erwin-beloved · 3 years
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
sir your tits are simply diabolical
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
a/n. here’s a small fluffy thing i made 🤠 i hope you enjoy!
content warnings. slightly nsfw for porco (mentions of titty sucking lmao)
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eren + armin + jean.
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connie + levi + erwin.
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reiner + porco + bertholdt.
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
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Safe inside myself Are all my thoughts of you…
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
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have u seen him?
now u have~ he’s mine heh...
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
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ema through the years
requested by anonymous
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
🌼Gunpowder & Chamomile🌼
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Levi x GNReader 
Fluff :)
Wordcount: 2.2K
"But most of all he savored the scent of gunpowder that faded away as he moved to taste the sweet chamomile on your breath." 
The splinters of the rough wood pulled at your shirt as you carried the heavy boxes from the storage room to the carts. The final box was the biggest as it carried the flare guns. You were slow getting to the cart as you peeked over the box careful not to step on any uneven stones. Also, it was pretty heavy. 
The box was suddenly lifted from your hands and your eyes met green ones. At first, they held a gentle look but it soon hardened when the eyes scanned the area around you.
“What are you doing loading the supply cart all by yourself.”
“I’m just finishing up, I sent my squad to dinner early.”
Mike carried the heavy box with ease and set it on the cart gently. When he pushed it in its place alongside the others, you placed the board back and secured everything. He stood by you as you finished.
“Thanks by the way. The last thing I need is to choke on smoke from a misfired flare.”
He gave a small laugh and accompanied you as you walked to the dining hall.
“Not a problem, I didn’t want you late to the table, you know how Levi is about timeliness.”
You felt a small pit in your stomach. All of the prominent leaders in the regiment were always busy, but the time etched out for everyone, no matter the rank. Was evening dinner. 
Being the squad leader for one of the supply teams, you were often a few minutes late from double and even triple-checking your cart to be thorough, much to your squad members’ dismay. And it was even more irritating to Levi since you were a part of the table he sat at for dinner. 
But you would always forget how upset he would get since you always felt like there was no real bite in his words towards you. His eyes would give away a bit too much when he spoke, so you knew he could never stay upset with you. And you may or may not have taken advantage of that.
The smell of the dining hall grew stronger as you both approached the doorway but Levi happened to turn the corner and blocked your path. 
“There you two are.” 
He looked at you and pointed to the nearby door outside.
“Go brush yourself off before you eat.”
You felt your spirit fizzle a bit from the blunt statement but you knew he wasn't exactly known for being nice. You looked down and saw all of the wood chips and dust on your shirt. 
“o-oh, yeah”
Mike put his hand on your shoulder and squeezed lightly while giving you a reassuring nod.
“I’ll get your plate for you.”
You smiled and went outside while Mike joined Levi inside the hall. By the time you arrived at the table, most everyone had settled in.
Hange waved to you excitedly and pointed to the seat across the table which was for you. Hange was flailing around and Levi stood nearby, with a growing expression of irritation at the hands in front of his face. He set down your plate of food along with an empty teacup. He then walked around the table to take his seat once more. It seemed as if Levi decided to make tea for the table today. 
When you took your seat next to Mike, you gave him a questioning look while glancing at Levi to ask silently why he got your plate, but Mike just shrugged and continued to eat. With a vague answer, you peeked around him and greeted Erwin and Moblit who were at the end of the table. They only smiled and waved back as they both had their mouths full. 
Before you could say anything Hange started to grab your attention again.
“Leeevi ~, decided to make us your favorite tea tonight!”
Your eyes watched the teapot in front of you as Levi had stood up and was silently pouring the tea into your cup. A surprised look overtook your face and you glanced up at Levi who was glaring at Hange
“Oh really? You found some chamomile flowers?”
He huffed as he sat back down, gently poking a potato slice and then bringing it up to his lips. He avoided eye contact.
“Hange asked me to make it.”
You looked over at Hange who gave you a serious look while shaking their head in disagreement, mouthing ‘he found them and picked them’. But the expression turned to pain as they winced from a mysterious kick to the shin which was obviously from Levi. 
Erwin had been quiet but he let a small smile perk up at his lips as he looked over at you. 
“It’s a pleasant surprise to have chamomile tea, and I’m glad someone was thoughtful enough to make it for you and share it with us Y/n.” 
Your eyes met Erwin’s, who was staring directly at you but there was a mischievous spark in his eyes. He suddenly winked and then glanced towards the dark-haired man that sat next to him, who was sipping tea in an effort to act as if he weren't listening. A sly smile flashed across your face before you turned to Hange with an innocent smile.
“Well, thank you for remembering Hange, it’s very sweet of you. I didn't think anyone would remember something small like my favorite tea.”
Hange gave you a curious look but then caught on.
“Hah! You’re welcome! Anything for you beloved.”
You saw Levi’s jaw clench as he let out a very small cough but he hid his face in his cup.
Erwin smiled into his bite of food and went to talking with Mike and Moblit once more as if he hadn’t just instigated. 
Levi stiffly set his cup down but his expression relaxed once he saw you watching him.
“Would you pour me a little more Levi?”
Everyone seemed to be in a good mood so there were frequent laughs and smiles shared. Even Erwin and Levi gave out some smiles and laughs which were rare. They were all optimistic for the next day.
When most everyone had finished their plates Erwin was the first to dismiss himself waving to everyone goodnight, stating he still needed to get some last-minute paperwork done. Hange and Moblit followed as they went to finish what last bit of research they could for the day, leaving Mike, Levi, and you. It was a brief chat between you three in expectancy for the newbie’s training exercise the next day, but Mike soon moved to leave as well.
“Y/n you are headed to the showers soon right.”
You felt yourself deflate a bit as you laughed nervously.
“Gee, thanks for indirectly telling me I smell Mike.”
He laughed and nudged you with his elbow as he carried his plate.
“You just smell like gunpowder is all I’m saying, I don’t think it's good to sleep like that.”
“Yeah yeah, you just like to make fun of me. See you tomorrow morning.” You lazily waved your hand toward him as he walked off so you turned to gather your plates as well. Levi stood with you collecting the teaware. 
After placing your cup on your empty plate you stuck out your hand for him to place the extra teacup that he couldn't carry. You silently walked together to the dish room and washed the tea set side by side in comfortable silence. He lingered next to you for a moment as he reached for a teacup, noticing your scent.
It was a strong smell of gunpowder but he could still catch the normal soft scent you always had of lavender and oak, and now chamomile from the tea. 
“You really do smell like gunpowder.”
“Not you toooooo. I'm in the armory all day! What else do you guys expect?”
He let out a light chuckle and took the last teacup that you had finished washing to dry it. 
“You're doing grunt work when you’re supposed to be the squad leader giving out instructions.”
The teacups clinked as he stacked the final cup with the now clean set and handed you the towel to dry your hands. You couldn't say much as he was pretty much calling you out so he spoke again.
“I get it, but you should rely on your squad more so they can rely on you, it's a mutual relationship.” 
“Since when did you become an expert on relationships Mr. Antisocial?”
He gave you a brief glare and held the teacups before nodding to the teapot for you to carry, you followed him out of the kitchen and down the hallway.
“Since I started shitting bricks. Listen, take my advice as you will, but trust is a big part of being a leader.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll make sure to keep your words in mind.” 
The hallway was empty except for the two of you and you thoughtfully took in his words, planning to start implementing his advice tomorrow. You hadn’t noticed how closely Levi walked next to you until you felt his elbow brush against yours, and upon your observation, the contact was immediately followed by him distancing himself once more. It fell away from your mind as he unlocked his office door, letting you in as he followed.
The room was dark but you immediately stepped over to the large cabinet as you knew where to put the teaware. The glass door gently clicked open and you set the teapot inside before turning around to find Levi right behind you who was closer than you expected. You couldn't see much but his silhouette in the dark lighting.
A gasp came out of you and you grabbed your collar as you walked around him. 
“Jeez, don’t scare me like that.”
He responded plainly and began to fiddle with the placement of everything in the cabinet while you looked around the dark office for a candle. When you finally lit up the room something immediately caught your eye. A small basket sat on a small end table behind his office chair and as you got closer you realized that the basket held a few bundles of dried chamomile. 
“You found quite a bit huh.”
He closed the cabinet door with a soft click as he turned to look at you. He let out an uninterested hum and then went for the exit. But you stopped him.
“Wait, Levi.”
When he stopped at the door he kept his back to you but he turned his head to listen.
“Thank you.”
He turned around and gave you his look of confusion which was just his brow furrowing for a moment.
“What for?”
“Just for everything. I don’t think I’ve said it enough to you.”
You walked up closer to him and put your free hand on his shoulder. He looked at you cautiously so you spoke softly. Although, there was a hint of amusement in your tone.
“And thank you for thinking of me, and making me my favorite tea.”
Following your statement, you smiled at him while raising your hand to gently place your thumb on his chin so he wouldn't turn too quickly. 
He could feel the warmth of the candle in your hand get closer to his chest as you placed a soft kiss on his cheek. There were so many sensations that swirled around him when he felt your touch. The comforting yellow flame, the feeling of your lips on him, and your soft exhale that felt like electricity on his skin as you began to move away. 
But most of all he savored the scent of gunpowder that faded away as he moved to taste the sweet chamomile on your breath. 
The sudden advancement from him caught you off guard but he was still gentle. There was no brashness to how he touched you. The desk was suddenly pressing into your back and you paused for a moment, so he stopped and watched your expression carefully. His dark lashes shadowed his eyes as he lifted his eyes to meet your gaze. You only looked back at him, unable to think of what to do next.
Before the moment finished he took the candle from you and set it to the side.
He pressed himself closer to you, brushing your hair away from your face while he briefly observed the charming details of your face. When his grey eyes met yours there was a soft glimmer to them and his voice was deep and tender.
“It’s your turn.”
There was another brief pause as you took in all of these new expressions that were being shown on his face. Before you realized it you had reached up to touch his soft, dark locks that had fallen forward. And he began to smile, but it was his response to the smile that was already on your face. 
You brushed the edge of his lips with your thumb in endearance before bringing your lips to his. He had felt a blush spread across his face because of what you said before you kissed him once more. The words echoing in his mind.
“You're so handsome when you smile.”
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
Levi: Do you want to know your gay name?
Erwin: My.. gay name?
Levi: Yeah, it’s your first name—
Erwin: Ha, ha, very funny!
Levi, getting down on one knee: —And my last name.
Erwin: Oh my god.
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
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AWOOGAAAA THEY LOOK SO REAL AND HOT AND OMG LOOK AT REINER AND LEVI SKDBDHWBDBJWBR ⚔️Hange, Annie, Zeke, Reiner, Eren, Levi, Erwin, Jean🦧 ~Attack on titan~ art by @artofneight on twitter
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
About ch. 69 (manga by Hitomi) 
(translation by konekojita / typeset & cleaning by cseg64)
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Keep reading
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
Erwin: I am, as the kids say, awake
Hanji: don’t you mean “woke”?
Erwin: I did, but it’s grammatically incorrect
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
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POV: Erwin would like to have a word with you
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
no one:
not a soul:
me thinking about my emotional support anime boys:
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
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Thank you for everything, Erwin Smith
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
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Shingeki no Easter! 🐰
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erwin-beloved · 3 years
This is me grieving over Erwin
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