essentia-cibum · 6 years
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Cotton Candy Oreo Cupcakes Source: Bakerella
Where food lovers unite.
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
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Red Velvet Cheesecake Oreo Truffle Bars
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
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Orange Ginger Tea - Your source of sweet inspirations! || Save 10%+ on Ceramic Cookware & Bakeware!
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
Sᴇɴᴅ ᴍʏ ᴍᴜsᴇ “Hᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇᴠᴇʀ (...)”s. Tʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀɴ ᴏɴʟʏ ʀᴇᴘʟʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ‘ʏᴇs’ ᴏʀ ‘ɴᴏ’.
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
Like for a muse to visit your ask
Note: will be on anon signed with (essentia-cibum)
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
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A soft, tired sigh left the woman’s lips as she sat in a tree.
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
🍣: Do you live a simple or fancy lifestyle? What is the underlying reason? Do you wish to change that? (Everyone)
Food Emoji Asks | Accepting
Tang Yuan: “Hm... I would say fairly fancy! I am a food soul associated with Festivals and Celebration! Tang Yuan brings blessings to all~ Tang Yuan would never want to change that!”
Juiniang: “I....I live a f-f-fairly simple l-lifestyle....” There was a pause “I-I d-d-don’t like the s-spotlight....s-so no I w-would never w-want t-t-to c-change...”
Yu Xiang: “I live a simple life. I read, I learn, I tell. I am the world’s Historian and I am perfectly satisfied in being that. I don’t need fancy things to remind people of what happened before”
Sakura Mochi: “My life is comfortably simple. I’ve never reached for anything more than what I have. As long as I can help people, thats great.”
Orange Juice: “My life....is surprisingly fancy. I suppose that’s what you get when you’re friends with a pop idol. I actually wouldn’t mind a simpler life where my face doesn’t end up in magazines just because Jello and I went to lunch. Don’t get me wrong! I love Jello, shes my best friend....but the fame is a bit draining you know?”
Milk: “My life is simple. I am a simple woman and I am fine with that”
Mango Pudding: “My life is amazing~ I am the sweetest, best food soul a master attendant could ask for! If I changed anything, it would be to have a MORE awesome life....like Jello has. To be famous~”
Cheese: “I do live a privileged life. I don’t really want to talk about it....and I have been actively working to change it”
Moon Cake: “My life is fairly simple. Im not super rich or anything...but I am awesome! If i could change anything it would be to be more awesome~ The best prankster around!”
Milt: “I live in what you would call the ‘lap of luxury’, That’s all I’ll say on the matter. I would love to live a simpler life...it would be safer. More boring but safer”
Foie Gras: “I suppose you could say I was born into the fancy life. I was fated to be that way, you cannot change fate. It’s silly to wish for things to change”
Tiramisu: “I choose to live a simple life to achieve my dreams. What my life was like in the beginning doesn’t really mean much to me anymore.”
Vodka: “Andre and I are simple people. All I need is Alcohol, all he needs is  clean perch and to be fed on time. Who needs more than that?”
Hawthorne Ball: “Thats a silly question isn’t it? HeeHee~ I live a simple life by choice. Things are easier that way and I have more time to make friends. I wouldn’t change it for the world. What about you?”
Cold Rice Shrimp: “My life depends on Mommy’s life. If they are rich and well off, then I am too. If they are a simple person with a simple life then so am I. Im happy as long as I’m with Mommy, so no I wouldn’t change anything.”
Seaweed Soup: “I’ve lived every kind of life you can imagine. It matters not to me anymore. Lifestyles are just a blur, a blink of an eye in the lifetime of someone a hundred thousand times reborn.”
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
❤️ ; Which muse do you feel you enjoy writing the most?
Multi-Muse Questions | Accepting
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(( Im actually not 100% sure yet. Ive haven’t had a lot of chances to write these muses yet. But I often find muse popping up most for Cold Rice Shrimp. Seaweed Soup has also been pretty strong. So, so far I would say Cold Rice Shrimp ))
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
Pets are good! Poros like pets. Are very petable! Still has no idea what cooking is. Is human magic to poros, who have not discovered how it works. Perhaps if the food soul was like, an apple or something. Even then, poros might suddenly stop eating out of fear that the food could feel things.
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“So cute~” she mused
She continued to pet the little fluffball. Poros were a strange creature that she didn’t understand, but she did understand that they were affectionate and that was all she needed to know for the moment.
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
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Some rainbow inspired desserts that I made
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
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Multi-muse Questions Send a Symbol As Requested by Anonymous
❤️ ; Which muse do you feel you enjoy writing the most?
💛 ; Is there a muse you wish received more interactions? 
💚 ; Do you have a favourite muse, or do you love all of your muses equally?
💙 ; What’s something you’ve been wanting to write with ___ (asker to specify muse).
💜 ; Is there a muse you want to add to your blog? If so, tell us about them.
💔 ; Is there a muse you are thinking about removing from the blog?
❣️ ; Do you get annoyed when people don’t specify what muse they want to interact with?
💕 ; Are you selective when it comes to shipping certain muses? If so, which ones and why? 
💖 ; Are you open to crossovers with your muses, or would you rather them stay in their own fandom?
💘 ; What genre of writing do you prefer for ___ (asker to specify muse). 
💝 ; Do you ever have trouble interacting with other mutli-muse blogs?
💟 ; If you have had a single-muse blog previously, which do you find easier to run? Single-muse or multi-muse?
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
Send me a food emoji for my muse to answer questions!
☕️: Do you prefer coffee or tea? Why?
🍵: Do you stick with your family's values and beliefs? Why or why not?
🍶: Can you hold you liquor? How much can you take before you act drunk? How much before you pass out?
🍺: What are some traditions that you have? What do they mean to you?
🍸: Do you like your body? Do you wish to have a different skin tone, hair color, eye color, etc.? How come?
🍹: Dream vacation? What makes it so appealing to you?
🍷: Have you made any modifications to your body, such as plastic surgery, piercings, tattoos, etc.?
🍕: Are you a sports fanatic? If so, what kind?
🍔: Would you rather eat out or cook for yourself? If you were forced to eat out, what types of places would you go to?
🍟: Do you train, whether it be just working out or learning to control any abilities you have? Do you enjoy it? Is there something you do or enjoy doing afterwards?
🍗: Are your sleeping and eating patterns well-established or irregular? Do you wish to change that?
🍖: How much time do you spend with family and friends? Do you feel as if it is enough?
🍝: Is there a random thing that just reminds you of home or a pleasant memory? Do you understand why or do you see absolutely no correlation between it and the memory?
🍛: Do you open up to strangers easily? How long does it take to earn your trust? What does it take?
🍤: Do you believe that broken relationships can be mended? What is something that, to you, immediately breaks a relationship?
🍱: What is your thought on keeping pets? If you had to have one pet, which would you have?
🍣: Do you live a simple or fancy lifestyle? What is the underlying reason? Do you wish to change that?
🍥: Do you pay more attention to intricate details or the bigger picture? Or do you believe that you keep a balance of the two?
🍙: Do you practice a religion? If so, which one? For what reason do you practice it?
🍘: What does honor mean to you? Do you have honor? To what extent do you have it?
🍚: Is there such thing as "too plain" to you? What is the embodiment of those words?
🍜: Do you like heat or cold more? What is something you find unappealing about the other one?
🍲: Are you patient? How far does your patience go? What is one thing that will tick you off no matter what?
🍢: Are you open to trying new things? Why or why not?
🍡: Have you ever met a person who changed you significantly? How did they change you? Did they open your eyes? Make you a better person?
🍳: Do you accept hospitality and help from others? Are you someone who will provide assistance? To whom?
🍞: How do you view your current life? Do you find it to be a fortunate or unfortunate situation? Is it plain, or does it have flavor?
🍩: Do you approve of your hometown's law enforcement? How about your current home's system? What makes you feel the way you do about it?
🍮: Traditional or Modern? What do you dislike about the other lifestyle?
🍦: How often do you treat yourself? What do you treat yourself to? A spa day, alcohol, etc.?
🍨: Do you stress eat? What (other) activities do you take part in to relieve stress?
🍧: Do you want children? If so, how many? Do you believe that to be complete, a woman must bear offspring?
🎂: Do you celebrate birthdays? Do you enjoy birthdays? How do you usually feel on your birthday?
🍰: Are some holidays overly mainstream? Which ones feel pointless and over-exaggerated?
🍪: Are there simple things that make you happy? What are some of them? Do they make you feel that way because of a connection to something? If so, what is that connection?
🍫: Do you have any guilty pleasures? Does the guilt in them come right away or slowly build up? Despite those feelings, are they worth it?
🍬: Do you have a sweet tooth? How often do you indulge in sweets?
🍭: Did you enjoy your childhood? Why or why not? What memory most influenced your current reflection?
🍯: Have you ever made a promise to someone or yourself that you couldn't keep? How do you feel about it?
🍎: What, in your opinion, is your best quality? What do others say is your best quality? Do you agree with them?
🍏: What, in your opinion, is your worst quality? What do others say is your worst quality? Do you agree with them?
🍊: What do you look for in a leader? Can you describe an ideal leader?
🍋: What are qualities in a leader that you feel are not acceptable in the very least? Why do you believe this?
🍒: What is your sexual orientation? What is your romantic preference? If you have any, what are your turn ons? What about turn offs?
🍇: Are you a virgin? If so, do want to stay that way? If not, how did you lose your virginity?
🍉: Could you stay with the same person all your life? Do you feel comfortable with a commitment like that? Why or why not?
🍓: Do you give second chances? Are you comfortable with cutting all ties and bonds with people?
🍑: Is there a meaning behind your name? Do you like your name? Have you ever changed it?
🍈: What do you identify as in terms of gender? Are you male, female, genderfluid, genderqueer, agender, or non-binary? Do you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth? If not, what was the point when you found out that you weren't cisgender?
🍌: Do you like playing pranks? Do you find them amusing? If someone were to play one on you, how would you feel?
🍐: Do you carry a lot of responsibility on your shoulders? Does it bother you?
🍍: Which do you find more appealing, beaches or mountains? What are your reasons behind your opinion?
🍠: Does everyone have the potential to be a great person? Why or why not? Is there prejudice in your society against a group of people for a reason they cannot control?
🍆: Does someone's past define them? Can their mistakes be washed away completely, or will there always be significant damage? Does someone who's committed a crime deserve a second chance?
🍅: What is something you absolutely hate? What caused you to hate it so much?
🌽: Do you love yourself fully as a person? Why or why not?
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
The poros eyes begin to cross. This is all too complicated for the sheep puff, which hasn't yet grasped what cooking is let alone what souls are. There's a lot of complex stuff, and clearly the poro is not advanced enough as a creature to grasp it. As far as it can tell, she's human. Or seems human. Is snuggly. And that's what's important, clearly. Gives snuggles. Perhaps stories would be better if could be explained as poro might understand. Or with foods that poros understand.
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She gave another laugh and settled for petting the little creature
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
The poro blinks! Is confused! Does not know what she is talking about, is only poro. Will probably need to be explained! Is confusing to tiny sheep puff. Clearly though, is still worried! Is soft and warm and snuggly though! but clearly worried.
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With a smile she picked up the tiny creature and held it in her lap.
“Let me tell you my history” She mused “Food Souls are exactly what we sound like. We’re the essence, the spirit of food. We were discovered by people at the magic academy after the ability of summon souls had been long lost to humans. They managed to discover a way to coax our souls out of our object of binding. We were enlisted to help fight the fallen angel scourge that threatened humanity as well as to assist in the one place that felt natural for us: cooking.”
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
The poro gives an adorable sneeze! Then shakes head! Clearly does not like smoke! Is likely bad for health, poro thinks! Not to mention is bad because fire! Worried poro chitters! Clearly, the poro is worried for her health, and her snuggliness.
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She gives a small laugh and pets the creature
“It wont harm my health. Food Souls don’t fall ill like humans do, Ive been smoking for as long as the habit has existed.”
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essentia-cibum · 6 years
Is poro! Is snuggly. Is nudging at this yuxiang person! Has no idea what or who is! Is only poro. Poro knows nothing about food! But is poro. Is snuggly! Is not food though. No eat poros.
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Yu Xiang put down the book she was reading and gazed down at the little creature. She took a draw from her cigarette holder and blew a stream of fragrant smoke into the air
“Hello little one. I have never seen a creature like you before~”
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