endirinn · 10 years
( kxsekis. )
                         ❛   ----ah... i'm sorry, miss. but                               that's out of bounds to                                unauthorised personnel.  ❜
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& his arm juts out a little; bony fingers an overwrought      gesticulation, as though in an attempt to halt the perpetrator     in her footsteps. anxiety--certes, has her darbies on his     voice-- for it falters betwixt every locution or so whilst      basille speaks.
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endirinn · 10 years
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endirinn · 10 years
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by Raph
deviantart - behance
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endirinn · 10 years
( keyblxde. )
& he casts eyes-- eyes of the most vibrant shade of azure &     almost as clear as aquamarine, 'pon the tuft of muted caramel.      rescript of a new employee has not yet reached the mutant's      ears. ergo, one could only imagine the windswept obliques     which mutter anent embrouillage scrawled across his snow-     kissed visage. 
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                         ❛   mmn----                               are you looking for the chairman?  ❜
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endirinn · 10 years
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anselism. starter call! 'like' for a short something?
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endirinn · 10 years
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outofcharacter. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Despite my weird ( and brief ) hiatus, I wanted to give back to you all to show my appreciation apropos to reaching a milestone, however late with my appreciation I may be. I’m so glad so many of you have decided to follow my blog and stick around; to think that you guys enjoy—or I should hope so—the portrayal of my planet-eating, god-devouring, man-eating muse is mind-blowing—crazier still it is to think that I may one day have 2,000 of you around. I’ve met so many interesting and insanely nice people since my ascent from there being just 1,000 of you and I’ve made so many friends. Thank you all so much for being here and watching my shenanigans unfold. Even if you’re not listed here, I recognize and am grateful for all of you who’ve chosen to glue my blog unto your dash and I think of you no less than the others.
abrideoffire . absolutely—rational . alitisomnia . allicerex . amniisiac . ancientlily . angelwingprincess . aphoralis . arcanelycursed . arcxreactor. arielshepard . asqveroso . astrigerum . athlumian . aurorasentinel . azul-tragedy . azxrathian . beastkin-of-science . bloodiedivory . brideofsparda . brxvura . busui . byrhoedlog . caedxs . calisvol . chiefss . cirocchio . claireverie . clawinkitten . coquettishcrown . corruptionofheart . crownofsmiles . daesiggil . darkkou . daughterofeorzea . dia-airgid . disastxrrific . drakkina . dxnamis . edhelernil . edrord . egbxrt . eleftheriias . empiricalsadness . endirinn . engourdirs . erstreben . etdeinceps . eternallyxfaithful . etesiis . etrouge . evolchitsa . exnatura . exulantis . fabricaterose . felinisms . felt-tip-blues . fractumnexus . frayedxrope . frostquexn . glacialem . gunsmokeprincess . hallothiel . haneiyu . hatestragedies . hawkinthenest . heavens-phoenix . hisfledgling . honestified . hopefulleaf . huxngdi . immortalcorrupter . imperialturncoat . inquisitxur . insanafemina . irohthesecond . joyeusxe . kenosiis . keyblxde . kisxragi . korihudson . krepusko . legendasalvatoris . lionheartedlament . llujuriosa . lunaeterea . m00shu . mabelkind . magnetisedcatharsis . maimedlion . mammaterasu . martyriisms . mercenaiire . mightbeahero . mixreino . mortiuum . nagadachi . n-o-x-c-r-i-s-t-a-u-x . nesciret . nihillmancer . novaruum . nxmphe . obscurovas . obviouslymelanie . offireandrebellion . ofmafia . ofmastery . ofsophistication . paleae-hat . parasiitic . potionisms . pravuss . queenlly . queenxcersei . rapusodosu . raxmiois . redmad-dash . reginapedes . reverse-gaia . rhomru . rymors . saadiism . sanguinesaint. salutificator . sanctamater . sightofkanzeon . stabilitate . styrne . styxgian . svikinnar . sxuveur . teme-kun . thatdamnreno . thermogenetic . the-taciturn-hero . thousandbirds . tiightropewalker . tritusaugeous . trouillard . truehunger . turpium . valkxrja . valkyriian . vaniitas . venatorx . vermillionmayhem . viewtokill . violetvices . volai . vyalost . winterbuns . xanomaly . xmagizoologist . xuofhearts . yellowascot . zerumm . zetsxbo . zoegraphy !! -(๑☆‿ ☆#)ᕗ
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