* Still got that sweater.
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my name is tommy! zomb/toon/they/she. a blog where i talk about my special interests. thoughts, theories, character analysis, the lot!
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entrysixteen · 5 months ago
okay try and see gravity falls from emma-may's perspective
you marry a smart, kind man who knows how to do everything from fixing the radiator to harvesting crops. he has a bright future ahead of him and the things he shows you are incredible. he truly seems like the dream man and you two have your whole lives ahead of you. the wedding and honeymoon go over smoothly, and you're excited to start a family.
you become pregnant with his child, and he supports you the whole way through while he works on his other baby, his computers. he's really making a breakthrough on this. he sure is something special.
you raise your child through the difficult infant stages, hand in hand. he's a great father and role model. you hope one day he'll take tate into the family business, especially with how much of a bright kid he seems to be turning out to be.
one day, he gets a call and accepts a job offer in another state. he packs his bags and leaves you to look after the kid yourself, kissing you and telling you he'll call every day.
every time he calls you, he sounds thrilled. he gushes about the exciting discoveries he's having with his business partner. monsters and man eating plants are real. you laugh along, not sure if this is a joke.
the calls and visits become less and less frequent. he goes a long time without visiting, but at least he'll be home for christmas.
you prepare a christmas dinner. you've picked out a few gifts for him, things you're sure he'll love. you greet him with a kiss, but he seems distant. he sits down to eat, and after eating the meal you'd spent hours on, the presents are opened.
you both give tate his presents, and you give your husband yours. he takes them, and he thanks you. but he doesn't give you anything.
you've been singlehandedly raising a child, his child, while he runs around doing who knows what with a 'lab partner' that he won't stop talking about, and he didn't even give you the time of day to spend a couple minutes to buy you something.
you yell. you cry. you cause a scene. instead of comforting you and apologising, he leaves the house and you don't see him for the rest of christmas day.
you don't see him for months after, and when he finally comes home, he's different. he isn't the same man you married. his behaviour is erratic, he keeps forgetting your name, his hair is going white.
he scares you, and he scares your son.
you divorce him, and think you can finally be free of all this.
but, as you arise in the morning, you hear the loud screeching of a huge robotic pterodactyl outside your window...
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entrysixteen · 6 months ago
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and him :(
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This lady’s a victim fr, we know early grey hair and erratic behavior is a side effect of the overuse of the memory gun. since Bud is a member of the society it’s likely he used that gun on her as much as he wanted to. It’s giving Stepford Wives levels of abuse
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entrysixteen · 6 months ago
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FIRST EVAR STREAMMM in the club trying something new to engage with my followers and simply have a fun time.
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entrysixteen · 9 months ago
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entrysixteen · 11 months ago
do you have any predictions or theories for what asriel will be like in deltarune? im curious to hear your take
whatever happens i NEED the cheerful, sickly syrup sweet, rose tinted nostalgia that everyone in hometown paints asriel with to splinter to pieces. i hope he's fucked up. i hope he's meaner than anyone expects. i hope he's a person, rather than an idea.
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entrysixteen · 11 months ago
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The image used to create IMAGE_DEPTHS was recently found!
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entrysixteen · 11 months ago
I think that while we are rightfully suspicious of that bunker, we also need to pay a little closer attention to that goddamn lake
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entrysixteen · 11 months ago
Why did the entire Undertale fandom collectively decide that Frisk is 3-8 when they repeatedly flirt with people and go on a romantic date with Papyrus (who fully intended to be attracted to them but couldn't and feels as though this is a failing on his part) and even was supposed to have a robot husband at one point in development.
I tried being shitposty and goofy about it a year or two ago but no one took me seriously then so I'm phrasing it as a genuine question this time. Why is everyone so content to pretend this recurring aspect of their character just doesn't exist.
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entrysixteen · 1 year ago
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[ ID in alt text ]
Attribute all of Alphys' experiments and lab entries and accomplishments to Gaster one more time and the old man gets it
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entrysixteen · 1 year ago
Mike Deltarune's identity theory
Alright I tried to build a nice theory post about it but it looked so bloated for what I simply wanna say also the tumblr post builder sucks
Ok Mike is probably gonna be a microphone right? (Not a microwave for sure) (See Spamton NEO's FIGHT end dialogue)
I'm putting my money on this being him then
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Karaoke machines can connect to a tv right??
And Spamton is oh so sad about Mike for some reason, being buried in the ground is a good reason to be sad!!
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entrysixteen · 1 year ago
so im checking this doc which is archiving the cards from the newsletter and um
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um um um um um u mum um can anyone confirm theyve gotten this?
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entrysixteen · 1 year ago
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entrysixteen · 2 years ago
Mercs with Brassards
Yo, hi, wassup. I've seen a common trend of artists in the Team Fortress 2 fandom drawing the mercenaries with brassards, aka arm bands. Brassards are a type of arm band, used to signify military status, political ideology, or to generally show that you are an official position to a group. more info below the cut. tw for nazi mentions, military mentions, and police mentions.
I'd like to highlight some specific groups that have used brassards, now. The police, the military, the Nazis. I hope that already sounds like a problem to you. Now, lets understand where this headcanon/design likely comes from. My theory is that it originates from the concept designs of the mercenaries, in which the spy adorned a brassard.
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Perhaps this little design aspect inspired others to add brassards to their tf2 merc design. I think a good example of the brassards being used in their designs is in the shirtless tf2 models (sorry).
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Each wears a red brassard. Now that we have a bit of the history out of the way, I'd like to womansplain the significance behind brassards. Throughout history, brassards have been used to signify someone of official rank in the military, police, political movement, etc. Now, brassards can look different. Some take different shape, such as this:
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But, in the fan artwork / concept art we see of the mercs, they have a specifically rectangular and red brassard. A rectangular and red brassard. The ones the mercs often wear in fanwork are scarily close to the Nazi brassard. Here's a comparison.
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Red armband, with circle in the middle, and a symbol in the center. If the orange was switched to white, and the symbol was switched to the swastika, it would look identical. And that isn't a good thing, as I should hope you know. I'm pretty sure Valve took the brassard off of Spy's design for a reason... Conclusion? I think the TF2 fandom should drop the whole "armband" headcanon. It really, truly, does not have a good context in like, any sense, regarding the fact that it's a brassard specifically. If it was just.. a normal arm band, like what's used in some sports- and if the colours were different- yeah, it would probably be fine. It's the fact that it's specifically a red brassard. Do I think you're a bad person if you put a brassard on one of the mercs? No, absolutely not. I do think that you should stop, though, because the brassard, as I explained above, is. Well. Very questionable. Peace out, thx for reading. Kill Nazi scum, kill Nazi ideology.
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entrysixteen · 2 years ago
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my love letter to gaster speculation and fandesigns :)
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entrysixteen · 2 years ago
predictions for @quazies next pootis video bc i love to theorise.
so, it’s clear that BLU scout and spy have a much closer connection than RED scout and spy. and the engineer is his new stepdad.
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engineer is clearly very distressed by his husband’s disappearance as you can see here.
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judging by several teaser images, we already know that the medbay is going to be quite an important setting and that the RED medic specifically will be an important character. in several expressions we see him looking bashful, contemplative, and even mocking and sadistic.
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the only people we’re aware know about or at least interact with the spy head are pyro and medimedes, although since he’s in the public fridge the others probably know about it. (i cant find the wip images right now but i believe there was one put up on quaz’s instagram of pyro giving two middle fingers which is certainly interesting. And one of pyro kissing the spy head’s cheek, which is DEFINITELY interesting and also very cute)
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plus, it’s rather openly stated that the head is going to be traded for pootis.
my predictions are this.
medimedes convinces the RED medic to trade the spyhead for pootis, by some absolute miracle. (his love of birds might overrule his ‘scientific fascination’, I doubt medimedes will outright threaten the medic due to seemingly having some sort of respect for him, the furthest i can see it going is blackmail which would explain medic’s earlier embarrassed expression).
at the BLU base engineer and scout are both more depressed than usual over spy’s head, that’s their family! so, it wouldn’t take much to convince them to trade for it.
the RED pyro is sad to see the head go, but accepts it graciously as her friend will get a better life somewhere else.
the RED scout is feverishly searching for pootis in every corner, meanwhile medimedes has more of an idea as to what is going on. scout is sort of left in the dark about everything and is just frantically looking.
medimedes and scout have a very brief bonding moment as they put aside their differences to find the person they both care deeply about.
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entrysixteen · 2 years ago
[Post in English] Something Nyx and I want to publicly address, regarding the recent allegations in the Glitchtale Crew's Discord Server and it's moderators. I really apologize for the upcoming wall of text. These are our Twitter threads I have pasted them here, in case you don't have access to said platform. I have also added some additional notes to provide more context. All details under the line:
NyxTheShield: (Transcription from his official twitter thread) I read some mean comments lately and I just wanna be super clear: I havent been related to Glitchtale since at least 2022. I never considered myself part of the community and went through some much shit while doing stuff for it that my mental health was completely destroyed.
For people who thought I was an admin of the server, that was just in paper. I was constantly de-admin'd, demodded and kicked from the server through the years for simple stuff like asking the rest of the mod team to not say slurs or standing up against the Midnight Crew. I personally left the server for a long while because I really did not want to be around some of the people there. All of this happened years ago (from 2016~ to around 2020). On the early years, my full income came from Youtube/Glitchtale. I was a broke college student and my economic stability depended on it. Despite this, and making literally hundred of tracks and hours of music for the series, most of the income came from my own ad revenue. I was paid less than 2000 USD for all of the work. Essentially, I was paid in exposure.
This wouldn't have been an issue for me if at least I got to keep my artistic vision with the series. That didn't hold true for long.
From the second season and onwards, and in multiple instances, I would score the entire OST for the episode, watch the episode when it released, and then find out a completely new section of the episode (usually a battle scene) with music from somebody else This was completely demotivating to me because I wasn't being paid, the tracks would not fit the rest of the OST at all, and most of the income I made from the battle scenes. I had to work for weeks trying to compose music for glorified powerpoint presentations (Basically everything that's not a battle scene on the series was just still frames of characters barely moving) and do all the heavy lifting and I wasn't even let known about the guest tracks.
This added to the feeling of having absolutely no power within the community. I don't know if this was intentional or not (I don't wanna presume malice), but all of these things together contributed to me distancing myself from the community.
Honestly, there is A LOT more shit that went down these early years that are extremely traumatic to me that I would prefer to not talk about unless completely necessary, but I feel this is a good amount of context for what I wanna talk about next.
As you might be aware, extremely serious (and true) allegations were made against Camila and his partner, Veir, which was accused of grooming minors from 2015 to 2021 There are really good videos out there explaining the entire timeline of what transpired, but I specifically wanna talk about 2020.
(Jakei's note: Links to said videos are here: [1] [2] [3])
In that year, a public document was made by my head mod CrystalFlame alongside 2 other mods in the GT server, that exposed Veir and their actions. This document went mostly unnoticed. Even more, Crystal went through a lot of abuse for coming forward about their abuse and was almost ostracized from the UT AU community because of this.
Because of this, I was asked directly by one of the victims (and also representing the other victims) to please not speak up (Citing that they just wanted to move on and didn't want to involve themselves with more problems and expose themselves)
All the info was kept very vague from me, including the people who were involved, the extent of the stuff that went down, etc But I knew enough to know it was serious. I followed their request and didn't speak up publicly about this, but I banned Veir from my server, warned all of my mods and people close to me in those circles about Veir, and constantly tried to get Camila to please adress the situation. Despite this, she did not listen and we all know how stuff went down later in 2022, where the allegations came back again with full force. This time around I wasnt asked to stay silent so I spread the word around and confronted the entire mod team. I was shortly banned after that.
I needed to address this because this thing has been eating me alive for years. I was intentionally kept in the dark about a lot of context and nuance that would have completely changed my mind about speaking up or not about what happened in 2020.
Everything is easier in retrospective, and with the knowledge I now have about the situation I know for a fact that I would have spoken up about all that happened. But being asked directly to not speak up by the victims was something that goes against what I am Sorry for the long rant, but I really needed to get this off my chest. I am tired of having to deal with this kind of stuff. As a content creator/public figure I am trying my hardest to keep the communities I am active in as safe as possible.
I feel I could have done more for the Glitchtale community regarding the grooming situation, but all of the years of abuse that I endured really fucked up my judgement. I am not very good at dealing with people and I always trust the people close to help me for this kind of stuff
Sadly, in this case, those same people who were close to me were also the victims, so they couldnt have known or had a way to help me out, I should have helped them instead. Most if not all of what was described in this thread is backed up by screenshots, chat logs, and direct testimony from the people who were involved during this time.
I don't want to direct hate to anyone or start a witchhunt, I am doing this purely to decompress a bit and try to vent some of the trauma I experienced all these years.
Jakei: (Transcription from my official twitter thread) I would also like to share my experiences about my relationship with the Glitchtale Creator, Camila Cuevas. Publicly, we appeared as close friends, but in reality, that friendship was based on bullying and mistreatment, and this affected my mental health deeply.
Years have passed, and the memories still cause me pain. I decided to remain silent, but after the revelations of grooming cases in her community, I realized I wasn’t being too sensitive. The time has come to speak up about my experiences.
During the early years of Underverse, I was dealing with a serious depressive episode. Simultaneous internal and external pressures as an independent artist amplified my mental strain. Meeting Camila felt like finding a genuine friend who shared my passion for the fandom and understood the struggles of being a content creator amidst toxicity. At my lowest, I became compliant to doing things that I didn’t want to, just to keep people around me happy. For Camila, this meant allowing her to belittle my work and make me the butt of her jokes.
Only our veteran followers may remember the 'roasting games' between us on Tumblr (consisting of mutual insults), a spectacle where she'd always win. However, it was a game she privately forced me to "play" and I ended up accepting, despite the discomfort it caused me. These 'games' would give her a cool and strong image in the fandom while painting me as the dumb, 'cringe-worthy' friend. In essence, I became her personal punching bag, unknowingly reinforcing his reputation.
Camila's favorite term to demean my series 'Underverse' was “Cancerverse”. It felt like a constant contest where she'd always position herself as the superior writer and animator simply because my story and animation techniques didn't fit her standards. Years of being subjected to her ridicule left my self-esteem in ruins. I was okay with the negative feedback by some fans, but when my 'friend' publicly disrespected my art, it made me question my abilities as an artist.
I can't deny there were times when she gave me advice to deal with hate or hurtful comments. However, her damaging comments and treatment outweighed those moments of support.
My depressive state worsened around July 2017, where I had accepted people pushing me to do things I wasn’t comfortable with, while being part of Camila's demeaning games, just to appease her ego. I was introduced to Nyx during this time, he offered his music for my series, and eventually we started dating. We met in person in Chile, where I also met Camila. I hoped our friendship would strengthen but everything felt the same. Before I moved to Chile with Nyx, Camila reached out to me in dms, attempting to turn me against him because he opposed the use of slurs in the GT server. She claimed Nyx was being 'brainwashed' by his American friends belonging to the black and LGBTQ+ communities. She made fun of my dating choices, suggesting I was entering a toxic relationship, while showing off her relationship with her then-boyfriend (later exposed as a pedophile). She even quoted her own mother assuring me that Nyx would 'get back to normal', and if it didn’t happen, she would let me live in her house, almost like if she was telling me that Nyx would hurt me or make me feel miserable.
It only took Nyx 3 months to realize that the GT server was going in the wrong way. I initially felt compelled to defend Camila due to my inferiority complex, but soon realized Nyx was right. (Jakei's note: Not only Nyx was right, a lot of people that called her out over the years were right, yet they were not listened to at the time)
Even then, I found it difficult to distance myself from Camila due to the false sense of obligation I felt towards her. My fear of her making fun of my work kept me from interacting with others in the short period of time I stayed in her Discord server. I was afraid that she and her echo chamber would talk behind my back, something that I found out was happening in private chats until recent years.
Rebuilding my self-esteem wasn't an easy task. I began noticing the red flags – Camila's lack of respect not only for me but Nyx also, the emotional manipulation Nyx was suffering from Veir (something he used to do all the time with his other victims), her attempts to 'roast' me in front of her family and fans in the Underverse/Glitchtale meetings, and her constant criticism of my artstyle not being compatible to hers in the few collabs we made.
All these 'small' instances, dismissed as insignificant by many, caused me immense pain while treating my depression. I felt it was too late to express how I felt, as I feared being labeled as attention-seeking or oversensitive by her and her fanbase. Ironically, the moment she talked about her traumas after being bullied in the past, her feelings were the only ones that mattered any time she was involved in a problematic situation in the fandom and deserved to be the only to get pats in the back.
I never expected a sincere apology, as I was convinced she didn't remember or didn't care about the hurt she caused. I tried to maintain a facade of good terms with her, both publicly and privately. Eventually, I distanced myself from her, unfriending her and banning her from my own server even if she didn't interact there. I started focusing on my own work and the people who appreciated it. Despite this, the aftermath of the bullying continued to affect me.
Everything fell into place when the grooming accusations against her former boyfriend and server mods came to light. It was a shocking revelation, but it validated all my doubts and fears about her. The purpose of sharing my experiences is not to stir up drama, but to address the concerns of those worried about my association with Camila. I want to make it clear that I will never tolerate such behavior. Although the things I did for her in the past cannot be erased, I hope Camila at least deletes the animation remake I did for her and all the collabs that boosted her views for free, though I'm not optimistic about it happening.
As I've matured, my hope is that she and her crew learn from their mistakes, start behaving like adults, and take responsibility for their actions in their future projects and with their new followers. But I'm skeptical about any real change, especially if their server continues to exist. The best course of action for me was to cut all ties with Camila and Glitchtale.
NyxTheShield (now my husband) and I have endured too much from our treatment by Camila. We no longer want to be associated with her or Glitchtale. It's a chapter of our lives that we wish to close. It's time for us to focus on recovering our mental health, as remaining silent is only prolonging our pain. We have been working to improve our mental and physical health over the past few years and this is a crucial part of our healing process.
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entrysixteen · 2 years ago
taken straight from a reblog i made, here are various things and imagery in and out of game that displays Noelle Holiday's correlation to Jesus Christ.
CW: Weird Route and Christianity.
to start, just off of her personality, Noelle very much has a martyr complex. constantly giving her own comfort up for other's.
she abides her mother's wishes and cannot say no, she gives herself over to Queen willingly to save Berdly, she pushes her own feelings down and hides them to keep other's from worrying.
much of the characters in Deltarune do this kind of stuff too, however, Noelle's also got a lot of other things that lends directly to her Christ theme.
like her name.
Noelle is the feminine form of Noel, which translates to Christmas. the birthday of Jesus Christ, n all that. Holiday also fits.
also, her appearance.
she's got golden hair, which is a relatively common, yet incorrect portrayal of Jesus.
her antlers have an intentional shape, too; they resemble crosses.
her robes in the Dark World are plain and white. people often attribute this to it being a "snow angel" joke, which it is, but miss out on how it also resembles the stereotypical white robes Jesus is oft depicted in.
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near the end of the Normal Route too, we also see Noelle posed exactly in a crucifix position. (the blue hand may as well be alluding to the Weird Route.)
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so. as for the Weird Route.
the route itself, the way it plays is suspiciously similar to Jesus' final moments before his own crucifixion, but i'm going to gloss over that mostly in favor of directly visible canonical info. of which is this.
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the Thorn Ring, or as Spamton phrases it, "[Ring] of [Thorns]" is a word for word parallel to the Crown of Thorns. the crown was an object of mockery created by the Romans and placed upon Christ's head right before his crucifixion.
... i know i said i wasn't gonna talk about it, but i think it's fair to mention how Kris, a trusted friend of Noelle's, is the one to "betray" her and "sell her out" (Dark Dollars for the ring) in the same way Judas Iscariot, trusted disciple of Christ, sells him out in trade for silver. they are also possessed by the Player, which in one of the Gospels it is said Judas was possessed by the Devil.
now for canonical information outside of the game.
in the Spamton Sweepstakes, particularly Icepalace-Glaceir, the room of which she explores in Dragon Blazers is icy, and more importantly, cross-shaped.
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it being an ice area and shaped like that is, i would say, an intentional detail.
ehhhh alright. this is all i can think of off the top of my head, but this girl is a certified Christ Figure.
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