envicd-archive · 7 years
“temper tantrum,” he repeated her words, shaking his head as a scoff escaped past his lips ( despite them being only the truth, he was having a tantrum and for no reason ). he rolled his eyes. “jus’ sayin’. any normal person would’ve just stepped aside and avoided anything else, y’know? you didn’t have to speak up about shit,”
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“So what, I’m expected to do what you want?” She scoffs as she rolls her eyes. “You know, if you wanted the easy way then maybe you should have simply used your words like a normal person.”  Besides, the easy way was never her thing. “Don’t put the blame on me for your piss poor attitude.”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
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‘ nah, i like to think i’m a sign from the universe you should NEVER go into medicine. think of all the carbon copies of ME you’d be dealing with. a girl as pretty as you shouldn’t have someone else’s blood on her hands. ’ the corner of his lips tugging upwards into the closest semblance of a smile he could manage, it disappeared with a sudden grimace at the sting of the alcohol. still, he barely flinched, jaw clenching taut as he slowly spoke again. ‘ i’m sorry. ’ for a moment, his words were genuine, eyes soft and sorrowful as he glanced at her. quickly, however, his tone changed, irises flashing with confidence. ‘ you should see the other guy. i look bad, but he looks unrecognisable. just like you would, if you tried to fight any of ‘em. even if i APPRECIATE the offer. ’
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“You do make a valid point, especially the pretty part.” She nods her head with a soft smile. “But I think you just want me to take care of only you and no one else.” The situation was a lot easier to deal with if she kept it light and playful, otherwise the worry would eat away at her. “I know.” She reassures him softly as she tosses the alcohol wipe in the bin nearby and exchanging it for some band-aids instead, carefully placing them over the deeper wounds. “Really? Wish I was there to see it for myself.” She couldn’t hide the small excitement in her voice. She hated when he fought but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be proud when he won. “Hey, I could totally fight anyone...maybe.”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
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taking a seat on the corner of her bed, he was careful not to smear blood or grime on any of the impossibly neat surfaces. how she did it was a MYSTERY to him. gaze drifting over to kara as she entered, he cast her a grateful grin, red-raw fists digging into the bowl to press the cold cloth against his bruised jaw. ‘ mm-hmm, doctor. ’ despite everything, the teasing words slipped out anyway, the boy offering up only a doubtful shrug. ‘ hadn’t thought that far into my future, kar. an hour ago, i wasn’t even sure that guy was gonna let me live to see it. ’
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“Maybe you’re a sign from the universe that I should be studying medicine instead of psychology.” She teases as she stands back up, setting the first aid kit beside him as she carefully set out the supplies she needed on the bed. She has a particular way about doing things and at this point she developed a routine when it came to patching up his wounds. “I hate it when you get into fights.” She sighs heavily as she soaks a cotton pad in rubbing alcohol. She takes his hand into hers before cleaning the wound without warning. “Did you at least mess them up a bit? ‘Cus I’ll go over there and teach them a lesson if you didn’t.”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
xander breathed in heavily, only to let it out as a loud, obnoxious groan. he rolled his eyes once more, and dropped both hands down by his sides dramatically. maybe he was exaggerating. of course he was. and he hated himself for it but his mind was too slow to catch up with each word escaping past his lips. “what the fuck is your point? it wouldn’t be so hard to just- i don’t know, step aside? maybe then i wouldn’t be stuck here having this pathetic conversation,”
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“You’re stuck here with this pathetic conversation because you decided to have a temper tantrum.” Her hands find themselves settling upon her hips. “I’m not going to simply step aside just because you’re glaring at me.” She huffs out. She didn’t exactly understand the concept of simply letting something go. “Let me guess, you thought intimidation was going to work in your favour?” 
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envicd-archive · 7 years
if there were anything that would annoy him more in this very moment, it’d be being talked back to. he didn’t want to have to even form a sentence let alone a conversation. he didn’t want to turn this into anything more than it had to be. “gawking?” a small snort escaped past his lips. his head tilted to the side when he pulled the cigarette away and let the smoke he previously inhaled slip through his dry lips. “i’m sure it is. you know what else is highly aggravating? when someone’s in my fucking way and won’t fucking move. that’s highly aggravating,” his voice only grew more and more bitter the more he spoke. “do me a favor?” 
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“Do you actually listen to yourself when you speak?” She responds in a snarky tone. “Or is your inferiority complex so drastic that you feel the need to lash out on random people for no good reason whatsoever?” She was simply making blanket statements, her own way of being purposefully irritating. “If you wanted me to move all you had to do was ask, or is that too much for you to comprehend?”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
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❛  then i guess that makes two of us.  ❜    truth is, he’s already far too intrigued to back away from it now. there has to be a reason she wants others to see her in a way she is not, he’s determined to figure it out. he couldn’t really fathom why anyone would want to be apart of the world he had grown up in. money was nice to have, it made life easier. but it was lonely. it was corrupt, filled with lies. as much as he enjoyed the luxury he was lucky enough to experience, if someone said he could trade it in for some inner peace, he would give it all up in a heartbeat.   ❛  doubtful, headlund. doubtful.  ❜   there’s a twinkle in his eye as he shakes his head and scrunches his nose. though perhaps she’ll prove him wrong on the nickname front. part of him is hoping that she will.   ❛  so, movies like psycho and the shining ??  see to me, they’re more thriller than horror. thriller i can do. thriller i enjoy.  ❜  thrillers, especially the type that required a lot of plot, were often the kind of movies he found himself gravitating towards. the sound of her chuckle causes him to laugh in turn, corners of eyes creasing. however, when she asks about him, he falls silent for several moments. he blows out a puff of air and reaches for the bottle, taking a long drink before he responds with another question of his own.   ❛  what do you want to know ??  ❜  
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“Look at that, we already have something in common.” She teases playfully. Although, she hoped he wasn’t as stubborn as she tends to be. It seems as if she makes everything in her life some sort of challenge, one that she needs to constantly win. “You’ll learn soon enough to never doubt me.” She states in an arrogant tone but it couldn’t be further from the truth. She doubts herself on a daily basis, always finding fault in just about everything she does. “If you want to get specific, yeah. Thrillers are always good.” She nods her head in agreement. She simply liked anything that teetered towards the darker side of entertainment. She glances over to him when he remains quiet, taking that as a cue to take another gulp of her drink before answering him. “Everything.” She states as if it were the easiest task to accomplish. “But I’ll let you start off small,” She laughs softly. “Your major, why did you pick it? My dorky self is intrigued.”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
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‘ — no one important. ‘s all good. ’ he shot her an ironic thumbs up, the effect ruined by bloodstained knuckles. jude can sense her gaze on him, and it’s almost enough to make him shift uncomfortably in place, one hand stretching awkwardly to rub the back of his neck. not many people care enough about him to look at him like that. ‘ oh, not really. it’s generally just a side effect of looking like someone tried to off me. ’ he crinkled her nose in her direction. ‘ gotcha. ’ following her orders, he slunk in the open door, traipsing up the stairs to the familiar room.
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“I’ll be up in a minute.” She informs as she watches him go up the stairs for a brief moment before heading off into the kitchen. She places a few ice cubes on top of a dish cloth, wrapping it up and setting it in an empty bowl, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge before heading back to her room. “Right, let’s get you fixed up.” She sets the bowl down within his reach as she kneels down beside her bed, pulling out the first-aid kit from underneath. “Are you sleeping over or is this a patch-up and go?”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
What do you want most out of life?
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“Knowledge, without a doubt. It’s the best asset to have.”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
Have you ever been in love?
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“No, I haven’t.”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
“For now, because going to a nudist beach is on my bucket list, and I���m taking too long to cross that off my list.”
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“I’ve never met someone wanting to tick nudist beach off their bucket list. Though, I suppose I can see the appeal.”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
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some little part of him is almost expecting her not to show. after all, he probably does this too often; shows up, bloodied and bruised, expecting her to just take him in. not like he’d ever admit it, of course, but he’s thankful. ‘ kara. god, i could kiss you right now. ’ moving towards her, he points lazily at the bloody mess his lips have become. it’s got nothing on the purple ring forming around his eye, or the mangled flesh on his knuckles. ‘ but i’ll save it. you got any ice ? i tried that 24 hour k-mart, but the cashier threatened to call the cops on me. ’ despite everything, he cracks a joke. ‘ guess she didn’t appreciate me telling her to stick ‘em up. ’
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“Who were you fighting with this time?” She sighs softly as she examines him for a brief moment to assess the damage. Her lips tug into a frown, indicating her worry, she always hated seeing him like this. It was still a strange concept for her, being so emotionally invested in the well-being of someone else so strongly.  “Were you trying to mentally scar the poor cashier?” She tries her best to resist but she couldn’t refrain from snickering at his joke. “Go up to my room and I’ll go grab some ice.”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
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❛ ‘s been a LONG and H A R D day.  ❜ they uttered with a wink, watching her with an INTRIGUED gaze.   ❛ we are practically the same, aside from me being taller, and more SEXY of course. ❜ while ludvig had somehow mastered faking their confidence, there was no doubt that the words sounded F A K E on their lips. ❛ ——– i seriously cannot believe you just said that.  ❜
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She pops a piece of licorice into her mouth as she listens to them speak, chewing on the candy contently. “Ah, I almost forgot how sexy you are. Thanks for reminding me.” She covers her mouth as she laughs. “They’re sorta gross, yeah, but like I said...” Her shoulders lift into a shrug. “Awh, have I grossed you out? I’ll keep it PG-13 next time.”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?
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“An in depth analysis of Gone Girl, I’ve seen that film enough times that I can recite it off by heart.”
0 notes
envicd-archive · 7 years
if you had the ability to instantly change one thing in your life, what would it be and why ?
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“Ideally, I wish I could go back and confront someone who is greatly partly to blame for everything that is wrong with my life. I wish I could go back to that office and say what I had planned to but alas, we can’t have what we want.”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
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envicd-archive · 7 years
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❛ it is part of my CHARM, kar.  ❜ they simply shrugged, flinging a piece of the disgusting candy at her just because they could. ❛ i would. but there are R U L E S, like —- no grimacing, no spitting out, no swallowing it whole, you gotta chew it.  ❜ with that, they handed her the bag, offering her an annoyed look on their face. ❛ he is a BAG OF DICKS, runs in the family i suppose. ❜
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“Ah, how could I forget that irresistible charm?” She holds a hand over her heart and sighs in a mocking manner. “You’re making this sound a lot more difficult than it actually is. This will be easy money.”  She all but rolls her eyes at them as she takes hold of the bag. “Well, if he’s anything like you I’m bound to like him.” She states as she picks out a piece of licorice. “You know, I’ve put worse things in my mouth.”
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envicd-archive · 7 years
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❛ CAREFUL. that almost sounds like a challenge. ❜   there’s no doubt in his mind that with her, he’s only scratched the surface, that there’s far more he’s yet to figure out. perhaps that’s the reason he’s sitting here now, separate from the party and focused on their conversation. but he likes that he’s gotten further than most.    ❛ oh, good. can’t wait. ❜   sarcasm laces his tone, smile growing at the thought. he’s eager to see what she’ll come up with, but knows whatever it is, it’ll likely be something he dislikes. as she speaks, his eyes settle upon her, head nodding whilst information is being soaked up. some of it takes him by surprise, and it shows by the way he crinkles his nose. but it was nice. nice to see her be open, even if the information given was small.   ❛ that’s it  ??  movies, and reading. there’s no places you like to go  ?? ❜   fingers comb through sand absentmindedly, mind pondering what he’s been told.   ❛ i never really got the horror movie thing. most play into major stereotypes and are easily predictable. you’ll have to recommend me some that might change my mind. ❜   another nod is given, one that shows he agrees with her own observation of him.   ❛ you might be onto something there. i’ve been lucky enough to be surrounded by nice things, seems like it would be a waste not to appreciate them. ❜   though given how his life looked now, he would trade it all in for some sense of stability. for normalcy. someone to TRUST.
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“I happen to enjoy challenges.” She taunts him with a smirk. In a way, one that she wouldn’t dare to admit to herself, but perhaps deep down she wanted someone to figure her out. However, that came with consequences she wasn’t sure that she could handle. In her mind it was the absolute worst case scenario.  At least, for the time being, Myles seems to have no ill intent towards her. “You’ll secretly love it, just you wait.” She’s far too cocky for someone whose never had to grace someone with a nickname before. “Well...” She frowns, suddenly realising she sounds awfully boring. “I mean, I do go out all the time but...I like to keep to myself sometimes.” She chuckles somewhat bashfully. “I grew up watching them so I’m a bit biased but perhaps you should watch some psychological horrors, those always tend to be the best.” She chimes in confidently. “It’s your turn now. It’s only fair that I get to know you as well.” She was actually genuinely interested about someone for a rather pleasant change. She may as well make the best of her situation.
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