marley sullivan. 26. someone's wife. widow. daughter of hestia. mom friend. i'm gonna be the first reporter to prove the existence of big foot. i'm hopeless, broken, so you wait for me in the sky. ☼
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📲| marley ⇄ princess of avalor
elena: i miss you more :( i haven't been getting nearly enough marley time and it hurts my heart
elena: when have i ever said no to you??? say the word and i'll be there
elena: are we thinking party or small gathering??
marley: we just have to fix that IMMEDIATELY is all.
marley: never and i love you for it.
marley: the more the merrier!!!
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📲| marley ⇄ princess of avalor
marley: hi i miss you.
marley: im trying to get a group together for a campfire soon pleaseeee say you'll come
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📱| anaïs ⇄ marley
anaïs: okay yes i can handle the threatening glares
anaïs: they're not even towards me but yes! put that man in his place!
anaïs: ok maybe a little for everybody else... maybe we can make something for dessert tonight
anaïs: that would be really fun, though, secret kitchens... secret room to hotbox
anaïs: we may need to go to my room to smoke only because it stinks!!! but other than that let's go wild :)
marley: oh trust me. i will.
marley: they can have the brownies. we will lie and tell them they are special when they are not. see who falls for it.
marley: we can also hotbox my room. but alas ... the secret rooms.
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📱| anaïs ⇄ marley
anaïs: it's just exhausting when they mistake niceness for interest
anaïs: but also no murder please! at least not yet!
anaïs: omg we can bake while we GET baked
anaïs: i just got some new stuff it's out of this world!
marley: it's literally the worst. i'm so sorry.
marley: no, no, no murder! just threatening glares while i make it known that he's old enough to know the difference between niceness and attraction.
marley: YES omfg. and none for anyone else bc they didn't join us.
marley: would be real nice if we had a kitchen in one of the secret rooms. keep everyone out so they don't steal our baked shit. or worse, the weed.
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📱| anaïs ⇄ marley
anaïs: marl, are you home rn?
anaïs: i'm trying to hide from this weird guy from halloween, pls unlock the doors so i can make a quick getaway
anaïs: oooh, also! do you wanna bake with me? either food or weed.
marley: i am!!
marley: i'll also kill him.
marley: the doors are unlocked but im waiting at the front with a cleaver from the kitchen.
marley: ofc that's literally two of my favorite things.
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🤗 🎀
🤗 reminds my muse of a happy memory
can’t help falling in love — elvis presley
it was the song she and her husband had their first dance to.
🎀 reminds my muse of the holidays
all i want for christmas is you — mariah carey
marley and her dad celebrate kwanzaa but her step-mom and step-brother celebrate christmas so their family celebrated both holidays growing up. marley found a hatred of all i want for christmas is you. it’s overplayed and she can’t stand it.
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👎🏾 my muse dislikes
blurred lines — robin thicke.
no explanation needed.
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“Marley you’ve lectured me plenty of times about being rude to people surely we both know by now that it’s a waste of your breath. And besides, I’m not rude people just get their feelings hurt easily apparently.” He rolled his eyes and was thankful that from their current position Marley couldn’t see but he was sure that she knew it was happening anyway. “No that’s not how it works, if you don’t tell me that you miss me I don’t believe it and then my ego deflates and I get sad. You need to tell me you miss me, my ego and my sanity depend upon it.” A small scowl crosses his brow as she doesn’t tell him anything, she could have lied but by chosing nothing she makes him worry a little. “It’s not playing therapist, if we were doing that you know I’d make you pay me for my services. I just wanted to hear about how your day has went.. But I was at the pool, your text came through almost literally just as I got back to the changing room. I had to make sure I looked my best for you so it took a little longer. Was anyone else around when you came in?” Vince hadn’t seen any of his siblings but that wasn’t entirely unusual.
“yet you don’t seem to think that i won’t do it again,” she teased, shaking her head fondly. “bit of both maybe. people can get their feelings hurt easily but you can be rude. and i’m one of the people that gets their feelings hurt easily. would you be rude to me and then say it’s my fault for being so sensitive?” she wasn’t kidding when she said she would lecture him. “of course i missed you. why else would i be in your bed, cuddling with you? but fine, yes, okay, i missed you very much.” you can hear it in her voice that she’s rolling her eyes but there’s a smile on her lips anyway. “being here with you makes me smile. that’s one.” it’s not all three things he asked for but it’s better than nothing. “you always look good, you literally have nothing to worry about.” his ego definitely doesn’t need that boost but what were friends for if not to gas you up from time to time. “no, i didn’t see anyone. though i assume if iker had been around, i’d be watching tennis right now.”
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“That’s high praise. Middle school locker rooms provide security for middle schoolers and-” Before he can even continue making stuff up right on the spot, Ved finds himself pushed to one side by Marley. Normally, he would stand his ground. His own siblings have tried to push him aside once or twice, both literally and figuratively, but none of them could ever do the same. Not even Seb. Marley, on the other hand, Ved is a little scared of her, something he will never admit. Why? He doesn’t actually know himself. He’s not even sure if it’s actually fear. It could be out of respect instead, an admiration for her persistence and resilience. “That’s not a bad thing. I like your pretty face.” Beats having Robodog’s butt as the last thing he’d see, though he could probably make design changes to make that more appealing.
“People are complaining?! About what? The music? Psh. People have bad taste!” He crosses his arms, a little annoyed, before he squints towards the door and starts yelling at no one in particular. “Can’t people just leave a man and his Robodog alone?!” His demeanor quickly changes, however, when Marley tells him she’d make him some food. He can say whatever he wants about Marley but dang her food is just amazing. Quickly, Ved grabs the granola bar, takes a huge bite out of it, and then takes off his shirt.
“Yes, ma'am. I’m on it!” As he rushes out of his own workshop to take that much-needed shower, all so he can finally get something tasty inside him, he starts to take off his pants, almost stumbling on his way, almost tripping but always managing at the last second to grab hold of something to keep himself upright. “I’ll just be a sec! You go on ahead and start cooking!"
“don’t you dare try to justify the smell of a middle school locker room. i still have ptsd from walking past one and gagging on the smell of axe while listening to prepubescent boys snap towels at each other.” middle school was a terrible time for anyone who had ever spent time there and she would not be persuaded otherwise. “i’m flattered,” she hums and points the screwdriver at him, like she was reaffirming that she would follow through on her threat. “oh. oh, honey, no. they’re not complaining about the music. they’re complaining about the smell.” it smell like body odor covered up in much too strong body spare. the smell alone was enough to trigger her gag reflex.
“not when robodog is running amok around campus.” the question isn’t directed at her but she feels the need to state the obvious. as he takes the granola bar and rushes out, marley glances around. the urge to clean up kicks in, just to tidy a little, but it’s not her space for one. and for two, ved was a grown man. he could clean up after himself if he wanted to. with a hum, she heads out, getting set up with what she needed to make butter chicken. if you were going to feed someone, feed them well.
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“I am so screwed.” Maddy heaves a sigh, exasperated at today’s turn of events. One moment, she was looking forward to a brand new day. The next? She gets saddled with a ton of work. How could this happen to her? What did she do to deserve all this bad juju? The daughter of Hestia rests both elbows on the table as she begins to massage both sides of her head with her fingers, furrowing her majestically done eyebrows. “What should I do first? This set list for the choir, my paper for the model un, or my script for maddbeatz?” She desperately asks the person beside her, though the question was mostly aimed for herself.
marley’s own work lay forgotten in front of her, though work probably wasn’t the right word for a book about cryptozoology she hadn’t read yet. “breathe,” she assures her sister, leaning over to see what, if anything was in front of her. “you know what you have to do first, you’re just overwhelmed.” a beat passes before she continues. “what’s due first?” it’s always as simple as having someone else to bounce ideas off of, to be able to talk things through with. “personally, i would do the paper first. it’ll take the longest but then it’s over and out of the way.”
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ADORNING SKATES THAT SHE HADN’T worn in a few weeks, momo’s return to normalcy now felt complete as she zooms down one of the quad’s various paths. cupped in her hand is a plant she’d managed to bring back from the brink of death in botany class. needless to say, the sight of marley only heightened her ecstatic feeling. “ marmar !! ” the blonde attempts to mirror the tone, halting to a quick stop. eyes widen at the admittance, a gasp being sharply inhaled. “ i’m like, always around !! okay, so, maybe not the past few weeks, but i’m here now, y’know ?? ” despite not being much of a reader, the sight of the book makes her heart warm. being remembered in any capacity made her happy. “ shush, you’re so cute i could cry !! like, forreal. i might cry. ” she takes the book with her freehand, a wide grin permanently etched onto her face as she inspects it. an involuntary, yet giddy giggle slips from her lips. “ thank you, marley !! i’m gonna like, cherish this forever. ”
“i know, but it’s college, people get busy!” the only reason marley saw her friends in any real capacity is because she appeared in their bed out of nowhere when she was lonely. “oh my gods, no! you’re so cute, momo, with your plants and your roller skates! honestly, adorable.” her hands clasp together as momo takes the book, a soft grin on her face. “it was nothing, i just ... i saw it and it screamed you, i thought it needed to be back where it belonged.” a quick sweep said that it wasn’t the only thing. “the book and that plant! gods, don’t wait around for me, get it back somewhere you can take care of it properly!”
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what's your favorite lore?
“bigfoot! but i am also very invested in the backstory of the jersey devil! it’s just so interesting and i love all manners of cryptozoology so much!”
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“I wasn’t aware that I was supposed to give you instructions to not sleep on my bed without me.” Vincent was only playing with her and he was sure that she could tell but his tone and behaviour wouldn’t read like that to an outsider. “Oh you haven’t seen rude yet.” He adjusted himself to get comfortable in his bed, raising an arm to drape around Marley as she rested her head on his chest. “Did you not hear me say that my ego is fragile, you were supposed to tell me that you missed me or something. But I’ll take bored and lonely I guess.” Without thinking he let his head fall a little so that was resting on hers. “Is that what you want Marley? If you came here to nap that’s alright but before you do I would like to hear three things that made you smile today.” He did have work that he’d planned to get done but this wasn’t the first time Marley had appeared at his room with similar intentions and while they’d never spoke about why Vincent sensed that she found it easier in someone’s presence and he was happy to oblige. He could always just work a little later than planned tonight.
she nodded factually, comfortable enough with the situation and her friend to know that despite the no nonsense words and cool tone, he didn’t mean it. if it was someone she was even marginally less close to, she wouldn’t have made herself comfortable, laid down in their bed. “yes i have, we’re just pretending that i haven’t, otherwise i’d have to lecture you about being rude to people.” it was always easier to fall back onto deflection, changing the topic away from herself when anyone looked too closely, but maybe she was becoming predictable. “i always miss you, idiot. i just can’t tell you that because your ego is big enough as it is.” her eyes found a point on the ceiling and she shook her head, a small smile on her lips. “we’re not playing therapist. we’re taking a nap.” if deflecting a topic failed, avoidance was always the next safest bet. “where were you? you usually beat me back here when i come over.”
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with the clash’s should i stay or should i go blasting at full volume, ved stayed buried in his head while he continued to work on yet another version of robodog. this one with a more prominent off switch right on its nose. you get booped, you die. his most recent encounter with his ex apparently did more damage to his inability to cope and move on, instead forcing himself to once again seek refuge underneath his obsessive project. it was the only thing ved knew. he had been so consumed by his work that he didn’t even know what time or day it was. has he even slept? who knows? one thing anyone would know, though, is that he definitely needed a shower.
although the loudness of the song masked the voice’s true identity, ved was still annoyed at someone loudly interrupting his process by also almost smashing his door into pieces. he eased up on the electric screwdrivers and tossed them on the table, where Robodog also laid still, before turning towards the door as he slowly lowered the volume on his speakers. “who the hell?” is that…? crap. once the realization hit him, ved scrambled to take off his gloves and visor, take out the body spray from one of his drawers, spray himself with said body spray, grimace at accidentally spraying the inside of his mouth with said spray, and run towards the door to slightly open it so that she could see him muster a weak smile as a show of confidence.
“oh, hey, marley! what are you up to? seen any good movies lately? my speakers were on the fritz. the awesome music was totally unintentional. is that a granola bar?” his stomach immediately betrayed him by rumbling. “you know… you’re so pretty when you’re not trying to murder me. i swear i could get lost in those eyes. you’re such a goddess.”
“you smell like a middle school locker room.” there’s not an ounce of lie in her words, nose crinkling at thee scent of body odor mixed with body spray. “is that axe?” after a second, she pushes inside, normally not one to be so intruding, but desperate times call for desperate measures. as she brushes past, she hands him the granola bar. “thank you for the compliment, but if you don’t eat and shower, this pretty face will be the last thing you see.” the music was loud enough that she almost doesn’t blame him for not answering right away; his eardrums must have been blown to bits by now.
she paces the room, looking around and at ved’s latest project. “what are you even working on?” she asks and picks up an electric screwdriver to fiddle with it distractedly. “because whatever it is, you’ve been cooped up in here for far too long. people are starting to complain, hon.” maybe marley isn’t one to talk when, if left unchecked, she’ll happily lay around in the same pajamas for days and skip her classes, but she hasn’t let herself get that bad in months.
“you know what? no, we’ll have this discussion later.” robodog holds her attention briefly, figuring that this must be what all the chaos had been about but she doesn’t allow herself to dwell on it. “you eat that granola bar and go shower and while you’re showering, i’ll make something that is actually filling, because i really don’t think one granola bar is going to be enough when it’s been gods know how long since you’ve last eaten.”
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if you could switch lives with anybody on campus, who would it be?
“i don’t think i would switch! tis better to have loved and lost, and all that.”
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