bloodedhood · 7 years
*shyly slides over my url*
the physical stuff
    what i think about their url: I’ve always loved the url tbh 9/10     what i think about their theme: Okay, I am the last person to be judging people’s themes because mine is still messed up so, take this as you will. I think it is kinda hard to read your posts. The font is a bit too small (and it may just because my eyes are completely shit) and i feel like there isn’t enough going on, it’s just mostly grey. I think incorporating a few other colors in the theme would be something to consider. it’s hard to focus on white letters when it’s all white and grey.     what i think about their organization: I think you make everything simple and easy which is exactly how I like it! I can find information easily.     what i think about their tags // tagging system: love the use of emoji’s! Whenever i see someone do it, it makes me so happy.
the emotional stuff
    how close i am with them: I’ve known you for such a long time. Like, you were one of the first people I ever met on here, which was like, nearly 6 years ago? I think? God I think we are all going to grow old together on this site.     what i think of the mun: A total sweetheart and enjoys the angst just as much as I do;)     what i think of their muse: Stiles has always been a favorite of mine and I’ve always loved your portrayal. When you added all the other muses and started expanding your blog I honestly got so happy!     what my first impression was: senpi (remember when that was a thing!?)
the misc // weird stuff
   thing’s i’ve thought about your muse but never said: once a lost boy always a lost boy ;)     if i wish i could be like you: i feel like we are pretty similar already     if i wish i could be like your muse: no, date your muse yes, be like him, nah     what first date i would take you on: Take the L to a coffee shop and then a walk through millennium park              if i would trust my pet with you: yeah     if i would cuddle with you when it’s cold: why not?
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alightiswaiting · 7 years
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   The younger twin was rushing to class. He overslept AGAIN but it was expected of him at this point. He came to a screeching halt when he spotted the girl among the papers flying everywhere.  Be late or be chivalrous. Archer turned on his heel and b-lined for the girl. “The paper’s are supposed to go in your bag, miss.” He chuckled, kneeling to pick them up.
◆ ◆  (  TWINS STARTER CALL // @noblestilinski )
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ofwonderlost-blog · 7 years
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“Nobody comes to me unless they need something. Acting clueless is gratuitous.”
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Isaac hadn’t spoken to the blonde before, so when they were assigned as partners for the english project all he could think was ‘great, another Stilinski’. He assumed being annoying ran in the family, though he hoped she wouldn’t be as bad as Stiles. With a forced half smile, Isaac pulled his chair up to her desk. “So. Shakespeare.”
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theredmedic · 7 years
two doctors
    {♛}    She stared at the sky, she loved the stars but something about today felt a little bit different today. Not that it should, it was the normal routine. She was getting suppiles and would soon be back on the Starkiller Base with all the other troopers. “I sometimes wonder why the stars seem to speak their own language ..... yet they dont because they are planets that hold their own histories..... it’s confusing.. so far away they look like tiny rocks in the sky but then you know.. they arn’t just that.”
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dxbeaute-blog · 7 years
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belle carried the heavy box into the elevator before hitting the button with her elbow && watching the doors close. this was it. it was official. she was moving on. from her ex, from everything. she needed to start fresh && this was how she was going to do it. when the elevator dinged, notifying her that it was her stop, she moved out && towards the door. thankfully she had left it cracked && when she pushed the door open, she dropped her box at what she saw. promptly she covered her eyes, “girl in the room! pants must be on when girl is in the room!” && here she thought a fresh start was a good thing.
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Closed Starter @noblestilinski : Alice
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The last thing that Alice had remembered was being on the chopping block. The Queen of Hearts nodding to the executioner. She had shut her eyes tightly and when she opened them due to the lack of pain to her neck... She was no longer in Wonderland. Where was she? Nothing looked familiar and everything was normal and proportionate. Upon hearing a noise in the woods, Alice rose from the sitting position and inched her way closer to it. She was always a fearless girl, “Hello?” She called out, “Oh dear, I don’t seem to know where I am. Have you seen a tea party anywhere? Maybe a castle? A mad man in a top hat?”
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ofwonderlost-blog · 7 years
noblestilinski replied to your post: Demonpiper rules all the rest of em' drools!
Ahhhhh! I used to have your number saved in my phone as Madi Demonpiper *heart eyes*
OMG tHE MEMORIES I CANT EVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    “Hey! Miss, wait up!” Caroline ran after the blonde. As best as she could in five inch heels. “You dropped this.” The redhead had a leather bound book gripped tightly in her hand. She wasn’t used to running so her breathing was a little heavy and she gave the girl an apologetic smile as she tried to catch her breath. “Golly you move fast.” She let out a breath of a laugh.
◆ ◆ ( @noblestilinski )
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Kenzie had spent all day on this. Tidying up the apartment, cooking dinner and setting the table, even baking the cake that was now chilling in the fridge. It surprised her how much effort she was putting into the birthday of the guy she was fake dating. But she gave herself the excuse that all of this was so he could have a nice story for his business partners to really sell their ‘relationship’.
When she heard the front door to the apartment open, the little brunette quickly got into place, standing in front of the set table with a gift hidden behind her back. A bashful smile bloomed when he came into the room. “I know this is just an act but..Happy Birthday Mike.”
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bloodedhood · 7 years
@noblestilinski liked this.
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“Spare me the lecture.” Lila sighed, leaning back in her chair. She wasn’t exactly sure what they were going to say, but she knew it was coming. “Whatever you plan on saying, believe me, Luca probably already said it.”
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loathedlineage-a · 8 years
✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ x infinity
Send me a "✔" if i'm one of your favorite blogs
omgomgomg all the same to you tbh like seriously I can’t get enough of your blog, it’s such a blessing to stalk 😍🤗
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alightiswaiting · 7 years
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12:36 on the dot.
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perpetuallysassy · 8 years
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            “   i’m fine.   quit staring, its only a bit of blood. its not like i’m dying.   “   for goodness sake, the attacker only smashed her head into the door. nothing serious.
@noblestilinski   /   starter.
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ofwonderlost-blog · 7 years
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“I’m fine.” Amber said as she turned her back on the other. Proceeding though the woods with her dagger in hand. “I don’t need you following me.” She didn’t want him following her to begin with. 
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childrenofslumber · 7 years
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m o o d b o a r d
Emrys & Artemis
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