emptylupin · 10 years
★- Our muses looking at the stars.
"Yes, Mary?" 
"What’s that star?” Mary looked over the body that lay beside her, the body which belonged to Remus Lupin. A faint smile grew on her cheeks, as she saw the way he admired the sky. They had decided it was a  l o v e l y  idea to come out onto the grass, and lay here. That’s it. Just lay here, collect mosquito bites, and admire the stars. 
"I believe that’s Sirius." Remus kept on admiring the sky, his eyes darting about, naming all the stars in his head.
Mary lifted her head, propping herself up and looking Remus dead in the eyes. “There’s a star named Sirius? Like, S-I-R-I-U-S? Our Sirius?” She eyed him carefully, just to be certain he wouldn’t lie to her.
"Yes, I think it’s what he was named after." Remus went on, flashing a gentle smile over at Mary. 
She frowned slightly, before laying back against the grass beside Remus. “Who would want to be named after a star?” Mary asked, after a minute of silence.
“Try the entire Black family." Remus cracked a grin, chuckling to himself.
Mary allowed a moment of silence to hang between them, before — “Well, now you have to point out all their stars.”
Remus looked over at her, bewildered. “You’re kidding?” Her expression told him everything, causing him to lean back and lift his hand. “That’s Andromeda and that’s…”
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emptylupin · 10 years
*our muses in a garden*
✿- Our muses in a garden.
Mary snatched his hand, already tugging him away from the supposed main attraction. “Mary, Mary where are you going?” She did this far too often, pulling him away to steal a glance at something she found far more beautiful than what everyone was admiring. It was a trait he found himself admiring within her, on occasion.
"Where am I going? You mean where are we going!" Mary looked back at him, a devilish grin on her cheeks and she dragged him down a dirt path. The edges themselves were unknown, as the entire path was shrouded in flowers and weeds, all growing and stretching over the pathway. 
It wasn’t until a few minutes later, Mary slowed to a stop in a small clearing, allowing the both of them to catch their breath. “Mary, what?” Remus knelt over, hands on his knees — although slightly  a g i l e, he had not run that much in his own form in quite some time. Mary always seemed to test his limits.
“Sit, sit right there, please?” Mary gave a flutter of her eyelashes, smiling brightly at Remus. What she gestured to, was a small wooden bench that sat at the edge of the clearing, just enough so that the flowers had grown up and through it. It was gorgeous, the way their vines and stems tangled through the wood intricately. 
"Here?" Remus asked, carefully taking a seat where no flowers grew. Mary nodded, beaming up at the sky as she pulled something out of her bag. A moment later Remus saw what it was, a muggle camera. 
Mary held it up to Remus, peering through it to get a good view of him. “Don’t move! If you move I will hit you!” She exclaimed, waiting a minute or two. Mary simply had to take the p e r f e c t picture. 
Hours later, Mary and Remus sat in the darkness of her garage, looking over the outcome of their adventure. “You only took one picture?” Remus asked.
"Yes, doesn’t it look lovely?" Mary said, admiring her work.
"I was sitting there for ten minutes!”
"I needed the right lighting!" She let out a laugh, holding the picture up to him. "Doesn’t it look good?"
"You can’t even see my face!" Remus exclaimed, trying with all his might to hold back his laughter. 
Mary gave him a momentary glare, before gesturing to his figure in the picture. “You’re a silhouette, it’s called art, Lupin.” 
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emptylupin · 10 years
☁- Our muses in a thunderstorm.
Remus grumbled, trying to hide behind the small piece of bread he’d taken from the Great Hall. The last thing he wanted at this point, was to attract the attention of a certain Ravenclaw, sitting not too far from him. Last time he’d encountered her, she’d tried to snog him. Naturally, Remus had r u n in the other direction.
The only reason he found himself stuck in the same room as the poor girl, was because of this stupid thunderstorm that was terrorizing the school. Students were left scattered throughout the castle, in places they certainly did not want to be. Hence, why Remus was cowering in the corner of the Greenhouse. Of course — Remus just had to go looking for a specific potions ingredient he needed, on a day when the sixth years had class. 
"You do know that I can see you.” A feminine voice startled Remus, causing him to drop his piece of bread, and thus his only cover. “Bread can’t hide you, Lupin.”
Remus gave Narcissa a weak smile. “Right, of course. My fault. Sorry.” It was instinct to apologize, and was expected of Remus these days. Though Narcissa showed no change, nor did she make an effort in asking him to take back such an apology. Rather, she moved right on. 
"May I ask how you ended up here?" Narcissa looked down at the boy, who was in a sitting position in the far corner of the Greenhouse. She then moved, reaching to a plant not far from him, and cutting it’s leave carefully. 
"Er — ingredients, for a potion." Remus shrugged, watching Narcissa take the leaves and hide them away in a pocket of hers.
"Fun. Be seeing you." Narcissa gave him a small wave, before stalking off and out of the Greenhouse — regardless of the professor’s protests.
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emptylupin · 10 years
☏- One of the muses giving the other a prank call.
Remus picked up the phone, at speeds he could not understand, aggressively shouting into the receiver. “James, just because your family bought a telephone today, does not mean you get to call me seven times and ask me if my fucking refrigerator is running!” He let out another breath, hastily waiting for his friend to burst out laughing, yet again.
"Er. Is this the Lupin residence?" His entire face fell immediately, as the voice of a small woman answered — most likely their neighbor from down the street. 
Remus put a hand on his face, feeling horrible. “Yes, this is Remus. I’m so sorry Miss Wallop, I thought you were someone else.” As he spoke, Remus leaned over to the wall that their phone hung on and hit his head against it q u i t e a few times.
"May I borrow some sugar?" 
"Certainly, Miss Wallop. Come by whenever you’d like." He hung up, and proceeded to hit his head on the wall a few more times. Not long after, she came by holding out her small measuring cup with a twisted expression. As Remus returned with her desired amount of sugar, Miss Wallop eyed him very carefully. "Be careful, young man." Remus nodded quietly and smiled, groaning the moment he closed the door.
Around ten minutes later, the phone rang again. Cautiously, Remus answered it. “Hello?” 
"Is your refrigerator running?"
“James f u c k i n g Potter I swear!”
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emptylupin · 10 years
▼- Our muses in a broken elevator.
Remus felt the elevator come to a stop, the rumble of the contraption make one last final breath for ceasing all movement. Emmeline looked over at him, bewilderment on her face. “Did it stop? Does that mean we’re stuck?” She asked him as if he actually had the answers. 
"Uh, I think so…" Remus trailed off, fairly unsure. He hadn’t often been in one of these contraptions, only the more outdated ones that were at the Ministry. 
Emmeline looked around, pausing. “I’m sure it’ll get fixed in a bit.” Naturally, she had to be right. There was the slight possibility that they both had too much trust in these metal boxes. Either way, Emmeline went on to talk more. “That’s alright, I have this book that I’ve been meaning to tell you about…” 
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emptylupin · 10 years
❤- Our muses are both alone on valentine’s day.
"The wondrous Sirius Black, couldn’t even get a date.” Remus flashed a grin, flicking a piece of bread over at his friend. 
"You’re a prick, y’know that, Moony?” Sirius said, swatting away the multiple pieces of bread Remus had been flying his way. “What about you? You couldn’t even get a date, eh?” 
Remus stifled another laugh, making a face. “I didn’t want a date.” It was natural, for Remus to respond with something like that. 
"Mhm! Keep telling yourself that.” Sirius replied, aiming and executing a paper airplane at his friend.
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emptylupin · 10 years
☤- One of our muse’s is hurt.
Remus appeared from behind the pillar again, momentarily, casting a quick spell at the group of Death Eaters carefully advancing on them. He returned to his previous position, with his back against the pillar. Even though this thing was going to cave any second, he was still trying to hold his fort as best as possible. 
He was about to cast another spell, when a sudden rumbling caught his attention. Just kidding, it was caving n o w. Remus quickly dived away from the pillar, shielding his eyes from the dirt and grime. 
"Are you fucking kidding me? Not even a Death Eater could kill me! But a fucking giant-ass pillar just falls on me! Fuck all of you!” A sudden shouting startled Remus, as he looked back at the pillar that had just collapsed behind him. “Take that you skank! Yeah that’s right, Ariana! I remember you screwed so many bitches at Hogwarts! Come and fucking get me!" The girl was shouting quite loudly, still sitting up with debris fallen over the rest of her body and casting spells at the Death Eaters attempting to climb through the destruction. 
Remus cast a couple more spells, trying to make his way over to the girl to help her. Evelyn Stacy. Of course, there wasn’t another who could’ve been that angry. “Are you okay? Let me help you,” Remus made a move to push away some of the debris, regardless of it’s astounding weight.
"Lupin, just go — seriously, I’ll be fine.” Evelyn didn’t even bother him a look, as she kept her arm at casting spells, shouting the incantations with such fury and passion. Even so, Remus tried lifting the chunks of stone and cement with both his wand and a spell. “I’m not kidding! You need to leave, and warn the others that they’re getting close.”
“I’m going to help you.”
"I. Said. Leave.” Evelyn dropped her guard, grabbing Remus by the arm and looking into his eyes. “I can’t feel my legs. I’d rather go out doing something useful then live the rest of my life as a helpless shrimp. So get the fuck out of here,” Evelyn shoved him away at the last sentence, returning her attention to the Death Eaters who were no more than two or three dozen feet away.
Remus looked at her in shock, wishing he had her courage even for a moment. Evelyn Stacy is a hero. He remembered that, as he sprinted away, in the hopes that he would be able to save her in time. 
A loud boom caught his attention. 
Remus turned around just for a moment, to find the roof had collapsed in on everyone behind him. Later investigations would prove, it was not an a c c i d e n t.
Evelyn Stacy is a hero.
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emptylupin · 10 years
✿- Our muses in a garden.
Remus pulled the film from his camera, attempting to take a glance at it before he went back to his flat. That was what he spent most of his time doing, taking pictures. It was a fairly nice escape, and it was better to be a perfectionist than think about depressing things. Along with it, it made alright money. Selling some pictures here and there, was better than having an actual job — sure, it wasn’t stable, but that’s what he liked about it. 
Another person took a seat on the bench beside him, the one with flowers blossoming all around and over it. Remus glanced up barely, then did a double take. “Ridley Williams?” Goodness, it had been far too long. Probably a decade, by now, since he’d graduated from school a year above her. 
"Mhm. And you’re Remus." She replied, with a soft smile. She definitely looked well, healthy and all — plus her smile seemed quite genuine, which was hard to find amongst those he kept company with. Although he didn’t keep company with many. “How have you been?”
"Oh, I’ve been fine. Just getting by." Remus gave a shrug, about to ask her the same question in return before she said something. He thought it was all over, he thought he’d heard enough apologies and mourning letters and distant, pitiful smiles. But here was a n o t h e r.
"I’m sorry, about your friends." That had to be the first time he’d heard the two words come from Ridley’s mouth, and the way her expression twisted into something that wasn’t pity, he could tell she meant it. Remus nodded slightly, glancing down at his camera. A moment later, Ridley cautiously took it from his hands, looking over the roll with a faint smile. After about ten minutes of them sitting there in silence, Ridley rose from the bench and waved goodbye, before disappearing into the crowd of people and flowers.
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emptylupin · 10 years
☁- Our muses in a thunderstorm.
Thunder. Definitely not one of Remus’ favorite weather occurrences, but that was not necessarily saying he was afraid of it either. Although it was hard to sit and lean against the window, enjoying his book, when every so often a strike of thunder sent shivers throughout the castle. 
What he didn’t quite expect, was to find Marlene carefully coming over to him. “Uh, Marlene? Is everything alright?”
"I’m not a fan of thunder, remember Rem?" Marlene took a seat beside him, her usual cheerful demeanor slightly weakened by the fear, most likely. "Keep reading, I’ll just sit here." She quickly wedged her way next to him, both of them now leaning on the window.
"The killer simply had to be found…” Remus continued reading, regardless that it was a murder mystery and might’ve not helped in this scenario.
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emptylupin · 10 years
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remus lupin moodboard → 2/?
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emptylupin · 10 years
pathetic → self para
Remus had transformed over an hour ago, and yet he was still sitting on the hardwood floor in his wretched third home. He felt horrible. There was this churning feeling in the pit of his stomach, it was yelling at him and beating at his stomach with a bat. It was telling him he messed up, it was all his fault. Remus put someone in danger. 
His memory of the previous evening was a bit hazy. He couldn't remember everything, aside from the fact that Marlene had interrupted their treacherous activities. Remus remembered the feeling, even before he transformed. The feeling of wanting to hurt her-- part of him wanted to take his claws to her neck right there. It was scary, and even though he tried to run away-- that stupid animal still found her. The scent, it was too strong. Remus could still smell it, it was so distinct and different-- he hadn't caught scent of a human in years. And the four scents he knew all too well, they weren't humans when they were with him. 
He'd messed it all up. Remus wasn't sure if Marlene even knew, if she was hurt, where the hell Sirius was. He only hoped they were safe, and they didn't go looking for him. Remus didn't want to be found, he wanted to lie here and stare at the ceiling. The ceiling was all that stood for him, as he stared at it with lifeless eyes. 
At this point, Remus can't tell you how long it took for him to get up. It felt like days-- days of him sitting there being so angry with himself, wanting to kill the beast inside-- but it could've been minutes, seconds. Either way, he finally rose, ruffling the dust from his hair, and made his way to the castle. 
By the time Remus got to the castle, it was already past breakfast and classes had long since begun-- so rather than attempting to gather himself and attend what would be him staring off silently, Remus simply went to his room. Pathetic. 
It was pathetic that it was ten in the morning and Remus was under the covers, not even sleeping, just laying there with a blank expression. Remus didn't want to be found, he didn't want to see the anger and the fear in their eyes, he saw it too many times in the mirror, every single day. This feeling, this feeling did not go away. It only faded for a bit every so often, but then there were times where it got to strong and it sat there rotting in his stomach. This feeling was stabbing him from the inside, doing everything in it's power to break him down. The worst part?
I t  w o r k e d .
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emptylupin · 10 years
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emptylupin · 10 years
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emptylupin · 10 years
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L U N A V E N A T O R U M ; A man who’s pure of heart and says his prayers by night may still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright. a mix for the golden hearted boy who was cursed by a m o n s t e r, cursed by the very m o o n itself. [listen] 
i. river flows in you - yiruma / ii. young and beautiful - lana del rey / iii. titanium - cover / iv. howl - florence and the machine / v. demons - imagine dragons / vi. wayfaring stranger - ed sheeran / vii. 3 foot tall - classified / viii. flaws (acoustic) - bastille / ix. northern downpour - panic! at the disco / x. horny hippies - the dodos / xi. king - lauren aquilina / xii. sound the bugle - bryan adams.
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emptylupin · 10 years
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The Marauders at Hogwarts (part 2).
Full moon.
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emptylupin · 10 years
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fancast meme || 4/11 existing characters’ younger versions
andrew garfield as remus lupin
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emptylupin · 10 years
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Marauders Appreciation Week [3/7] - One Marauders AU
Harry and Ginny, sensing a disturbance in the force, rethink the naming of their second child.
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