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etherealcheezit · 4 months ago
Does anyone else just wish sometimes inside hurt came with outside hurt. I’m not good at feelings or explaining but I want to be able to open my chest and show you this is where it hurts this is where it healed these are the parts of me I’ve had to put away I sometimes wake up and feel emotionally like someone socked me in the jaw and I can’t even walk around with a bruise to prove that it actually happened.
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etherealcheezit · 5 months ago
If I ever get one shot at an adaptation I want pride and prejudice a modern AU where there all heirs to great British fortunes, the Bennetts father having to sign over the company to their cousin who they know is in a cult but they can’t really stop it from happening I want Darcy to be very overtly neurodivergent in fact I want them all to be and I want more than anything for people who know him and when he’s safe like with his sister or his staff or eventually with Lizzie I want him to be called Fitz his full name is fitzwilliam in the book and most people forget that is his name but I think his mum called him fitz so his sister does too I am doing a re read and I can see it all in front of me
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etherealcheezit · 10 months ago
I can’t read lyrics cause I’ve reached my monthly limit! I can’t listen to my music because I don’t have enough data but somehow do have enough data to play not 1 not 2 but 5 ads in a row and then I only have access to 2 songs from my discover weekly ( the only playlist that would load) before 3 more ads. When we eat the rich yall can have the big dogs im starting with Daniel and Martin
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etherealcheezit · 1 year ago
Why are some people mean just for no reason. Like I’m so sorry does making me feel anxiety make you feel strong. Does making me a pawn in your game of chess make you feel like a queen .stop being a little brat and just vibe through like the rest of us bro
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etherealcheezit · 1 year ago
Musical Monday
✨Spoilers for newsies/the newsboy strike of 1889!✨
I think Jack Kelly is such an underrated character in an actual character sense. Like in songs he’s every tenors dream but also he is a 17 year old who is the head of the Manhattan newsies and I know that in reality the news boy strike was started in Brooklyn by kid blink but Jack is so compelling. He is an older brother figure to everyone around him ( sans maybe Davy,Kath and Medda) and how he talks to Les implies that he has extensive experience with younger kids. How many nights was he up late worrying of specs or Elmer how many days did he just wander from borough to borough just trying to finish the off the hand full of papers a younger kid couldn’t handle, how many people do you think he buys dinner for insisting they’ll get him back another time and the debt stays uncollected. His songs are amazing but think about who else he was! Fully dive deep into the heartbreaking angst you can build with him.
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etherealcheezit · 2 years ago
Musical Monday
✨Spoilers for Falsettos ✨
Can we talk about Whizzer from falsettos for a second! How at every turn it is implied that he not only endured so much from Marvin but also society! That out of his four parents he is Jason’s favorite not because he lets Jason get away with everything but because he genuinely cares! That he dies before there is a name for his disease! That his parallels with Trina leads to the baller line of “that’s my life, he shared my life” which doesn’t just mean the good loving part of Marvin but the anger and “funny names” that in games I play he like distanced himself all the way that he doesn’t see any of the cast until the baseball game! You’ve gotta die sometime is heartbreaking! His two interpretations on death as either an individual or passion as it all fades to back or as a gentle kind force as it all fades to white is amazing imagery! I very much enjoy this musical. Thank you for your time
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etherealcheezit · 2 years ago
If someone could make a Hangster based on Tennessee Orange by Megan Moroney so I don’t have to that would be great
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etherealcheezit · 4 years ago
i’m seeing a lot of people reblogging suicide hotlines and this is just a reminder that this is a suicide help line that works like a text-based instant messenger for people who may need to talk to someone but have trouble/are uncomfortable making phone calls
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