empathetic-witch · 4 years
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“Drink water from the spring where horses drink. The horse will never drink bad water.
Lay your bed where the cat sleeps.
Eat the fruit that has been touched by a worm.
Boldly pick the mushroom on which the insects sit.
Plant the tree where the mole digs.
Build your house where the snake sits to warm itself.
Dig your fountain where the birds hide from heat.
Go to sleep and wake up at the same time with the birds – you will reap all of the days golden grains.
Eat more green – you will have strong legs and a resistant heart, like the beings of the forest.
Swim often and you will feel on earth like the fish in the water.
Look at the sky as often as possible and your thoughts will become light and clear.
Be quiet a lot, speak little – and silence will come in your heart, and your spirit will be calm and full of peace.”
- Saint Seraphim of Sarov
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empathetic-witch · 4 years
🌱✨🌷Magical Associations of Natural Items🌷✨🌱
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Regently I have been reading ‘The Green Witch’  by  Arin Murphy-Hiscock and I have found a really good and detailed list in it about all kind of herb, flowers, plants,trees and spices’s nature and I thought it may be useful for other ones too. 
I tried to categorize all the information, but as you can see there are ones which could be placed in more than one category. So I put these in just one category. 
Allspice: prosperity, luck, healing, purification, protection, money
Cinnamon: healing, love, lust, success, purification, protection, money, psychic awareness
Clove: protection, mental abilities, attraction, purification, comfort
Coriander: healing, love, lust
Cumin: protection, antitheft, love, fidelity
Dill: protection, love, attraction, money, strength, luck, eases sleep, mental abilities, weight loss
Fennel: courage, strength, cleansing
Garlic: healing, house blessing, protection, lust, antitheft
Ginger: healing, love, money, energy
Majoram: protection, love, happiness, health, money, marriage, comfort
Nutmeg: clairvoyance, health, luck, fidelity
Oregano: peace
Parsley: healing, lust, fertility, love, passion, protection, hex breaker, prosperity, purification, eases grief
Pepper: protection, purification
Rosemary: cleansing, protection, healing, longevity, improves memory and concentration
Tarragon: cleansing, regeneration, transformation
Thyme: purification, psychic cleansing, divination, healing, enhances memory, eases sleep, courage
Vanilla: love, prosperity, lust, energy, mental abilities, creativity
Anise: psychic abilities, lust, luck, purification, love
Basil: love, trust, abundance, prosperity, courage, discipline, protection, marriage, purification, luck, mental abilities
Bay: protection, purification, endurance, fidelity, psychic powers, divination, wisdom, strength
Catnip: cats, love, beauty, happiness, tranquility, luck
Chamomile: purification, healing, soothes anxiety, gently heals bad luck, soothes children
Mint: purification, preserves health, clarity of mind, protects travelers, attracts money, health, love, success
Sage: healing, longevity, good health, psychic awareness, protection
Verbena: purification, protection, blessings, communication with nature spirits
Yarrow: marriage, courage, love and friendship, psychic abilities, hex breaking 
 Apple: love, healing, peace
Lemon: purification, love, protection, happiness
Lime: love, purification, luck, sleep
Orange: love, joy, purification, prosperity
Angelica:  protection, hex breaker, healing, psychic abilities, house blessing, purification
Bayberry: abundance, prosperity
Chickweed: animals, love, fidelity, healing, weight loss
Cinquefoil (five-finder): eloquence, cunning, money, protection, sleep, prophetic dreams, purification, love
Clover:  lust, hex breaking, prosperity, purification, love, luck, protection, success, fidelity, comfort
Comfrey: healing, prosperity, protection, travel
Daisy: nature spirits, love, children
Dangelion: longevity, enhances psychic ability, intuition, spiritual and emotional cleanser
Echinacea: healing
Elderflower: protection from lightning, beauty, divination, prosperity, purification, house blessing, healing, sleep
Eucalyptus: protection, healing
Eyebright: truth, pierces through illusion, certainty, psychic ability
Feverfew: love, fidelity, protection, healing
Gardenia: love, attraction, peace, meditation
Geranium: love, healing, protection, fertility
Hawthorn: protection, fertility, happines
Heather: protection, rain, luck
Heliotrope: clairvoyance, psychic abilities, health, money
Hibiscus: love, lust, divination, harmony, peace
Honeysuckle: abundance, luck, prosperity, eases sorrow, enhances psychic abilities (do not use the berries; they are poisonous)
Hops: healing, sleep
Hyacinth: love, comfort, protection
Hyssop: purification, protection
Jasmine: love, attraction, prosperity, tranquility
Juniper: cleansing, purification, protection against accidents, protection against illness, love, antitheft, fertility, psychic abilities
Lavender:  healing, love, happiness, heals grief and guilt, sleep, tranquility, protection, purification, peace, house blessing, wisdom, children, marriage
Licorice: love, lust, protection, fidelity
Lilac: protection, beauty, love, psychic abilities, purification, prosperity
Lily: protection, love antidote, truth
Lotus: blessing, meditation, protection
Marigold: positive energy, protection, eases legal stress, increases psychic awareness, peace
Meadowsweet: peace, love, happiness, psychic awareness
Mistletoe: healing, protection, love, fertility, sleep, luck
Mugwort: divination, protection, healing, strength, lust, psychic power, fertility, protects travelers
Nettle: cleansing, protects from danger, protects health
Patchouli: money, fertility, lust, clairvoyance, divination, love, attraction
Poppy: fertility, abundance, sleep, love
Rose: healing, love, conciliation, restoration, self-love, attracts love and good fortune, heals trouble, enhances psychic ability
Rowan: purification, house blessing, protection, healing, psychic abilities, wisdom, strengthens spells
Rue: protection, mental abilities, purification, health, comfort
St. Johnson’s Wort: courage, power of the sun, fertility, purification, healing, positive energy
Valerian: purification, protection, healing, love, sleep, attraction
Violet: tranquility, love, luck, protection, healing
Birch: protection, purification, new beginnings, children
Cedar: healing, purification, protection, prosperity
Cypress: protection, comfort, healing
Elm: love, protection
Maple: sweetness, prosperity, marriage, love, money
Oak: purification, protection, prosperity, health and healing, money, fertility, luck, strength
Pine: prosperity, healing, purification, fertility
Willow: communication, eloquence, protection, healing, love, dreams
Almond: love, money, healing, wisdom
Hazel:  mental abilities, fertility, protection, wisdom, luck
Flax: money, protection, beauty, healing
Walnut:  healing, mental abilities
Ash: protection, strength, healing, prosperity
Benzoin: purification, healing, prosperity
Onion: healing, protection, purification
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empathetic-witch · 4 years
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Master Compendium of all Cross-Seals from Viridarium Umbris: The Pleasure Garden of Shadow
—by Daniel A. Schulke
Part 1/2
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empathetic-witch · 4 years
Spell for new beginnings
White candle
knife or scissors
dried iris pettles
2-4 inch string
chamomile flowers
6 inch square pale green fabric
white ribbon
write your name on the candle , then light it, saying;
Fresh and clean, with flame so pure , my old life is now obscure.
visualize in vivid detail what you expect from your new life and see new opportunities unfolding to you . cut the string or rope in half , letting the pieces fall on the altar . place them in the center of the cloth square saying:
Remove your boundaries , terminus . liberate me, libertus.
place the key in the center of the cloth square , say:
Carna, come unlock your doors , a new beginning, i implore you.
Place the iris petals or orris root in the center of the cloth square and say:
iris, help me cross the bridge. janus, give me what i wish.
place the daisy petals or chamomile in the center of the cloth square and say:
Freya, make all fresh and new, do now what i ask of you.
gather the edges of the cloth together and tie them with the ribbon to form a pouch . as you knot the ribbon , say;
A brand new life , i start today. i seal my old life away. i now embrace what comes to me in growth and opportunity.
let the candle burn down , carry the pouch on your person.
-Dorothy morrison
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empathetic-witch · 4 years
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empathetic-witch · 4 years
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empathetic-witch · 5 years
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this pig is relatable
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empathetic-witch · 5 years
Is there rly any softer scene than when o'malley sees duchess and falls in love with her at first sight in the aristocats, complimenting her at every turn and climbing into a cherry blossom tree to make the flower petals snow gracefully down on her? How dreamy 🥀💕
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empathetic-witch · 5 years
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ALL 👏🏾 OF 👏🏾 THEM 👏🏾
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empathetic-witch · 5 years
Basics of Kitchen and Cottage Witchcraft
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Kitchen witches believe that the kitchen is a sacred place where all of the magick happens. They focus on the use of edible ingredients and kitchen tools.  A cottage witch is a witch that brings magick into the house and are protectors of the hearth and home. They bring cheer and warmth to every room they enter. Their focuses are on the family, home, and daily needs. Both the cottage and Kitchen witch believe that by honoring the home it honors the Gods and Goddesses. They bring magick into everyday life and daily chores.
Ways a Kitchen and Cottage witch can bring magick into a home:
Create a kitchen altar
Stock your shelves with herbs and spices
Bring maximum feng-shui to your home
Keep the home physically and spiritually clean
Paint the house walls in colours that bring happiness, warmth, and coziness
When making a sandwich put mustard or mayo sigils on it
When making meals add herbs that correspond to your magickal needs
Decorate the home according to the sabbats
Brew some special teas
Make your own candles, salves, and tinctures.
Make offerings to Gods and Goddesses of hearth and home.  
Ask your deities to keep your house safe and healthy.
Create your own recipes and add your own touch of magick to them
Put intent into everything you cook and clean
Make an incantation or short song to sing while you stir.
Inscribe your wooden spoons with sigils  
Carve your wooden shelves with sigils - carve them at the bottom of the cupboard to remain discreet
Craft oils, incense, soaps, potions, and salves.
Make herbal remedies
Chant while cleaning or preparing a meal
Use numerology in their practices by the number of times they stir or the number of times they knead dough.
During the mead moon, brew mead with magickal intent.
Decorate the home with your own art or art done by your children, poems, knits, woodcraft’s, paintings, quilts, diy’s, or tapestries.
Enchant your crafts.
Use weather magick, candle magick, ribbon charms, and anything else used to add magick to your home.
Honour the ancestors.
Bless the home.
Start a garden and will it with organic and in season fruits and vegetables.
Charge herbal oils by moonlight or candlelight to heal, bless the home or to clean and protect the woodwork she polishes with it.
Scatter charm bags, witches ladders, chimes, and bells around the home.
Grow an indoor jungle
Learn herbal remedies to treat MINOR injuries
If you work with meat make sure to thank and honour the animal it came from.
Sing or play music to raise good vibrations
Bake and cut cookies in shapes to match your intentions
Provide someone in need with a free meal
Volunteer at a local soup kitchen to bring magick into it
What their altar may display:
Tools used for sacred use
Four elements
Statues of the honoured deities
A doll weaved of corn
A kitchen witch’s altar is often displayed in the corner of the kitchen and is not permanent
Food made by the witch left as an offering
Some beliefs followed:
Magick is not used to inflict pain on others or block anyone’s free will
Believe in living simple lives
Believe in using organic items, products that aren’t animal tested, recycling, and composting.
Creativity is a form of devotion
Keep peace in the household
May the home always contain good food, good talk, and good company
Welcome guests into the home with open arms
Cottage and Kitchen witch superstitions/wives tales:
Stir clockwise to bring good luck
Never stir with a knife as it is considered bad luck
Place a piece of amethyst near the stove top to make the food cooked there tastes better
If an apple bursts in the oven while baking it means good luck is on its way for the cook
Eggs that are cracked while they boil is a sign that visitors are on their way
Dropping silverware means that company is coming
Spilling water on the table cloth means that rain is on its way
Seeing a spider in the house is good luck, killing it is bad luck
Wild animal tracks in the snow encircling your house is a sign of good luck and protection
When your cupboard doors are left opens it means that people are gossiping about you
If a broom drops across the doorway it means that you will soon head off on a journey
If you spill salt throw it over your left shoulder to undo any bad luck
To keep evil spirits away chop an onion in half and place it on the window sill
Chosen tools:
Wooden spoons
Cooking pot or cauldron
A ritual knife used to only cut spiritual ties
A Fire place
Mortar and pestle
Jars and bottles
Sewing kit
Cook books
Spells are cast to bring:
Deities worked with:
May your house stay warm and full of magick!
==Moonlight Academy==
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empathetic-witch · 5 years
i hope that one day i will finally be ok….i’ll make a cherry pie when it is all over
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empathetic-witch · 5 years
Mabon is coming up everyone!
It will start Sep 21 and end on Sep 29
For all those who don’t know Mabon is time for harvest when night and day are equal. For us it’s a time of balance, cleansing, and reflection.
(Colours: gold, rust, orange, red, bronze)
1. Clean your house/room. Cleaning can help clear your thoughts and help restore balance and calm, as you clean your space also focus on cleaning your mind
2. Create an alter of apples, leaves, pine cones, corn, pomegranate, squash, and root vegetables and light candles in according to colours
3. Meditation: This is a great way to incorporate balance into your life and reflect on the past so that you can move on to a better future
4. Bake: for example baking pies with fruits and vegetables that are ready to harvest like apples and pumpkins
5. Decorate: decorating your house with the Mabon colours along with other accessories can help get you in the mood
6. Tea: I love tea so around this time of year chai tea and pumpkin spice are the perfect drinks to celebrate Mabon
Many people celebrate this holiday differently so there are many other things you can also do but these are just some of the things I do
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empathetic-witch · 5 years
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Laure S on Instagram / Society6
Follow So Super Awesome on Instagram
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empathetic-witch · 5 years
I'm 100% that witch
So I just tried my thunder/lightening dance that I've been working on bc I heard there's lightening in the area.
It worked! I did my dance and as soon as I went inside and closed the door, I heard thunder above the house. I tried again later and did my bit to represent lightening and the sky immediately lit up!
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empathetic-witch · 5 years
safe return / avatar the last airbender
another summer comes and goes ☽ ☾
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empathetic-witch · 5 years
My Favorite Witch Tips
Use concealer/foundation to draw sigils on your face, use beauty blender or brush to blend it in to charge it.
Bay leaves between your bottom sheet & your mattress for good luck while you sleep!
Quartz is sold at hardware stores at the, “Garden Section.”
Make cheap runes with sharpies, clear nail polish, and small smooth rocks.
Incense ashes= black salt
Place a pine needle branch above your bed to keep illnesses away
The # of crows corresponds to the future (look this up, it’s very interesting)
Thrift stores, farmers markets, and dollar stores > metaphysical stores
Pop culture spells are easy to say with pizazz, consider putting song lyrics in your spells.
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empathetic-witch · 5 years
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Learn Your Land ||  9 Wild Edible Mushrooms You Can Forage This Spring
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