333 posts
A woman who likes to write instead of apologize.
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evelyncait · 4 years ago
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evelyncait · 4 years ago
They Know
They know their words are munitions 
conjugated into letter shaped bombs
Feed the masses their morning thoughts 
and lattes with connotations of fear 
They use alliteration as gasoline 
throw dark stereotypes around like lit matches 
and when their narrative becomes flame
twists bonfires to gun fire
Tomorrows headlines will be the same
the ones who read the in between 
are the ones to blame
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evelyncait · 4 years ago
In The Key of Silence
With gobbling chins
he debates our fates
just to hear his own 
tuning forked tongue
sing in the key of silence 
the melody of yellow bellied violence 
He’s perfected the coward’s theme
the late night gas lit anthem of brutality
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evelyncait · 4 years ago
I’ve tried again and again
to leave this place
Where the rain and I were born
leave behind the hold me downs
with it’s gunmetal cumulus thumb
And him
always him
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evelyncait · 4 years ago
I’d love
I’d love to be the kind of poet
who takes to stages
believes their words put together just so
can change what the audience knows
Bring color to sound
taste to phrase
meat and potatoes to cadence
Who leaves their bellies full 
of all the things
they’ve never considered before
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evelyncait · 4 years ago
White christmas
It’s a white christmas
a rich vs. poor gentrification winter
eviction happy overlords
made of mediocre white men
with minds the color of oatmeal
A nazi culmination of a year
determined to exterminate us
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evelyncait · 5 years ago
It was late spring of my 7th grade year. The clouds had given up the sky to the sun long enough for the ground to dry and this meant conditions were good enough for dancing. It was my routine to pick a tape, place my pink boom box with silver buttons on the curb and dance for hours in the street.
Mike lived two houses up and I loved him. He was a tall, sandy olive, brown eyed gorgeous. Wore flannel shirts and smiled straight and white. The kind of smile that feels like they saved it just for you. Fresh from the Marines the summer before, sweet as ever, if a bit sharper around his edges. He drove by in the brown van he takes to kiss girls in, grin on wide, hand on its way up to hello, except on this day, in the time it took him to go by, his hand went to his chest in the universal sign for “I” and then he put a two fingered gun to his head. 
There were lights, spinning a loud silent red and blue when we got off the bus the next afternoon. But it was when Mrs. Gould, ran from her beige house to meet us, voice soft, tone kind, that I understood something was wrong. She held our hands, walked us to our door and would say nothing but stay inside, Mom, be there and soon. 
My mother did not lie to us. She said Mike and committed and suicide but it would be the neighborhood tyrant who would say shot gun, mouth, and blew his head off, and coward. And I would say nothing before I used the yellow metal dump truck to smash his face with. His cheek would swell purple, flatten to green then yellow over the next few weeks but no adult ever said an adult word to me about it and I became the kind of angry, that 30 years on  I am still hunting  the words to light it on fire.
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evelyncait · 5 years ago
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Tune in for my Talking Earth debut. Let me know what you think… But only if you love it. Thank you to Sophia for inviting me, and to #Kboo for having me. https://kboo.fm/program/talking-earth
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evelyncait · 5 years ago
Cold Comfort
These days it is cold
comfort that most of us
feel the same when
the cold hard truth is
the man in charge is warm
in the comfort of yes men
and women he’s told
to wear dresses
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evelyncait · 6 years ago
My Kind of Woman
She’s a cheshire grin kind of monster
A take her hand if you dare kind of beast
She’s a leap of faith demand
A both feet to the fire siren
And if you can’t find the courage
to follow her into the dark
There are others upon others
lined up and starving 
to dive off of cliffs
for a piece of her mind
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evelyncait · 6 years ago
Glass Blown Men
He is the same 2 hundred 85 pound
6 foot 4 eggshell of a man 
he’s always been
Humpty Dumpty in the flesh
clinging by his fingernails
to the crumbling reign of his glory
To college football and a time
when he still had hair
pecks instead of breasts 
his fists were allowed to solve things
and no-one cared how many noses he broke
or that he beat me
Oh how he laments
the good old days
The way all
glass blown men do
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evelyncait · 6 years ago
Even If
Even if I never find you
and you never look for me
I will still recall the sun
on the days we laughed
The moon light we spent
in lust and forget
And the way your silence said
“I love you”
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evelyncait · 7 years ago
Been chasing your mind
Running after your heart
Searching your fingertips
for my soul in the dark
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evelyncait · 7 years ago
Between Kisses
He still sleeps in my bed with me
Forever sixteen we
gave each other things
no one else would
Told each other the truth
in between kisses
we lied too
Spent our nights pretending 
okay existed
and the mornings remembering
it doesn’t
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evelyncait · 7 years ago
Angry Hands
He was the first to describe them that way
The first to put words to
the righteous anger that curls
fingers into teeth that bite palms
The first who did not tell me to ignore
Took my furious fists in his
larger than life hands and said
"Hit me instead.
As hard as you can.
Anywhere you want.”
So I did
And afterwards he
held me close
held me up
in front of everyone
as my heart broke open
my knees buckled
and my chest heaved with grief
loud enough for the whole street to hear
He was the first man
who didn’t let go
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evelyncait · 7 years ago
My heart breaks easy
not made for this world
it beats more erratic each day
god speed every morning
in time with the rat race
So I can sit punctual behind a desk
with my fellow vermin
when the clock strikes 9
and we start a collective
silent count down to 5
to quitting time when
our hearts are set free again
On the bus I close my eyes
let it rock me home
with it’s lefts and rights
And recall the days they told me
my life would be mine
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evelyncait · 7 years ago
The Best Thing
The best thing
about someone leaving your life forever
is that all at once you’re allowed
to forget the bad stuff somehow
And if that’s what it takes
to remember you this way
As the person I thought you were
Then I am content to pay the price
of never hearing your voice again
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