog! TAGGED BY: @nefariamn / @lifeandlocomotion TAGGING: @tothestxrs, @selflessdoctor, @redemptivexheroics, @poeticpecker, @pinkykiller, @matermalum, and anybody else who would like to!
S T R E N G T H S :
caring | merciful | brave | determined | forward | flexible | cheerful | wise | clever | humorous | spirited | lighthearted | mature | strong | generous | loving | calm | calculating | rational | selfless | controlled | tactful | nurturing | protective | independent
W E A K N E S S E S :
panicky | cruel | cowardly | inconsiderate | rash | stubborn | antisocial | negative | temperamental | scatterbrained | grim | dull | unwise | unstable | weak | irrational | awkward | greedy | over-protective | over-sensitive | rude | selfish | explosive | tactless | dependent | self-sacrificing | self-doubting | impressionable | violent | backstabbing
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
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Barry managed a weak smile, looking at her as she sat. “Thank you.” He whispered, looking forwards again. It was hard to keep her gaze. It felt like she was looking right into his soul, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted anyone looking in there. “It’s just… after the Dominators, I’m reconsidering a lot of things. Everyone’s trying to lecture me on how unhealthy it was that I offered to-”
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Kara noticed how Barry looked away, but she did not pressure him to meet her eyes; she understood the weight of a gaze and how much of a burden it could be during a conversation where all you were trying to do is to be free of one. ❝ Offered to do what? ❞ Her tone was soft and open, prompting him to speak more while hopefully not pressuring. 
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
       “How could it DIFFER, Mal? I– I won’t get HURT, captain.”
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     “You can TRUST in my abilities– I thought I had PROVEN that. Not that I need to PROVE myself to you, but STILL.” 
 ❝ That’s not a RISK I can take ! ❞
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❝ It’s not about TRUST or ABILITY or any of that. I can’t let you get HURT, not you, not anyone else on the crew, not on my watch. This is my mess, you hear me ? My MESS, my FIGHT. ❞
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
❝ Wai’, le’ me ge’ this straigh’. It doesn’ ma’er tha’ I listen or reply or talk ta you, because you’ve already decided tha’ wha’ever I say isn’ good enough. Is tha’ righ’? Because thas’ wha’ ‘m ge’ing. ❞
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❝ I try ta talk ta you, Simmons. If it isn’ good enough for you, then I don’ know wha’ ta tell you. I hear you. I talk ta you. Wha’ more can I possibly be doing? ❞
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❝  You’re no’ the only one is’ h a r d for, you know. ❞
When he accused her of already deciding that whatever he said wasn’t good enough, Jemma had to prevent herself from rolling her eyes, figuring that wouldn’t exactly better the situation. ❝ Of course not, Fitz. I can’t believe that, after all of this time, all of these years together, you think that I would be daft enough to simply decide that nothing you said would be good enough. ❞ After a long pause, she quietly added, ❝ You are always good enough. ❞ 
And he was. He would always be good enough for her. 
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❝ But you never talk about what matters, Fitz. Talk to me about us, about what we can do to get back to the way we were. ❞ Her voice was dripping with desperation, longing to hear what part of their partnership lingered. 
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❝  I know, and I’m sorry. ❞ Her voice broke, and she looked down in shame.
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
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“— R-right. I… I’ll make sure.” Simon nodded, not sure where he stands on this whole ‘me and mine’ issue. The crew was a band of misfits, all from different walks of life. And Simon didn’t belong here. He didn’t really belong anywhere. “We’ll keep a low profile, I can assure you that.”
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When Simon declared that they would keep a low profile, Mal looked over him, thinking back to previous times they had been on world. ❝ Do you know how to keep a low profile? Pretty face, rich garb, bein’ all lily white and pasty all over... they ain’t exactly subtle here. ❞ 
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
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“Whenever I feel lost I go to…” she looked around, slightly panicked “Simon?” she called out as if he were just there. River came to her senses after a minute and looked back at Jemma. “Simon. Simon helps me when I’m lost. He’s my brother. Do you have someone to talk to? Your other half?”
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Jemma instinctively looked around when River called out for Simon, looking quizzically at River when she felt that the girl’s attention had revolved back around to her. ❝ My other half? ❞ Her voice quivered at the prospect; she knew the answer, with her entire soul, but that did not change the circumstances. ❝ Fitz. Fitz is my other half, but... I haven’t seen him in months, and I doubt he would even want to speak with me anymore. ❞ She fixated her attention on the ceiling, threatening tears brimming at her eyes. 
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
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Neirin jumped, eyes widening slightly as he turned to look at the other - bun still stuffed in  his mouth. Swallowing his bite silently, he pulled the rest of the food away from his mouth. 
His day had been something, at the least - having talked with some angery man here about something he had seen. The interview had been tiring, but at least the boy had shared some important information. Now, he was using the rare chance he got to explore such an interesting building and eat his dinner on the roof. 
“I suppose?” 
The question wasn’t one Neirin was used to, having come accustomed to humans being less forward and philosophical. 
“Curry bun?”
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Kara watched curiously as the other person swallowed the bite, noting how eager he appeared towards the pastry. When he offered her a curry bun, she smiled brightly. ❝ I would like that. ❞ She took the offering and shoved a bite into her mouth, absentmindedly wondering if the food would taste better if she ate it with as much excitement as the other person.
Once she finished the bun, she fixated her attention back upon her companion. ❝ Are you new around here? I don’t recognize you, which is quite something because I know almost everyone as Ms. Grant’s assistant. ❞
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
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Simon couldn’t help but grin as the other desperately attempted to take out all the rubber bands. How River had found that many still amazed the young doctor.  “Yes. I suppose it is.” He chuckled, covering his mouth to make it less terrible. It didn’t work the way he wanted— it made it just a little worse. “Forgive me.” Though, the threat caused the laughter to cut short, a sound coming from his mouth that almost sounded like a choking noise— “You wouldn’t! T-that was an accident! You can’t do that!” It wasn’t often that Simon and Jayne weren’t at each other’s throats but when Jayne had figured out to lock Simon out of his room well.  Simon was lucky he had a towel that day. And lucky that the Captain was the only one who caught him that day.  At the snap, Simon snorted and shook his head. “Just— here. Hold still.” He moved fluidly and began to unbraid his hair as carefully as he could, letting the rubber bands fall to the floor. The two didn’t really have much need for them.
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When Simon implored for Mal to forgive him, Mal only scoffed at the boy; to anybody not on his crew, he would have appeared clearly ruffled at the lack of serious behavior at the matter, but they all would recognize that he was a lot softer than he ever let on. ❝ My gorram ship, ❞ he muttered.
A corner of Mal’s mouth quirked up at Simon’s startled response. ❝ An accident, was it? You’re still goin�� with that? ❞ Mal had always suspected it was Jayne, as Simon had adamantly claimed, but there was no definitive proof as far as he was concerned. ❝ We both know I would, so don’t push me, doc. ❞ It wasn’t a moment Mal enjoyed to remember, but there was little blackmail on the prim and proper doctor, especially compared to the rest of the crew.
Mal flinched as the doctor went about his work, but he allowed it anyway. ❝ You get a better hold over that sister of yours. Just ‘cause she’s crew doesn’t mean she can go around... puttin’ bands in hair that they have no right to be in ! ❞
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
Clark laid back in his seat, sitting through this interview. He was not used to his own spotlight, but he won his own Pultzier, and thus the press were after him, the press. Smiling back at his cousin he leaned over, “ You are doing very well.” He said for her, giving the woman the thumbs up.” I grew up in a small town. My mom owns the local diner, so rumors and stories they fly around as fast as a leave in the wind. I was always interested in learning about things. One such was Perry White, my current boss, and hero, exposed a Lex Corp Scandal, where employees were dumping waste in farmers fields, putting a strain on the farmers, wanting to get their land for a steal at auction.” 
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Kara wrinkled her nose at the compliment, thrilled at the praise as it was coming from someone whose personal and professional opinion she valued highly. After all, in addition to being her cousin, he had just won a Pulitzer, meaning he certainly knew a thing or two about journalism.  ❝ Thank you. ❞
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It was a bit odd for them to talk so candidly about Clark’s past, as Kara both knew the story and yet didn’t; hearing it from a journalistic perspective was both intriguing and informative. When he mentioned the Lex Corp scandal, she nodded sympathetically. ❝ That sounds like it must have been a very difficult situation. ❞ She paused for a moment to scrawl a few notes on her notepad, for appearances more than anything else. ❝ How did you translate those stories into articles when you first started? ❞
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
Tag Updates;
I am modifying my tagging system, so this post is a summary of the changes!
» from small beginnings come great things → starter « » the best is yet to come → closed starter « » this is the beginning of anything you want → open starter « » child of the cosmos and ruler of the skies → out of character « » advancing toward what will be → thread update « » surround yourself with people who believe in you → promo « » embrace the glorious mess that you are → self promo « » gratitude changes everything → credit « » all worthy work is open to interpretations → headcanons « » everything i ever → wishlist « » truth fears no questions → ask meme « » fill your paper with the breathings of your heart → answered « » names are the most important sound in any language → tag drop « » i like queues that are about my height «
Jemma Simmons;
» we are each of us a little universe → jemma simmons « » it’s on my stuff and it doesn’t work → jemma starter «
Kara Danvers;
» hope is stronger than fear → kara danvers « » my name is kara zor el → kara starter «
Jessica Jones;
» times are tough but i am tougher → jessica jones « » new york may be the city that never sleeps → jessica starter «
Malcolm Reynolds;
» bad decisions make good stories → malcolm reynolds « » our status is we need some gorram air support → malcolm starter «
» the lonely become either thoughtful or empty → rey « » that’s just teedo → rey starter «
Jo Harvelle;
» never let them tame you → jo harvelle « » no i’m just real happy to see you → jo starter «
Rose Tyler;
» and so the adventure begins → rose tyler « » i’ve got the lottery money → rose starter «
Diana Prince;
» i know what we are and i know what we are not → diana prince « » i used to want to save the world → diana starter «
Nomi Marks;
» i am also a we → nomi marks « » i can’t answer that → nm starter «
Additional Information;
I will be tagging all other roleplayers in the following manner, using my lovely girlfriend as an example: » tothestxrs → leo fitz «. I will also be using the regular URL so my partners can search my blog easily. 
Threads will be tagged similarly, with this structure: » thread title → thread «. I don’t have very many titled threads at the moment, but the ones that do have titles will be written in this manner. 
In case you were wondering about the starter quotes, they are actually the first line that the character says in their respective pieces of media (although I have to admit Diana’s is from Wonder Woman because that is what I know her most prominently from)!
I would also like to note that the tags page on my blog has not yet been updated. I will surely be making a post about that when that happens, but I do not have the energy tonight. 
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everlxsting-blog1 · 7 years
Out of Labcoat;
Thank you so much! I admire your blog as well! 
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This will be a list of blogs in no particular order that I admire, stalk from afar or just enjoy seeing on my dash regardless of interaction or not…so lets dive into it.
The Baes: @aldrnaari, @alittlenotordinary, @castironloyalty, @aquamanandfriends, @castironloyalty, @lovesaidno, @notsogeniusgirls, @sanctusmilitis, @goddamndeadpool, @ifightforpelor, @supernaturalxkids, @inkdreamt, @whiskeysoakedmarionette, @strongerxtogetherx, @speedxandxnetflix, @kryptxnisms, @lightningandknives, @facetiious, @flyiingfromtheschool, @castlexwalls, @prcttyliics
Admired Blogs: @anditsxsorrows, @divineforged, @scottymccalltrue, @alexdanvers-rp, @blackcowledbat, @hellofajob, @ofaltruxsm, @xspitfire, @uzhmusa, @unaugmentedmonkeyscantfly, @eternalrosepetals, @everlxsting, @aspecialprovidence, @highwarlockxofbrooklyn, @tapecreator, @operativewintershere, @altarbov, @drsncw, @fxmilybusinxss, @ourredxmption, @thebrokentoys1, @thewiccanmechanic, @theoneswithoutpacks, @thedamaged0ne, @lianasprings, @eternallydreamingstar
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