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💕Aphrodite; Selene 💕she/her
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eve-e0 · 1 year ago
I just want to take time and give thanks to the gods. I have taken so much time to step back and relax and just simply refresh spirituality, and now I feel ready and stronger than ever. I offer my thanks to all the gods above, below and within, thank you for being there when I wasn’t there for myself.
Other than that, sorry for the inactivity! :3
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eve-e0 · 2 years ago
Brigid is the rising Sun, and Brigid is the cool wind of spring.
Brigid is the aroma of flowers, and Brigid is beautiful meadows.
Brigid is the warmth in your food, and Brigid is the coziness of your favourite sweater.
Brigid is your love for your pet dog, and Brigid is your understanding for your loved ones.
Brigid is the beauty of night sky filled with twinkling stars, and Brigid is the golden colour of the west when the Sun sets.
Brigid is your love for baking, and Brigid is your love for Origami.
Brigid is the Azure of sky, and Brigid is the coolness of water quenching our thirst.
Brigid is the garden, Brigid is the gardener, Brigid is the flower in it .
Brigid is the candle, Brigid is the flame, and Brigid is the surety of hands lighting the candle.
Brigid is in everything, and Brigid is everywhere.
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eve-e0 · 2 years ago
Pagan affirmations
The Gods are real
The Gods are there for me
The Gods know my struggle
The Gods forgive
I am human
I make mistakes
I learn
I heal
I grow
I am capable and strong
I act and achieve
I know myself
I honor the Gods with everything I am
I am enough for Them
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eve-e0 · 2 years ago
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Olympian goddess of all forms of love, sex, beauty, desire, passion, pleasure, procreation, fertility, war
O Sweet lady of Sea Foam,
Radiant Beauty,Queen of all who love,
Grant unto me your confidence,
Your capacity to love others wholeheartedly
and without hesitation;
Grant unto me your inner sight
So that i may see all beautiful things within myself and within others.
Transform me, I pray,
and transform our hearts,
O bright lady of seafoam!
🐚About Aphrodite:
Symbols: Conch shell, rose,
Sacred Animals: Dove, Swan, Sparrow, Dolphin, & Clams
Sacred Plants: Myrtle & Rose
Retinue: The Kharities, The Horai, The Erotes, Eros, & Peitho
Other Names: Cypris & Cytherea
Cult terms: terms related to her religious praxis
Aphrodision: Temple of Aphrodite
Aphrodisia: Festival of Aphrodite
Adônia: Festival of Adonis
Hystêria: Festival of the Swine
Anagôgia: Festival of Embarkation
🐚Titles & Epithets:
Ourania(Urania): Heavenly, Divine(love)
Pandêmos(Pandemos): Common to all people (love)
Makhanitis(Machanitis): Deviser, Contriver
Epistrophia: She who turns to (love)
Apostrophia: Averter of (Unlawful desires)
Kataskopia(Catascopia): Spying, Peeping
Psithyristês(Psithyristes): Whispering
Praxis: Action
Melainis(Melaenis): Black(of night)
Symmakhia(Symmachia): Ally(in love)
Apatouros(Apaturus): Deceptive one
Nymphia: Bridal
Migôntis(Migontis): Union(Marital)
Dôritis(Doritis): Bountiful
Hêrê(Hera): Of Hera(marriage)
Morphô(Morpho): Of Shapely Form
Ambologêra(Ambologera): Postponer of old age
Nikêphoros(Nicephorus): Bringer of Victory
Areia: Of Ares, Warlike
Hôpismenê(Hoplismena): Armed
Euploia(Euploea): Fair Voyage
Pontia: Of the Sea
Limenia: Of the Harbour
Xenia: Of the foreigner
Kypria(Cypria): Of Cyprus
Paphia: Of Paphos(Cyprus)
Syria: Of Syria, Syrian
Eyrkinê(Eycina): Of Eryx(Sicily)
Kythereia(Cytherea): Of Cytherea(Laconia)
Amyklaios(Amyclaeus): Of Amyclae(Laconia)
Kôlias(Colias): Of Colias(Attica)
Kastiniê(Castinia): Of Mt. Castium (Pamphylia)
Knidia(Cnidia): Of Cnidus(Caria)
Pyrênaia(Pyrenaea): Of Pyrenees Mts(Gaul)
Akraia(Acraea): Of the heights
Kêpois(Cepoïs): Of the gardens
Anadyomenê(Anadyomene): Risen from the Sea
🐚 Offerings:
Incense/candles/Perfume: rose & ocean scents, myrrh, frankincense, apple, myrtle, strawberry or any other scents that remind you of her, I personally have a pink 7 day candle & frankincense incense for her
Chocolate(especially dark): Dark chocolate is an Aphrodisiac & chocolate in general is heavily associated with love
Roses: Roses are sacred to Aphrodite, you can give a whole rose, petals, or even rose water
Jewelry: offer her jewelry & if you wear it as a devotional act just keep it on her shrine/altar when ur not using it, I have a rose gold & rose quartz necklace i wear fir her
Art: Another votive offering that can double as devotional act if you make it yourself, anything you make in her honor shell love, i write poetry for her, my girlfriend on the other hand is more artistically talented & paints portraits of deities to use as votive, you can also write songs, hymns, take pictures of anything that reminds you of her, or anything you’re most comfortable with, Art can also be bought for a votive i got an Aphrodite print for her bc I can’t paint if my life depended on it
Seashells: Scallop & Abalone especially, you can even use a scallop shell as an offering bowl!
Olive oil: olive trees & oils were very religiously significant in ancient Greece
Honey: Bees are associated with Aphrodite so honey is a great offering
Stones: Pearls, Rose Quartz, & Aquamarine are all associated with Aphrodite
Makeup: similar to jewelry you can keep make up products on her sacred space & devote your makeup routine to her
Statues or other items related to her sacred animals: Doves, Swans, Sparrows, shellfish, hares, bees, & dolphins
Libations: pomegranate juice, aromantic rose tea, strawberry lemonade, water, rose water
21+ Offerings:
Alcohol: sweet red wine, pink champagne, Rosé wine, Cherry Liquor, Rose Liquor, Pomegranate Liquor
🐚Devotional Acts:
Practice self care & self love
Make up routine
Wearing jewelry in her honor
two great books I suggest are “Venus & Aphrodite: a biography of desire by” Bettany Hughes and “Pagan Portals: Aphrodite” by Irisanya Moon
Research her history, her origins in the Near east as a love & war goddess, known as Astarte to the Phoenicians, Ishtar to the Babylonians, and Inanna to the Sumerarians 
Read her myths, hymns, & poems
Shadow work
Make a Devotional Journal
Make a playlist for her
Make art
Write poems, hymns, prayers, letters
Devote a garden to her (pollinator friendly is great unless ur allergic to bees)
Enjoy the beauty of the world
Do something extra for yourself: eat some sweets, take a spa day, take a bath
Bake something in her honor
If you’re trans you can dedicate your gender affirmations and hrt routine to her, bc gender euphoria is part of self love for us & if you have dysphoria treating it is 100% self care
Visit the ocean (only if possible/affordable!)
Honor Zeus, her adopted father
Honor Ares, her beloved, & their children: Eros, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia
Honor Hermaphroditos, Her intersex child with Hermes
Honor Poseidon, both are significant sea deities & Olympians & at one time lovers, Aphrodite was grateful for Poseidon supporting her relationship with Ares & they had two daughters— Rhodos & Herophilos, honor them as well
Honor her Retinue-minor goddesses that she surrounds herself with
The Horai — hours — her attendants, they clothed her & brought her to Olympus after her birth in the sea
The Kharities — charities — very commonly seen attending her. They’re good things, all good feelings. They are made up by Algaia(beauty), Euphrosyne(merriment), Thalia(good cheer), Paida(play), Eudaimona(happiness), Pandaisia(banquets), Pannyakhis(night parties & revels), Antheia(floral decorations), Harmonia(harmony) & numerous others
The Erotes — personifications of love, beauty, & desire & her closest & most common attendants. Eros(love), Himeros(desire), Pothos(lust), & sometimes Peitho(persuasion); Peitho is Aphrodite’s messenger
Donate to organizations that help survivors of sexual assault & domestic violence
Donate to organizations that advocate for the oceans
Donate to lgbt activism organizations, help spread awareness on trans, non binary, & intersex issues, & also be an ally to those on the hypersexual, asexual, & Aromantic spectrums & polyamorous folk
support sex workers (NOT to porn companies that exploit them, onlyfans is best),
NSFW devotional acts: masturbate or partake in sexual acts in her honor(only if you wish to or are comfortable doing so ofc), if you are a sexworker you can also devote your work to her!
🐚Digital devotions: these are perfect for people who can’t have a physical altar/shrine for whatever reason
Make an E-Shrine to her
Make a mood board for her
If you like video games you can sometimes do digital devotional acts, for Aphrodite I visit her sanctuary & her temple in AC Odyssey, theres no offering feature like in Valhalla but I like to light the pyres & pray to her, i also love doing any missions revolving helping lovers for her, ive also heard of people making temples and offerings in minecraft
Cute Altar/Shrine ideas:
A sacred space to Aphrodite should be as beautiful as you can make it, decorate it with ocean motifs(as she was born from the sea) , rose quartz, pearls, seashells, real or fake roses, garlands, flowers, mirrors, depictions of her sacred animals(doves, swans, sparrows, dolphins, bees, hares), art of her(whether bought or made), erotica
Great places to have her sacred space are next to a window, a windowsill, a vanity stand, or somewhere with a mirror
If you need it to be secret & wish to keep a travel altar, if possible keep it in a pretty box with floral or sea decorations, or a makeup pouch
An outdoor garden is great too! Make it pollinator friendly (unless ur allergic), use organic products (if affordable) on it, have bird feeders, and a safe area to have a candle or incense & an offering bowl, & a place to sit & enjoy her warm presence & beauty
And most important of all:
Love ya damn self💜
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eve-e0 · 3 years ago
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“Lady of golden hair,
graceful and bright.
Hail Ourania Aphrogenia Aphrodite
She who taketh away, shall surely give.
She who creates, shall destroy.
Love is the source of all,
Mothers and fathers coo at their children, whom was created from love.
World leaders and soldiers are persuaded by love to kill and make war.
Aphrodite, queen of all!
The giver and taker, death causer and life bearer
Mother of all nature
I sing these praises in your name, hear them now golden Aphrodite!
Your sweetness has no bounds, but those who are not deserving suffer
Devastation and death is sure to come
For love is the source of all- even in war
Gold tressed lady, praise be to you!
Offerings and love belong to thee.
I now shall now sing new songs with you in mind.”
by (me! :D)
//this was inspired by the homeric/ orphic hymns, i wanted a style similar since it was a hymn!
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eve-e0 · 3 years ago
You should do a prayer to Selene or (if you havent already) Aphrodite or Brighid!
Hear me, bountiful Moon,
Bright Selene in your shining veil.
Drive across the dark of Mother Nyx
In your horse-drawn chariot,
Riding with beautiful swiftness.
Cast upon us your gentle rays
And bring peace to the black night.
Look kindly upon us as we call to you,
Oh great Lady of pale light.
I sing this for you.
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eve-e0 · 3 years ago
Keep the icky and bad things/energy out.
protection is super important and not complicated at all!
space/home guardians (post coming soon!)
spells (posts coming soon!)
wards: protects and guards against energies that are unwanted. it reflects energy away from your space and person. This is a defensive form of magick and can be made baneful if wanted/needed.
protective herbs: lavender, rosemary, rose, ginger, cloves, bay, dill, ivy, garlic, aloe, cinnamon, basil, juniper berries, black salt, angelica, myrrh, pepper, mint/peppermint, peppercorn, parsley, mugwort,
protective crystals: black tourmaline, obsidian, smokey quartz, selenite, clear quartz, amethyst, malachite, labradorite,blue calcite
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eve-e0 · 3 years ago
Purifying a space or getting rid of unwanted energies. It is one of the big 4 required skills to practice witchcraft in mine and many other practitioners eyes. (cleansing, protection, banishing, grounding) There’s many ways to do this, you can use:
the Earth
physical cleaning
fire (candles and herbs)
sun/moon light
other crystals (selenite)
You can also slap, wipe and blow the energy away from the item. I find it very effective to slap a candle when cleansing it. Also using sound and prayers together is super effective as well!
after cleansing you can now bless and protect!
*fear is your worst enemy. do not worry about “bad” energies if you aren’t even aware of any in your space. *
cleansing herbs: Rosemary, sage (white sage is closed.) bay leaf, birch, chamomile, lemongrass, cedar, lavender, cypress, juniper, thyme, frankincense, myrrh, pine, parsley, clove, garlic, ginsing, peppermint/mint, cinnamon, mugwort, sandalwood, eucalyptus (not pet safe!!)
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eve-e0 · 3 years ago
Offerings for Selene
moon imagery
white and pastel flowers/poppies, lilacs, evening primrose
period blo0d
tea cups
foods: milk, honey, baked goods, tea, water
ocean related items
her symbols/animals
moon water
silver coins
jewelry (silver or her crystals)
flowy clothes
ocean water
Devotional acts
sing to her
dance for her
take night walks
praise and compliment her
blow her kisses when you see her in the sky
listen to peaceful music
sing to her and dance for her
write her letters and poetry
visit bodies of water at night
be kind
self care/love
spend time basking in her light
wear flowy clothes and her colors
talk to her
dance naked under her light
make her a playlist
take care of others
*information taken from my personal book of shadows
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eve-e0 · 3 years ago
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Goddess of the moon. It is also said she is the goddess of sleep, dreams, childbirth, fertility, menstruation, cycles, change and the months.
🌙Selene is the daughter of the titans Hyperion and Theia. Her brother, Helios, is the god of the sun, and her sister, Eos, is the goddess of the dawn. During the night, Selene would drive her chariot pulled by 2 white horses or bulls with the moon across the sky. Her love was the mortal shepard Endymion who was granted eternal sleep in order to be with her. She is an Ouranic titaness and was worshiped on the full and new moon. During the days she bathed her body in the ocean.
🌙Epithets: Phoebe- bright, Pasiphae- all shining, Mene- moon/lunar, Pandia- all brightness, Aiglê- radiance
🌙plants/fruits: lavender, jasmine, selentropes, poppies (she calls me this🥹) willow,
🌙crystals/stones: moonstone, selenite, opalite, silver,clear/milky quartz, black tourmaline, desert rose, amethyst, howlite, white labradorite (rainbow moonstone), labradorite, blue calcite, celestite, gold sheen obsidian
🌙animals: bulls, cattle, deer, she personally sends me blue butterflies, male cardinals, and bunnies
🌙colors: white, silver, pastels, blue, lavender purple, black sometimes
🌙incense: jasmine, peppermint, lavender, rose, satya’s midnight incense,
🌙symbols: torch, cloak, crescent, bull horns, lunar disk, chariots, horses
🥀 this is a devotional for her- sharing info about her🥀
*information taken from my personal book of shadows
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eve-e0 · 3 years ago
Grounding connects you to mother Earth to help calm the body and mind. It is connected to science in some instances, learn more here: https://www.healthline.com/health/grounding
Symptoms of being ungrounded:
waking up tired
difficulty concentrating
forgetting/misplacing items
Do not mistake mental illness for being ungrounded!! and do not use spirituality as a replacement for proper medical treatment.
methods to ground yourself:
simply eating! it reminds us of our physical bodies!
nature, walk barefoot and enjoy fresh air
tree method- visualize roots connecting yourself to the earths core
senses method: 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste.
🍁grounding crystals: black tourmaline, smokey quartz, obsidian, pyrite, red jasper, tigers eye
🍁grounding herbs: pine, juniper, garden sage, Damiana, holy basic/tulsi, lavender
from my personal book of shadows- information has been cross-referenced.
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eve-e0 · 3 years ago
Offerings to Aphrodite
foods: honey, fruit, olive oil, red wine, chocolate, sweets, water, vanilla, baked goods, honey cakes
talk to her, vent and tell her about your day
write her poetry and letters
sing her hymns
self love
music/devotional playlists
imagery of her sacred objects/symbols
ocean water
Devotional acts
self love/care
random acts of kindness
feed birds
protect our oceans
clean beaches
enjoy and recognize the beauty in the world
sing to her and dance for her
stand up for yourself
support s3x workers, LGBTQIA+, and women
self pleasure
honor her children and Ares
love others
read love stories/poetry in her name (especially Sappho!)
*information taken from my personal book of shadows
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eve-e0 · 3 years ago
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Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, pleasure and war. (sometimes of the sea and heaven)
🌸She is an ouranic and einalic olympian deity. Some sources state that she had sprung from the sea foam, which had gathered around the mutilated parts of Ourunos, that had been thrown into the sea by Kronos. She was married to Hephaistos but loved the god Ares; with him she had 5 children. She is also known for her love of the mortal man Adonis. She is identified with the planet and roman goddess Venus and the day friday.
🌸epithets: Kypris- Of Cypress , Aphrogenia- foamborn , Ourania- heavenly , Areia- of Ares/war like , Pandèmos- common to all.
🌸plants/fruits: rose, myrtle, hibiscus, apple, pomegranate, myrrh, anemone, peaches, lettuce, daffodil,
🌸colors: pink, gold, red, sea foam green, ocean blue
🌸animals: doves, bunnies, sparrows, goose, swan, fish, seabird, pig, shellfish, cockle
🌸incense/scents: rose, vanilla, chocolate, myrrh, jasmine, cinnamon, cypress
🌸crystals/stones: rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, flower agate, garnet, moonstone, ocean jasper, pearls, opal/opalite, desert rose, kunzite, sea glass, amethyst, aquamarine, any heart shaped crystal or rock!
🌸symbols: hearts, roses, doves, swans, sparrows, seashells, mirrors, girdles, dolphins, pearls, bunnies, bumble/honey bees, jewelry
🌹devotional offering for Aphrodite is to share about her 🌹
*information taken from my personal book of shadows
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