
Disfrutar de los momentos más sencillos del día alimentan la calma de las tormentas del alma
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En algún momento la ingenuidad y la inocencia se perdieron en el camino desolado de la traición y la deslealtad juntas coincidieron en apagar la mirada y el sueño de la felicidad, se arrebataron la libertad.. .
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Carbón Copy: [ Ten paciencia, todo se va a dar a su tiempo. ] Arte Original: @I’m_Seis.
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Zodiac Creatures vintagefantasy @vintagefantasy_
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Yab-Yum Shiva & Shakti
Yab-yum represents the ideals of tantric sexual practice as a posture for making love. It weaves the transcendent and the immanent together by combining verticality with a deep sense of closeness.
Yab-Yum: Symbol of Divine Union
Yab-Yum is the symbol of divine union. It is the posture in which man and women are united between Heaven and Earth: a classic meditation posture. In many love-making postures one of the couple is underneath the other, but in Yab-Yum, both partners are equally upright.
“Yab-Yum” is a Tibetan term meaning “father-mother”.
In Tibetan Tantra it is about the union of Compassion and Truth/ Wisdom. In Indian Tantra it is about the masculine as a passive meditator with the feminine as a dancing shakti in his lap… pure awareness meeting pure energy. On a metaphysical level, Yab-Yum represents the union of dualistic forms in order to attain transcendence.
In other words, when we bring apparent opposites together in love we can enter a state beyond normal consciousness: a state of oneness or unity consciousness. A remembrance of who we are beyond name and form…
This is the ultimate goal of Tantra.
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The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection, in which are reflected the mythologems, i.e., the archetypes. In this vision astrology and alchemy, the two classical functionaries of the psychology of the collective unconscious, join hands.” ― Carl Jung
Zodiac Creatures vintagefantasy @vintagefantasy_
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“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.” ― Carl Gustav Jung
Miboso @miboso__ Be calm in the face of chaos
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"Make yourself a cup of your favourite tea and enjoy this beautiful day under a warm blanket."
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The yoni and phallus were worshiped by nearly all ancient people as appropriate symbols of God's creative power. -Manly Palmer Hall
Yoni - At the Sacred Entrance Art: Laurie Lardinois, “Yoni - At the Sacred Entrance” LaurieHealingART
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