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enby-bunny-mom · 1 year ago
Farmer of glorious ice cubes.
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enby-bunny-mom · 1 year ago
Consider it signed.
Petition for a longer video
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enby-bunny-mom · 1 year ago
I love how he turns, like "Caregiver? Why am I unable to bop the balloon?"
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enby-bunny-mom · 1 year ago
Can I join the puppy pile?
Looks very comfy
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enby-bunny-mom · 1 year ago
This 'dogs dressing up as cars' movement is one I'm living for.
and the winner of the best costume goes too...
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enby-bunny-mom · 1 year ago
Agreed. Note to self, when making a statue, give it a cat toy.
I think it was put 10 million years ago just for cats
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enby-bunny-mom · 1 year ago
My rabbits do this all the time. Little cutie pies.
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enby-bunny-mom · 1 year ago
Cutest baby!
delivery kitty
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enby-bunny-mom · 1 year ago
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enby-bunny-mom · 1 year ago
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Poetry Comics Month Guest Artist: Madeleine Jubilee Saito
@madeleinejubileesaito is a cartoonist living on Duwamish land in Seattle, Washington. She makes deeply reflective and spiritual comics on subjects like the climate crisis and also teaches workshops on poetry comics. For the past decade she’s drawn a daily poetry comic during the month of November—truly an incredible feat. The way her drawings connect the inner and outer world feels like looking out a window. Find Madeleine’s newsletter at madeleinejubileesaito.net/about and follow her on instagram @madeleine_jubilee_saito.
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enby-bunny-mom · 2 years ago
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enby-bunny-mom · 2 years ago
I keep seeing posts of people bothering wild animals for pictures and videos and I am SO TIRED.
Wild animals are wild animals and just because it's a herbivore doesn't mean it won't attack you!!! They have hoves and antlers as weapons and they WILL use them and no matter how "special" you think you are, a scared or angry prey animal WILL maim or even KILL you.
This goes for ALL wildlife but especially deer, because stupid people think deer are nonviolent and totally harmless.
Deer are NOT your friends!!! They do not like you!!! They see you as a threat and a predator!!! Leave the deer alone!!! No, they will not see you approaching them with a gentle voice as anything other than a predator getting way too close and they WILL gore you with their antlers or kick you with their hooves, which are sharp.
That baby deer IS NOT ABANDONED. It is hiding! It's mother is nearby! YOU being near the fawn is greatly increasing the chances of a predator finding and eating it! And for the love of god, DON'T TOUCH IT!!! LEAVE IT ALONE!!!
Part of loving nature is respecting it enough to leave it alone!!! Your good intentions don't mean anything to a scared wild animal.
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enby-bunny-mom · 2 years ago
*me running through a creepy hallway*
*sees library*
*screeches to a halt*
I shall now be a weird NPC.
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enby-bunny-mom · 2 years ago
Okay, as someone with a whole cocktail of mental issues, including anxiety, probable OCD(recent diagnosis), depressive tendencies, and a fair amount of trauma, as well as being highly sensitive(like my hearing is really good) all of which cause me to react in ways that aren't normal/typical, I kind of don't understand either viewpoint. I have had to apologize to family members and friends because a behavior I exhibit when anxious/overstimulated was hurtful to them. Because it doesn't matter if it's something I didn't mean to do, I still hurt them. Like if someone's really strong and they clap you on the shoulder and it hurts, they still have to apologize for hurting you, even if they didn't mean to cause you pain, and they should work on that. As someone with unhealthy coping mechanisms I'm working on, it's really important for me that I acknowledge that it isn't great for people around me either. For example: sometimes when I disassociate, as soon as I snap out of it, I silently start doing a task as if I'm programmed to do it. It's a way for me to force myself to not disassociate again, but if someone tries to stop me and say 'hey, maybe take a second considering your brain just went on a little vacation,' I end up snapping at them or being cold. It is not my fault that I disassociated, and I shouldn't apologize for that, but I do need to apologize if my response to them trying to help me was hurtful-because their emotions are still important. I am not responsible for them, just as they're not responsible for mine, but there is no reason for another person to feel as though I am dismissing their pain due to me also having pain. Because that sucks.
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this is gonna be a really cool frame to apply to anyone with any mental illness stiffer than light social anxiety. can't wait to be berated for having an autistic meltdown and not taking personal responsibility for how much of a fucking bummer it is for everyone around me lmfao
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