YouTube Vlogger, Blogger, Online Fitness Coach and Enthusiast
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Nothing more flattering than a super sweaty post-workout bathroom selfie!!! Whoop whoop! Happy Friday! Today is the FINAL DAY of the #52fitclub CORE CHALLENGE!! 🥳🥳 After 4 weeks of workouts we are re-testing today to compare our progress since day 1!! 💪🔥 To really capture our progress we use a variety of methods including: 💥 Body weight/composition 💥 Body measurements 💥 Progress photos 💥 Strength & Endurance Testing The campers are already sharing their scores and I couldn’t be MORE PROUD! 😭😭 Stay tuned and join our mailing list (link in my bio) to find out when the next camp will be!!! Now it’s time to enjoy some hard earned time off for the holidays! MERRY FITNESS everyone 😘 #fitclub #onlinefitcamp #corechallenge #evadaperon #onlinefitnesscoach #merryfitness (at Vancouver, British Columbia)
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After posting my video about introverts I had some feedback asking what’s the diff between that and Social Anxiety?! 😳 today I wanted to share my own personal experience as someone who is an introvert but also struggles with social anxiety... 🙈 I believe the root cause of my anxiety stems from being bullied in schoollet me know if this is something you can relate with! 👉 See the full video link in my bio!! #youtube #socialanxiety #anxiety #bullying #bullyinghurts #truthseries #evadaperon
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New month new Fit Camp!! This time around we are doing something a little different!! 🏋🏻♀️ For the next camp I want to focus on one of my fav styles of training...weightlifting 🏋🏻♀️ This means I am going to ask all those campers who workout at home to invest in a couple of sets of dumbbells! 🏋🏻♀️ You can find amazing deals online or second hand!! Registration for the camp is only $25 so you can take your savings in turn them into training equipment 🥳 The next camp dates are Oct 14-Nov 8 and registration opens Oct 1st!! #52fitclub #onlinefitnesscoaching #onlinefitcamp #fitvancouver #vancouverfitness #evadaperon #fitnesscoach
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WHO LOVES FREE STUFF?! 🙋🏻♀️ #me First things first...tomorrow (Fri. Aug 30) is the FINAL day to register for the #52fitclub September Fit Camp!! 😱 Only $25 for 4 weeks of workouts and 4 chances to WIN AWESOME PRIZES!! 🥳 @rippedfemme will be cheering on all of you Campers and giving away 1 product each week...of YOUR CHOICE!! 🤯 Whaaaaaaaaaaa?!! To sign up, see the link on Instagram or send an email to ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ (at Vancouver, British Columbia)
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T R U E S T O R Y. I did this. 😹😹 I was rushing out of work...head down checking emails and boom...well, that’s not the way out 🙅🏻♀️🚫 Just thought I’d share...and also mention that this isn’t the first time 😳 #reallife #reallyembarrassing #owningit #funnystory #truestory #whoops #lifequotes #bossbabe #shithappens
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Looking Back...Roller Derby Highlights: Day 4
Looking Back…Roller Derby Highlights: Day 4

I’m putting my own spin on this (as you can see from my first post), I probably won’t do 10 days but definitely doing more than 10 photos. Well…it’s around that time of year…when skaters all around the world are flying home from RollerCon! My first and only experience at RollerCon was in 2013. I was just breaking in to the competitive level of derby – making the roster for the All-Stars the…
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Looking Back: Roller Derby Highlights Day 3
Looking Back: Roller Derby Highlights Day 3
Day 3 of the 10-day Roller Derby challenge.
I’m putting my own spin on this (as you can see from my first post), I probably won’t do 10 days but definitely doing more than 10 photos.
My first major tournament with the All-Stars was just over the boarder in Washington somewhere…
It was an honor to have talented photographers capture these memories and the thrilling to have these images to surf…
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Folding laundry can wait...dust bunnies will still be there tomorrow...get out there and find out how strong and powerful you truly are 🌟 or just get a lil sweaty 💦 #52fitclub #doitforyou #effchores #priorities #dustbunnies #havesomefuninthesun #evadaperonfitnesscommunity #alsoineedtodustmirror (at The Metropole Community Pub (Gastown, Vancouver))
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These photos range from 2012-2014… the time when I started becoming deeply involved in derby…and also the time when I was becoming desperate to escape my life.
Photo by Nicolas Charest
Photo by TJ Chase Photography
I wanted out of my town, out of my job…every day I felt more and more unhappy…but I didn’t know why.
This is the time period where I came out to myself and my family. It was a time period of total chaos, confusion and isolation from everyone close to me.
I tried to start over and entered into some very toxic and destructive relationships. Through these years I struggled a lot…but at least was headed towards a path of self-discovery.
My alter ego in derby started out as this dark, serious, angry, guarded, reclusive persona that created to protect myself.
I used my new identity to run away from the life I had and parts of me that I wasn’t ready to face. I joined a community of people who had no idea who I truly was…and admittedly…I didn’t know who I was either.
Real talk: these years were terrifying and lonely and involved self-hatred, self-harm, isolation and fear of being rejected.
I know so many of us joined this sport to help us deal with really hard sh*t going on in the “real world” and that was absolutely the case for me.
I’m glad I had roller derby at this time in my life to make me feel strong, brave, passionate and purposeful when I was on the track…those moments flying through the pack, feeling freedom in my skates, truly saved me from slipping away into a much darker and desolate place.
LOOKING BACK…ROLLER DERBY HIGHLIGHTS: DAY 2 These photos range from 2012-2014... the time when I started becoming deeply involved in derby...and also the time when I was becoming desperate to escape my life.
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I don’t usually respond to those Facebook tags where you have to answer this and that and then nominate 50 people to suffer the same fate…but today is different.
I was tagged in a post about sharing images from my roller derby career…10 images in 10 days to be exact. The idea is that the images would speak for themselves, no explanation required, and by sharing and nominating others to do the same, I would be promoting the sport.
I like the concept, however, after being retired for a few years now, there are some memories and moments that I would like to share…maybe a tid bit of advice or some honesty about how the sport truly impacted by life and where I am today…so here goes:
Day 1 of the 10-day Roller Derby challenge.
I’m putting my own spin on this. I retired 3 years ago. I started skating in 2011. For the next week I am going to share some images that represent pivotal moments in my skating career and spark memories I want to share.
CWRDA Bootcamp 2011 – Photo by Nicolas Charest
CWRDA Bootcamp 2011 -Photo by Nicolas Charest
These first two are from my first ever Roller Derby Boot-camp in 2011. My first camp, my first skates, my first ’bout’. I had to be skill tested a few hours beforehand to be eligible to skate.
From the get-go I knew I wanted the star on my head. Pretty sure at this time I had yet to choose a derby name and was on the fence with “Bitty Rage”… #yikes
Once I had a taste I was hooked of course. My advice to anyone starting out…
Remember, we were all beginners at some point. There is only room for improvement. Wear your skates as much as possible. Wear them at home in the kitchen while you wash your dishes or sweep the floor, roller skate to work or school or to practice. Bottom line: the more time in your skates, the better you will get faster 😉
Also…always wear your gear no matter what you are doing. Knee pads, elbow pads, helmet…just promise me that.
To be continued…
Looking Back…Roller Derby Highlights: Day 1 I don't usually respond to those Facebook tags where you have to answer this and that and then nominate 50 people to suffer the same fate...but today is different.
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Recently posted my “brunette to blonde” hair transformation to my YouTube channel! 🙋🏻♀️✨💁🏼♀️ It has been about a 2 month process so far and a lot of fun! Link to the vid in my bio!! ☝️☝️ And if you are looking for a talented stylist who can make dreams into reality...hit up Ryan aka: @a_headtrip for a consult!! #brunettetoblonde #darktolighthair #hairwizard #blondeambition #hairjourney #hairtransformation
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