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uh hi?- pansexual - Xe, it, They, her pronouns please<3 - I do tmrandom drabble ideas either for random thoughts or for my OC's
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errors-cove · 3 years ago
I'm just now realizing that I have writers block- can some of y'all request like- headcanon's or little scenarios?? I can try to do characters but it probably wont be the best, I can also post a list of OC's and y'all can choose from that eventually?
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errors-cove · 3 years ago
'What time is it?...where is she?...oh that's right...' a small grunt came from under the dirt that had been freshly dug up and replaced, a hand eventually reaching through and creating more room.
"Ngh! Heh...really think that a little snap like that will stop me love?.." there was a sharp crack as the now...alive? No...undead man snapped his neck back into place, rolling his head around "mnh~ much better~! Now."
He pulls himself out of the grave, grunting as he did and stretching a bit, looking around with a 'tsk' "it looks like death here...oh wait, it's a graveyard..right" he straightened the tie he was wearing and fixing his gloves as he walked through the snow that started to fall.
Heading to a small town and chuckling "oh my love...I made that vow to you...from day to night...I shall forever remain by your side....until the life leaves your eyes...and your soul cuts its earthly ties...even if it means returning from the devil's myself..." the man cracked a wicked smirk, his teeth glinting snow white in the small light of the moon
He stopped just a small bit before the town, looking down at it in resentment "I pray that your ready for round two of pathetic mortals...I'm on my way love..." the males smirk grew wider "and I have the perfect place for you...right by my from harm...and we will be the most powerful people on this planet~! You'll be treated like a queen...and I...will only be serve you, protect you...and please you.."
The man walks towards his loves house, shoes making small click noises as he did, entering the home to see her waiting there, sitting on the couch and standing to greet him "Ezirieal!! I knew you'd return!" The man only strode over to hug her "of course....I am dreadfully sorry it took so long though, my dear.."
The girl merely shook her head "do not be sorry, my love, now...what do you wish to do?" "I wish to destroy everything that caused you pain...make it suffer...but for now....I only wish to hold you my dear...the rest can wait." The girl smiled and rested her head on the males chest "I love you, truly ezirieal" the man smiled "and I love much it hurts...Alunia"
The two stayed like that, merely standing and basking in the company of one another, before morning came and they plotted out what to do next, they'd destroy the town and everyone there...then run away...start a new life...and live happily together. Just those two....just...Ezirieal and Alunia.
Never separate...
Never lie...
Never fight...
Just hurting anyone who dared to hurt his wife...and making sure they were never found...
"Ezirieal, I'm going for a walk, will you join me?" Said male lifted his head to look at the woman standing before him "you sure my love?" She merely nodded and he smiled, marking his page and standing "then how could I refuse...after all, you are my wife...and the mother of my child" he smiled softly at her, placing a hand on her stomach and leaning down to trap her lips in a gentle kiss.
She smiled and pulled away "let's go, my prince" he chuckled and gestured for her to walk in front "you first, my queen"
*casually does a writing dump* well! This is a story I completely forgot I wrote
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errors-cove · 3 years ago
Hiya! I wanted to do some head cannons for my OC's with a chubby partner! So enjoy <3
She is the SWEETEST person you will ever meet.
So what?? You got a little (or a lot) of extra meat on your bones- she literally does N O T care.
You dont feel confident in certain clothes? She is right behind you saying little sweet things about you<3
"Aw, but this makes you looks amazing my love!" She'll say as she turns you around to face her.
Someone's being rude and making fun of you? Ohohoho
They done fucked U P
She will be there in a F L A S H
Putting an arm around your waist and smiling at the person, albeit a forced one.
"I'm there a reason your bothering my darling?"
"Uhm...n-no ma'am I was jus-"
"I see. Well if you didnt need anything from -insert pronoun- then leave."
She immediately turn to you after they leave, asking if you were okay or if they hurt you
"M-miya! I promise I'm fine!"
"Well I'm making sure of it! C'mon, let's get some ice cream or something! My treat!"
"Its Always your treat- you never let me pay!"
"Because an angel such as yourself doesn't need to pay!"
If y'all are at home and cuddling, her favorite spot to put her head; T H I G H S
Like- you CANNOT blame this girl for wanting to use your thighs as a pillow while you play with her hair- she A D O R E S when you do!
You fall asleep on her?
Death glares ANYONE who walks into the room so they stay quiet.
Overall she's a GREAT girlfriend! Just- very clingy
Pretty much the same as miya!
Very sweet and nice, doesn't care about looks!
If you dont feel comfortable in something he'll just go to his closet and grab one of his shorts or hoodies that you loved and toss it at you
"Tch- why am I giving it to you? So you feel comfortable dumbass! I dont want you to be uncomfortable..."
A TOTAL tsundere!
You compliment him?
"S-shut up! Y-your cuter than me!"
He'd be EXTREMELY red
he's a TOTAL simp
Will never admit it though. 😌
Someone makes you feel uncomfortable?
Hahahha- your death wish shall be granted. I wish them luck!
He'll go straight for the punch, does N O T care
Pull you away from the situation(very gently) and ask if your okay
"You okay?"
"Mhm..I'm fine!..but..can we go home?.."
"*sigh* of course my little star"
When y'all cuddle his favorite place to lay is your stomach!
It gives him the perfect view of your face and smile
Man's absolutely ADORES it when you play with his hair-
He fucking
Will complain whenever you stop
"Heyyy why'd you stop??"
"I needed to check my phone"
" can wait"
He'd grumble and pull your hand back to his hair
Overall? Amazing partner<3
Man's will treat you like ROYALTY
Pays for everything, cooks for you, buys little gifts and trinkets you might like!
someone makes you uncomfortable?
The body is N E V E R found
His favorite place to put his head is probably your shoulder, he'll just bury his face in the crook of your neck and hold you
Great partner<3
Welp! That's the end of this one- sorry it's short, but my brain is dying! <3
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