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Tumblr for all my fandom drawings: D.gray-Man, Twewy, FFVII, DCMK, Lupin III, Zelda...
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ennael · 10 days ago
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ennael · 3 months ago
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Secret Lero Gift for @darlighl ! Their prompt was an "awkward Noah family dinner". Awkward=Sheryl in my mind and the idea popped up pretty much right away. It's only my 2nd manga pages ever (and the first was 10 years ago without counting the redraw DGM) but it was really interesting to work on :D I didn't have the time to colour it fully, maybe someday... (Tyki is grinning at the end because it happened to him way too many times before >:3 )
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ennael · 7 months ago
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Last artfight drawing but with the time I passed on it and the amount of persons I have to tag, it felt like it needed its own post :') Description under the cut, thanks for letting me play with your characters!
In the middle of the drawing we have first Camillia, about to play a clever hand from phoogho Dunya the cat from miss_anya desserved some pats and Millicent from @aubadeatelier  seemed more than happy to provide! Tiare from Aphelion and Ciar from yonahverse seems quite excited about this terrible fight. Mila from MunyuNana  is quietly looking at the party, seconds away from turning around to talk again with Auzma from Zumetro who is already engaged in a cheerful talk with a fellow exorcist. Suki Lie from @sukikmu is having fun tasting the cakes while Helena is distracted by the game. Aliki from @pymthefrog  is maybe the youngest, but she got trained by the best and is going to win it all for sure, Ilya from @lavie-tyme looking at her technique with respect. Next to him, Shelley from PurplePandog have a lot to say about the game. Friends not participating in this artfight were kind enough to let me play with their characters and adding it to the mess! At the bottom left corner, we have Lucy from Badnightstar, maybe the older soul of the bunch and someone you shouldn't mess with! Half sleeping on the table, but do not think she isn't sharp, we have Tod from StardustNeeko Behind her, talking to Shelley, we have the always cool Amelia by Sabhamun. And last but not least, the handsome orange hair boy with the hand on Aliki's shoulder is Velvet from Modig Kanin.
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ennael · 7 months ago
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Time for Artfight drawings! I was in the Stardust team this year :) Thank for letting me play with your characters and for your attacks as well!
Detailed credits of the characters and their owner under the cut !
First one is I think my fav from this artfight : N°6 by @bilolli a sad but cool little satyr!
The badass one with wing of gold is Verkir by @aaronandthecrew it was a blast to work on a dynamic pose for such a cool character! The cute little dragon is Tango, on the bow of Tabby from KittehMei . An animal was a challenge for me but I'm happy with how Tango turned out! The lil girl pouting is Peanut for KatFyie
The shadow one with the cool scarf is Handsome Scarf for @noodlebox-bird the perfect character to try things and warm up to this event!
The femme fatal is Corvette by Redrum love her tattoo!! The silly guy in the stars is Æbhil by Mangosteeeeeen
The Hurdy-Gurdy player is The director by @Infini
As each year, the two sisters on the beach are Tiare and Xia from Aphelion
And last but not least, we got my own character Helena sneaking on Captain Millicent's ship from @aubadeatelier
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ennael · 10 months ago
It's my great pleasure to say this project is officially… finished! Thanks a lot for partying with us the 20th years of this manga dear to us all! I hope contributors and readers passed a good time with this project! On my side, I'm sure proud of the result but I won't lie, it was quite a lot of works and stress at time so I'm glad it's finally finished ^^ But more than that, I had a great time along the others artists and I thank them very much for their motivation and willingness! I began DGM when I barely knew how to read and it followed me for 17 long years. It was the subject of my first drawings, my first writings and even my first animation. At this point, I feel like it'll be a live-long companion on my journey. A truly formative work of art!
I'm also really happy to see the DGM community going strong even with the state of the original manga : when I throw the idea out, I though we would be 20 at most and we ended up being 175 (even if not until the very end) a beautiful bunch of Zoombies like those Hoshino love so much XD A big big thank you to my two fellow mods Noiwont and @ponkotsubluuues . It was so nice to work with you two, Tsu always up for everything and Noiwont the quiet strenght that calmed us down.
I discovered so many great artists I will follow the journey of from now on and I'm sure we will cross path again in the fandom! From now on, @dgm20thproject will only be used to advertise others DGM artist fandom event so feel free to @ it or send a PM if you have an event you want a reblog of!
Well, that's a wrap, congrats D.Gray Man again for turning 20th and good luck to Hoshino-sensei for the continuation!
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Happy 20th Anniversary D.Gray-Man!
Here is a project made by fans for the 20th anniversary of D.Gray-Man. It is viewable for free and can't be downloaded and sold in any way. 175 artists, from determined beginners to seasoned pros, signed up to redraw the first volume, illustrate 18 iconic moments, and sketch 73 doodles (presented alongside 36 silly questions) in their own style!
This fanbook has no affiliation with the official DGM in any way. The contributors claim no ownership or right to the DGM work, which is the sole property of Katsura Hoshino and Shūeisha. Each artist is the owner of and responsible for their art. Reposting any of the artwork is strictly forbidden without direct permission from the artist who made it.
Only look at this Zine if you already know DGM! It wouldn't be as interesting otherwise. We hope that our work will prompt new and old readers to take interest into D.Gray-Man. Please buy the manga to support the author!
The Zine
And the password to see it : DGM20thAnniversaryFanProject! You can put it in full mode in the top right corner, the four squares there are also a table of content.
This project is our way to celebrate this manga we love and we hope you readers will enjoy our art as much as we loved making it!
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ennael · 10 months ago
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The little walk cycle I made for the @DGM20thproject Iconic Moment introduction page! I was afraid we will not be able to put it into the Zine but we found a way! It's the second time I dabble into 2D animation and there is improvement for sure! But it's really frustrating to see the mistakes and not being able to correct them (without redrawing and a lot of time) because I don't know how to actually 2D animate X') I think I'll stick mostly to 3D ^^ You can see the full Zine here!
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ennael · 10 months ago
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The second Iconic Moment I did for the @DGM20thproject summarizing the Martel arc! I'm still not okay with what happened to Lala and Guzol even 20 years later T^T The "I want to be a destroyer who can save" quote really stuck with me all those years.
You can see the full Zine here!
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ennael · 10 months ago
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The Iconic Moment I did for the @dgm20thproject summarizing the end of the Ark Arc! A long favourite of mine so I didn't hesitate at all to take this one :3 Still love the Red alt better but the Blue version worked well with the Ark Arc vibe. The Arc was an absolute pain to draw, even more since half of it got hidden in the end X')
Come see the full Zine here!
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ennael · 10 months ago
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Here's the three Doodles I did for the @dgm20thproject !
It was so nice to draw some of my favourites secondary characters. D.Gray-Man have so many great characters, though, it was hard to choose! But Lala and the Head Nurse left a big impression on my young self, and then it was funny to put them with other character they wouldn't interact with usually! Road and Timothy dancing was a fun bonus, I'm sure if I try enough, I could write a canon fic where this happen XD
Come see the full Zine here!
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ennael · 10 months ago
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Happy 20th Anniversary, D.gray-Man! Here is the page I did for the @dgm20thproject page 155 from chapter 6. It wasn't my initial page, but I gave away my first since another contributor was eager to get a page ^^ All in all, I'm happy with this one! It was fun to think of a way to panel it differently and I was happy to draw Reever :3 You can see the whole Zine here!
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ennael · 10 months ago
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Happy 20th Anniversary to Katekyo Hitman Reborn! No time for a full ZIne like for D.Gray Man but KHR is a huge part of my childhood too and I couldn't *not* do something for it at least once!
Began one with all the guardians and my fav characters, but it was too long for the time I had. So here is a 20 year later Tsuna (okay, he doesn't look 33, but he has Nana's DNA, that why huhu) and Reborn with a hint of the past :)
line and reflection under the cut!
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I would love to read some 10yl or 20yl crackish fic... I wonder what Tsuna would have to bear with in the mafia ? Maybe I should write some, but then again if I do, it'll end up in drama, and it's not what I want to read XD
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ennael · 10 months ago
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Road Kamelott from D.Gray-Man by Katsura Hoshino. Dress inspired by one of an old 1901 journal. Mostly an excuse to draw old dress and try CSP EX ^^'
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ennael · 10 months ago
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My pages for the @conanredraw Project! From Detective Conan by Gosho Aoyama. I only tried to draw one (1!) manga page before and it was about ten years ago so it was a clear improvement X) The second page was a last minute one but I'm glad I took it, made me try other things than with first page even though I'm not happy with it all ^^ It was fascinating to see how I could rework the layout while keeping the original story and my own style. The project was a lot of fun too, it was so cool to work with everyone on a same goal! Thanks to the organizer for their huge work managing and formatting this project!
Some pages steps under the cut :
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ennael · 1 year ago
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I had this sad grey case and some old fabric pencils and... tadaaa! A twewy case! Absolutely destroyed my black pencil, but it was worth it :3 The thing is... I have another plain gray face available... ideas ? Maybe some Reaper wings...
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ennael · 1 year ago
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Time for Artfight drawings! I was in the Vampire team this year :) Thank for letting me play with your characters and for your attacks as well! Detailed credits of the characters and their owner under the cut !
The first is Exallever from Kotonen what a cool character! Loved to work on the fire and the light on him :D
The little guy with the animal are Cinnamon and Papaya from @ikolit they're so cute!
The proud braided swordmaster is San McCain by Slugdog it was a pose a bit too much difficult for my current level, but I'm glad I tried ^^'
The hooded and bloody guy is ♢ Jax from aevyndzn_ always like a crazy guy
The board game is well played with the Deal Monster Imago from @aaronandthecrew and the God Time Tempo from @bilolli. A human game which involve time? Tempo is quite interested! While Imago see in it a new way to make funny deal! Edwar is just happy to play with godly friends
The meeting at night involve Jarod by Alizarine and Kaitlyn the Poltergeist from IndifferentArtist I had so much trouble with this one, it was my last and time I stopped for this year ^^'
Alya Caelum from ronkardd I so love her fire hairs!
The hug feature sweet Carter and Lucas from skelemanarts1
The determined one-handed swordman is Ranji by @xanthouransong better not get in his way!
And last but not least, the cool skategirl is Denise Tang from huniyuzu it was a lot of fun working on this pose!
Seeing it all, I'm pretty happy with this Artfight, a clear improvement from last year and I got some heart-warming drawings too :D
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ennael · 1 year ago
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Totally forgot to post this one, here is a drawing I made for last Artfight to update old OC's style. The game Monster Edwar and his little human playmate Myrtille playing some music together.
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ennael · 1 year ago
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I'm participating into the Twewy Big Bang again this year but this time, as an artist! Here's my drawing for @freshcreationgarden fic The Last Day Thank a lot @subasekabang for organizing it :)
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