JJBA: Eredita D'oro Official
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The official blog for Giogio's Venture: Eredita D'oro, a 7th Stand User fangame based on Part 5!
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eredita-doro · 7 days ago
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We haven't had an update in a while, so here's a quick bit of new content for you all: the 9 protagonist designs! The original 7SU's protagonists had designs that were known to be very simple and blend into each other, so we made sure that every single design here is as unique and bizarre as any other stand user! They are, from left to right:
Masculine Average Feminine Average Masculine Short Feminine Short Masculine Chubby Feminine Chubby Masculine Tall Feminine Tall Androgynous Average
These designs can all be selected freely seperately from your pronoun selection
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eredita-doro · 2 months ago
Will Jotaro have a greater role than in the original manga?
No, this isn't his part
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eredita-doro · 2 months ago
Will Eredita D'oro have OC Boss Battles?
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eredita-doro · 3 months ago
The PC Stand Masterpost
This will contain links to the post describing every playable character stand.
Power-Type Stands
Short-Range: Get Back
Mid-Range: Dr. Kitch
Long-Range: All Apologies
Speed-Type Stands
Short-Range: Travellin' Shoes
Mid-Range: Guantanamera
Long-Range: Ezy Ryder
Control-Type Stands
Short-Range: Question
Mid-Range: The Blur
Long-Range: Aguas De Marco
Special-Type Stands
Short-Range: Sympathy For The Devil
Mid-Range: Seek & Destroy
Long-Range: The Pencil Rain
Support-Type Stands
Short-Range: Tiney Winey
Mid-Range: Juke Box Hero
Long-Range: Second Wind
Swarm-Type Stands
Short-Range: Mal Bicho
Mid-Range: Marvin's Marvellous Mechanical Museum
Long-Range: Is Miguel
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eredita-doro · 3 months ago
Eredita D'oro now has a discord server! I've added the link to the masterpost
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eredita-doro · 3 months ago
Stand Showcase #18: Tiney Winey
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"Less is more" This is TINEY WINEY, the Close-Range Support Stand, and the 10th of the 18 Stands your main character can play!
"The Warden Stand" has the powerful ability to "simplify reality for the user to understand", subtracting features from what it touches to transmute it into the simplest possible version of itself. This "simplification" exists at three stages: Stage 1 simply makes its targets more streamlined, while Stage 2 starts to become more offensive as the target starts to lose vital features, until we reach Stage 3, which causes the target to start to become abstract.
Tiney Winey, fittlingly, has a very simple gameplay gimmick: Its usage of three unique status effects that reflect the three stages of its ability: Simple 1, Simple 2 and Simple 3. Simple 1 is a support effect that prevents party members from gaining new status effects, Simple 2 is a debuff that drains an enemy's stats and will eventually allow the user to predict their actions, and Simple 3 constricts the target and amplifies the effects of Simple 2.
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eredita-doro · 3 months ago
Stand Showcase #17: Travellin' Shoes
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"Cold headed suit" This is TRAVELIN' SHOES, the Close-Range Speed Stand, and the 9th of the 18 Stands your main character can play!
Travellin' Shoes is the sole suit stand out of the 18 playable MC stands, and has the ability to utilise 7 different modes that each allows the user to "escape" a physical law for a brief 10 second period: Gravity (no longer linking the user to the ground), Entropy (Causing energy to build up inside the user), Resistance (Turning the user intangible), Refraction (Turning the user invisible), Friction (Allowing the user to move unrestrained by resistance), Inertia (Making the user an immovable object that stays still no matter what), and Time (Stopping everything, although the user cannot move, just think). Each of these abilities is immensely powerful on its own, let alone combined with the others, but the user must rely on being able to properly time which mode they can briefly access.
Travellin' Shoes' greatest gift to its user is "Mobility". Throughout the adventure, you will always be given an opportunity to be more mobile, whether it be through the ability to run away or get to a better location in story encounters, or to access certain locations of the map that only Travellin' Shoes-aided parkour can reach. In combat, each of its Modes is represented in a short but powerful buff, making control of timing which perfect one to use the centre of its gameplay.
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eredita-doro · 4 months ago
Stand Showcase #16: Juke Box Hero
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"Tuning in..." This is JUKE BOX HERO, the Mid-Range Support Stand, and 11th of the 18 Stands your main character can play!
"The Boombox Stand" is bound to a pair of items - a Boombox and a Tape Recorder - although its main ability comes from the Boombox, which can make anybody that hears the sound broadcasted from it feel the same feelings as those who made the original sound. A sad song could invoke sad feelings, an energetic song could evoke energy, and hearting audio of someone being shot will evoke the pain of being shot. This can be transmitted through simply playing what can be found on the airwaves, or by using the tape recorder to record the audio of the world around the user, and recreating the feelings present in the world around them, whether those be everyday or the supernatural…
Juke Box Hero's gimmick comes in play with this recording mechanic, which allows the user to capture and replay the actions of other ability users around them, essentially allowing them to copy the abilities of their allies or reflect the actions of their enemies back at them - although the damage will be weakened and nonfatal, since it only recreates the feelings, not the actions themselves. This is a powerful move, but requires careful setup to use, making it a perfect ability for the stratetically minded. Outside of this, Juke Box Hero's moveset mainly hinges around giving allies various buffs, making it a supportive powerhouse.
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eredita-doro · 4 months ago
Stand Showcase #15: The Blur
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"What could've been" This is THE BLUR, the Mid-Range Control Stand, and the 8th of the 18 Stands your main character can play!
"The Haunting Stand" manifests its power through special clouds of mist that cause people caught within them to hallucinate visions of "what could have been". These manifest as the regrets a target has in their life, and the people they wished they could have had a different outcome with. If a person stares too long at one of these visions, then the people pictured within them become hostile and attack the target - although the damage they take from these attacks is still an illusion, so it cannot kill, only send people unconscious.
What is more dangerous, however, is the mist's secondary effect, "Hanahaki Infection". As a person stays within the mist, caught up in the illusions of their regrets, The Blur will be able to start to grow little white flowers within their body, constricting and choking the target, which unlike the illusory phantasms, are very much real.
The unique gameplay mechanics that arise from The Blur actually come from subjecting yourself and your allies to its effects, bringing out the ghosts of you and your allies' regrets, and fighting them as exclusive bonus boss fights. While confronting your demons may be tough, being able to triumph over them will absolutely allow you to grow stronger...
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eredita-doro · 4 months ago
Stand Showcase #14: Second Wind
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"Safe and sound" This is SECOND WIND, the Long-Range Support Stand, and 12th of the 18 Stands your main character can play.
"The Meticulous Stand"'s ability automatically activates based on the user's "bad feelings", generating minature tornadoes to prevent them from anything they feel is dangerous, whether this be founded or unfounded. Once these tornadoes are generated, the user can freely move them around and change their shape.
However, Second Wind's true potential comes from its ability to be temporarily granted to another person, allowing them to surpass the one stand rule in exchange for leaving the original user completely defenseless. However, a new user of Second Wind has less control over the stand than the original user, and can only return it to the original user when they do not feel like they are in any danger, and thus cannot give it back during a battle.
Gameplay-wise, Second Wind has a fast and defensive gameplay style, with its tornadoes primarily acting to protect the user from any harm. Of course, the main interesting details come from the Lending mechanic, granting an ally an immense buff at the cost of making the original user practically useless in combat - which, of course, can't be avoided by slotting them out of the party, since they're the player character. This ability is particularly useful in scenes in which the PC is not able to participate in the same battle as other characters, with the stand's long range allowing the support it provides to help anywhere an ally goes.
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eredita-doro · 4 months ago
what’s the reference for each stand so far?
Every stand has the band they are a reference to in the tags, if you search the stand name and the band name together you should be able to find all of them
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eredita-doro · 4 months ago
Stand Showcase #13: The Pencil Rain
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"Can't feel anything, can do anything" This is THE PENCIL RAIN, the Long-Range Special Stand, and the 7th of the 18 Stands your main character can play!
"The Corruption Stand" takes the form of a wooden slingshot which can manifest small balls of ink inside of it, which can be pulled back and catapulted at enemies. When someone is hit by one of these projectiles, the part of the body hit will become "zombified", transforming into hostile undead flesh. And since the rest of the body is not like this, the affected part will begin to attack the victim, attempting to subject them to autocannibalism. The only way to escape this effect is to flee the range of the stand. However, the stand's effectiveness doesn't stop there. By precisely targeting themself, the user is capable of fully zombifying themself, gaining the powers of a creature of the night. While like this, the user is more durable and more powerful, but be careful, as you may just lose yourself...
For The Pencil Rain, the name of the game is overwhelming offense, which manifests most clearly through its unique status effect, Infection. While it primarily functions as a powerful damage over time effect, stacking it on itself three times will Turn a target, making them lose control of themselves, randomly getting status effects that inhibit their self control such as Confusion or Paralysis. Simiarly, the user can induce this effect upon themselves, becoming a powerful juggernaught and even gaining unique moves they can only use in this state, but are similarly under the same state, and will randomly lose control of themself.
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eredita-doro · 5 months ago
What is your favourite of the stands, dear account moderator?
It hasn't actually been shown yet, and in fact, if I'm remembering the order correctly, will be the final MC stand revealed, so make sure you stay ready for that :]
However, my second favorite one is Mal Bicho, so out of the ones revealed, that one!
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eredita-doro · 5 months ago
I'm not sure I understand how the Terrain Meter works, is it a meter that fill up as you fight or it's more of a second XP bar that you fill out by spreading your stand on the overworld?
You fill it up over the course of a fight
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eredita-doro · 5 months ago
Stand Showcase #12: Is Miguel
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"The sun of Naples" This is IS MIGUEL, the Long-Range Swarm Stand, and the 13th of the 18 Stands your main character can play!
"The Farmhand Stand" is comprised of many units, each containing a silo of "Stand Seeds" in their body. These units are capable of planting these seeds in the ground, after which they will slowly sprout into any weapon the user can picture. While anything can be chosen, melee weapons are generally more efficient than ranged ones, as ammunition needs to be grown individually.
Is Miguel's primary function is powering up over time. While this is reflected in the time in battle needed to let the weapon seeds grow to unleash stronger attacks or buffs, it is also reflected in the Terrain Meter, a representation of how wide the stand has spread and how much land it is currently tilling. Despite it being a Long-Range stand, Is Miguel actually doesn't let you initially use long-range moves, but as the Terrain Meter ramps up, Is Miguel's attacks increase in both power and range
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eredita-doro · 5 months ago
Is it me or the Doctor is the only without a 'special mechanic'?
Dr. Kitch's special mechanic is simply its ability to freely use any debuff in the game
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eredita-doro · 6 months ago
Stand Showcase #11: Dr. Kitch
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"It'll be over soon..." This is DR. KITCH, the Mid-Range Power Stand, and the 6th of the 18 Stands your main character can play!
"The Injection Stand" has a simple, but powerful ability: to manipulate the vitamins in a target's body. With the needles in its fingers, it may drain a target's vitamins, causing deficiencies, which are stored in capsules on its body. With enough force, these capsules can be broken to unleash a charged overdose of the vitamins in a dust form. A subtle balance between these methods cannot truly be achieved though, making Dr. Kitch ironically a doctor that can only harm, not heal.
In gameplay, Dr. Kitch is the de facto master of debuffing. Every single debuff in the game's wide variety that are not stand specific is available for the player to unleash through their moves, allowing the player to easily wear down and destroy any enemy that they come across.
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