"Shine on the distant horizon"
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❗NSFW/SFW posts❗Toothcup | Hiccup | HTTYD 15yrs Hiccup>>>>>>>VENT - I post what I likeAgain. I post what I like
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euruua27 · 11 hours ago
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Omg I love 15yrs Hiccup
I MEAN IT he's sassy, his expression is EXTRMELY various (pure and unique and dramatic, 'm telling ya), he's brave, he's creative, he's cute, he's small, his clothes is TOO MUCH, his 'quotes' "your father looks angry" - "he looked angry since the day I was born", "I did not deserve this" *after face was stabbed by the sheep's lower part*, "mah lady" to Astrid, the way he made sarcastic remarks without blinking an eye, his impotent to EVERYTHING AROUND HIM, his brilliant green eyes, his two front teeth which are not aligned, when his world at that time was only Toothless (not shipping couple for this one, I mean it I love it that way)... MY BABY DESERVES MORE HE'S TOO UNDERRATED!!
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euruua27 · 12 hours ago
The HTTYD universe's ecosystem must've been so damaged when all the dragons dissappeared.
"but people wanted to hurt them!" people want to hurt wolves to, but we don't send them all to an isolated cave because it would destroy the ecosystem.
In fact, "dragon" is just a collective word for multiple species so they really fucked themselves with that one.
In conclusion, the third movie was stupid.
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euruua27 · 12 hours ago
This gif
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I didn't make it, but it keeps catching my eye because LOOK
The wings perfectly line up with Hiccup
Toothless is going to fly again because of Hiccup, yes, but this is Hiccup's first flight. Unknowingly, he's spreading his wings too.
This moment catapults a whole new direction for Hiccup's life, and he gets to fly because he made it so Toothless could too.
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euruua27 · 6 days ago
I'm telling you, had Toothless been more human looking/humanoid people would ship them SO HARD
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euruua27 · 6 days ago
Something I rarely see talked about is the fact that, at least twice in the first movie alone, Toothless helps Hiccup set boundaries or get the respect he feels Hiccup deserves.
He didn't start flying peacefully to show Astrid how nice it can be until after she apologized for being mean and threatening to tell the village. And when she did, Toothless almost immediately relaxed and arguably showed off. Like he was saying "look at this. Look at us. Look at what you'd be breaking apart and missing out on."
And, even if he didn't know the full story or reason, Toothless knew Hiccup and Stoick had a fight and Hiccup was upset. So he didn't show Stoick that Hiccup was alive until after he apologized for hurting Hiccup and starting that massive fight in the first place. In that scene, if you look at Toothless's eyes, you can tell he's waiting for something. And the second Stoick apologized, Toothless softened and opened his wings.
Even if Toothless didn't fully understand the entire situation or all the complex human stuff associated with it, he still knew that Hiccup was upset and deserved an apology. Even if neither time Hiccup asked for one and was ready to just sweep it under the rug and forget, Toothless still went the extra little mile to make it clear he wouldn't allow Hiccup to be pushed around or hurt or disrespected or anything without consequence.
Just. I love that. I love how that alone shows how damn smart the dragons, or at the very least Night Furies, can be. Toothless is Hiccup's number one advocate for anything.
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euruua27 · 6 days ago
What got you into Toothcup?
Tbh just the movies themselves? Like, their relationship is so passionate and tender and so obviously soulmates its hard NOT TO
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euruua27 · 6 days ago
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The (Dragon) Kiss
just wanted to do something fun with a bunch of different traditional media, and ended up with This… based very loosely on Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss” ✨
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euruua27 · 6 days ago
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How to Smooch Your Dragon
(Happy Belated Valentines Day 💕)
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euruua27 · 6 days ago
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euruua27 · 18 days ago
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he brought his cane back and his itty bitty Toothless
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euruua27 · 18 days ago
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Someone slam his head into a rock pls
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euruua27 · 18 days ago
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euruua27 · 19 days ago
As a kid watching httyd you dont really register how horrible Hiccup was treated in the movie-
It was all kinda 'ooh cool dragons!'
At most a 'Oh, his dad doesn't listen to him! Parents never listen to what kids have to say! '
Only to get sidetracked by
'Awww cute dragons!' Once again
But i rewatched httyd again today and holy shit man
Like eveyone of his peers openly hated on him even going as far as wishing him death to his face
Like when Gobber asked what everyone's mistake was in training everybodies response for Hiccup was 'He didn't get eaten' or 'He's still alive'
And you can say 'ooh they were just joking!'
But they weren't friends
You dont tell someone they should've died even as a joke
Evenless so with someone you aren't close with!
For gods sake, Hiccup's father, Stoick, returned from his voyage to all his tribesmen patting him on the back saying things like 'out with the old and in with the new!' and laughing and congratulating him 'thank god, nobodies gonna miss that walking hazard' and his first thought is
'Hiccups gone'
He genuinely believed his tribesmen would be having a jolly good time and congradulating him if his son, Hiccup was gone
( dead or run away- it really could be either with that phrase but for they'd think he wouldnt last on his own which means him running away equates to him being dead)
And thats fucked up
Stoick tells Hiccup to his face that he gave up on him- that he was so glad that the worthless bag of bones he was for his entire life 'wasn't actually all there was'
Hell even Gobber wasnt as supportive as I remember him being
And then everybody just kind of, moves on and is all buddy buddy with him
His father is the only one he gets an actual apology from!
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euruua27 · 19 days ago
'been thinking abt 15yrs Hiccup burries his face into Toothless while having the dragon's body wrapped around him on one night (which happened not so long after the Red Death event) and thinking 'You are the best!' with a smile on his face. Because hey, this creature just simply gives him confidence, to be trusted and listened to, to have friends, to have a sense of belonging, to allow the qualities and skills he has to be utilized,... and happier. 😭
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euruua27 · 1 month ago
Why do I had the feeling that Hiccup would cry during the first time he had sex with Toothless-
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euruua27 · 1 month ago
the way that hiccup looked at toothless and decided he couldnt kill him because he looked at him and saw himself. the way that there is a very large possibility that toothless thought the exact same about hiccup after he was freed from the ropes. the two of them looked at each other and could not bear to kill the other purely because they saw themself in someone who was not them. they saw fear and saddness in eyes that they were taught held the opposite. IM GONNA SOB
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euruua27 · 1 month ago
Do we think that every time Hiccup wakes up, even from a normal nap, he checks his legs? Double checking to make sure his good foot is still there. That he didn't lose another limb while he was unconscious.
Do we think he has nightmares or night terrors? Does he sometimes wake up screaming, the fire and teeth of the Red Death flashing behind his eyelids? Does his stump ache and pulse with phantom pain during these moments?
How many nights has he stayed up into the early hours? Overworking his brain with whatever he can, afraid to fall asleep. Afraid to close his eyes for even a second, because the memory of what everyone else sees as his greatest moment haunts his very being. Gives him nothing but troubled thoughts and frightening dreams. Makes his heart race and lungs ache, air suddenly too difficult to breathe each time he takes a moment to actually think about and remember it.
Does he dream about the what if's? What if he'd failed, what if Toothless or himself died, what if he'd been too late or the others hadn't agreed to go with him? The list seems never ending some nights. Plenty of anxious thoughts to keep him awake. Plenty of hours left for all these emotions to build as Toothless curls around him, cooing and nudging. Trying to bring his human out of his self-induced stupor.
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