everashadow · 10 years
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Not a Fangirl
Hi! I’m Gargi, with dark brown hair that mostly look black but look brown in sunlight or in any…
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everashadow · 10 years
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Eleanor & Park - 1
“The first time he’d held her hand, it felt so good that it crowded out all the bad things. It…
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everashadow · 10 years
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Two Misfits
Eleanor & Park, by Rainbow Rowell
Eleanor is the new girl on the school bus – ‘fat’, red haired and…
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everashadow · 10 years
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Bear Witness for the Dead and the Living
  Why did I write it?
Did I write it so as not to go mad or, on the contrary, to go mad in order to…
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everashadow · 10 years
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2014 Ebook Reading Challenge
Human Brain – 150 E-books
1. Night – Elie Wiesel
2. The Yellow Wallpaper – Charlotte Perkins Gilman
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everashadow · 10 years
roses and daisies flesh and crazies glitter and rainbows arrows and crossbows a bright future a… http://wp.me/s2kHey-939
roses and daisies
flesh and crazies
glitter and rainbows
arrows and crossbows
a bright future
a dead sun
happiness and laughter
incarceration, emaciation
an optimist’s dream
a cynic’s reality
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everashadow · 11 years
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And then..
And then I would go backwards up the stairs and put my bag underneath the seat. And then I’d wait…
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everashadow · 11 years
Karwa Chauth is Everything that is Wrong with our Society
Karwa Chauth is an Indian fasting tradition where a married woman fasts the entire day for the long life of her husband. The woman eats before daybreak, might have a cup of tea in the evening and finally eat after moonrise, from the hands of her husband.…
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everashadow · 11 years
Lajja: A Woman' Biography
The rights being privileges The woman goes From one day to the next No thought given to her.
Source of family respect But none given to her And we are a proud country And we are a proud species.
A faux pedestal For all the vanity While she languishes Waiti…
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everashadow · 11 years
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There are no six o'clocks
meet him in the evenings or meet him at the dawn there are no six o’clocks anymore
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everashadow · 11 years
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10 Signs You've become too Weird for Home
You won’t want your kid to come back home like this.
You stick to your desktop screen. (Remember…
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everashadow · 11 years
The Simple Pleasure of Saying True Things
Apologies for two posts in less than two minutes – thoughts from last night
They say, to write fiction, one must have experienced some pain, else all that comes out is linear, one-dimensional fairy tales. I have been told it is true for other art forms…
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everashadow · 11 years
Sitting in this Bell Jar, Stewing in my own sour air
thoughts from last night
for she has closed the vent. She has closed the outlet. Nothing shall go out, and for this reason, the chances of anything coming in are bleak too.
Helen Fisher explains the brain in love. She tells the spot for romantic love in…
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everashadow · 11 years
A Definitive Guide to: Losing your Slippers (at HNLU)
Or how to lose your slippers in 5 easy steps.
Losing your slippers is not that big of a deal, if only you know the how-to. Below is a 5-point guide on losing your slippers (and kind of your dignity in front of people who have just joined your uni):
1. Go…
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everashadow · 11 years
I'll Leave My Slippers Behind
WARNING: Never leave your slippers unattended in the dark, with hormonal dogs around.
Wherever I go, whatever I do, my slippers stay with me. At least they DID. My little faithful pink and greens, I’ll miss you now. Too much for sitting in the cafeteria…
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everashadow · 11 years
In the World I am
“In the world I am Always a stranger I do not understand its language It does not understand my silence”
- Bei Dao
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everashadow · 11 years
Back http://wp.me/s2kHey-back
So, I came back to Raipur last evening and for some reason woke up really early. I’m pretty tired so I might go back to sleep.
Anyway, the trip was amazing! I’m just waiting for the time when the internet speed is decent enough to put up the pictures on…
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