eternallyprussian · 10 years
Remember what we say about facts!
Remember, facts don't exist if they-" [hurt your feelings/aren't convenient/ invalidate your argument/can't be misquoted slightly/can't be easily misinterpreted] Please pick which one applies to your current situation. 
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
10/10. Would send message if not so new to Tumblr
Talk to me whenever
^-^ I have to go now library is about to close.
But just wanted to let yall know you can message me whenever xD I’ll try to respond as soon as possible. I know a bunch of you do already and ty <3 I love talking to you guys xD
And we can RP too and I’ll try to doodle some parts digitally.
See yall tomorrow c:
- Tashina the Sexy Dragon Pancake Paladin
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
Dragons are hunted by other dragons, just a thought.
I feel conflicted; I identify as the Predator and the prey-- a dragon and a sheep. I am often the sheep- but the dragon is there. I feel it in my heart.
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
I've been using this one for a LONG time now. I'll tell you it's pretty glorious.
"no hetero" should be a common phrase used when being affectionate with straight dudes, so they don’t get any funny ideas
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
Thy cloak doth not shield thee anon!!
Also, hi.
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
Crystal Meltin'....your heart <3
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Nice girl
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
Since Handsome Jack doesn't have a face, does he use "My mask when"?
Is MMW a thing?
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
My nigga Roland ;-;
Ye, I know they're cannon lol. That weird person was like "nop", but it's kinda extremely cannon.
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
Skywrath? I've done that shit as Pugna and Disruptor.
When the support carries the early to mid game for the carries
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I love you Skywrath Mage you sexy birdman you
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
Just a thought.
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
This is the belief that Silver AND Gold should be used to back up the economy as a standard. 
So Tumblr, how long do I have to wait before this becomes a sexuality?
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
You can't...you can't do this to me.
Kuroky is released from Natus Vincere with Puppey rumoured to follow suit
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
Female Yaoi. Must be a thing now.
So, I like to get books on my phone to read late at night, annnnd then I came up to this one manga that seemed KINDA interesting. Welp, in the description it described the main character as a female using “Her” and “She”. I get to reading the story and it’s motherfuckinyaoi.
Guys, I actually am loving this… Send help </3
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
Yeah I hear that...
I'm not otherkin but when I'm sad I act like I'm a dragon or a cat and it makes me feel better, but I'm worried that if I told people they'd make me feel bad for like, "not being a real otherkin!!" Or on the opposite side of the spectrum "being a stupid human being". It's just how I feel better, I don't see why it's wrong : (
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
"Male Privilege"
Male Privilege is defined as treating a women like an object or servant and defining ALL roles in the house, especially where he is complete master and lords over all decisions with no input from their partner.
This is filed under different kinds of abuse/violence towards women. Often times a part of physical or sexual abuse.
Saying all males have "Male Privilege" , by this definition is one of the most sickening things i've heard. Learn what a word means, and understand what's being said. Sick...sick people...
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
I remember when the sun wasn't harmful to me
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kitten meeting the sun for the first time
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eternallyprussian · 10 years
Computer. Probably the most useful.
Or a blade, the easiest method of dispatching sorcery!
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