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eubulletin · 4 years ago
april 2021 activities.
happy spring, eonia university ! the campus activities board has an exciting month of activities planned for the second half of april. 
APRIL 19 › gaia’s grounds will be hosting an open mic event for the poetry club from 19:00 to 22:00. all are welcome to attend and showcase their poetry ! 
APRIL 21 › the film club will be screening the french new wave classic jules and jim at 20:00 in the student union. with a 4 euro entrance fee, food and refreshments will be provided !
APRIL 22 › come spend your afternoon with professor stefana pavlović in a free introduction to beekeeping lesson at the greenhouse. all necessary equipment will be provided. be there at 15:00 ! 
APRIL 23-25 › the bird watching club will be hosting an excursion to lake kerkini. please deposit a 170 euro fee to the club’s president by this monday to contribute to transportation, lodging, and food expenses.
APRIL 26-30 › #futurefreshman visiting week will be in full swing ! 16-18 year olds from the european demigod camps will be staying on campus for a taste of university life. those who are interested in acting as a mentor for eonia’s buddy up program or willing to share their rooms should contact their RA for more information. 
APRIL 30 - MAY 1 › happy may day ! the university will be hosting a flower festival to celebrate. on april 30th, wreath making will take place in the demeter gardens at 13:00, while a flower parade will be taking place through eonia village’s main street at 17:00 on may 1st. for anyone who wishes to help work on the floats, please visit the front desk at the student union. 
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