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SOTR SPOILERS!!!everlark stan first, human with rights secondthey/them
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everdeensmellark · 11 hours ago
i'm sure there was a moment, after snow died getting trampled by a crowd of his populace, that haymitch chuckled over the fact that snow did not, for once, land on top.
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everdeensmellark · 11 hours ago
real or not real?
I think one of the saddest parts of SotR, at least for me, was Haymitch watching the recap and literally being unable to breathe as he realises that the completely rewrote his story. They removed all the details that showed him being exactly who he was from beginning to end and, instead, painted a picture of the Games turning him into a “evolved” person. Someone who went from not giving a shit to caring about every individual as though he hasn���t been doing that all his life… it’s one of the worst, most personal examples - due to our existing relationship with him - a reader can get of a what it feels like to have all autonomy taken away from you.
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everdeensmellark · 16 hours ago
when maysilee donner said,
Sure. I'll be your sister.
and briseis said
I would rather live as your sister than remain here.
and jinx said,
Always with ya, sis.
and gigi perez said,
stars blink like my sister's eyes
and katniss everdeen said,
I need only to think of Prim and all my resolve disintegrates. It’s my job to protect her.
and mary said,
Because she is my sister, and therefore one half of me.
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everdeensmellark · 16 hours ago
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Sunrise on the Reaping (2025)
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everdeensmellark · 16 hours ago
suzanne collins did a lot of great things in sunrise on the reaping but one of my favorites has to be her decimating all AI usage in one sentence.
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everdeensmellark · 16 hours ago
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My parents weren’t born yet, and even Mamaw couldn’t tell me much about the girl. I brought our victor up with Lenore Dove a few times, but she never wanted to discuss her.
Sunrise on the Reaping, chapter 3
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everdeensmellark · 16 hours ago
sunrise on the reaping raises an incredibly important ethical question: how many generations does it take to erase history, to the point of blind, unquestioning acceptance?
i fear the answer is far fewer than any of us are comfortable with.
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everdeensmellark · 19 hours ago
it means everything to me that, following the release of each of the prequels, tumblr has exploded with innumerable variations of "snow is a loser incel!" you are my people and i'm glad we all agree
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everdeensmellark · 22 hours ago
gale is the most perfect example of the "us vs. them" argument within thg series. instead of recognizing that everyone below the capitol is on his team, or should be, he villainizes everyone who isn't as impoverished or traumatized as he. that's not the point; the capitol exploits every district in different ways, but he's too self-important to understand that, and seeks revenge and recompense rather than community.
It's the smallest thing maybe but it's funny to me Sunrise on the Reaping has given me another reason to dislike Gale.
Thinking of Madge on reaping day, wearing her nice dress and Gale giving her shit for it. Like she has a choice. Like she has say. Like it's her fault who she was born to. It's such an interesting example of class vs culture wars. This idea that the people up the road who have a nice house are the enemy and not the faceless people thousands of miles away who profit on their poverty.
Thinking of Maysilee who was very conscious of the way she dressed. Who liked looking nice and dressing up. Who is Madge's aunt that she never met. Who Madge heard stories of growing up about her moms twin sister who always loved fashion and knew the importance of masking and the power of how you present to people. Don't let them treat us like animals.
And when Madge lifts her head and says "I want to look my best if I go to the Capitol" and Gale has the audacity to scoff at her.
It also speaks to how quickly history is lost. He probably doesn't even know her aunt died in the games. Doesn't care. You never ever ever know what hurt people are carrying. What their history is. What their familial struggle has been. Don't punch down. Don't punch sideways. Don't even punch up. Break the chain and destroy the person holding the reins.
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everdeensmellark · 23 hours ago
something about this makes me think how suzanne collins is just a writer like we all are and ABSOLUTELY giggled and kicked her feet while putting easter eggs in our murder books
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He hates Lucy Gray so much he put katniss in the poisonous arena
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everdeensmellark · 23 hours ago
katniss received a 12 because haymitch received a 1 and the gamemakers already knew skewing the score lower accomplished jack and shit. making haymitch look weak did nothing; they had to make katniss look dangerous.
They gave Haymitch a 1 to deter sponsors, but instead they made him memorable to them. They gave Katniss and Peeta a 12 to make them a target to the other tributes and wipe out the rebellion, but it only serves to encourage people to be their allies AND keeps them at the face of the rebellion
The Captiol cannot handle the district 12 victors
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everdeensmellark · 23 hours ago
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haymitch abernathy in sunrise on the reaping as: no children by the mountain goats | broken crown by mumford & sons | abstract (psychopomp) by hozier | dial drunk by noah kahan | stay alive by josé gonzález | atlantis by seafret | the blade by aurora | work song by hozier | youth by daughter
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everdeensmellark · 24 hours ago
I start sleeping with a knife in my hand.
the most devastating line in SOTR to me !!!!
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everdeensmellark · 1 day ago
president snow is so funny when bird are mentioned… the word dove and he like “good thing you are going to die” like stop tweaking out
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everdeensmellark · 1 day ago
it's more impersonal and less unreliable, too. katniss is an unreliable narrator, but she's not a narcissist; we can infer that, had snow's story been from his own perspective, it would have been wildly different and somehow framed him as the victim.
that and suzanne probably knew nobody could bear being in that man's brain
also I love that suzanne wrote katniss and haymitch in first person pov but with coryo she was like “third person for you… you get some distance, creep.”
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everdeensmellark · 1 day ago
every day i wake up, log on to tumblr dot com, post my devastating little textposts, and watch chaos unfold within the hunger games fandom
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everdeensmellark · 1 day ago
haymitch "no grave can hold my body down / i'll crawl home to her" abernathy
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