Enjoy Life Apparel
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 6 years ago
Summer Vibes Bring Good Times
Happy Summer ELA Family!
We hope you're enjoying some of the sunshine, good food, and happier people.  There's nothing like the freedom to eat, drink, and be merry while enjoying good company.
Summer is the season to celebrate life. It's the time to thank yourself for all the hard work you did throughout the year. It's a time to be proud of yourself and everyone around you for all that you've accomplished. During summer, we don't have to worry about the ways in which we fell short, or the goals that we didn't meet; it's all about the things we did get right.
Take the time to look all around you. Somewhere you're going to find someone who's happy and determined to live stress-free today. Join them!  Be yourself as you are now and be proud of it.
Take the summer to celebrate the good things you do have. Take the time to celebrate the body that you have today. It may not be perfect but it's still working, and it's working for you.  Most of all it's beautiful and amazing.
Appreciate the money that you have right now. It may not be 1 million bucks, but it's enough for you to eat, and it's enough for you to stay alive to smile yet another day.  
Take time to smile at your boss today and all of your coworkers. They may not be the people you would have chosen, but they are vital parts of your life and they make your life possible.
It's summer, the season of loving life. Share the love; be the love. Happy vibes, bring good times. Offer the world the gift of contentment today and you will receive the gift of happiness in return.
Enjoy life this summer!
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 7 years ago
How to Make Your Life More Simple
The more the merrier couldn’t be any farther from the truth.
We live in the digital age. We have libraries and databases of information at our fingertips. We can talk to friends miles away and even continents away. We can order clothes online with the money we made working from home on a computer. We can just do so much more.
But all these options make life too overwhelming. Although the world is moving faster and faster than ever, there are ways to slow things down, concentrate, and make life more simple.
1. Keep a close group of friends.
There is nothing more complicated than being dragged into useless drama with people you don’t really like. Save yourself the trouble and don’t try to be buddy buddy with everyone in the room. Accept that people will not like you just because you’re you. Their loss.
Focus on building up your relationship with your closest friends. Try not to talk so much about people but talk more on ideas. What are your goals? What are your best friends’ goals? How are you helping each other reach these goals? Creating meaningful dialogue with people you want in your life is one of the first steps in building a long-lasting relationship with your friends.
2. Shorten your daily to-do lists to no more than 6 items.
This is something even I struggle with sometimes. Be honest with yourself: what really gets done when you have a thousand items on one to-do lists? Forcing yourself to at max 6 items each day also forces you to prioritize. The tasks with the biggest impact on your current well being--like say exercise--should be the ones that make it on to the list.
Product highlight: E.L.A Joggers for working out in style. 
And if you have small tasks like doing laundry or responding to an email, tasks that won’t take more than two minutes, do them now! I love having a sticky note and a pen near my work desk, but some things just aint worth the tree! If a task pops up in your head that won’t take too long to do, just do it then and there.
 3. Set a specific time to send and answer all emails.
One of the biggest mistakes I made as a freshman was allowing notifications from Gmail on my phone. Every single time I’d get a message, my phone would buzz. And most of the times, it would be from stores like Rue21 where they suckered me into giving them my email address!
Checking your email every hour on the hour is a dangerous habit, and it can turn into that terrible feeling of hearing your phone buzz every 5 minutes when it really isn’t.
4. Stop multitasking. 
If you think you’re good at multitasking, you’re probably wrong. Business Insider reports that only 2% of people can multitask well. You've probably convinced yourself that you can do your homework while listening to TV in the background several times,  but in the words of DJ Khaled, you played yourself.
Ever talk with a friend while writing something down and unintentionally write down what you’re friend just said? Even more proof that most of us are not that great at multitasking. You might think of it as effective in the long run. You might be working faster, but you could also be making more mistakes.
The main multitasking culprits seem to deal with technology. And some pieces of technology were built so that you could multitask and get work done. But to get work done more efficiently, you might want to leave it to only the machines to multitask for you. That way, you’re letting something else handle all the background, busy work while you focus on enjoying the present. Enjoying the now.
5. Plan, plan, plan.
Even though I’m all for living in the moment and enjoying like one breath at a time, it’s just as important to think about the future. You don’t have to have a detailed picture of what you want to do in the next ten years, but you at least want to have a sketch. Motivation comes and goes, but it’s much more easy to discipline yourself if you have an idea of what you want your life to look and feel like.
And your perfect life might be a nightmare in your eyes a few years down. People change. Passions change. But with an end goal, there’s always going to be a process that requires sacrifice, risk, failure, and perseverance. And once you’ve mastered the art of each, it won’t matter what you’re trying to pursue. You will achieve anything and everything you want to. 
 What are some things that make your life complicated? How do you plan on making it simpler? 
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 7 years ago
The phrase that needs to die in 2018: I’m busy
The phrase that needs to die in 2018: I’m busy
  How many times have you missed an important meeting because you were busy? What about turning in assignments late because you were busy? Or thinking of a friend, claiming you miss them, but can’t find the time to call them because you’re busy?
 As Americans, we have this chronic pseudo-condition called “being busy.” We have so much going on: school, job, and overall life. So much, that it gets difficult for balance to happen and to look at the big picture. But in reality, being busy is just an excuse to not do something important to you.
What it means to be busy
The term “I’m busy” should die because it doesn’t really mean much. What are you busy doing: working or sleeping? People hear the term busy and automatically associate it with getting stuff done, making money moves, things of that nature. But you can be busy watching anime on a week night knowing darn well you’ve got to get to work early in the morning.
And on that note, just because you’re busy doing something that feels productive does not mean you’re doing any better either.
You could be a total shark: get a 9-5 full-time job, work on a side product/craft from 5-11, plan tomorrow out until 11:30, and then go to bed. You’ve got a packed schedule, I know. You’re busy.
But it still means absolutely NOTHING when it’s been months and your mom is still waiting for you to call her back.
It means nothing if you’re following up with business  and school emails but not text messages from friends that bother to check up on you.
It means nothing if your lover is losing you to work.
The problem with saying “I’m busy” is that it contorts peoples’ perception of success. If you’re not busy, you have too much free time, so they say.
But as we have explored, you can be busy and still not live the life you want.
Related: Why you don’t have to please anyone, not even your parents.
What you should say instead
“It’s not a priority of mine.”
If we stopped saying “I’m busy,” we’d be able to get off our high horse and sense the truth in our words. “I’m busy” is just too glorified. It’s been overused as a synonym for success for too long.
If we said something that’s a little less common and a little more specific, we could be more true to ourselves and to the people around us.
“Hey, how come you don’t call me anymore?”
It’s not a priority of mine.
“Why weren’t you here when we were finishing the project?”
It’s not a priority of mine.
“Why didn’t you come to rehearsal tonight?”
It’s not a priority of mine.
When you start replacing “I’m busy” with “it’s not a priority of mine,” you’ll realize where the majority of your time is going. You might notice that you’re spending too much time on things that, in the end, don’t matter to you.
Or you’ll see that nothing is in fact wrong at all, and you’ll continue with your daily schedule.
The truth is, you can and you will work on things that mean the most to you. If talking to your best friend from high school just to check in on him/her is important to you, you’ll make time for it.
If going to the gym to get a workout in is important to you, you will make time for it.
My friend used to be the president of an Asian culture club at my high school. She wasn’t Asian, but she was the president, and was also the most dedicated. She’d always complain to me saying members of exec would always claim that they’re busy and miss the meetings. I told her to spit the truth back at them and say, “oh, so what you’re saying is, it really wasn’t a priority for you?” And when she did, she got silence.
Silence and blank stares.
 In 2018, do yourself and others a favor by being more diligent with your time. Stop saying you’re busy, because that will easily trick you into thinking you’re  always efficient with your time. Instead, make time for the things and people you love. Don’t prioritize your schedule. Schedule your priorities.
 Thanks for reading, Please leave your comments below and let us know what you think.
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 7 years ago
You don’t need to please anyone, not even your parents.
I remember a time when I watched this middle-aged doctor give a speech. He was retiring from his profession as a physician in order to pursue his passions in music. He said something like “I’ve done what you wanted me to do, now I am going to do what I want to do.”
  My mother was amazed at his passion for making his parents proud. I was mortified.
Parents love their children. And from an early age, we’ve always been trained to do things that would make parents proud. Getting good grades in school. Not giving in to peer pressure. Learning how to pee in a toilet.
 And even though there’s a special kind of happiness when your parents say they are proud of you, if you want to live life on your own terms, you’re going to disappoint them. And it’s totally okay. Here’s why:
 1.     Some parents are selfless.
Parents think of their family a lot. Their actions are almost always reflective on how it’ll affect their children and even their own  parents.That’s why you shouldn’t feel so surprised when they ask you to do the same.
“How will you take care of your family on a musician’s salary?”
“What woman will marry you if you’re a poor teacher?”
 You parents sacrificed a lot for you. They want the best for you so you can provide the best for your family, and so on and so forth. Even if it means giving up on your goals.
 2.     Some parents are incredibly selfish.
And then you have parents that like to think and act only for themselves.
“Oh, my daughter went to Mercer!”
“My son is a lawyer.”
“Really? Let’s hook them up!”
 And I bet you somewhere in this world, two mothers are having this conversation.
 If you have immigrant parents like me, you’ll realize they love to brag about their kids. Some people escaped their home countries so that their kids can have a wealthy future.
 My mom is Nigerian and clique-y. She and her friends love talking to each other, about each other, and about each other’s kids. So it’s important for every child to be either a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, or marrying someone that already is. Because when the child does great, the parents do great.
 Little do they know that money does not make people rich. Life does.
 Related: My Riches is Life Bob Marley Tee
 3.     Your parents are old.
 Parents have been through everything you are going through, so yes: in a sense they do have an idea of what’s best for you.
 But the thing is, the life they were living was probably 10 times more difficult than how life is right now.
 One main reason being they didn’t have INTERNET.
 There have been thousands of jobs created that rely on the internet. People can make a living making Youtube videos now. There are so many ways to make a living that weren’t created when your parents were kids.
 So any profession that takes more than 5 seconds to explain gets slammed with the term unrealistic. And it hurts when your parents, the people that tell you that you are capable of accomplishing ANYTHING, don’t believe in you.
 4.     After your parents die it’ll only be you.
Doesn’t really need an explanation. After your parents pass, their complaints and their expectations for you die with them. So if you’re pursuing a career your parents want you to pursue, once your parents pass, so will their supposed pride in you.
 In order to live a fulfilling life, you don’t need to please anyone. No, not even your parents, the people that gave you life.
You do need to enjoy it, though. Living on this earth is not just about the money and the titles. It’s not about getting others to say they’re proud of you. It’s about being proud of yourself.
Instead of pleasing, remind your parents that they shouldn’t worry about how you’re going to provide for your future family. Remind them that as long as you have life, you will be rich.
And if you feel like you need that same reminder, we’ve got you covered.
 Do your parents support your career goals?
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
“Enjoy life. Accentuate the positive, not the negative. It sounds so trite, but a lot of people will pick out something to complain about, rather than say, ‘Hey, that was great!’ It’s not hard to find great stuff if you look.” ~ Betty White
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 7 years ago
Enjoy Life Apparel- www.elaenjoylife.com
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 7 years ago
Why you should stop making New Year’s Resolution
Why you should stop making New Year’s Resolution
  New Year’s and I have a love/hate relationship. I love it because the feeling of newness is refreshing. But after being bombarded with New Year’s texts and wishes, there’s no other way to continue the conversations without asking: what’s your New Year’s resolution?
 For some reason, every January 1st is the time you announce to the world your New Year’s resolution. We strain our brains to find something we want to fix, and then we start on the first to do it. But really, after five months, who even utters the word New Year’s resolution? The term might sound catchy and fitting, but here’s why you should stop making New Year’s resolutions.
 Your New Year’s resolution isnt everyone’s business.
 I’m all for support groups. I’m all for telling close friends and family members that you plan on changing some things about your life. In fact, sometimes you kinda have to. If you want to lose weight, you have to tell Grandma that you can’t eat her pecan pie every weekend any more.
But other times, some things are better left to yourself. New Year’s resolutions suck because it’s weird if you don’t share them with others.
Let’s face it. Some friends and family members aren’t supportive. People can be envious. Some might not want to see you doing better than them. Some family are just so comfortable with the way you are that they don’t want to see you change. Maybe in fear that you might leave them.
Some friends will slap you with a reality check, which is fine. If you’ve ever made a New Year’s resolution to make a trillion dollars, they would probably scoff at you for not being realistic.
But what sounds possible for you might be a joke to them.
If you tell a grinch-like family member that you want to learn a new language, they might hit you with “don’t waste your time,” or “you’re too old.” If you want a new car, they might say “it’s too expensive.”
Unfortunately, you’ll have loved ones in your life that want you to succeed but don’t want you to do better than them.
This is why it’s important not to share everything, especially your goals, to certain people. Doubt from others can easily turn into doubting yourself.  
New Year’s resolutions are too vague.
You wanna eat healthier? Okay, instead of going out to eat 3 times a week, reduce it to 2. Congrats, you’re eating healthier!
New Year’s resolutions sometimes are just too vague to be meaningful. Lose weight, be less stingy, eat healthy, make more money—vague, vague, vague.  
When you have a goal or resolution that’s vague, it throws everything off. It becomes too difficult to measure progress, especially if it’s a goal you want to work on every day of the year. And trust me, if you want to reach a goal, you have to work at it every day.
Two years ago (and I’m incredibly surprised I still remember this), my New Year’s Resolution was to be less stingy. What the heck does that mean? How do I MEASURE being less stingy?
Now fast forward to the present and my siblings are still calling me stingy. Not my fault they never return my stuff.
Don’t just say you want to be less stingy—it’s too vague. Say you want to give more and truly be happy with sharing with others. This requires you to change yourself to become a more giving person. Read spiritual books on giving. Practice moderation so you can train yourself not to use so much. Teach yourself to learn that it is more better to give than to receive.
We forget about our New Year’s resolutions.
 The reason I was surprised I remembered my resolution is because I don’t know anyone that actually keeps track of their New Year’s resolutions. Do you even remember what your resolution was last year? I mean, c’mon, it was a whole 365 days ago!
  And one of the main reasons we forget about these resolutions is because they are not S.M.A.R.T: specific, measurable, achievable, reliable, and timely. My resolution of being stingy wasn’t very specific, and because of that, I had no way to measure and hold myself accountable.
 Accountability also includes having a deadline. What’s the deadline for a New Year’s resolution? The end of the year? If so, then there needs to be checkpoints every single month to measure growth. But does anyone ever sit down to map that out?
Forget the “new year, new me” hype. 2017 has ended, but don’t feel that you need to broadcast a vague goal to your internet friends during the holiday. In fact, don’t post at all.
Instead, for the new year, I challenge you to not simply wait till the beginning of a new year to change something about yourself. If you find something wrong, work on it as soon as you can.
Instead of a resolution, I have a word of the year. Mine is “mindful.” Mindfulness allows me to be more aware of my surroundings and to make every second of breath count.
Happy New Year, everyone! And don’t forget to enjoy the little moments of the new year that make up this thing called life.
How do you feel about New Year’s Resolutions? What is your word for the new year?
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 8 years ago
Season of Love, Sunshine, and Enjoying Life
It's been a while since our last post! We are happy to be back on track to share love and say thank you for your support.
Summertime is all about sunshine and love, or least that's we want it to be about.  School is out, vacation days are racking up waiting to be used, the ocean waves are calling our names, and the NBA playoffs call us to the local bar to gather and scream or celebrate with an anonymous community of fans.  Everywhere we go is filled with life.
In nature, summer is about celebrating the fruit and success of the hard work put in during the other three seasons.  Nature must die, refresh, an regrew during fall, winter, and spring.  But in summer, nature blooms, dances and soaks up all the sun's rays to celebrate the chance to live yet another year.
As people we are part of nature and in many ways we follow the same patterns.  We work hard year round, but do we ever give ourselves a full season to just celebrate the life we live? We can't be all work with no freedom to just enjoy life.  The best part about summer is that it's the easiest time of year to vacation without going far from home.  Almost everyone is venturing out into the streets looking for something to refresh their minds, bodies, and souls. Join them!  They may have just what you're looking for and your presence may be all they need to remember that life is a gift to be enjoyed together!
Let this season be about love, sunshine, and enjoying your life!
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 8 years ago
Enjoying The Unexpected
Welcome Back ELA Family and Happy Mother's Day to all of our moms!
For all of you mothers and surrogate mothers out there, thank you for loving us and helping our dreams come true! There's nothing like a mother's love. 
We are half way into May and almost half of 2017 has come and gone.  Is the year going as planned? Did you even realize that you had expectations for this year? 
What has been the best part of your year so far?  What makes you smile the most each day?  Are they things you expect or are they things that happen by surprise? It's easy to think we have to plan our happiness by trying to avoid the hard and painful things in life. However, there are many times when the things we didn't expect pop up and give us joy that we couldn't plan into existence.
It's true that unexpected things can bring sadness and make life harder to appreciate and enjoy.  But there is a way to appreciate even those hard times and find something enjoyable in them.
When things happen or people show up in our lives that we didn't anticipate we can only respond with positivity or negativity.  When we find ourselves swept up in the unknown, we can't always control the situation, the people around us, or the direction of the situation.  However we can be prepared for surviving and thriving in unknown places.
How can we prepare for something we don't know anything about or when it will happen?  How we respond to the things going on in our lives today is how we will respond to the new things planned or unplanned tomorrow.  If we find something to enjoy every day not matter how small, then we will find something pleasant to enjoy even in tight situations that we cannot avoid or see coming.  
Our founder, Alvic Kollie, created the Compass Tee to remind us that it's possible to enjoy something in every season of life.  “Life takes you in so many directions; it’s about enjoying life wherever you are on the journey.”
So wherever you are on your journey through life, good or bad, planned or unplanned, find the the thing in you and around you that never stops giving hope to your situation.  Find that one thing and focus on it.  It will change your perspective and prepare you to see the next unexpected event as an opportunity rather than a setback.
Enjoy life today!
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 8 years ago
Fear of Failure
Welcome Back ELA Family!!
We are so happy you are here with us.  We are here to celebrate life with you.
Everyone at some point in their lives dreams of something better than what they have right now.  That dream comes from a sense of purpose and a feeling that we are made to experience something amazing in our lifetimes.  Many of us have no idea of how to reach our dreams, we just know we want to somehow.  And some of us don't have a particular dream, we just want to feel better and be happier and don't care how we get there.  We all believe in something better, but how many of us take the risk and go for it? 
We asked people, "What keeps you from trying something new?".  They answered,
"Fear of failure."
"People always told me to be cautious so I listened."
"If I have only one chance, what if it doesn't work out?" 
"I want to, but what if I make the wrong choice? What will people think of me? Who will get hurt?"
Many of us go through our lives holding onto fear and presenting it as wisdom.  It is necessary to be cautious at times, however caution isn't inaction, it's wise action.  Fear causes paralyzing worry and prevents us from moving forward. 
It's okay to be cautious, however being cautious sometimes means being aware that things can go wrong and being willing to accept it and let go of the need to control the outcome.  If you are not happy where you are now, then fear of failure shouldn't be the thing holding you back.  Your current actions or attitudes are already failing you so there has to be more hope in changing.
The first step is understanding your why? Why are you not moving forward?  It is possible that you are being wise in waiting for a better time, however it's also likely that you are living in fear of things getting worse instead of better.
If it is fear holding you back, acknowledge that fear and face it.  Let it be transformed into hope and then start small.  Try talking to someone you've ignored or were afraid would reject you. Take a new route on the way home from work. Go spend a day in a different part of town and take in the different tastes, sights and sounds.  Find out that change can be good and lead to better, and build from there.
Let go of fear and you'll feel yourself enjoying life again or for the first time.
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 8 years ago
Start Over With "I'm Happy To Be Here"
Hello Enjoy Life Apparel Family!
Welcome back! We really appreciate your support and we are happy you are here with us!
Every day we wake up faced with choices.  Some of us start the day with a morning routine. We wake up early before dawn, start a pot of coffee, and sip it during a few moments of silent meditation, ignoring our smartphones for just a little while.  We rise early to get our own thoughts and feelings together before the people around us wake up and starts telling us what we should be thinking and doing.
Some of us wake up and the world around us is already buzzing. We immediately start thinking about the to-do list of our day. We may respond with procrastination or the impulsion to just "get it over with".  A lot of us won't get out of bed before we check the latest headlines, skim our news feeds on Facebook, and scroll through our twitter feeds which will either make us laugh or make us scream.  We post a picture of our breakfast or coffee mug on Instagram on the way to work, telling the world we are "ready for the day" whether that's true or not, and we begin the business of daily life.
How we start our day can say a lot about how we live our lives.  We live in an age where there is never a shortage of information about how other people are living, and it's easier than ever to connect to people across the globe.  At the same time, all of this access can make it harder to connect to the people right next to us and even to ourselves.  We are constantly given images and words telling us what others are thinking and feeling.  As we take in those images, we start to relate to other people and we can also get lost in our desire to be more like them.
Life is hard even on the best days for many people.  However it is even harder if we move through life dreading our own days and envying the social media snapshots of another person's life.  Ask yourself, "Do I spend more time looking at someone else's life or do I spend more time being present to my life and the people around me? Why do I do that?"  
Social media captures a lot. We can share moments in real time through Periscope and Facebook live making us closer to friends and strangers who live far away. However, just because a moment isn't "social media worthy" doesn't mean it can't be a great moment or that is has to be lonely.
We can't escape our lives but we can enjoy them more, even in the hardest of times. Start your life over today by looking for one reason why you are happy you live today.  Try ending each day by thinking about the one thing you were glad you did or saw that day that you would have missed if you didn't wake up or get out of bed. If you can't think of anything, then vow to find or do one thing the next day, that will make that day worthwhile.
Great moments start with grateful attitudes.  Feeling like "I'm just happy to be here."  makes the difference.  Celebrating by saying, "I'm just happy to be alive." can transform dull moments into full ones.
Start enjoying life today by finding more reasons to smile.
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 8 years ago
Believing in New Beginnings
If this is your first visit to our site, welcome!  We are excited that you are here with us.
In the U.S., each day is getting warmer with a few more minutes of sunlight. Some of us emerged from winter ready for summer, already having our exercise routines in place, with our bodies ready for sundresses and our muscles perfectly toned for tightly fitting tanks tops.  Others of us spent the winter putting on more than just few extra layers of clothing, and are hoping that spring gives us just enough time to get in shape for the beach this summer. No matter who we are, springtime naturally pushes all of us toward a feeling of necessary transformation.
Transformation can bring both feelings of freedom and feelings of fear.  Often we want to try something new because we want to be something new. Yet sometimes we are held back because who we are now is familiar and easier to understand.
Raymond Lindquist said that, "Courage is the power to let go of the familiar." 
Enjoy Life  Apparel began because of years of being in work environments where no one was happy but almost everyone was afraid to reach for the things that would bring them joy. It's easy to get stuck when we and those around us spend more time looking for the reasons for our dissatisfaction than we do looking for the little victories of each day. My grandfather used to always say, "Each victory will help you some other to win."
When we start looking at all the ways we and those around us have succeeded in small things, we start to recognize that we all have what it takes to succeed in different and bigger things.  We can move up in our companies, start our own businesses, love more deeply in our friendships and relationships.  There is so much power in a person who believes in the strength within, and there is even greater power in a grower in a group of people who believe in each other.  
ELA Family, we are living something new by simply taking courage from the strength that helped us through past challenges.  Become something new by thinking in a new way.  Try spending more time looking for solutions than for problems.  Try spending more time focusing on what you love about your job than what you hate about it. 
Try looking for the best parts of the present moment. This will help us fully enjoy the gifts of the next moment.
Enjoy something new right where you are today!
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 8 years ago
Hello ELA Family!
Spring is HERE!  This is the season for new life.  All of the hard work of winter is finally starting to pay off.
Spring is winter's masterpiece finally being revealed.  What part of yourself do you want to reveal to the world this year?  We spend a lot of time thinking about what we want to do or what we should have done with past opportunities.  This is the time to reveal some of the good things that we've already done. 
It's easy to think in terms of accomplished vs. unaccomplished and that way of thinking has it's place in the world. However, there is a 3rd perspective that is often overlooked.  We spend most of our time as a work in progress. Progress isn't just the space in between getting started and being finished.  Progress is also the end goal and the foundation for a new beginning.  Celebrate being a work in progress.
Spring is beautiful, not because it is nature's finished work.  Spring is beautiful because it's evidence that good things are still happening and that there is a forward motion in the universe that carries us all to better places.  
You are in a better place today than you were a year ago, because you are one year stronger and one year wiser.  Today is the best day of your life because today you've made more progress than you ever have.
Find the beauty in your progress.  Take time to notice the beauty in the progress of others.
 Your spring is here. Celebrate the renewal your life brings into the world. Enjoy your progress today!!
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 8 years ago
Happy Monday ELA Family!
If you have never read our blog or visited our page before today, welcome!  If you're here then you're family!
We are 2 full months into the New Year; are you still reaching for your New Year's resolutions?  If you're doing well and are reaching or passing your goals, GREAT!  We celebrate you and you are inspiring us to keep moving too!  If you're not doing so well or have given up completely, DON'T JUDGE YOURSELF.  This is a time for reflection and celebration of simply desiring a better life for yourself and others. We are here to encourage you! 
Today an executive sent an email to his entire staff reminding them that growing requires leaving some things behind.  We are creatures of comfort and habit; we don't like to leave things behind.  We want to keep the things we love because they bring us joy.  We even hold on to the things that hurt us, because at least we understand them.  Moving forward and growing into a more meaningful life means easing into unknown territory.  Even on the path to paradise we can be scared and deterred by the unfamiliar.
If you find yourself in this position, afraid to let go of the familiar, the beauty of life is, you're never alone.  There are so many of us here with you who are in the same place and we are here to greet you and walk the path with you as friends.  And the people who love you will cheer you on and some will even join you in their own time.
Nurture the life inside of you by freeing yourself a little bit from the fear of the unknown.  There is no path in life where anyone is truly alone.  Take the next step and you'll see something great in yourself that you didn't see before.  You'll see some reward in life that survived all the negativity bouncing back and forth in the world just so that you could find it and enjoy it. 
New life is in the unfamiliar!  Enjoy it!
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 8 years ago
Hello ELA Family!
This is a big week for us as Enjoy Life Apparel.  This week, we are on the road and dreams are coming true!
As I write this, our CEO and founder, Alvic Kollie, is on his way to promoting our brand and love of life at MAGIC, the annual fashion show in Las Vegas.  We're really excited to reach a new audience and meet other people who are living out their dreams by wearing their passion for life.
These are the moments that make all others worth living.  Enjoy Life Apparel is more than a clothing company or a few happy people smiling their way through life.  ELA is both a dream and a family all about finding constant connection to the meaning of life.  As human beings we are meant to grow, dream, build, sacrifice, succeed, and enjoy all the phases of life.  At ELA, we all know what it's like to have to start from the bottom and work our way up.  Instead of being unhappy until we reach the top, we choose to enjoy the ride!
Come celebrate this dream with us.  If you are in Las Vegas this week, stop by and visit us at MAGIC.  If you are a little farther away, follow us on Facebook Live as we broadcast the making of ELA history.
There's always a reason to celebrate life.  Celebrate this moment with us!
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 8 years ago
Live As You Are Made To Live
Happy New Year ELA Family!
We made it to 2017; a new year and a fresh start!
This is the most famous time of year for making a change.  Usually, weight loss, more money, and healthier relationships make the famous New Year’s Resolutions list.   Deciding to live life better today than we did yesterday if the first step toward living life to the fullest. 
Part of the vision for ELA is to change the world for the better by recognizing the greatness inside of every person.  We’re starting off small, with one smile, one shirt, and one encouragement at a time, and we know that if we continue to believe in the vision, our brand will grow.   The same is true for your New Year’s resolutions; if you believe in the best version of yourself, all the small steps you take will matter.  If you wake up every day remembering the greatness inside of you, you will stick to your resolutions and reach your goals.
Believe in who you are right now.  Take time to see all the good inside of you today.  This will give you a clear understanding of the person you are meant to become and what it takes to get there. 
Instead of resolving to change ourselves, maybe we should resolve to be ourselves.  We often compare our accomplishments and mistakes to those of others to determine our success in life.  But every person on this earth is unique so success should look differently for everyone. 
The only success in life is being who we are made to be.  To become that person, we first must believe in the value of who we are.  Your uniqueness is a gift.  The way you look, your talent, your mind, and your heart are special and are just as valuable as everyone else’s.  Enjoying life is easy when you are living exactly as you are made to live.
As you think about how you want to live life this year, start by believing that you have something special to offer the world.  Let your first resolution be to wake up each day believing in yourself and believing in the people around you. 
We believe in you and we’re cheering you on!
Enjoy life today!
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enjoylifeapparel-blog · 9 years ago
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Gear up and Enjoy Life in our Spring Tees!!! $28.99 with 15% off right NOW!!! Order Now! elaenjoylife.com
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