evcik · 11 years
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evcik · 11 years
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I'm back with bleach art c:
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evcik · 11 years
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evcik · 11 years
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for Yukitoko!
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evcik · 11 years
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fast sketch
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evcik · 11 years
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today is a very lucky day!!!!
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evcik · 11 years
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It's been a long time since I drew something! well XD have me :D
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evcik · 11 years
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now i'll spam everywhere :D I arrived in Japan to study ! It's so beautifull here! I'm a bit busy, but later I'll write big text with pictures!
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evcik · 11 years
Oh, and about little flaws of my huion tablet 580. Sometimes there's sth with drivers for example if I draw in sai and want to go to internet, it (sometimes works badly) or dosen't work at all in browser, but sometimes works okay. But by that time it works perfectly in sai. And another one is sometimes when I turn on sai and start to draw, it's like all the settings are ruined and it works as if there are no drivers installed on pc, but then I turn off and on again sai, it works fine. And I'm not complaining XD for 50 $ it's nothing, really. Since I need it only for drawing and rest I can do with touchpad. But in case if someone is interested in buying it and search for  some reviews.
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evcik · 11 years
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I'm early this time, but happy birthday to my friend postmonaliza.deviantart.com *O*////
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evcik · 11 years
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I'll just spam with drawings today! 8D
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evcik · 11 years
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I sketch too much lately..
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evcik · 11 years
I did something about comments, but sth tells me I did it wrong x_x
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evcik · 11 years
Evcik! How are you doing? Girl, turn your comments on, so I can scream at you in the comment boxes!
omg O_O how what where? *runs in panic*okay.. i'll try to find how to do it XD  
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evcik · 11 years
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evcik · 11 years
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evcik · 11 years
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