engineersamuel · 9 hours
Cut to Joker cursing a Storm In Pure rage. All he wanted was to go set up another little game with batsy, NOPE! This Fukin curse bullshit Just decided to Invert his Vison for an Hour. Ohhhh And then The Next curse starts, MIGRAINES, PAIN, HEADACHES. Joker's scheemes are put on hold till he can Find Some fukin magic shit to At least Stop the Curses gripping his Rotten Soul. jason Suddenly Sits up from his bed, Looks out the window, and spots a Blue Stickynote that said 'hey, you should go talk to The Sirens.' So that is what Jason does, and Hoo boy X-mas came early, jason gets a Full Video from harley that shows the Joker Writhing On the ground in pain, not nearly enough For what The bastard deserves. Buutt its better than nothing... Smash-cut to batman as he talks with Constantine and hears him say 'at this point I could Pinpoint that clown with how Much Curses he's got alone... I think the Ghost king at this bloody point is Having fun.'
DpXDc prompt #???
It isn't often Batman gets a call from Constantine.
When he picks up Constantine doesn't even say hello
Constantine: Word from the undead is that Gotham is now considered the property of the new ghost king. The child king Phantom. More specifically Gotham is his dollhouse according to Deadman. What did you do???
@hdgnj @hilariousseagoat @junespriince @piedpiperart I think y'all will like this idea based on your other work I read
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engineersamuel · 2 days
A Note On Laios's armour.
One thing i noticed that I found interesting
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the Collar piece, Something about it When looking at His armour felt interesting. and It finaly hit me. one thing about it always felt Interesting was how safe it looked, with how it protects his neck more. like, It feel Almost like a turtleneck
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Its interesting, and it didn't jump out at me in the begining. it was just normal. Another thing with the Collar piece, it looks like there is enough space for Laios to Almost Shrink into the space a little, Like when you end up making a mistake and You pull back a little, and your head moves a little lower and compresses your neck. Most other armor Just does not have that extra detail most of the time, at least I havent noticed that much of a detail
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Like this guy, the area where his armour meets his neck feels way too tight, How is he meant to put it on? (and Im assuming its just a solid metal piece when its most likely not) If this guy got punched in the face His neck is going to Hurt like hell from the armor Digging into The base of it. From what Bits of armor I have seen Online and such, they mostly have the Protective layer around the neck be made of several segmented plates that can slide on one another,
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Like in this image, the first piece of armor, there is a Clear chunk of space made for the neck armor itself to be able to move.
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or this Set of armor, where the protection for the neck is a Part of the helmet itself.
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going back to Laios, Look at his neck Protection, its Like a little wall, Sure if you get knocked around you Will have the side of your head or your cheeks dig into the armor when your head hits it, but at the same time Laios never really uses a helmet. And Why would he want a Tight Restrictive armor Collar? its more than Large Enough for him to move his head around without feeling the base of his neck being restricted. its just interesting in my Opinion, How With laios His armor Shows In his personality. Bland looking at first, but with small details that show deeper things once you Look past the surface.
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engineersamuel · 2 days
burning text gif maker
heart locket gif maker
minecraft advancement maker
minecraft logo font text generator w/assorted textures and pride flags
windows error message maker (win1.0-win11)
FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)
image to 3d effect gif
vaporwave image generator
microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)
you're welcome
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engineersamuel · 2 days
Please more! More please! god damn this is Fucking perfect!.
Some out of context stuff for jekyll and hyde au cuz I wanna
Phantom: "Thanks for the help cuz! Couldn't've done it without you."
Ellie: "Nah, don't be like that."
Phantom: "No really! Anywhoooooo, I gotta get back down so Danny can do his own thing."
Ellie: "Heh, yea, "Danny". Where'd you leave it anyway?"
Phantom: "I- I'm sorry what?"
Ellie: "You know. The human body? "Danny"? I left mine in an alley a few blocks from here."
Phantom: "... Ellie we share a body."
Ellie: "Oh- I thought you had a meat puppet too."
Danny in their head: 'THAT WAS ALSO AN OPTION?!'
Phantom in their head: 'WHAT THE FU-?!'
Sam: "You can't be serious."
Phantom, looking away in embarrasment
Sam: "You thought you were serving some punishment for being a dumbass?"
Phantom, burrying his face in his hands
Sam: "You, who doesn't believe in anything spiritual or magical."
Phantom, nodding with his head in his knees
Tucker: "How did that work out for you, ghost boy?"
Phantom, mumbling into his knees: "Yu uys a da wust."
Tucker: "That's going in the groupchat."
Danny, attempting to grab for Tucker's PDA: "NO IT'S NOT!"
Sam: "Aaaand send."
Danny: "Noooooooooooohohooooo." *dramatically crumbles to the ground*
Tucker: "Look man, there's no way we're letting Phantom miss out on Danny embarrasement hours."
Danny: "The betrayaaaaaaal!"
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engineersamuel · 3 days
autistic folks when their routine gets disrupted, and they don't get alone time when they're supposed to get alone time
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engineersamuel · 3 days
There's an up-and-coming Tech Giant, called Fenton Works, and Batman is determined to prove that the company is a front for a villain.
Danny, after his parents turned from Ghost hunting to being the first official Ghost Anthropologists, decided to repurpose some of their weapons.
And, well, there was a contest being run by Wayne Enterprises; whoever can design a robot that will help the environment got prize money and a grant.
Danny, in all his mechanical engineering prowess, was bored. So he designed a thing. Repurposed the Fenton Guns into a cute robotic tortoise that would clean the beach.
It spiraled from there, and now Fenton Works is the leading name in green technology that's cleaning up the Earth bit by bit. Sea Dragon robots that clean oil and trash from the ocean; beach tortoises that clean the sand and beach and deposit their hoard of trash into designated receptacles that Danny uses as material to make more robots; Cryptid "stalker" robots with long legs that delicately patrol forests to perform "fuel management" and clear out the underbrush to help manage wildfires; moving gargoyle robots that sit on top of skyscrapers to help clean the air with huge sail-like wings, etc.
Basically, Danny pulls a Doctor Elisabet Sobeck, but with less world ending and more actually helping. (Not that the world ending was Elisabet's fault, of course, but different franchise)
And due to the number of times aliens try to attack and rogues send their own robots to attack people, naturally Danny installed self-defense protocols, along with one single golden rule written into the very OS of every single robot; Save Humans Whatever the Cost.
Problem is, Batman has never seen robots like this not be used for evil purposes, and he knows that their power source (a closely guarded Fenton Works secret) is some sort of liquid that glows green.
He really only knows of one liquid that glows green.
So he's determined to find everything he can about Fenton Works, because there's no way that Daniel Fenton isn't actually a villain in the making.
Danny's just thrilled for the chance to work with Wayne Enterprises.
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engineersamuel · 4 days
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engineersamuel · 5 days
Life is hard enough as is, if it's a clone of me then im gonna help Avoid the problems I ran into.
Scenario: a sample of your DNA was taken, popped into a cell, and cloned into a baby, gestated in a sci-fi artificial womb vat. The first time you or anyone in your family meets this baby is after it has already been born out of said vat. You can hold the newborn if you want, it's up to you, but it is a living breathing baby that was cloned from your DNA and is genetically identical to you.
I love clone philosophy. Give me all your philosophy of clones
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engineersamuel · 6 days
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the notes are broken 😂
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engineersamuel · 6 days
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So i’ve been having this sit in my inbox for a while, thinking it’s funny but not sure how to properly “answer” it, but i just had an IDEA so:
The GIW captured Phantom and vivisected him down to his very core. He would have perished right then and there, had his friends not rescued him in the very nick of time.
But he did survive. They got him out.
Except… he’s still just that core. Reduced to a tiny marble of condensed ectoplasm. In theory he can eventually heal, but it will take a long time. Even being submerged in the purest ecto wouldn’t make it a particularly quick process.
So, what do they do? They don’t want to just leave him like that.
Well, they take a page from Skulker’s book.
With the help of Danny’s parents—and boy, was that a stressful conversation, having to reveal his ghostly nature to them—they build him a new mechanical body. His ghost core is placed in its deepest and most armored parts, nestled safely within a bath of healing ectoplasm. Until he’s fully recovered, it will serve as a means for him to interact with the physical world.
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engineersamuel · 7 days
There's a new intern at the Daily Planet, Daniel Fenton, and the lucky son of a bitch joined the day that everyone brings in food for the November potluck.
Clark greets him, clocks him as a meta (no one's heart is that slow naturally, and he saw the kid accidentally float earlier), and asks how he likes Metropolis.
Metas aren't unusual, after all. If the Intern doesn't want to let people know, then that's his own business.
He's more interested in listening in to people trying his Ma's apple pie. She insisted he bring hers as well as an apple pie from Mrs. Moore, because she wants to know who's is better.
Apparently, the judges in Smallville were too afraid to favor one over the other and claimed it was a tie.
So he'd grabbed Ma's pie, stole Mrs. Moore's from her windowsill (he left money behind and a note of apology), and set them gently on the table full of food.
So far, everyone is favoring his Ma's.
He didn't like putting people down, but his Ma's pie was the clearly superior one. She made it special, with a little dash of orange juice and a secret ingredient she refused to share.
The only other person who had known was that ingredient was had been Pa, and he'd taken it to his grave.
So Ma's pie is, obviously, far better than Mrs. Moore's.
When Fenton picks up a piece of Ma's pie, Clark immediately tunes in to hear his opinion.
Fenton takes a bite.
Fenton freezes.
Fenton leans back a little and eyes the plate suspiciously.
"...Pa?" Fenton mutters, sounding more than a little confused. "This tastes just like...yeah. Pa makes it just like this, but not as pretty. Clumsy lattice or not, though; same taste. Who made this one?"
How does Fenton know how Pa made his own version of Ma's apple pie, down to the lattice being "clumsier"?
Danny has just moved to Metropolis, leaving Amity Park in the hands of Vlad and Valerie, who are more than enough to wrangle the ghosts still coming out of the Zone looking for a fight.
With them in charge, Danny is clear and safe to retire from heroing.
Instead, he takes an intern position at the Daily Planet in Metropolis; it pays, has benefits, and the Daily Planet will assist with tuition and work with his class schedule.
Even if he doesn't want to be a journalist, it's too good to pass up.
But at the potluck (lucky!), he eats a pie that tastes exactly like Pa Kents.
The ghost that had insisted he was going to be Danny, Dani, Dan, and Jazz's other father years ago. The ghost that had a standing invitation for any of them to drop by at any time.
The ghost that made his apple pies almost exactly like this one, but didn't quite get how to make the top of the pie aesthetically pleasing.
...Wait, Pa had said his son was working at the Daily Planet.
Was the huge, wall of muscle that had greeted Danny earlier his...?
Danny looks up, mouth full of pie, and accidentally meets the eyes of Clark Kent.
Wait, so if Pa insisted on being Danny's (ghost) father, and by ghost law that was pretty finalized, then that meant that Mr. Clark was his-
"...Brother?" Danny muttered around the pie, wrinkling his nose in even more confusion.
If Mr. Clark isn't dead, then does ghost law apply?
But it's too late.
Mr. Clark must know how to read lips, because he's walking towards Danny with a really intent look on his face.
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engineersamuel · 7 days
There aren’t any Batman beyond x dp, so let me try and fix that. Fair warning, I’ve only seen the show.
So this involves immortal halfas. Danny is king on the GZ, and Dani is still traveling there world as a preteen.
She comes across Neo-Gotham, and watches Batman (terry) fight his villains of the week.
This his super early on in his vigilante career, so he makes enough mistakes for Dani to go
Holly ravioli this kids going to die I gotta train him somehow.
And she forces her way into the batgirl mantel.
Keep in mind, she still looks 12, so to Terry and Bruce, a 12 yo girl figured out his identity, and is trying to join the crusade.
They tell her no.
Dani stills ends up breaking in the Batcave and helping out, and Bruce and Terry grow fond of her and finally let her be batgirl.
Well, at the same time, Gothams ghost population seem to be whispering about a cult attempting to summon Pariah Dark out of his sleep
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engineersamuel · 7 days
After Ted died, Booster, without telling anyone, left to find someone he could...ask a certain question.
He'd investigated, searched, and determined that the smalltime local hero Phantom of Amity Park was the perfect candidate to ask.
Granted, his investigation was...lackluster, compared to what he normally did. But he hurt. He hurt and he had to just find someone who could answer.
He couldn't find Deadman, didn't know how to get ahold of him, and this was what he could do with what he had.
He'd found Phantom, floating above the rooftop of a fastfood joint in Amity Park.
"What is it like to die?"
Phantom had stared at him, wide eyed and with a burger halfway to his mouth.
The burger was slowly put down.
Phantom's look turned pensive.
"...Like waking up, but every second of it is painful, and you really don't want to." The dead hero finally answered, voice subdued.
"Does it hurt to be dead?" Booster asked, pushing further.
"Does it hurt to be alive?" Phantom asked, head tilting. "These aren't the questions you really have. Go ahead. Ask."
"Can everyone come back like you and Deadman?"
"No. Of those who can, not many of them want to."
Phantom's voice was as kind as the young hero could make it, but that didn't soften the blow.
"...So he doesn't want to come back." Ted didn't want to see Booster.
The pain had started to soften into something hollow, and he wasn't sure that was much better.
"I don't think it's like that," Phantom disagreed, wrapping up the burger and placing it back in it's paper bag. "Life is so...short, compared to how long someone is dead. So usually, when someone dies, they stay in the afterlife to prepare it for their friends. It's more like...losing track of time."
The hollow feeling started to dissipate, but all that was filling in it's place was an ache even worse than before.
Ted was waiting.
Ted was waiting, and he was trying to make a place for him and Booster. Of course he was. That sounded like the exact kind of thing he'd get lost in, too.
"...Thanks." Booster said, voice tight.
"No problem. Here, you probably haven't eaten in awhile." Phantom said, floating over and handing the bag of food to Booster.
Then Booster was alone on the roof, with only a bag of fastfood and answers he wasn't sure were the ones he'd wanted.
Danny, as a rather well known dead hero, tended to get flagged down by grieving people for uncomfortable questions.
At first, he'd been terrified of saying the wrong thing.
But he'd learned that it was best to be truthful, in the end. Lying to please someone's wishes or religion didn't do anyone any good, and saying he didn't know only made people break down.
What did it feel like to die? Easy answer, he just told them how it had felt when he'd kicked the bucket.
Did it hurt to be dead? Of course it did; the bruise he'd gotten from Skulker hurt just as much as the one he'd gotten from Dash.
Could everyone come back? More than likely not; his rogues seemed to be the anomaly. Most other ghosts just stayed in their lairs, building them up to impress their friends and family, the sense of urgency all but gone.
After all, everyone would get there, one way or another.
Then there were ghosts that belonged to other Zones from other religions, but the answer was always the same.
He had no idea who this guy in the gold suit lost, but he answered his questions as he could. He knew they weren't answers people wanted, but again; it was better to give the truth.
He left the man on the roof of Nasty Burger, took a picture of him, and went home.
Just because not all ghosts could or wanted to come back, that didn't mean he couldn't ask them if they wanted him to deliver a letter for them.
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engineersamuel · 7 days
is this anything
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engineersamuel · 7 days
Plants are alive, so trees are alive too…
So basically, what if the reveal goes badly, and Danny ends up running and taking shelter in a forest. He’s losing ecto fast, and can barely keep his form, so he overshadows the nearest living thing.
A tree.
He then ends up making the entire forest his haunt. So the forest is now haunted. And very vengeful, anyone who enters doesn’t leave sane.
It’s been a couple years, and the Justice League gets wind and sends Young Justice (Kon, Tim, Cassie and Bart)
They don’t come out.
At all.
The Justice Leauge is now panicking.
Meanwhile, as teh group venture deeper into the forest, the plants and wildlife are looking… odd.
They finally reach the center of the forest where a large green tree with white leaves grows.
On closer inspection, the tree has a face.
And can talk
“please help me.”
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engineersamuel · 7 days
Halfas actually do have lairs, but as they are only Halfas, they don't know how to find them.
Vlad has one, Dani has one, Dan has one, and Danny has one. Danny and Dans are separate, and out of all the Halfas only Dan knows where his is.
After all, for a period of time, he was a full on ghost.
Dan and other ghosts warn Danny and Dani that when they find their lairs, they'll have to start from the ground up. The door is the first stage, and when a lair gets big enough it can expand beyond the door. However, the ghost must build the home in their lair. The door opens to an island floating in a void, but it's up to the ghost who owns it to build the "house" so to speak.
Walkers had started out as a replica of his Office from his life, and then grown into the massive prison Danny had been trapped in. Skulker's had started out as a small hut in a jungle, and grown into the fortress he kept all his "prizes".
One day, Danny is exploring the Ghost Zone when he comes across a door that he knows, beyond the shadow of a doubt, is his.
It's on someone else's lair, weirdly enough, but that door belongs to Danny.
He opens the door, expecting the lair to be unkempt or wild, something he'll have to work on as a fixer upper, but...it's orderly. It's not what he could have or would have expected.
It's a field in permanent night, with the Aurora Borealis shining down and illuminating the ghostly mimicry of plants below it. There's...there's a house? It looks old fashioned.
He wanders in, and there's little bits and bobs lining hand-made shelves.
It's a small cabin, decorated with various random stuff loosely related to space. There's stars notched into the wooden ceiling rafters, the bed posts are carved to look sort of like rockets, like whoever had done it wasn't too sure how to work with ecto yet.
He leaves the cabin and takes stock of the island, looking closer.
It looks like there's...a field? There's a field of some kind.
He flies closer, and realizes it's not a field. It's some kind of orchard? The trees being grown are a ghostly mimicry of Weeping Willows on one side and apple trees on the other.
He recognizes an attempt to breed a new kind of plant when he sees it thanks to Sam, and lands to walk in further.
The Weeping Willows get younger the further he goes in, and start to look very different. Their leaves start to glow at the tips, become speckled with spashes of purple and blue, and by the time he gets to the youngest one, it looks like a tree made of space.
The apple trees, too, were the result of someone's experiments. The youngest apple tree that's bearing fruit? Those apples are clear, like glass, with little glowing seeds in them, like a little glass ball with a fake galaxy in the center.
Someone, obviously, has not only been walking in and out of Danny's lair, but has been taking care of it. They've been preparing it for Danny, and they've done a pretty damn good job.
But who?
When Jon Kent Sr died, he'd known immediately where his "lair" was. Naturally, after finding the door and preparing the land for planting, he decided to take a break by introducing himself to his neighbors.
But he only had one.
A flimsy purple door was next to his, and when he opened it, the land behind it was wild; an overgrown forest with an untamed clearing full of brambles. There was no one there.
He'd gone back to his own lair, confused. He'd continued altering and bettering his own lair, breaking free of the door's confines and making a fairly large island with a perfect replica of his home in Smallville.
The abandoned door stayed the same. In fact, it didn't move out of his lair's territory. It stayed on his land, a small door to an abandoned lair.
As a full ghost, he knew this wasn't normal. Lairs were supposed to move and give space to an expanding lair; it was one of the many, many ghost facts that any full ghost just knew upon formation.
So he felt bad.
Something was wrong with the lair, or the ghost that owned it.
He spent some time inside of it, tidying up clearing out debris. Took out the bramble patches. Removed some of the ghost plants that weren't looking quite right.
One day, after he'd finished his work on his farm and was heading into the abandoned lair to keep busy, he was stopped by an Ancient.
Not just an Ancient, but the Ancient of Time.
He found out...a lot of stuff. Some right sad stuff.
Thing's that didn't sit well with him.
The abandoned lair wasn't abandoned. It belonged to the ghost of a child with a space obsession. That ghost hadn't been formed right, and didn't know how to find his own lair.
The Ancient assured him that, in time, the little ghost kid would find it, so if he could put up with it on his land until said kid could understand how to move it, that would be much appreciated.
And. Well.
Jon is a bit of an empty nester.
Knowing that the owner was a kid? A lost one?
The Zone was big, he wouldn't be able to find a kid he didn't even know. Wouldn't know where to begin. He doesn't like that the Ancient clearly does and isn't helping, but that Ancient also promised to help keep the space kid safe.
So Jon's keep-busy projects got a little...involved.
He built a small cabin. Just a little starter thing so the kid wouldn't have to worry too much about a house; he could add on or get rid of it later.
And, well, the cabin wasn't enough. It needed some sprucing up! Jon had been a farmer from Kansas in life, and he knows a thing or two about whittling.
So he started carving some space stuff onto the ceiling beams. Carved some rockets on the posts for the bed he'd made from ecto.
Decided to pass the time by making a "welcome home" gift to the kid, but while he could build with ecto, his gift has always been to grow things.
He just...played around with some trees, splicing and breeding the ghostly qualities he wanted.
Tamed that clearing so that it would be safe and fun for a kid to run in.
Just in case, he decided he'd better add another room to the house in his own lair. Cuz, kids sometimes needed places to stay with adults present so they could feel safe. No other reason.
That room, also, was decorated with things about space as well as Jon could do it.
Then, one day, the door looks far more stable.
Jon nods to himself, finishes up his chores, and goes to finally greet his neighbor.
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engineersamuel · 7 days
JoyBoy vibes.
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