Eoin's Blog
51 posts
Welcome to my lair! I will try to remember to put any funny or interesting things i stumble across up here. I love strategy, sports, competition, games, arts, history, stories and animals, I hate bananas.
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eoincomp · 7 years ago
Do’s and Doughnuts
Day 9561 of my existence (thats 26 and a bit in human-Roman-Earth years), the day where I reached the point where I am unlikely to buy Doughnuts anymore. 
My war against time continues, this is not as bad as passing 25 when my Frontal cortex is estimated to begin getting worse faster than it gets better, but its a chapter all the same.
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eoincomp · 7 years ago
Wall of Text using UBI and physical Objectivity as bricks
Pablo Griswold UBI disincentivizes work. Who will go to work when you have everything provided? What happens when people choose to live their life entertaining themselves rather than working, resulting in higher rates of depression and feelings of worthlessness? People who aren't productive can demonstrably be shown to be have more mental health issues. UBI will only encourage this more. Most people aren't self motivated enough to overcome their own self destructive nature on their own. First of all, the opinion of the enemy.
APaleDot your exception doesn't disprove the rule. Then again, is it really an exciton? You have some work/purpose you are striving for. What happens to the people who are striving to provide for their family? What happens when they have no useful skills because everything is provided? Many will wallow in the depression of feeling helpless. Capitalism may not be helping you, but it clearly isn't stopping you. UBI has numerous hypothetical problems, none of which have been properly answered. The biggest one of all, though, is how to give people purpose in a world where you no longer have to work. Currently, capitalism gives that incentive.
Then my opinion: (at the time of writing as well as probably in the future)
In a more direct response. In advance, sry for any simplifcations & assumptions, its not worth going into more detail or making a bigger wall of text on youtube.
 I have an issue with your use of work/purpose combined. If you understand them as the same thing well then it would make sense why you are attached to Capitalism. 
Your work does not have to be your purpose, in fact that is objectively strictly limiting. 
 If machine A is more efficient in Job A  than Person A, having Machine A doing job A  serves society better. 
 If machine A replaces Person A in Job A & person A's happiness is correlated with how much is produced in job A, they should be happier, since its more now. 
If Person A has biases that make them want to be the one that "helps" society they could 
1: Benefit society in the way of their choosing now that they have free time and a financial safety net or 
2: use their new free time to improve themselves and heal their biases. It would not be healthy for them to desire convincing themselves that society is dependent on them by more than it is. Think them putting laws in place to keep better workers away.
 If person A remains more efficient in their job (Job A) than any machine is, there is no incentive to replace person A. If anything there is more incentive for person A to improve due to increased competition, if automation brings that. 
 Q: What happens to the people striving to provide for their family? (in UBI)
 A: Their family is provided for so starvation and homelessness is not a fear as it would be under capitalism. TLDR if what you care about is if they are provided for, UBI is safer and probably better. 
 Are you saying people should find meaning in having people dependent on them to the point where you would want to deny your own family a safety net that keeps them safe from homelessness and starvation just so YOU can "let" them have their needs? 
 If the goal is to make sure the family is provided for, UBI is safer. If the goal is so that YOU provide for them, well now they don't need you for the basics, now you can use the free time and money you get from UBI to help their lives be even better, knowing they are safe. 
 You use lights and computers I assume, you didn't invent them, but they improve your family's quality of life, the beauty of global co-operation. 
 Q: What happens when they have no useful skills because everything is provided?
 A: If the goal is to provide: everything being provided sounds great. UBI wins.
--If the goal is to have skills: UBI frees society from jobs that can be done better by machines. So that people have the free time and financial safety required for self improvement. Therefore they should have more skills if developing those skills is their goal. 
 Capitalism uses the threat/real alternative of homelessness, discrimination & starvation to force people to develop skills required to do A JOB (not THE job the person is most suited for to help society or the job they want, but a job preferable to the alternative of poverty &or welfare). This often means the job they get to keep poverty at bay directly effects their personal development and hugely defines how their time is spent and the skills they develop which is hugely limiting, less so in ~best case scenarios but they are so rare. 
Its practically strictly worse than UBI with the only exception of they potentially make more money which is only a benefit if one is materialistic (which they shouldn't be since its unhealthy for oneself and imo its sick to flaunt ones comparative wealth when inequality exists). Capitalism incentivises materialism (Unhealthy and in a way sick due to inequality) and trends towards really top heavy power distribution, I read earlier this year that the worlds richest 1% hold more wealth/assets than the other 99% combined. UBI would solve both of those problems without creating a major one that people can prove so far afaik.
 “What happens when they have no useful skills because everything is provided?”
 1: Are you assuming one couldn't or wouldn't develop skills in the absence of a threat of poverty? everything being provided =/= no useful skills.   
 2: If a skills usefulness is directly correlated with how much it helps to provide, the skill of enabling machines to replace humans in jobs where it is in societies benefit is greater than the skill a person was using to work less efficiently than a machine would if it were enabled to do the job. 
TLDR a vote for UBI/Automation > continuing to do the job when a machine can do it better.
 3: Everything being provided strictly further enables them to develop skills. So if the usefulness of those skills is in the eye of the beholder, UBI again works much better than capitalism.
 "Many will wallow in the depression of feeling helpless"
 - Fail to earn money in capitalism and you're in poverty, which can lead to homelessness as well as many many other things which cause depression and feelings of helplessness. In UBI you have the tools required to pursue an objective and if you want to help the world I believe most can do more with UBI. 
"Capitalism may not be helping you, but it clearly isn't stopping you."
- I disagree and I find the sentence ridiculous, capitalism is hugely holding me back as an individual and I believe its hugely holding back society in comparison to how it would be with UBI. 
 "The biggest one of all, though, is how to give people purpose in a world where you no longer have to work. Currently, capitalism gives that incentive." 
-I would prefer to choose my purpose rather than be "given" one by someone. If I didn't have to work I would be free to follow my own objectives, like say refining a system that incorporates UBI and automation to benefit the world and myself or programming an algorithm to try and play Starcraft as well as possible with an APM limited to the average of a human professional player. 
 The incentive capitalism gives is to serve someone for self preservation or further materialism, anything else capitalism achieves can be achieved with UBI. 
~Any satisfaction one can get from capitalism that isn't immoral one can get from UBI. - I want that quote to be a thing after we switch to UBI
Q: Who will go to work when you have everything provided?
 A: Machines and people who want to. Practically everything can be automated. 
Q: What happens when people choose to live their life entertaining themselves rather than working, resulting in higher rates of depression and feelings of worthlessness? 
 A: The question has too many assumptions so instead I will point out a flawed foundation, the assumptions that people will not use the freed up time to benefit society or follow their own objectives which prevents depression and feelings of worthlessness. 
 "Most people aren't self motivated enough to overcome their own self destructive nature on their own." 
 -That opinion was formed upon analysis of a society that is limited by capitalism, but you may still be right.  
There are many solutions to this though and I think it would be the only major issue a UBI system would have, so many resources could be used on those solutions. It would also make society much more aware of something so important, its objectives. 
 Choosing Capitalism over UBI boils down to choosing  to have less effective wealth total (resources/work done etc) AND choosing for it to be distributed so that the most wealthy get MUCH more than the rest since capitalism naturally trends towards that, despite it being in agreement morally that the greater good would be better and peoples needs should to prioritised over the capacity for mega-gluttony.
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eoincomp · 7 years ago
UBI thoughts
A comment on a video about a dragon (which was animated on a mountain) led to a tangent about UBI (Universal Basic Income), and deep down in that tangent there was an opinion I disagreed with, so I shared my thoughts on UBI and then made a big OBJECTIVE wall of text to surround his opinions with so that the only light he ever saw again was the light of truth from the reflections of my wall, the great wall of Eoin #379884.
First some of my thoughts on UBI as a response to the  tangent and his (the ignorant person with an opinion that wasn’t mine) comment that was 7 minutes young when I began my first post on thoughts...which took me 2 minutes to write.
Seriously though this is a srs thing:
Universal Basic Income would free up society to replace much of the  human labour force with automation without leaving the replaced workers without money/shelter/food.
 In many areas machines would do jobs more efficiently thus helping society (more work done), so we should not use a system that disincentivizes using automation where its efficient (which is in many areas). 
 Also the people now free from those jobs have more choice in what they do in their lives. They would have more time and freedom for self improvement or even projects focused on improving the world.
 With UBI people would have the financial safety to pursue goals that involve scale-ability and long term investments (the type that help improve the world like new systems and technologies). Which would be coupled with the huge amount of additional available time which people could use to form groups dedicated to things like new ideologies, new governmental systems, new standards, new technologies & how to make use of the new technologies as tools. TLDR: I believe UBI would make for an amazing safety net which society could use to better itself.
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eoincomp · 7 years ago
Worlds Meta
These are the champions that I think will be pick/Banned the most in worlds.
Maokai (Flex: Top/Jungle) [Tank & Reliable CC, can lose any lane with grace]
Cho´gath (Flex: Top/Jungle) [Tank, Low CC, can only follow up, some dmg]
Jarvan (Flex: Jungle/Top,he will be banned a lot) [Tank, Reliable as fk, wombo]
Galio (Flex: Top/Mid) [Tank, Global,ult best as follow up, Peel]
Shen [Tank, Global, Can split push vs non Split push specialists]
Rumble [The main choice for Magic damage in the top lane]
Gnar [Split pusher that can teamfight with ult, weak vs gap close]
Seju (I think she will be banned a lot) [Tank, Wants meele top ally, teamfighter]
Gragas [Tank, Useful multi purpose ult]
Jarvan (Flex: Jungle/Top, he will be banned a lot) [Tank, Reliable, Wombo]
Cho´gath (Flex: Top/Jungle) [Tank, Low CC, can only follow up, some dmg]
Zac [Tank, Unusual ganks, good at ganking mid]
Rek¨sai [An AD option if you´re not a Lee player when you´re not Kayn]
Lee sin [Lee is never not meta to SKT]
Nidalee/Ezreal [AP/AD Poke + good early game]
Elise [Early game + Magic damage]
Kayn [Invader, dunno how many players picked him up though, early game]
Syndra [Reliable single target dmg, good lane phase]
Orianna [Shes always meta, safe blind unless lucian, wombo, generalist]
Corki [Marksman, Consistent mgc dmg, triforce power spike]
Cassio [Consistent magic dmg, scaling, peel, low range]
Le blanc [Mobile, early game, assassin, can roam]
Ryze [Consistent mgc dmg, scaling, can get abyssal]
Galio [Tank, Can roam, can dive, CC]
Taliyah [Roamer, generalist, blind pickable]
Kassadin [Assassin, Split pusher, no waveclear, scaling, weak lane phase]
Kalista (Permabannable/Broken) [Only real weakness is killing tanks and scaling, ult is super useful in pro play, the best picks in this meta are Kalista/Rakan and Kalista/Thresh]
Trist [Generalist, can do everything apart from farming under tower, safe]
Kog¨Maw [Hyper Carry, Rly good consistant damage if he can stand still and auto attack, immobile.]
Xayah [Self peel, useful ult, low range , immobile]
Varus [Good Lane phase, CC, Poke, bad scaling for this meta, immobile]
Twitch [Poor mans Kog¨maw, hyper carry, situationally better than kog, stealth]
Sivir [Speed boost giver, good late game teamfight, bad lane phase, low range]
Rakan (Most ban worthy support) [Amazing engage, wombo potential]
Lulu [Best ardent censor applier if you don´t need Janna ult, peel]
Janna [ Ardent Censor, PEEL]
Alistar [Engage, not as fancy as Rakan, tank, reliable]
Braum [Tank, Peel, Useful passive w ranged autos, can block]
Morg [Situational counterpick, mostly to rakan, thresh, blits]
Karma [She can be flexed to mid or top too]
Thresh/Blits [Hookers, thresh has lantern too]
Taric (I dunno if we will see much taric)[Tank, rly useful ult]
Bot Lane Synergies:
Kalista + Rakan
Kalista + Thresh
Xayah + Rakan
Kog maw or twitch + Ardent censor supp (especially Lulu, Janna 2nd if u want peel)
Kalista + Alistar, Taric, Blits, Morg.
Trist + Taric
Varus + Zyra (Just in case Ruler & Corejj pull it out, zyra is not meta tho)
Sivir + Karma (Speeeed).
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eoincomp · 7 years ago
Worlds top 30 players LOL
#1 Pray (Solid, smart, good at everything, more macro view than other ADCs)
2. Bdd (Might underpreform since 1st worlds, had stellar season)
3. Faker (Derps some lane phases but saves his team sometimes too, can do everything)
4. Gorilla (Solid, smart, can do everything)
5. Ruler (He wasn´t on any top 20 list since its not obvious, but he is really good at sticking to a game-plan and he is great, under-rated as fuk, smart)
6. Khan (Might underpreform since 1st worlds, lane dominant)
7. Ambition (Genius, great macro awareness, great shotcaller, previlledged to be a shotcaller on the team best at following plans, mechanically weak for #7th)
8. Xiahou (Stellar season, the Chinese hype boy, in group with good mids, time to see if he lives up to the hype)
9. Wolf (Solid, when SKT was slumping Wolf wasn´t, even with Bang slumping in his lane).
10. Cuvee (Solid, like all of Samsung he can do the job he needs to, he can even play carries now too.)
11. Mysic (Solid, good at doing maximising damage without dying)
12. Corejj (He wasn´t in any top 20 either. Sure its not a frostfang meta [which he would excell in], but hes still consistently good at highest level)
13. Blank (He wasn´t in any top 20 either, was doing great earlier, then did a lil bad, with bad invades and bad communication.)
14. Meiko (He used to be lane dominant, now I believe he roams, he will have a new adc vs good bot lanes.)
15. Crown (He was the best Mid last year, he had a bad split and a half with some ok moments. He is capable of brilliance but he has shown some weakness this year)
16. Rekkles (Solid, even with fnatics chaotic playstyle, if fnatic will sucseed I think its Rekkless that will be the biggest reason for that sucsess)
17. Sword Art (Best player from Taiwan, smart, good roamer and engager).
18. Bang (Slumping, he used to be a great ADC and was consistent, but I have been dissapointed with him in the Summer split).
19. Condi (The brain and glue of the only Chinese macro team.)
20. Karsa (Aggressive jungler, can punish some weak Junglers in his group, Has sword art to help him, and if Maple gets good again he could have some great assistance).
21. Power of Evil (Maybe its a bit hipster putting him this high, he is not on a great team but he is a very good mid laner).
22. Bjergsen (Solid, smart, doesn´t take many risks).
23. Huni (Inconsistent but can be brilliant, hes like a dog though).
24. Uzi (Hes good but he seems dumb, hes does some stupid stuff, espeically in finals, emotionally weak, stupid.)
25. Peanut (Jungle Huni, mechanics dog, if he jungles for Huni he will dive top, will their mechnics save them?)
26. Zven (Consistent, not great, prone to cs deficits in lane, doesn´t take enough advantages)
27 Scout (I didn´t know where to rate this guy since LPL is so chaotic)
28. Soaz (The escape artist, He does some swag stuff, good macro understanding, but embraces chaos).
29. Jensen (Lane domiant, gets a lot of resources, dominates NA along with his other Mid lane Danish brethren).
30. Doublelift (Consistent, stupid)
Perkz and Olleh nearly made the list. Sorry Cuzz, all of your allies were put in the top 6 and you´re not even in my top 30, despite not being bad.
Samsung play as a team, so all of the players on the team have the capacity to play to the plan/context outlined to them. They are all very good at understanding that context and even thinking on their feet when they have to. Outside of crown they don´t have many Individual moents of brilliance, but they constantly do small macro things well which I think is brilliant. Slow macro team.
SKT are worlds hardened, I think they will preform well in worlds. Reactive team.
Longzu were the best team in the world for the Summer split, but I am not a bit concerned if they can keep it together for worlds. They do fancy stuff.
Taiwan as a region seems weak at the moment. Flash Wolves are “ok”.
The Chinese teams seem of about equal quality. WE macro, RNG Total Chaos, EDG chaos
G2 are good at adapting to another team if they get to study them + the patch, but they are weak in BO1s and they got the hardest group they could have gotten (play ins team is irrelevant).
Fnatic play a chaotic style.
I dunno what to make of misfits, seemingly they can prepare for BO5s well, but that won´t matter unless they finish 1st in group D, and they probably won´t.
NA got the best group draws they possibly could have gotten with the only exception of not getting fenerbache into group D. So they might do ok this year despite not being good at all. They will not knock out any Korean teams though. They all play mediocre macro style.
Gigabyte Marines are mad, and bad.
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eoincomp · 9 years ago
Dark Souls 1: Distant Views Explained (Part 1)
Dark Souls is often praised for its interconnected world design, and how it shows distant areas that you can travel to (indirectly, typically). I’ve been wanting to do a demonstration of all the notable views/ skyboxes to help point them out and explain them.
Larger source images can be seen in this album.
1) The Great Hollow and Blighttown from Firelink Shrine
From the Firelink Shrine, we can see a giant tree in the distance:
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An up close look reveals that this part of the skybox is simply a 2D texture, though it represents the very same Great Hollow tree that you descend to reach Ash Lake:
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Looking down from Firelink, you can see the pillars that run through Blighttown’s swamp:
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If Firelink’s orientation to Blighttown is a bit confusing, remember that the Great Hollow tree is at one far end of the poison swamp, while Quelanaa and the entrance to Quelaag’s Domain is at the other. This means that Firelink is much closer to Quelaana’s side, and in fact the entrance to Quelaag’s domain is essentially far underneath the graveyard in Firelink. This can’t be seen in-game, but the 3D Map Explorer shows this relationship nicely:
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The view from the 3D Map Explorer also shows us the actual Great Hollow’s shell and not the 2D skybox drawn from Firelink, which indicates that the placement for the skybox is pretty accurate to the game’s actual map data/ geography:
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As a bonus fun fact, you can see the Gaping Dragon’s boss room to the left, meaning it’s meant to be behind the curved wall you see in the first image in this post.
2) Firelink Shrine from Blighttown
Did you know that you can also see Firelink Shrine from Blighttown? It’s kind of impressive that they even bothered because there’s only a couple select areas/ angles from where you can see it.
Down in the swamp, near Mildred’s spawn location:
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And in upper Blighttown, by the Eagle Shield:
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This version of Firelink uses a simplified LOD Model which looks a bit comical and distorted up close. You can see weird artifacts, something that looks like a bridge extending out from the bonfire area: 
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But if you consider the angle of view, we can assume that’s actually meant to be the aqueduct tunnel, distorted to be a bit more “2D-like” by not bothering to actually set it back further. Because all the way from the swamp, you’re not going to be able to tell (if you can see this at all).
Here’s more of Firelink, with the elevator shaft to the Undead Parish seen as a stone-textured object running up the wall.
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You can see a more in-depth examination of this LOD Firelink here.
Looking back down at Blighttown from the LOD Firelink, we can see what Blighttown is actually supposed to look like if it was fully rendered from Firelink and not drawn in a simplified form:
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(the brownish-red smudge that’s off-center is Mildred’s bloodstain on her spawn location)
Compare that to the screenshot above of the player looking down into Blighttown from Firelink, and it matches very nicely. The only noteworthy detail missing is the various branches.
3) “Other Burg”, seen from Firelink Shrine
One of the few cases of distant scenery that can’t be traveled to is the town seen from the Graveyard area of the Firelink Shrine:
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There are already some pretty good up-close examinations of it, so I’ll link to an existing video from /u/CrestfallenWarrior:
But I’ve seen people ask about what this place is. What’s the “lore” behind it? My interpretation is pretty simple: It’s meant to be a nondescript town, positioned amongst the outer walls. It’s one of many unseen towns in Lordran that surround Anor Londo, as depicted in the opening cutscene:
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The image here is almost entirely unrecognizable, asides from having a large city high up that looks like Anor Londo, with large outer walls and towns surrounding it. We can assume this is earlier concept art of Lordran, which wasn’t used as a literal blueprint for the world’s design. In-game, the outer walls are arranged more erratically and not in one large circle. But because the general idea is the same, we can interpret the “Other Burg” as the developers’ attempt at showing us something kind of similar to the above image. That there are towns beneath Anor Londo in walled-off areas, possibly home to lower classes. 
The “Other Burg” could be any random collection of buildings from the above picture, it doesn’t really matter. It’s not really meant to be anywhere specific. If you go out even further, you can find a couple more lower-res towns in different sections behind this one:
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4) Darkroot Garden and Valley of Drakes, from the Undead Burg
The Darkroot Garden can be seen from the Undead Burg, though due to being daytime and very, very low quality, it can be easy to miss. Here’s the view from the wooden platform with the Firebomb-throwing hollows:
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Look familiar? That darker-thing in the middle is the zig-zagging path that leads down into the Darkroot Basin. The green area in the upper right is meant to be the Forest area of the Darkroot Garden, and the flat area in-between is where you can survive the fall from the Forest into the Basin:
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If you pan the camera down from this angle, you can see even further into the Valley of Drakes below, particularly the bridge that enters New Londo Ruins (New Londo Ruins is on the left of that bridge, Basin elevator would be on the right):
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Here’s a closer look at the LOD Basin/ Forest:
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Going down to the LOD Valley of Drakes Bridge, looking towards the Basin elevator:
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Looking the other way, into New Londo Ruins:
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They even included an incomplete/ low quality version of the Valley of Drakes path itself, though there’s no angle where you can actually see this from the Burg:
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5) Capra Demon’s Room from Upper Undead Burg
Being able to see parts of the Lower Undead Burg from up above is no surprise, though sometimes the Capra Demon’s room is overlooked. It can be seen from the beginning of the level, on the return path from the side-area that you drop down to (you climb a ladder to get back out). The room is less detailed from up here, but the staircase is obvious:
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Headed back to the ladder we just climbed up, and looking more to the left, we can just barely see the staircase and the edge of the doorway that leads into the tower (the one with the Female Undead Merchant at the top):
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6) The Duke’s Archives from the Undead Burg
The Duke’s Archives can be seen from the Undead Parish, Sen’s Fortress, and Anor Londo. Though more impressively, it can first be spotted all the way back from the Hellkite Drake’s bridge:
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It’s not exactly a fully-to-scale model, but it gets the point across:
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6) Sen’s Fortress and the Undead Parish
This is a pretty obvious one that doesn’t need much explanation. You can see Sen’s Fortress from the Church Rooftop in the Parish, and vice versa.
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(you can also see the Duke’s Archives from here if you pan the camera up over Sen’s Fortress)
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One detail that’s kind of neat, is that you can see the Giant that mans the portcullis from up here in Sen’s Fortress. Perhaps a little reminder that he’s there if you haven’t found the illusory wall yet.
7) A couple more views of the Duke’s Archives.
I wanted to mention how Dark Souls continues to show off the Duke’s Archives as if it’s some kind of ominous, final destination. It can be seen in both cutscenes where the Gargoyle Demons take you to and from Anor Londo. The cutscene where you return to Sen’s Fortress from Anor Londo I find a bit more interesting, since it shows Duke’s Archives for longer and carefully pans down in such a way that you get a good look at it without being obscured by the mountain:
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It reminds me of Castlevania 1 on the NES, where Dracula’s final tower is looming off in the distance. In addition to showing us the tower in the map between every stage, there’s also a single spot in level 3 where unique background art is dedicated to hint at what’s ahead:
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Here’s a closer look at the LOD Duke’s Archives, as rendered from Anor Londo:
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8) Various views from Anor Londo
Anor Londo includes a very hard to see LOD of lower Lordran. I find it interesting that they bothered, since you can’t really get a good look at it. Unless I’m completely missing another viewpoint, the best you can see is trying to peek around the corner from where the Gargoyle Demon drops you off:
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Oddly enough, this area includes mostly everything nearby asides from Sen’s Fortress, which has an empty area where it should be:
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Then there’s also the city of Anor Londo itself. There’s not much of note here since it’s just a bunch of random buildings, but here’s a few screenshots showing them up close:
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Continued in Part 2.
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eoincomp · 10 years ago
Before I had even played Megaman I knew this whole rap off, strangely it helped me beat the game super quick easily. It gets my vote for best game joke rap. 
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eoincomp · 10 years ago
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eoincomp · 10 years ago
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THESE ARE SOOOO GOOD!!! I personally love Greek mythology and Greek gods and you add that to eeveelutions…… mind BLOWN!
Deviant Art By: norinoko
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eoincomp · 10 years ago
I didn’t think of how well AMVs would suit anime. What a great combination. 
The OST of Akame Ga Kill is finally all out here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcmUnLtZ3_I&list=PLf-LHQp1nTdxc90yRcR1DK0ZAUIn3uu4v the rest can be found on same channel, 20, 20 and 19. Enjoy, lots of it is truely great. I love some of the violin bits, even more poignant if you’ve seen the anime since they generally correspond with deaths :D.  
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eoincomp · 10 years ago
Spotify doesn’t have any of my 3 favourite songs QQ
I don’t know if I can make myself switch over to spotify knowing that it doesn’t have At Our Parting (or even Yuki Kajiura) http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/At+Our+Parting/53jlRA?src=5 . Also it only has shitty versions of Suteki Da Ne http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/Suteki+Da+Ne/neXTl?src=5 and no perfect version of To Zanarkand http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/To+Zanarkand/3dgF9d?src=5 ...if Spotify had these (and all other classical & Foreign non pop, anime music, video game music) I could embrace it and tolerate the advertisements...as is, seems I will have to go searching for another alternative. 
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eoincomp · 10 years ago
A short Dark Souls Film, essentially an intro to Prepare to Cry: ►Click Here for the Prepare to Cry Playlist: http://bit.ly/13x6nNs ►Click Here to Subscribe:...
In my opinion Darksouls has the best story/lore in any game I have seen or played to date.
 I just love the Darksouls world, its like it was written by W.B. Yeats after he let his unrequited love for Maud Gonne fuel his cynicism. As he reflected upon human life, the aging process, the spirals of fate and how a mans legacy is left behind him as he finally succumbs to time. 
As an added bonus, a lot of the script is written in olde English and is read as one would hope, with proper English pronunciation. ...oh yeah and its one of the most challenging and satisfying games to date with great boss fights & traps. 
The best bit is the player finds themselves growing stronger and losing their sanity alongside the character they are controlling...as unbeknownst to the player, the player is controlled by the game. 
No video could do justice a game that revolves so much on the players own interpretation of events, but if I had to link a short video that at least tried to do just that, I guess it would be this. Do yourself a favour and enjoy :D. 
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eoincomp · 10 years ago
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I want my currency to look like this. Europe plz...maek teh pretteh moniez :(......Preferably of animals (front) and plants (back) of (good looking :p) animals and plants within Europe that are near extinction thus raising awareness and just having good looking money. 
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eoincomp · 10 years ago
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Heres the plan bois (n gurlz). I see an oportunity here to colour in my heartseeker varus like Arclight Varus and call it Artic ops Varus, screwing with the brains of all team blue and black #TheDress wierdos XD. 
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eoincomp · 10 years ago
Great Films...some of them at least hehe
While I am at it I might as well try and recall some movies that I thought were particularly good.
In no particular order.
*The Lives of others (It is a bit old tho)
*The Bourne Series (Identity, Supremacy& Ultimatum..Legacy was meh)
*The Underworld Series (Not classics but I enjoyed them, fav vampires)
*The Lord of The Rings.....The Return of the King was a bit dodgey tho.
*The Departed
*The Imitation game
*The Shawshank Redemption (Fav Prison movie...I think)
*The Sweeney (Maybe not great but for its kind (plotless action) its good.)
*The Game (Old, wierd and a bit slow but good since its good type of wierd)
*The Talented Mr Ripley (Since im going with The and Matt Damon)
*7 Pounds (Again not great but for that shite it is)
*Shutter Island  (Stonehearst Asylum similar if u want more like this)
*Batman (My fav super hero crap anyway...)
*Hansel and Gretal (Not amazing but I enjoyed it more than I expected)
*Kung Fu Panda (Fav animated movie/ Cattoon or w/e)
*No Country for Old men
*Casino Royale (No Bond movie is great..but this was my fav so far)
I am sure there are a bunch I can't recall right now but if you're trying to come up with what film to watch and haven't seen something off the list I can assure you that at least I enjoyed it. 
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eoincomp · 10 years ago
Anime I liked
I am starting to feel like I have to write down a list of the anime I liked lest I forget.
The great:
* Death Note
* Sword Art Online
* Akame Ga Kill
The good:
* Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
* No Game no Life
* Tokyo Ghoul
* Parasyte The Maxim
* Full Metal Alchemist
* Shingeki no Kyojin
Some stuff I gave up on pretty quickly and some stuff I have yet to watch that might be good. But I bet 99% of the rest is crap. 
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eoincomp · 10 years ago
Excelsior BY HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW The shades of night were falling fast, As through an Alpine village passed A youth, who bore, 'mid snow and ice, A banner with the strange device, Excelsior! His brow was sad; his eye beneath, Flashed like a falchion from its sheath, And like a silver clarion rung The accents of that unknown tongue, Excelsior! In happy homes he saw the light Of household fires gleam warm and bright; Above, the spectral glaciers shone, And from his lips escaped a groan, Excelsior! "Try not the Pass!" the old man said; "Dark lowers the tempest overhead, The roaring torrent is deep and wide!" And loud that clarion voice replied, Excelsior! "Oh stay," the maiden said, "and rest Thy weary head upon this breast! " A tear stood in his bright blue eye, But still he answered, with a sigh, Excelsior! "Beware the pine-tree's withered branch! Beware the awful avalanche!" This was the peasant's last Good-night, A voice replied, far up the height, Excelsior! At break of day, as heavenward The pious monks of Saint Bernard Uttered the oft-repeated prayer, A voice cried through the startled air, Excelsior! A traveller, by the faithful hound, Half-buried in the snow was found, Still grasping in his hand of ice That banner with the strange device, Excelsior! There in the twilight cold and gray, Lifeless, but beautiful, he lay, And from the sky, serene and far, A voice fell like a falling star, Excelsior! If his name is not epic enough, his poem certainly is. Granted, I have a weak spot for those who strive for greatness in the face of failure, determination and pure, shameless stubbornness. But this poem has targeted even more of my weak spots; using simple rhyming couplets Mr Longfellow (Or Waddy if you're 1 of the cool kids) describes this mans quest with great clarity (Written in 1841, so stop trying to look for a quote so you can disagree) all the while dropping words like falchion, hound and Excelsior!. Like, change "Old man" to Gandalf and you basically have The lord of the Rings trilogy done as a poem in the space of 1 page. Offical TLDR review: Much Excelsior!, so Eorlingas!, Amaze! Wow!
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