entertainthisidea · 8 months
Okay but why am I not seeing anyone anywhere on the internet dissecting and breaking down over the "just kidding about our breakup" scene?
This is 100% by far the most excruciatingly hot scene I've ever seen.
Let me bring your attention to the details: he's soaking wet
he's naked
he's breathing heavily
he has pure desperation in his voice, he's entirely at her mercy
their lips flirting with the idea of kissing (my favourite)
his hands in her hair
his whine
this type of tension just doesn't exist in a lot of movies, it truly fucked me up
and yet there's no youtube video essays on this shit, nothing on tiktok, nothing but smut here on tumblr (I appreciate you smut writers but I was looking to actually find my obsession with this scene validated somewhere). I cannot be the only one who is hyperfixating on this.
and possibly the worst part is: this scene doesn't even give us the least it could, a kiss. this shit gave me blue balls. all that tension just to get dressed and get in a car. damn.
someone please scream with me
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entertainthisidea · 9 years
/grēf/ noun 1. keen mental suffering or distress overaffliction or loss; sharp sorrow;  painful regret. we are pigeonholed by textbook definitions, by black and white judgments; in reality, rarely are things so simple. grief can look like many things: it can look like shaky laughter, far-away looks, skinned knuckles and punctured drywall. it can look like damp pillowcases, 10 empty bottles on the night stand, and a different man in bed each night. grief can look like chipped nail polish, greasy hair, and 3 weeks without shaving. grief may be something we all share, but it looks different on everyone. sometimes the 5 stages feel more like 100. and sometimes breathing can be harder than lifting hundred pound weights.
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entertainthisidea · 9 years
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Source: Scribbles and Crumbs - Facebook
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entertainthisidea · 9 years
Grief is that way. It appears out of nowhere to remind you that it hasn’t gone far. The sightings aren’t given a calendar to reference, nor do they care about being inconvenient. In that moment, the pain and sadness is as fresh as if the death happened yesterday.
Sofia Wellman, ‘Grief is a Beast’. http://www.sofiawellman.com/grief-is-a-beast/ (via survivingsiblingsuicide)
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entertainthisidea · 9 years
Missing you comes in waves and tonight I’m drowning.
(via allaboutthattherapy)
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entertainthisidea · 9 years
Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.
Edna St. Vincent Millay (via bibliophilebunny)
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entertainthisidea · 9 years
I didn’t think I was strong enough to handle this. I couldn’t stand the thought of this loss. I was sick of life being so impossibly hard.
Joan Bauer, Hope Was Here (via seeingisdeceivinggg)
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entertainthisidea · 9 years
I’m fine. Actually, I’m more than fine. I’m happy, and everything is okay. But then, my mind wanders and I end up thinking of you, and suddenly my whole body aches. And I wonder if I had been numbing myself so I wouldn’t have to feel the pain of missing you this whole time. And I wonder how long I will have to continue to numb myself. And I wonder how much longer it will hurt, and when I will be able to think of you and feel happy for the memories we shared instead of sad that you’re no longer here. And I wonder if you ever really do heal from losing someone.
l.i.u. , 12/5/15 (via love-inspire-universally)
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entertainthisidea · 9 years
It’s funny. The day you lose someone isn’t the worst. At least you’ve got something to do. It’s all the days they stay dead.
The Doctor (via winifredjay)
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entertainthisidea · 9 years
What does it mean when a guy you used to work with fb messages you out of the blue, asks how you’re doing, and finishes the conversation by saying you should get coffee soon? Am I straight up being hit on or?
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entertainthisidea · 10 years
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If I could change anything about the entertainment industry it would be the ‘celebrity culture.’ Something has been lost somewhere along the way with the craft of story-telling and I agree with Paul Newman when he said something along the lines of “people don’t shoot movies now, they shoot schedules, they shoot budgets.” There are of course exceptions but when the creativity is overshadowed by ‘the business’ I often feel disappointed by that. [credits x,x]
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entertainthisidea · 10 years
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entertainthisidea · 10 years
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entertainthisidea · 10 years
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Official round table business?
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entertainthisidea · 10 years
"And if someday you're lonely,
or someday you're sad,
or you strike out a baseball,
or think you've been bad...
just lift up your face, feel the wind in your hair.
That's me, my sweet baby, my love is right there."
Nancy Tillman
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entertainthisidea · 10 years
I feel like Twelve doesn't fly the tardis enough. Ten and Eleven used to be constantly tinkering with the knobs and levers but there hasn't been alot of attention of Twelve flying the tardis. I really hope we can look forward to that in S09.
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entertainthisidea · 10 years
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