evallon-if · 2 years
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Evallon University, a place many believe to be more myth than real, is one that few have ever been privileged to see; at least where you’re from. However, it’s prominence over all within the world is known. Any who graduate with it’s seal are destined to have any job that they desire.
Of course, only the strongest are able to do so.
You never imagined that you’d be accepted into the ancient halls. Never anticipated that your fool hardy sisters plan would actually come to fruition; after all you just expected them to take one look at your application and scoff.
All of that changes on the eve of your eighteenth birthday when there’s a knock at the door.
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Customizable MC: name, nickname, appearance, sexuality, gender (M, F, and NB), hobbies, and more! Note: Portions of the MCs personality have been set in stone.
An Arthurian IF that takes a more modern twist on our favorite tale (and characters).
Romance 1 of 4 Love Interests (2 Male and 2 Female). From the Golden Boy of Evallon, some might even call him the King, to his seemingly disinterested half-sister.
Discover the secrets that echo throughout the ancient halls of Evallon, but make sure that you get enough sleep for your classes in the morning! You need to be prepared for the Exams.
Pass your classes or utterly fail them (or possibly find a middle ground). It’s up to you!
Discover your Familiar! Who will be a reflection of who you’ll become.
Will you become a Legend in the land many believe to be a myth?
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Arthur Drake [M] — The Golden Boy
Son of the Dean, Arthur Drake is known far and wide across the campus of Evallon. Though, one would expect Arthur to be stuck up, like a classic popular kid, but he’s one of the most down to Earth people you’ll ever have the privilege to meet. With a gentle smile, a golden heart, and keen wish to see everyone do well, it’s no wonder that so much people on campus adore him.
Appearance: Arthur stands at around 6’5” with ice blue eyes and sun kiss skin. His golden hair, almost like the sun itself, falls to just beneath his ears. Despite his boyish smile, the chiseled features of his face depict that of a warrior that won’t stand down to anyone if he believes strong enough. He has a muscular physique that makes him imposing (if it wasn’t for his tendency to smile and laugh).
Lance Reed [M] — The Best Friend
You’re not sure what to make of Lance, or Lancelot, Reed. All you have heard about him are tales of how he hurt his best friend, Arthur. You aren’t sure if the rumors are entirely accurate— after all you could still see the adoration Lance had for him— but the way in which Arthur avoids him gives some credence to them. Will you be able to crack through the shell that Lance has put up around himself?
Appearance: Lancelot stands at around 6’1” with impassive hazel eyes. Onyx black curls, that fall across his forehead haphazardly, pair well with the warm brown tone of his skin. His athletic physique is usually hidden behind various layers of clothing; as if he doesn’t wish to be seen.
Guinevere Prince [F] — The Queen
Even after her fallout with Arthur, again mere rumors give the reason why, Guinevere still remained on top. Of course, it could very well be because of her beauty and the elegance that seemed to exude from her. You aren’t quite sure what to make of Guinevere, but you can tell that not everything is as what it seems. After all, that seems to be the common theme within Evallon.
Appearance: Guinevere stands at around 5’6” with slate gray eyes. Golden brown hair falls to the middle of her back in soft curls, which pairs nicely with the light bronze tone of her skin. Her slender body, usually housed within ensembles of designer clothing, exudes a type of strength you’ve never seen before.
Morgana Lafayette [F] — The Enigma
A recent newcomer to Evallon, like you, Morgana certainly doesn’t seem to be a novice in anything. Not with the way she holds herself and definitely not in how she interacts with the world around her. You aren’t sure what to make of her. With the only concrete information you have being that she’s related to Arthur somehow. Will you be able to uncover what lays beneath her walls of ice and snark?
Appearance: Morgana stands at around 5’11” with cunning forest green eyes. Raven black hair falls to her hips in a cascade of waves, which pairs well with the fairness of her skin. Being able to give Guinevere a run for her money in terms of looks, Morgana doesn’t seem to care all that much about them. Her lean body being encased in whatever she finds most comfortable.
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