Place to rant about my oc and maybe find motivation to actually write my story. Feel free to send ask
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Important places and vocabulary:
Calista: the city where the story take place. Big and ultra modern, kind of futuristic look. In an artificial island. Surround by big status and link to the exterior by an unique railroad.
Academia : the main school at Calista. Present like an elite school, in reality, it's a school for magic children from 12 years old. Children are train to control and use their power, then they're send on mission or on jobs the Academia seems fit better for them. A big part of them are choose to go in the military
Internat: the school for less than 12 years old children who had show magic capabilities. Kinda rough place, where adults arent the kindest and children learn quickly to grow up.
Paideia: the gymnasium complex. Pretty much every sport is possible there.
Coloc: students live in share appartement of 3 to 4. Sometimes they have name for their place (the alcooloc for example).
The Scirto : big batiment mainly use for the big welcoming bal
The Défouloir: some kind of old discharge in theory close but intern have find a way to go there and use the lance as a rage room. Breaking the old things there to let out some blow.
Studere: an older students, design most of the time someone that almost finish school and will leave soon.
Croquis: surname for the new arrived at the Academia, they are placed under the responsibility of a Parain or Maraine.
Parain and Maraine: it design the person that have the charge of a new student, often sharing they flat with the new person. Non binary people like to use Marain as a gender neutral term. They're not always older, and they're not force to be their croquis's best friend even if that often create strong bonds between them.
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Kendall: how they meet (chronological order)
Kendall and Nadjet :
They meet the first day he arrive at the Academia. They both have the same Maraine and live at the same flat. At first he was afraid to have to take care of a younger girl but he find in Nadjet a great kid that know way more than him about this world. She help him understand his power. She was a great support in particular during his first months when he missed his parents and his past friends. They began being really close, helping each other no matter what. He really see her as the greatest little sister he could have wish for. Knowing that she had suffer and have some rought times sometime make him sad because he want her to have the best life, for her to being free in every way. He can't see his life without her. They are always teasing each other. Also he likes to dress her up anytime he can, and she gladly let him do it.
Kendall and Mae:
They meet through Nadjet. Even if they aren't that close at first they past more time together with times, in particular to study. He also ask him sometimes when in need theorical knowledge about a certain era for his new outfit or how he can make something knew from broken things.
Kendall and Alicia :
They meet through Nadjet. He really speak with her at the end of a competition where she was absolutely stunning. They later bond until she join their apartment. They get well with each other, she is a funny girl with great idea in particular in fashion. He admire her fashion sense, the way she can arrange the same pieces in many different way. Also he isn't that great with make up and can't be happier that she knows and she gladly do it for him.
Kendall and Yanna :
They meet through Mae. They mostly see each other at the library with Nad and Mae. She don't likes his humour so he made his best to do it as often as possible when she is around. He really valu her though because he know she is a great mind, he just liked messing with her constant seriousness.
Kendall and Alexandre :
He meet him at lunch and after by Mae. He likes the boy, like his humour. When he discover Alexandre knows how to make good tea he try to take more time with him. He don't take seriously his teasing toward Nadjet even if she always seem so mad about it. He speak with Alex when he sees it began to be too much but he don't mind him to much.
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Yanna: how they meet (chronological order)
Yanna and Mae :
They meet at the library. He sit with her without a word once. And it happen again, multiple time a week. One day he came back from the restricted section with books that can have the information she needs. She speak to him for the first time this day and they become friends. He begane to help her with her search. Mae is one of the rare person she can stand for a long period of time. Mostly because he always seems to know when she need to speak about her ideas to make it clearer and when she needs silence to concentrate. He help her not losing her mind neither. She try to be a good friend to, force herself to let him stay at her's even when she don't really want to see anyone just because she knew he needs it and she is calmer at the end anyway.
Yanna and Nadjet :
They meet through Mae. Thinks Nadjet is a little to much extrovert for her liking but ackoledge her great mind. Plus Nadjet knows pretty much everyone and everything you can need to know about Calista and the Academia. So even if at first she think the little princess is just the favourite girl in town she learn that it's more than that: people like her because she does all she can to be like by them, she manipulate them at her liking. Yanna can't not be impress by that. When they work together they are unstoppable.
Yanna and Alicia :
At first she thought that Alicia was a all body no mind kind of girl. When Nadjet snap at her for her mysoginist reflection she really try to be nicer to Alicia and she likes what she discovered. They don't meet up much if Mae isn't there but she likes her mind and her way of though nonetheless. They spend time studying at the library with Mae and sometime Nadjet too.
Yanna and Kendall:
She meet him by Mae and Nadjet. Kendall make her out of her mind. She thinks he is irresponsible, he just joke about life. Her the quiet one often snap at him because he don't take thing seriously, because he is here slow the other just because he think he had found a good joke. She also have some secret jealousy because he can be irresponsible, he can take life as a joke, she can't. She admire the shift in his behaviour of being when it came to Nadjet. She value the girl and she likes that she has someone to take care of her. If Nadjet is here too or even better Nadjet and Mae they can stand each other for more than 1h without it much trouble.
Yanna and Alexandre :
Meet him the evening of the ball at Mae's house (Alexandre house too). Her first though is that he was there to watch her. But when she understand that he was the new coloc of Mae she think that almost worst. From now one she tries to always make Mae come at her flat. Alexandre is not that bad of a man he is just not at the right place at the right moment. But she tries to be nicer with him when she sees Mae open more and more. He seems to be more radiant than ever and she can't denied him happiness because Alexandre may slightly slow her and take time of her best helping hand.
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Alexandre : how they meet (chronological order )
Alexandre and Mae :
He meet him at lunch before being really introduce to any students of the Academia. He was sort of attracted by him, not in a romantic way or anything like that but in a gut feeling. Mae was the one that really stand out in the crow (that's because their power are meant to be together). They properly meet when they learn that Mae is his Parain. Mae help him process how the Academia and Calista work. He introduced him his group of friends. Mae really watch after him, always making sure he is comfortable and not left behind. If Mae calms him most of the time, force him to be more nice and positive; Alexandre try to let Mae exprime himself more, being more selfish, think of him sometimes before thinking of other.
Alexandre and Kendall:
They meet through Mae (of course) after seeing each other at lunch the first day of Alexandre. He likes his humour. They laugh well together but his tension with Nadjet put an obstacle at a true friendship between the two. They weirdly bond the day they discovered they both love tea, like Kendall always search for new mix to try and Alex know a lot about plant, like what heal, what taste good. They try to drink tea together often.
Alexandre and Alicia:
Meet at lunch then by Mae. He thinks she look cool being all look and smart at the same time but he also feel a little threaten by her. She could totally kick his ass and she kind of intimidate him. (The time he see her run in heals make him beware of her even more). He doesn't understand how people can insult her, they completely underestimate her because they can be anything else than misogynist asshole. He kind of admire her from far away.
Alexandre and Nadjet :
That meet at lunch time first but she don't even look at him. She tend to not speak to him the first times they meet with the whole group and he really hate being ignore. He doesn't know why she hate him at the first place but he won't male it easy for her. He seems to know exactly how make her angry and he love it. He try to not do it to often for Mae but sometimes he can't do anything about it. They nearly fight several times but Alicia and Mae, and sometimes Kendall are often here to avoid it. He hate when she remember him that he is barely smaller than her
Alexandre and Yanna :
Officially meet at lunch but she don't even remember that he was there. They meet the evening at Mae's. She storm in the living room speaking to Mae before stopping when she see Alexandre. At first she seems almost disgust by him. He didn't think he can ever warm at her but at the end they will. Because they each have a strong bond with Mae and because they know when someone else is intelegent.
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Alicia : how they meet (chronological order)
Alicia and Nadjet :
They meet at the Paideia. At first she though Nadjet, that she already know has the little princess, was going to snap at her too, bit she straight suggest that they fight on the ring. Like Nadjet had senses that it was exactly what she needs at this moment. They later come back to fight on almost every sports they can think of (each of them keep a score track). They immediately go well together. It was Nadjet that include her in her friend group first Kendall and then Mae thought tutoring. That's also Nadjet who negotiate the end of one of the worst time of her life where she was, sure, less alone outside but at the time where nobody live in her flat anymore. She never like sharing flat more than when she was with her two room mate. Even if they have different personality they are perfect to live together (the coloc not always work that good believe me)
Alicia and Kendall:
She meet him by Nadjet. She meet him the same day as Nadjet to be precise but they have a real conversation only weeks laters at the end of a competition where he came congratulated her for her performance. The three of them steak together more and more after. She has finally find in Kendall a fellow fashion lover with more experience than her so they can share idea and advices each other and she never though that possible. She like doing his make up when he's in the mood and he often choose her outfit just to surprise her.
Alicia and Mae:
She can't remember if she had meet him at the infirmary before meeting Nadjet. But any case she meet him when Nadjet set her up with him for the tutoring and then they become good friend. She was impress when he first confess that he was a gymnast. Like really impress because she love sport and never understand how you can left yourself so elegantly. He was shy with all the fuss she make but that kind of strengthen their bond. They're also help each other to not snap at the incessant bickering between Nadjet and Kendall, and later they time up to avoid Nadjet and Alexandre to fight (for real this time).
Alicia and Yanna:
She haven't been that much with her at first because even if she was with Mae she seems distant. They haven't the strongest bond, at all but they study with Mae sometimes at the library or his apartment. They get along they just don't really meet without Mae.
Alicia and Alexandre :
They meet thanks to Mae. She's not liking his sarcasm really much but do with it. She often tries to pacified his relation with Nadjet, mostly by talking to Nadjet. She think he'll can be a great friend if he stop being rude. Hopefully being with Mae had soften him a little. She try to bond with him through skate but he isn't really a good teacher and they just drop it.
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Mae : how they meet each other (chronological order) :
Mae and Nadjet :
They know each other from his one and only year at the Internat. They weren't really friend at this time but the bro code of the Internat tell that you have to help each other no matter what. He heard of her since the day he arrives because she is one of the youngest that ever come to Calista and she was here for two years already and everyone know of the little princess. He was a little surprise when she came to him when she enter the Academia and she had question. They speak to each other more after that. That's also Nadjet that set him up as the tutor for Alicia.
Mae and Kendall:
They meet through Nadjet, Mae love the innocence and fun that always gravitate around Kendall. Not many child that arrive young and therefore stay at the Internat had really keep that attitude later so it's refreshing to see. Kendall is also elder and he's not shy to speak about his life before. He always had fun thing to say about it, I mean he had thing to say to begin with and that's more than most people at the Academia.
Mae and Yanna :
He meet her at the library. She was sitting at his favourite place and the library was full so he sit there anyway. Some time later she see him come back from the reserve section with restricted book that had been refused to her. They begin to really speak here. Mae has succeeded to befriend her (he's a sweetheart how can people not like him). They became close, Mae go to Yanna's apartment when he don't want to be all by himself and Yanna came at Mae's without embarrassing knocked on the door when she need help to sort her thought. They often just pass time without talking, doing they're own thing but you know together. He get along with her best.
Mae and Alicia:
Nadjet introduce the two. Alicia needed a tutor for some scholar thing that she hadn't really seen in her hometown so Nadjet set her up with Mae. They get together pretty well, even if they have the same age but really different stories. Alicia make Mae enjoy being with people more and Mae help Alicia concentrate (he has this kind of soothing vibe that many like)
Mae and Alexandre :
He is committed as his Parain so he is kinda force to past time with him. They meet before he learn Alexandre is his Croquis, at lunch time. When he saw the lost kid he had to keep himself from invited him right away but Alexandre ask himself to sit and he was happy to say yes. He really like the boy, see right through the thought apparence he tries to pull. He secretly like the sarcasm of Alex but he's concerned about the self deprecating humour Alex often use. They get along well, in particular their power seem to work great together, like you can hope from light and plant.
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Nadjet : how they meet each other. (Chronological order)
Nadjet and Mae :
She meet him during his first and only year at the Internat. They're not really friends there but they acknowledge each other. Because the Internat isn't always a good place, not really the best at all in fact, so everyone stick together one way or another. She may have ask him first to know how all of the flatsharing thing work as soon as she has to get to one herself.
Nadjet and Kendall:
She leaves the Internat to come to the Academia the same year as Kendall arrive to the Academia. The 2 of them have the same Parain, their 3rd roommate, which finish his school days just a few month later. But Nadjet is at Calista for something like 5 years at this time so she knew how everything work. Kendall, on his side, his pretty lost because all of this is new for him. Nadjet had been a great support for him. They grew up together and always been here for each other. They have a really strong bond, they're like family really. They are always bickering but truly look after each other.
Nadjet and Alicia :
They meet at the Paideia (the gym complex) where Alicia tend to be most of the time in her first times at the Academia. They start a friendly competition at any sport they can, keeping track of the score of course. They become great friend and see each other more and more outside of the Paideia. When Nadjet learn that her room mate and Maraine had finish her school days and she was alone in her flat, she do all the thing she can to negotiate to move her in the apartment she share with Kendall. They became room mate after that. (She totally do puppy eye and fake tears in several office of supervisor to gets her way)
Nadjet and Yanna:
She really meet Yanna by Mae, they can be seen in the library and some times outside of it. They don't speak that much, Nadjet being all enthusiastic when Yanna is more quiet. But when they work together (that had happen some time, when Mae and Alicia had their work/tutoring session) they are really effective. But they are also 2 born leader and most of the time that result on friction between the two. But they respect and admire each other.
Nadjet and Alexandre:
Not to fond/ not to fan of new people, she gladly ignore him at first. But when Mae befriend him (more than a Parain is forced to) she has to integrate him on their friend group. She don't like him that much thought because he tend to show to much confidence for someone that don't know anything (that's her view). She think he is mostly arrogant and to closed mind. When they are at the same place you can be sure one of them will leave angry. (She love remember him that she is taller than him, it's only 3cm but he hate it each time)
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Eunomia Masterlist
What's Eunomia ?
Vocabulary and places
General presentation of the gang
Meet Nadjet
Meet Mae
Meet Alicia
Meet Alexandre
Meet Yanna
Meet Kendall
How they meet :
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Meet Kendall
23 years old (he/his)
Appearance: silver grey eyes and very short frizzy back hair. 1,90m
Power: ice
Sexuality: bi
Activities: fix and tinker, make clothes
Lives with : Nadjet and Alicia
At the Academia since he’s 16. He’s use to live in a big city and really like living at Calista. Very protective of Nadjet, sometimes too much. Always cracking on joke.
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Meet Yanna
21 year old (she/her)
Appearance: long wavy red hair and ocean blue eyes. 1,83m
Power: air
Sexuality: hetero
Activities: gaming, moto, archery
Lived with: Murphy (but he leave just after the beginning of the story)
She was bring by force at the Academia 2 and half year ago. She hate being there and promise to go out soon. She’s sure that the Academia have ulterior motive than just teach power kids how to use their power.
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Meet Alexandre
20 years old (he/his)
Appearance: Lime green eye and curly blond hair. 1,70m.
Power: plant
Sexuality: gay
Activities: skate, draw landscape and nature.
Lives with: Mae et Jess
Just arrived at the Academia. Not the kindest person, but its mostly a way to defend himself. He had a really dry sense of humour, and speak mainly by sarcasm.
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Meet Alicia
19 years old (she/her).
Appearance : Auburn eyes and purple wavy hair at jawline length. 1,62m
Power: metal
Sexuality: lesbienne
Activities: triathlon, flute traversiere.
Lives with : Kendall and Nadjet
She came at the Academia at 16. She likes being well dressed and doing her make up, people often think she’s fragile and all but in fact she can kick their ass easely.
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Meet Mae
19 year old boy (he/his).
Appearance: Orange eyes and brown hair. 1,64m
Power: light
Sexuality: pan
Activities: reading and gymnastic
Lives with: Jess and Alexandre
He is here since he is 11 years old, the one who care about others. Really kind and understanding.He likes calm and being alone. He doesn't like conflict and try to avoid it as much as possible.
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Meet Nadjet :
18 years old girl (she/her).
Appearance : Purple eyes and white curly/frizzy hair, often put in 3 big braid. 1,73m
Power: lightning
Sexuality: Asexual
Activities: climbing and singing (mainly for herself)
Lives with: Kendall and Alicia
The youngest of the group. She is at the Academia since she's 8 years old. She knows everything and everyone in Calista. She's always in movement, doing something.
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Meet the gang, general information

Nadjet :
18 years old girl (she/her). 1,73m. Aries. Purple eyes and white curly/frizzy hair, often put in 3 big braid.
The youngest of the group. She is at the Academia (name of the school) since she's 8 years old. She knows everything and everyone in Calista. (name of the city).

19 year old boy (he/his). 1,64m. Balance. Orange eyes and brown hair.
He is here since he is 11 years old, the one who care about others. Really kind and understanding.

Alicia :
19 years old girl (she/her). 1,62m. Pisces. Auburn eyes and purple wavy hair at jawline length.
The one that wear her outfit and make up like an armor. She's capable of beating your ass too, but most of the time her confidence is enough. She came to the Academia at 16 years old.

20 years old boy (he/him).1,70m. Lion. Lime green eye and curly blond hair.
He's sarcastic, most of the time he thinks he is better than the other people around. Hate feeling like he doesn't belong here. Just arrived at the Academia.

21 years old girl (she/her). 1,83m. Cancer. Long wavy red hair and ocean bleu eyes.
Don't like to be with too much people. Great leader, she know how to keep a cold head when the other are panicking. Doesn't like being at the Academia for the 2 years and a half she spend there. She doesn't speak that much but when she does it's always relevant.

23 years old boy (he/him). 1,90m. Taurus. Silver grey eyes and very short frizzy black hair.
The oldest but he really don't act like it. At the Academia since he is 16, he's used to the city and the life there. Social butterfly, the funny one.
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I created this Tumblr to share my oc and find motivation to write more. Don't hope any big chapter post here, I'll just bable about my oc. Like a lot.
I will post in English mainly but I probably post in French some times too.
This story take place in a futuristic world, where some people are born with power. The different area are all under the lead of Calista, the capitol city. The magical kids must go to the Academia, the big school in Calista. There they're train to control and use their power and they're form to engage on the job the Academia choose for them. But is the Academia really what it pretend to be ? Do Calista really do what's best for everyone or just for them ? Are monster born or create ?
We'll try to find out by following 6 young students, differents but link by circumstances : Nadjet, Mae, Alicia, Alexandre, Yanna and Kendall.
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