Work until your idols become your rivals
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
Just trying to find that balance in life 💁🏼‍♀️😂 #splitbalancewillbethedeathofme #socloseyetsofar #nevergoingtogiveyouup (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
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Hey Melbourne, for being so damn cold you do look very pretty 🤗🍁 #howIvemissedyouautumn #prettycolorseverywhere #automnvibes (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
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One of the arguments I hate the most against veganism is saying “It is too expensive!” 🧐⠀ ⠀ 👆🏻 This is my grocery shopping for the coming two weeks and the total price? Less than $50! 🤯⠀ ⠀ Making the decision to become vegan is up to each and everyone and I would never force my opinions and values on anyone. But don’t hide behind made-up arguments and incorrect facts simply because you do not want to face the truth or want to give up certain food products... 🤭😐 #gospeltruth #animalsarefriendsnotfood (at Ascot Vale, Victoria, Australia)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
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I remember when I started to split stretch, I was so inflexible and the thought of ever getting a full splits felt basically impossible😅 But I was determined and so I continued to stretch until I finally got it. And even though I’m definitely not the best at stretching, I have been able to keep my splits over the years 🤔Now, I’ve slowly started to work on my over splits and have succeeded to work up to a hight of three blocks🤭 It’s quite amazing what we can achieve with some determination and willpower 💪🏻#nevergiveup #neverstoptrying #splitprogress (at Ascot Vale, Victoria, Australia)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
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Smores hot chocolate with a shot of coffee? Yes please 😍🤤 #deliciousnessinacup #chocolateaddict (at Mister Nice Guy's Bakeshop)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
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Best way to start the day? Yoga and vegan pancakes 😍😌 #foodcoma #foodielife #pancakesaturday (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
Sometimes you just got to drop it like its hot 🤭😊#silkdrop #ohthebruises (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
Spent the day away from the city exploring Werribee Gorge with the roomies and just enjoying some good old fashion nature 😊🌿 #walkinguntilmyfeetfalloff #thatviewthough (at Werribee Gorge State Park)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
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And then I became Aerial 🐚🐠 #redhairdontcare #partofyourworld (at Ascot Vale, Victoria, Australia)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
White Night 2018 over and done ✔️😎 #eventwork #justfollowthelights #twinkletwinkle (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
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Somewhere along the way I turned 24 and officially gave up receiving my letter to Hogwarts.. 🙄 ⠀ ⠀ However, that’s okay because I will always be a unicorn! 💁🏼‍♀️🦄 Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and made my day absolutely amazing 🙏🏻❤️ #birthdaygirl #Hanktheunicorn #nevergrowup
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
Spent my weekend hiking, exploring and camping through Wilsons Promontory 😊🌴 ⠀ ⠀ I tried to summarize my entire experience into this video but sadly a lot couldn’t fit.... Buuut, here are some of my favorite highlights from the most amazing trip!😃 #1minuteisnotenough #hikingadventures (at Wilsons Promontory National Park)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
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At SLAM we now how to combine work with fun! 😎 🎈#melbpoly #yogawithballoons (at Melbourne Polytechnic)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
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Paying only $4 for a whole basket full of ripe bananas is one of those things that just makes your day 😍👌🏻✨ #bananasarelife #plantpower #whatdoyouhaveinyourbasket (at Ascot Vale, Victoria, Australia)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
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One of many reasons I love Melbourne, you can walk around aimlessly and suddenly come across a free gallery exhibit with the most incredible (and mildly disturbing) art 😋❤️ #artexhibition #ngvtriennial #whattodoinmelbourne (at National Gallery of Victoria)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
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And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who couldn’t hear the music 🎶 🤫 #neverstopbeingweird #dancerpose #yogaonthebeach (at Port Melbourne Beach)
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becausefuckingbooty · 7 years ago
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When the highlight of your working day becomes making blue tack figurines, you know you are in the need of a break😅 #workworkwork #theyareprettyradthough (at Heirloom Seed St Kilda Rd)
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