We live in NYC. We have five kids. We bought a sail boat. We called it Fezywig. www.fezywig.com
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

You rang? We’re loving the newly rebuilt Saba Rock in North Sound, Virgin Gorda. Emily and I first came here in 2010 when we were learning how to sail. After back to back hurricanes in 2017 the place was demolished. Now it’s back and better than ever. We’d love to bring you here sometime. Just drop us a line to see if it’s a match. #caribbeanvacation #parenting #bvi #sailing #teambuildingevent @ypoglobal (at Saba Rock Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqHdHP5uBDF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We were honored to be part of the kick-off season for a new show called Hello Sunday. Our segment is a fun recap of our sailing trip, a dive into the lessons we learned and how they have effected our lives and travels since. The folks at @monument.tv and @BYUTv did a beautiful job! Our segment starts about 1 min in. CLICK LINK in bio to watch. https://www.instagram.com/p/CG5o124hdpd/?igshid=nelf20al4gid
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Are you fighting the good fight against uncertainty and worry? We want to help. We’re having fun making something awesome for you over at @theawesomefactorynyc We think you’re gonna like it. Coming soon. #comingsoon #awesome (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMepmcBHCD/?igshid=1194f2nudn61q
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Had no idea how many #parents are struggling with this, so now this: What are your kids doing for school this fall? Weighing your options? Click link in bio to REGISTER Is Homeschooling Right for My Family? Live Session Wednesday, July 22, 7 p.m. EST Shout out to all you courageous parents + guardians exploring school options. We've been there. We want to help. In 2007, homeschooling unexpectedly emerged as the ideal option for our family. Last week, we shared 13 years of homeschool experience with Park Slopes Parents in Brooklyn, NY. Now, we're opening it up to frustrated moms and dads across the country. At @theawesomefactorynyc, we know that thoughtful consideration of what matters most to you is the first step in living a better story. “That was AWESOME! Thank you both for all that amazing wisdom. It’s so valuable coming from people who WALK THE WALK. Or, in your case, climb the mountain, sail the seas, tend the goats…” - Carla Weiss (Director of Events and Marketing, Park Slope Parents, Brooklyn NY) P.S. Can't make it Wed July 22 7pm? The session and Q&A will be available for replay for a limited time to everyone who registers. Click link in bio to reserve your spot. #homeschool #homeschooling #school #covid19 #covid_19 #covid #coronavirus https://www.instagram.com/p/CCuj3xEB8j-/?igshid=1eo3hdvkcmq3l
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I feel like my big sister and I have been kicking around together since I was born 😆 I don't see her very often these days but it was fun to celebrate her birthday together this past weekend. Love you @tanjagreaves (at Springfield, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCUW_pjhZns/?igshid=6h6gujj78w1a
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I was thinking about it this weekend and remembered July 4, 1776 wasn’t the day America felt independent. It was the day it was first written down. There were decades, and even centuries, of work after that, but it began with writing it down. That’s the power of writing something down. -Erik What have you written down? What have you declared for yourself? #independence #work #writingitdown https://www.instagram.com/p/CCP0OuUhKas/?igshid=18009wzb036cv
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Lily’s dreams came true: she lost a tooth, got $1, and bought ice cream. #icecreamdreams (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1ffMFhgqK/?igshid=14myk5cuuw8i9
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From @emilyorton2020: Happy Juneteenth! I learned about Emancipation Day in 2014, when this photo was taken. It’s celebrated across the Caribbean. When we lived on a sailboat, we stopped in Matthewtown, Great Inagua, Bahamas. It’s not a tourist town. This town makes Salt. Morton Salt in the main employer. It’s a quiet place so this man, Steve, and his daughter, Keva, drove to the docks to see who might be new and found us. They offered us a local fruit, guineps, and taught us to eat the tangy white pulp. Steve was a former mayor of Matthewtown and he loved country music. When he learned that we didn’t listen to much country, he decided to educate us. Steve opened up the doors on his massive pick-up truck, turned up his speakers, and ran through a playlist of all his favorites. We all sat on the dock while Keva and Lily danced. Keva was home for the Emancipation Day holidays. On Great Inagua, families celebrated with reunions. Everyone came home to reconnect for a couple of weeks. Steve played country music for us until his truck battery died. I’m still not a huge country music fan, but I get excited when I see guineps at the street markets in my Caribbean neighborhood (Washington Heights). Most of all, I love the Emancipation Day celebration as a renewal of family bonds. I told Steve and Keva, “I love your holiday. I wish we had it in the US. Americans would love something like this because nobody is really free until we’re all free.” Little did I know, we had a holiday like this in the US: Juneteenth. I was late to the party. My parents didn’t tell me. I doubt they knew because they are social activists and would have leaned hard into an emancipation celebration. I never learned about it in school and I went to 6 of them. I never read about it in history books or in biographies about African Americans. I didn’t see it in movies. None of my Black friends mentioned it. Now, everybody knows about Juneteenth—it’s a Google doodle. Now, that we know about the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery (well, everybody knowing that slavery was over-even in Texas) in the United States. Now, that we know—let’s celebrate! 🎉 #juneteenth (at Matthew Town, Inagua, Bahamas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBqu3wHhjF3/?igshid=t467uc6reeh9
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Just wrapped 2 weeks of shooting. We’re excited to share what we’ve been working on. Coming your way soon. Thanks to @maritaorton and papito for the sweet digs. #makingstuff #covid19life #covid19 #dreamingwithdiscipline (at Somewhere Awesome) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBqrslSB3CX/?igshid=fg5ogyyv3503
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I love these men, their music and these words. If I’m anything, I want to be humble. Thank you for healing my heart a little bit today. @thebonnerfamilymusic @conlon_bonner @yahoshb https://www.instagram.com/p/CBeB9HOBoUN/?igshid=1nijnbwexyup1
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A summer afternoon with my mom. She’s been going through chemo but I haven’t seen her in 5 months because of Covid. This week is her last heavy dose. I’m so proud of her courage and tenacity and my dad’s loving support. #cancer #family https://www.instagram.com/p/CBHv2UDhoDp/?igshid=1ewkam2uyri3l
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My grandfather used to travel from Finland--where he lived--to Spain where he would spend his winters. He would sit on the small balcony of his apartment and sip champagne. He was a painter and wore a cravat and beret at a jaunty angle. It was all very artsy. During our van trip in late 2018, Emily, our kids and I chanced up on this small coastal town in southern Spain. The warm white roofs and soft beaches were a welcome rest after the miles we’d been logging on the freeways. Even though my grandfather passed away many years ago, I felt like I was connecting with him anew. In honor of my grandfather I re-enacted this photo of him sitting on his balcony in Spain. Wherever you are, I hope you have an awesome weekend full of peace, rest and good memories. Drink responsibly 😆 #milk #awesomeweekend (at Las Negras, Andalucia, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxz1cJBEwj/?igshid=79s0kc8ul8gk
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Repost from @emilyorton2020 . She is the best at this, and I am on the lucky receiving end here at @theawesomefactorynyc ・・・ True at home. True at work. This quote was from yesterday��s IGTV on making the most of mealtime prep especially when families are together more during this pandemic pause. But it’s not just for relationships at home. Norm Merritt, CEO of Qualitiest says, “As a leader, you need to recognize that what’s best for the people, personally and professionally, is also best for the company.”❤️ (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAdganfBmhg/?igshid=1oexxg4r486i
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I present to you: Saint Erik. Just kidding. It’s just me wearing a red bandana. The same red bandana *every* day. 😆 But this time I’m under an arch. #10weeksofquarantine (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAbwT4mBCs1/?igshid=1ewu072hv9nfs
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Beach hopping for some salty air. Holding out hope for some surfing this summer. (at Long Island, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAbV8akhhnW/?igshid=mqbepd9xtbld
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Just trying to make something awesome. Hope you’re doing well. NYC pause extended to June 13. Sigh 😔 (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAOAkLLhODW/?igshid=1pm6db4w25c95
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Hey there. Emily and I are up to something over at @theawesomefactorynyc. It’s brand new. Join us if you dare 😆 It’s gonna be fun. Happy Week 9 of quarantine! #new #trending 😇 #awesome (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B__KEp0BXgY/?igshid=3ro87uxibzjq
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