enigmaticmxnarch · 6 years
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enigmaticmxnarch · 7 years
     ❝ Or maybe it’s all just part of a so much bigger plan ? Why’d I want or even NEED to spill the overall amplitude of my knowledge just yet ? What I say does not always equal the full-scale of background info I gathered. ❞
     They could easily play this game together. It’s a match of power, contradictions with the possibility to attract, about wrongs and rights and pointless scheming. None of them has the upper hand, they both stand on solid ground, debating whether they can form a partnership of convenience or further emulate the perfect picture of a double agent; pursuing objectives and playing a lone hand. Admittedly, Jessica’s always been better off alone and without a second burden around her shoulders she has to haul along until the bitter end. With someone as highly intelligent and flawlessly strategical as the famous woman in red, however, she nonchalantly doubted this would be the case, that the scales could turn against them and she’d have to carry the can for it. No, it’s more BENEFICIAL than anything, really. The only trump she’s got to play to break away from a corrupt and shady company that has her on a tight and short leash for far too long now. Payments were piss-poor anyway so nothing really keeps her there. All she’s gotta do is rub her the right way, pique her interest and then spring the trap when the thirst for clues has brought her close enough.
     ❝ –But, no matter. I’m not here to establish my knowing. I’m here for ‘business’, as you already guessed, and I think I might just have the right assignment for the likes of you, Miss Wong. Something you’ve dealt with plenty of times before. Though still, it’s not gonna get any easier. I’m sure you’re well aware of this. … do I have your attention ? ❞
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          ❝As many are, usually. It’s either always about political affairs, global threats or bioterrorism. Old game, new faces. The more things change . . . ❞
     Theres ALWAYS some poor, frightened && absolutely helpless soul seeking the professional aid that bears Ada Wong’s handwriting. She’s smart, she’s quizzical, as agile && fit as a cougar && every bit as hazardous. Her past performances have torn down mad men empires && religious underground cults with a proclivity to cliché’d inordinateness, seemingly with little to no effort, but the scars weigh deep. By now, they’re like a map, pinpointing the location, time && cause; one thicker, deeper, or RAWER than the other. In her mind, she traces them, a careful finger violently shaking upon the fissured skin of a body that is no longer hers. Ada Wong is a shadow, translucent, d e c e p t i v e. She’s there, but then, not really. A visual trickery that never really persists or bides awhile for long in one && the same place. You try to catch her, she slips away, trickles through your grasp like rain && sand, leaving the impression of a shiver, as though she knows && is always one step ahead of you, persistently watching, her breath running down your neck, a chemical smell of lipstick staining the hollow crooks of your bone structure.
     She’s beautiful as she’s U N P R E D I C T A B L E, a lethal combination to go with. But it’s what makes her attractive most, for certain companies, future jobs, && possible clients, fuels her reputation, && it usually never fails to precede her, whether it’s intended or not. There’s always that ONE person sticking their nose into other’s affairs just a little bit too far, farther than they can reach. && that’s exactly why she’s here now, crossing paths with another skeleton breaking free from the closet that is UMBRELLAS craftmanship. They’ve all been pawns in someone else’s game after all; she’s never done it different her entire life. They call her ‘Ada’ but the name falls on deaf ears, feels benumbing, f o r e i g n, && she stares through the eyes of the remnants of a person that existed before all this, a c o r p s e, that never had a chance of survival.
          ❝There are better ways, cozier places to settle down for business, where the walls don’t listen. We can discuss this . . .elsewhere.❞
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enigmaticmxnarch · 8 years
     There’s electricity in the air and it’s all consuming, two she-wolves in sheep’s clothing circuiting each other with the wariness of a cheetah; sweet and HOT venom running through their veins. It’s charming, really. She knew that a contact such as ADA WONG would involve strategical thinking and trickery at its best, something she’d never had the h o n o r of dealing with before, but there’s a first for everything. And who said Jessica couldn’t be just as much of a bitch as the famous lady in red ? She’d be surprised just how reliable her sources were. Not talking about the details didn’t automatically mean she’s lacking them.
      ❝ Do you now ? Well, if this is how you see it, I’m all the more surprised you’ve come this far. The revelation of important informations is quite pricy, as you may know. You say it’s sketchy, I say it’s adaptive tactics. … anything you might want to ‘reconsider’ ? ❞
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          ❝Certainly, I do. Better than your quasi-reliable fount that spouts lukewarm half-truths, it seems. Oh but don’t worry, you’re neither the first and dead surely nor the last one groping in the dark.❞
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     Keeping tabs on Ada Wong is a dangerous game to play, if not entirely FRUITLESS. She’s like a shadow, always there but never really, simply untouchable, && barely leaves traces in her wake when she tears entire companies && governments down like a one-man army with a single flick of her wrist. Her enemies shiver upon speeches with the context of her name && hand-tame men bow before her in the dirt just so she can keep the soles of her luxurious leather boots clean. It’s true, the incident in China has been taking a quite unforeseeable turn, for e v e r y o n e, exacerbating the situation for so many people involved, mostly the innocent, but she’s mingled with the mass, played her game of shadows like she usually did && succeeded —— maybe not quite the way it’s been planned out beforehand but then, again, the future’s never predictable, not even for someone like Ada. The results are all that matter in the end. In her line of business, she’s learned to disregard any personal feelings or sore conscience harbored toward clients, offsite parties involved, sacrafices for the ‘greater good’ &&, most importantly, her playmates, those who firmly believe that there’s always a GOOD reasoning behind everything she does although she lies, manipulates && leads them all the way down the garden path in order to acquire what she seeks most.
     They say to never trust a woman who calculates individually, who can easily dig up the dirt about your past && is capable to single-handedly shovel your own grave shut without anyone else’s notice; she’s red, mad && DANGEROUS, a beautiful disaster to make acquaintance with, but she’s also panifully precise with her work && she leaves no leaks whatsoever. So, whatever Jessica’s been digging up about her, it must be a patchwork of truths && pipe dreams to give her a terrible slagging off, to slander her n a m e ( if that is truly possible. ) She’s annoyed, if not plainly seeable, but also intrigued somehow. Who could she be working for? && who’s that ominous pimp provoking old visions && shadows to crawl out of their sealed abysses?
       ❝I have this itching hunch you’re not here to exhancge pleasantries with me ... and it’s rather obnoxious to deal with. I have questions, and all against my prior doubts, I do believe you have all the answers I need to add to the puzzle.❞
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enigmaticmxnarch · 8 years
@enigmaticmxnarch has pressed the ‘ ♥ ‘ & signed for a contract.
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❝ Geez, now wasn’t that quite the hassle. The incidents from china, I mean. Heard you barely made it out alive, Miss Wong. A close call indeed … ❞
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ MONARCH ;; 
          ❝Hm, for laymen, perhaps. Can’t say I’ve had many more difficulties than usual ——which means n o n e at all. Better re-check your source of information because I have a feeling it’s... lacking in detail.❞
       If Ada Wong spies with her sharp eyes && gathers important information, she’s always keen on grasping every detail thrown her way, may it be oh so small. She’s precise && painfully meticulous, stripping everything clean to the bone while unforeknowingly inching closer to her own objective. Never does she leave a trace, unless it’s s o m e b o d y  e l s e wearing her skin to delude the masses && pull her leg. A doppelganger is a quite interesting variety for once ... though playing her game on multiplayer mode just isn’t her style. No one really seemed to have made an effort to try && understand what’s TRULY been going on but, she’s not complaining. After all, she rarely plays the cards close to her chest. It’s a one-man show, no one else is allowed to join. China was just another check mark in her business plan.
          ❝Some people aren’t made for certain dealings. My piece of advice : Ascertain and reconsider.❞
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enigmaticmxnarch · 8 years
💋 NEW CONTACT ; @oluoxbozado
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          ❝It is almost hilarious how you people still believe that a mere WALL will keep you all away from harm. Didn’t your momma ever teach you how to face your fears and pay the consequences?❞
         She couldn’t see the risks that’d involve a direct attack, didn’t want to. Too long had they been trapped inside of these city walls, caged-in like birds, deprived of their so r i g h t f u l l y deserved freedom. And Ada Wong was never one to keep still for a longer time than necessary. She didn’t like the sound of a SUPPRESSED voice, didn’t like the imagination of being D E P E N D E N T on one another.
          It simply wasn’t her style. Never had been --- never will be.
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enigmaticmxnarch · 8 years
💋 NEW CONTACT ; @perviincire
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           ❝Been in a lot of trouble lately, haven’t you?❞
         With heels like spikes, she made her way across the grand hall with a feline’s finesse, piercing dirt from linoleum floorboards that played tricks on her devilish reflection. She shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t have made her presence known so blatantly, not in front of ANYBODY. However, time’s running out and in a storm, any port will do. She’d just take her chance, play her cards right, as she’s always done it, and see how things will turn out.
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enigmaticmxnarch · 8 years
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enigmaticmxnarch · 9 years
          Words were delivered and received immediately by keen senses, auburn eyes watching, observing, the huntress seizing the prey in calm, inner silence. Not a single word dripping from shut but oh so soft lips. She’d always a way to remain mysterious in even the most peculiar situations, although the current is far from being such. Ada may had come to seek out the other’s unexpeted audience though her intentions couldn’t farther be from harm and disfavour. How she spoke and reacted was part of her being, her characteristic. The girl either had to live with sharp biting comments or leave immediately.
               ( D O N ‘T  C H I C K E N  O U T  O N  M E  J U S T  Y E T~ )
          Arms are cupped beneath a mid-sized bust, fuchsia cashmere blouse illustrating a sign of alarm; she’s not the foe, but neither is she completely without self-interest. A hum, mouth popping in cherry gloss, a sharp tongue lashing behind teeth that part to release a sign of contrition. Or at least, something vaguely similar to that.
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               ❝Hm, maybe, and maybe not. That, apparently, is something I cannot further evaluate. But if it makes you happy; I’m sure you’re capable of s o m e t h i n g. Wouldn’t have come all this way if you weren’t. Got some time on your busy, war-scarred hands, yes? ❞
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{{ ✤ }} —
    ❛ I suppose this is not how standard introductions should look like but, fine. If it makes you feel better, I’ll leave the point of time whether you’d like to state your name or not entirely to you. ❜
It’d be a blatant lie to claim that the other’s secret-mongering slips by on her entirely unperturbed, the riddles revetted in evermore secrets, silent innuendos drowning her thoughts, blanketing her mind like a shroud made of the purest mysteries. Her words sink in, further & further until Petra is led to believe that she knows the answer to everything now, who this curious woman could be & how they possibly could’ve met in the past – she feels as though she’s lost herself for a moment there but it takes none but a few seconds until her focus blurs back into view, a devil’s silhouette clad in red, wearing human skin, the physiognomy of a woman with a voice so sharp that every uttered syllable feels like a dagger aimed at her throat, bereaving her of every ability to breathe. Unfortunately, in lieu of answers, all she truly finds are more questions in the wake of the shadows the other casts with a burning passion. She plays her game well – but Petra has neither the time, nor the will to contribute her part in this rather childish farce.
She’d either spill the beans or leave all her questions without reply; & dissolve into hazy memories with each passing day once she’s turned her back on her for a final goodbye. The decision is solely up to her.
For a moment, she feels fiercer than before, an onrushing wave of mild rage that threatens to consume her senses with passive aggression. However, being the kind & most of all condoning person she’s always been, she ignores the rude remark & focuses onto something else, turns her sight to the endless seeming lines of a baby blue sky, loud chatter of passing crowds filling the air almost immediately. She must’ve completely supplanted all the hurly-burly around her while talking to this woman, nay the very reason why she decided to come here in the first place.
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    ❛ I’m not perfect, but I legitimately earned my place amongst the other Survey Corps members, just like everyone else. You surely didn’t come to see me just to tell me your personal opinion on that matter, however, right? I’m in a hurry so … could we please wrap this show up? ❜
Of course, she’s so N O T trying to escape this rather unsettling colloquy via conjured up excuses somehow. She’d never do something like that. Well, normally. But what’s the saying again? Exceptions prove the rule? Levi would, perhaps, be proud of her … & she’s thankful for his, more or less voluntarily, life lesson to be at least a little more repellent when specific circumstances require it. This was definitely one of them.
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enigmaticmxnarch · 9 years
    ✤ Indie / Semi-Selective Petra Ral
    ✤ OC && Crossover friendly
    ✤ Single-Ship && utter Rivetra trash
    ✤ NSFW/18+ material will be present. Mun is of age!
    ✤ Bilingual / Friendly / Approachable
                     《《   ⅰ. { home }    ⅱ. { about }    ⅲ. { rules }    ⅳ. { contact }      》》
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enigmaticmxnarch · 9 years
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               ❝I’ll leave that for you to find out my dear.❞
       She’s not used to having spontanous visitors, nor people around that know more about her than firstly expected much these days, hm?
               ( W H A T  A  S H A M E ).
       But it’s an easy game for Ada to discern pride in this mellifluous pair of eyes staring daggers through her being. As though she’d be the enemy, the r e a l threat, quite unlike their usual and rather enormous issue wandering the world beyond their protective walls. A pretty brittle and unsafe guarantee for proper partition.All it takes is a precise flick of a finger and these marble shields would be no longer. Ah but this is none of her business, right? Mad lipstick rubbed against the folds of her lips as she spoke, a voice so profoundly filled with mysteries, carried by the wind.
               ❝For a Corps member, you seem rather... careless. Don’t really strike me as professional as the rest. But who am I to judge, right?❞
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{{ ✤ }} —
She turns on her flatly heeled boots, eliciting a shallow cadence of clattering noises – a swift, graceful motion befitting of a dancer – & fixes the stranger who addresses her with vague purposes, utmost caution lingering in her every fibre. She stands a few feet away from her, an instinctively kept distance, though it’s still close enough to observe buoyant features in all their glory, spot every little detail of the picture she’s trying so hard to comprehend.
Of course she’d like to know who she’s speaking to before striking up a conversation. It’d normally make things a little easier, more confidable & less outlandish. Except the other just so happens to be someone she knows, someone she’d shared more than just o n e unfortunate bifurcation with in her early past whereby the decision to ditch every remembrance harbored about that woman only contributes to her own sake of health. A long ago acquaintanceship, abandoned & forgotten by design … & presumably with good reason. However, there’s doubt in her mind that this could actually be the case right in this moment. Her arms nestle up against her bust & into a fold, a honey, once warm glance holding none but pure suspicion now.
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     ❛ I’m sure you’re gonna tell me soon enough. Should I know who you are since you seem so insistent on letting me know? ❜
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enigmaticmxnarch · 9 years
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enigmaticmxnarch · 9 years
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enigmaticmxnarch · 9 years
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enigmaticmxnarch · 9 years
                                 all DEVILS were once  a n g e l s                                                                                                                               all MONSTERS were once  m e n
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enigmaticmxnarch · 9 years
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enigmaticmxnarch · 9 years
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♡ fashioonmakeup.blogspot.com.br ♡
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enigmaticmxnarch · 9 years
         She lead the way with keen, calculated steps, tamed the wild hare and set it running straight to the finishing line. And he responded to her wayward signals, pursued her subliminal lead like a good-tempered, obedient dog.
          ( G O O D  B O Y. )
       But -- no. He didn’t seem loyal enough. Not just y e t. And she’d hate to lose the grip around the leash she’d carefully summoned upon the man’s neck via first rough glimpses, blurred thoughts and velvety, deceptive words to lull him in like a little lost child in a big, dark wood. She perhaps would have to make it worth his while, earn his trust despite not needing to, throw him a few more bones until the moment’s right. There was potential in his eyes, the kind of strength, mixed with that slight ounce of mystery, she hadn’t seen in the way of a man for a longer time. She could be wrong, of course, misled by false innuendos. It’s still worth a try. She’s got a little more time to spare, a little more whip of spidery delusional lashes and flattering words to share. The night was long. Minutes burning ‘til seconds p o p.
             ❝A name? ... A name doesn’t matter anymore nowadays. But, if it helps you sleep at night, I’ll introduce myself first : You can call me Ada. Ada Wong. And I might have something that would ... catch your interest.❞
       She spoke careful and wise, choosing her words with utmost, surgical precision to ensure the fun and mystery this conversation held, the syllables of her name dripping from her lips like sweet, sweet honey. It’d lure his attention, set his curiosity on fire until he couldn’t stand the progressively thirsting heat any further, seeking the aid of the cool. Or in her way; Answers. They were in fact right here, sitting at his elbow, a vixen clad in velvet silk and claret shades, holding truth in her fangs. He surely wouldn’t leave without a good fill on informations. He’d be the first. The one between hundreds. Popped her fuchsia lips and bestowed him a collected stare, legs crossing and uncrossing again -- a cadence in which her polished red lacquer shoes clicked against smoky ligneous flooring. The game had started. Voice whipping the silence like a lash.
             ❝So, are you?❞
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Silent and calm did he remain alongside that strange, secretive woman he’d met back at the forlorn alleys by sheer coincidence just about half an hour earlier, cybernetic ponderous foothold not relocating an inch, nor did his bionic muscles dare to flinch at this instant. The whole conjuncture and her words had left him question her real motives once again, the reason why she’d have elaborated such a great interest in him during such a small span of time. What are her plans? And could this really be just about a simple job she wanted to induct and hire him for? Or was there, perhaps, something else going on inside of that pretty little head? Raiden wasn’t so sure anymore, nor did he feel able to see her through. She was all closed up like an numerically coded, mystic book no one was allowed to lay a single finger on, enclosed in sturdy chains that did possess a lock but no keyhole to open up. Without his C.A.S.I.E. system and other, specific gimmicks Doc had [ generously ] supplied and profitably invested him with to read another being’s mind, the liberian knew he’d do nothing but a pathetic grope in the dark, attending a game completely blindfolded he’d only win with enough luck and by happenstance. Reminiscing the darkest sides of a past that’d shaped and molded him into the twisted, compliant being he was now, he could tell with absolute certainty that luck’s never been on his side. Not truly and especially did it never linger long e n o u g h for him to enjoy and seize. He’d learned that depending on metaphysical things such as beliefs would deliver nothing but disappointments and crushed hopes. And hope was such a fragile thing to keep as a whole, in particular when everyone’s trying to aim for the core, proposing to break it irrevocably. Cook yourself up another lie, play with the conscience of a twisted mind and align the hairline cross to penetrate the middle – [ bullseye ]. He could tell … it hurt like shit to stand in one’s sight and play the victim because his hopes had successfully been crushed beneath the weight a falsified love could unleash if the cards were played right. And their sharp papercut had ended up slicing his heart open … a wound he needed to sewn shut on his own.
Suffering and hatred stuck deep perpetual, like a description carved in artificial flesh. However, this wasn’t the right time, nor the right place to whimper about a bygone fling and pity that poor course of events he’s desperately trapped in. It’s up to him to solve the mystery that’s revolving around this woman – carefully, slow. He’d hate to get his fingers burned [ although he wouldn’t seriously feel it that much ] by venturing on too far. The hinges of the pub squeaked lazily and revealed a dimly lit insight towards the interior. And when he followed her to whatever place she wanted to seat herself at with shut lips, that vigilant eye wandered about, scanning everything and anyone shaping his sorrounding for hell knows how many hours, dependent on her plans and absorbing interest. The audience in the back offered a few awkward and odd side glances but he tried his best to outplay it somehow, falling onto the seat next to the woman clad in black and aubergine. A deliciously corruptive pair of legs was smiling at him, skin as white as winter kissed by the steamed rays of light that sprinkled from several overhead lights. She was a sight for sore eyes, no doubt about it and for all the typical compulsion that slowly crept inside of his testosterone injected veins, he tried hard to fight against the thought to tease a flirt. It’s just not … appropriate, is it.
Tapping the archaic cherry wood that shaped the bar they sat on, his metallic digits vaguely gave a sound that resembled a crowbar’s noise grinding over planks and shelves. Flicking his tongue sharply, Raiden shifted his weight sidewards and tilted his head enough to properly face her, watching those maroon eyes flickering like two pieces of amber amidst the illumination, as if hoping they’d deliver him some of the needed answers he seeked so much.
       ❝ Don’t worry. I’m certainly NOT afraid to approach women. The whole thing just still feels a little fishy and … stinks from start to finish.
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– Mind telling me the deal, why we’re here and what you want from me in general? I’d much appreciate some answers. ❞
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