emotionalsupportowl · 3 years
Hey! Welcome to my Blog!
I saw a few pages having a pinned post as an intro so... YeAh! (I have no clue what I’m doing, please help)
Dni if you are racist, homophobic, a bigot, support\don’t think anything is wrong with incest, etc. etc.
Anyway, my name is Roman and I use any pronouns. I write Sanders Sides fanfics and draw a few doodles once in awhile. If you have any ideas/prompts/requests please send them to me!
A couple of rules for requests!
Absolutely no romantic R//mR//m. I will write\draw some platonic Creativitwins but no shipping the brothers on my page, please!
There is not going to be any NSFW work posted here, I am not comfortable with NSFW so please respect that.
I won’t write any Logicality. Drawing requests are okay, tho.
Analogical is a comfort ship for me so I won’t do a lot of heavy angst for that particular ship.
Please be respectful if I say I don’t want to do your prompt or if it takes me awhile to get it written and/or drawn. I struggle with motivation sometimes.
I'm okay with writing SFW Littlespace So if you have a prompt with that, don’t be afraid to send it to me.
Other than that, please just be a decent human being
On another note, I have no clue how tumblr works. That being said, if I miss a TW tag that you think should be added please let me know! I’m super new to all this so any help is greatly appreciated!
Constructive criticism is always allowed!
See ya later guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Peace out!!
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emotionalsupportowl · 3 years
Tumblr media
We are just 10 days away from Moceit Appreciation Week!
Taglist: @fairy-godlogan @fandomsandanythingelse @hedgehogkween @pleasedonthurtcjstar @sangheili13 @treeni
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emotionalsupportowl · 3 years
Ice Cream Disaster
Hey! I know this is super late but this is Day 4’s prompt from @analogicalweek !
Parent Analogical AU anyone??
The only warnings are mild overthinking at the beginning and horrible writing, also food!
Virgil tapped his foot, waiting, checking that damn bus tracking app for the 10th time in the past minute. Where was he? Did the bus crash? Is his kid stuck on the side of the road? What if Patton got on the wrong bus and-
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of brakes squalling to a stop and the doors opening, a short, curly haired blond boy rushing out.
“Dad!” Patton giggles happily as he runs down the driveway to Virgil, waiting for his dad to kneel down before giving him a hug. “Dad! Dad! Roman gave me a friendship bracelet!”
“Oh he did? Lemme see.”
Patton grins as he holds out his arm, showing what seemed to be a strip of red construction paper taped together in a loop. Virgil couldn’t help but to smile at it. “Wow! That’s really cool Pat! Did you make him one?”
The six year old nodded excitedly. “Yep! It’s just like this one except it’s blue! We are gonna be bestest friends forever!”
Virgil chuckles, “I’m sure you two are. Say, how about we go down to the ice cream shop and get us an afterschool snack?”
A gasp was heard before a small squeal. “Yes yes yes yes yes!!! Ice cream!!”
Virgil smiles, ruffling his hand through Patton’s hair. “Okay, let’s go put your backpack up and then we’ll walk over, deal?” Of course Patton said yes, holding onto his dad's hand and basically dragging him into the house.
After Virgil had made sure his backpack was up, he grabbed his ‘Parent To- Go’ tote. Basically it’s Patton’s old diaper bag, but it has since been repurposed into carrying anything that Virgil or Patton could possibly need. A portable phone charger, first aid kit, a change of clothes… if you can think of it, Virgil most likely has it stuffed somewhere in this bag.
He slung the tote over his shoulder, making sure he had his phone and wallet before taking Patton’s hand and starting the ten minute walk to the ice cream shop.
They made it there with little to no problems (Just Patton wanting to pick the flowers from the sidewalk, delaying them by about five minutes). Virgil drops Patton’s hand to open up the door. Oh what a mistake that was.
“Eee! Roman!!” The little boy immediately ran into the shop, tackle-hugging another kid and causing an ice cream cone to fall out of presumably Roman’s hand.
Virgil rushed in after him, trying to pull Patton away but to no avail. At least neither of them seemed hurt, just the two of them giggling on the floor. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” He said to the taller figure as he bent down to clean up the mess, assuming that they were Roman’s guardian. “Here, I’ll buy him another cone-”
“Oh there is really no need. It was an accident, they were just excited.”
Holy- That freaking voice! Virgil glanced up to see a man squatting down beside him, handing him a few more napkins. “I’m assuming that you are Patton’s father?”
“Y- Yep, that’s me…” he nodded his head, taking the napkins and finishing wiping up the melted chocolate.
“What’s your name, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Oh, um- Virgil. My name’s Virgil.” He rushes out, smiling awkwardly, holding the drenched used to be napkins in his hands.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Virgil.” Logan said with a very genuine smile.
God, kill me now.
Virgil nodded slightly before turning away, walking off to the trash can. Was the only reason he did that to hide his blush? Yes. Did he hear very childish giggles after he did? Oh, 100 percent. He threw away the napkins before pulling out a baby wipe from his tote, wiping the sticky off his hands. After that, he makes the dreaded trip back over to…. “I never caught your name, by the way.”
“Logan. Logan Berry.”
He nods a little, smiling. “Well, Logan. I am still going to buy your son a new ice cream.”
The other man huffs, clearly annoyed at Virgil’s persistence. “Fine, I’ll allow it one one condition.”
“Oh? And what’s that?” He smiles more, taking a step closer to him.
Virgil swears he saw a smirk flash across his face before he settles back to his stoic expression. “I get your phone number.”
Play it cool, this is fine… except it’s totally not. “W-what? Why do you want my number?” He plays off his stutter with a small nervous laugh.
Logan smiles. “I’m sure our boys would love to have a playdate. I need your number so that we can determine when the best time is.”
Of course it was for the boys, why else would a cute guy want his number? Virgil shakes his head, trying to pretend he isn’t blushing as he pulls out his phone, handing it to him with the “Create New Contact” screen pulled up.
After a few moments of quick typing, Virgil’s phone is handed back to him with a wink. Is this what flirting is like??? Virgil has absolutely no clue as to how to process it so he just stands there, wide eyed. This apparently amused Logan, a soft chuckle filling the air and boy that did not help Virgil’s situation.
“A-anyway, what cone did Roman have? I’ll get his when Patton chooses out a flavor… which might take awhile, honestly.” He chuckles, looking up at the taller male.
He was met with a soft smile, “Just plain chocolate.”
“Daaaaad, I want cookie dough please!” Patton gently tugs on his hand, smiling brightly up at Virgil.
“So that’s one cookie dough and one chocolate ice cream, right Roman?” Virgil asked, knowing how fast kids can change their mind.
“Mhm! Thank you!” Roman beams.
“Awe, such good manners..” Virgil smiles, ruffling both kids' hair before waking over to the cashier to get their cones, occasionally glancing back at them.
A few minutes later, Virgil comes back with two ice cream cones. “How about we go sit down and eat up our ice cream, kiddos?”
Both boys rush over to a booth, leaving the two adults chuckling as they walk over. Virgil hands Roman his ice cream cone before taking a seat next to Patton and carefully giving him the remaining cone.
“Dad, are you and Roman’s dad gonna get married?”
Logan seems to get choked at the same time Virgil does, “W-What? What makes you ask that, Pat?”
“Because you like like each other!” Roman giggles out, getting ice cream all over his face.
Virgil’s face feels like it’s on fire. “Well, I’m not so sure about that..”
“And even if that is correct, there are many other steps before marriage…” Logan interjects.
“Like what?” The boys tilt their heads.
Virgil takes a deep breath, trying. “Well they talk for awhile… and go on dates…”
“Then go on dates!” Patton exclaims as if it was the most simple thing ever.
Just as Virgil was about to explain, Logan speaks up. “That would be up to Virgil and I. Not our nosy little boys.” He smiles as he leans over, tapping each of their noses, leaving both of them giggling.
Virgil was just in complete awe. This guy is not only very attractive, well spoken, and showing interest in Virgil, but he is also great with kids?! What’s the catch?
“You alright there, Virgil?” He gets snapped out of his thoughts,
“Y-yeah, I’m good..” he smiles, undoubtedly blushing only to be called out by more childish giggles.
“Dad! He made you red!” And of course that only made him blush more.
“I know, kiddo… just eat your ice cream-”
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emotionalsupportowl · 3 years
Logan’s Nightmare
This is day 3 of @analogicalweek ! This is the prompt “nightmares”
Huge TW for Su*c*de And Blood!
(It’s only for a paragraph, and it’s marked off with the tag ~~End of TW zone~~)
Other warnings: Brief panic episode, crying, nightmares
There was blood. Way too much. Logan grasped at his lover's unconscious body, willing the red liquid to stop spilling from Virgil’s arms. There were screams as Patton walked past the shared bathroom, but it fell upon deaf ears. Everything was in slow motion, Roman rushing in and picking Virgil up out of the stained tub, Patton cradling the head of his son, desperately checking for a non-existent pulse, a choked sob being the only answer to the question everyone was asking. Logan lets his gaze fall down to his bloodied hands, his vision blurry. There was a drip… then another…. and another. Logan crumbles to the ground, desperately clinging to Virgil’s body, shaky sobs escaping him. “Wake up!”
“Please… W-wake up..”
“Lo..? What is it?” Virgil mumbles half-asleep, assuming that his boyfriend was awake. When a whimper was the only response, he turned around only to be met with the sight of his boyfriend curled up in a ball, tears rolling down his cheeks as he clutches at a pillow. Virgil gently places a hand on Logan’s shoulder, shaking him gently to wake him up.
Logan immediately shots up, wiping at his tear filled eyes to try and regain the ability to see. His chest rising and falling rapidly as he scans the room before his eyes land on his very concerned (but very alive) boyfriend.
“Nightmare again, Starlight?”
Logan nods very timidly, forcing himself to lay back down and curl into Virgil’s chest, desperately trying to reign in his own breathing. A gentle hand is placed on his back, massaging small circles as Virgil starts leading him through a breathing exercise.
“In for 4, hold for 7… you are doing great, love..”
Within the next three minutes, Logan’s breathing returned to normal, with only small whimpers and choked sobs being the exception.
“It was just a dream, Starlight. Just a dream…” Virgil coos to him softly, gently combing through Logan’s hair. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Logan was quick to shake his head. The more he thought about the dream the closer he would be to losing all of his sense of composure. “Just, P-please don’t leave me… In- In any way… please-”
“I promise… you are stuck with me for a long time, Lo.” He kisses the top of his head, deciding it was best for him to stay in the dark about this one.
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emotionalsupportowl · 3 years
Totally Just Friends
Just another story for Analogical week! (Hosted by @analogicalweek )
Today I chose the song prompt!
There is a little bit of Cursing in this so caution when reading. But other than that, it’s Logan gay panicking.
When Patton had asked for someone to go check on Virgil, Logan was the first one to volunteer. They are fairly good friends, maybe a little bit closer than normal but who doesn’t imagine kissing their best friend from time to time? Yeah, that’s a totally normal thing to do. So what if he wants to cuddle and hold hands and go on dates and-
He was spiraling again, wasn’t he?
Logan sighs as he stands up from the couch, taking the path up to Virgil’s room. Truth is, he had hopelessly fallen for Virgil so long ago, emphasis on the “hopelessly” part. There is no way in hell Virgil would look at him in a romantic kind of way. They are just friends, and Logan seems to think that is for the best.
Once he had made it up to the anxious trait’s door, he knocked lightly. A few seconds passed and no response, so he knocked again. Once again, no answer. He sighs as he puts his ear up to the door, fully expecting to hear muffled crying or another sign showing Virgil was having a panic attack, but there was no sobs, no uncontrolled breathing or whimpers… just Virgil’s voice, singing a tune that sounded familiar but it was far too quiet to hear. Curse you, soundproof rooms.
Eager to figure out what song Virgil was singing, Logan twisted the doorknob and was genuinely surprised when the door opened. He peeked into the room and there was Virgil, standing in the middle of his room, paying no attention to the world around him as music was blasting from his headphones.
Logan quickly hid behind the door frame so he wouldn’t get caught if Virgil happened to turn around. He slid down the wall, sitting down as he tried to tune into what Virgil was singing. That plan backfired. Apparently when is comes to his crush singing, all Logan’s gay brain could gather was that Virgil’s voice is… well, he couldn’t think of a word that could accentuate how heavenly it sounded.
The logical trait lets his head rest against the wall as he starts unconsciously mumbling the words along with Virgil. And then realization hits him. That song is on Logan’s playlist... Virgil is listening to Logan’s playlist!
A blush spread over Logan’s face as he put a hand over his mouth to keep any gay panic noises from escaping and alerting Virgil as to where he is. Virgil is listening to his! playlist! And he is singing along to it! That has to mean he has listened to it more than once right? You can’t sing along to a song that you’ve never heard before. Virgil likes his music, oh my god, Virgil. Likes. His. Music!!
“Uhm… Lo?”
Logan snaps out of his thoughts and looks up, only to see the cause of his gay panic standing in front of him. Shit-
“Oh, um.. Hello Virgil…”
“Whatcha… Whatcha doing there?” Virgil raised an eyebrow and Logan could have sworn he felt himself start to blush more.
“Well, originally I came up here to check on you. Patton was worried, you know how Patton can be sometimes.” He smiles somewhat nervously as he glances away.
“Yeah, okay. But that doesn’t explain why you are sitting outside my door.” Shit, shit, shit!
Logan felt his air get caught in his throat as he tries to explain. “Well, you see, I- I tried to knock on your door but you didn’t answer so I opened your door and heard you singing along to my playlist and…” The rest of that sentence was mumbled so low even Logan didn’t know what he was trying to say.
At this point, Virgil was smiling at him with that fucking smile that makes Logan melt into putty. “I’m sorry, I missed the last bit of that Lo..”
“Your singing voice is absolutely spectacular..” Logan says with a face that is just about as red as Roman’s sash.
A small giggle could be heard from Virgil. “Lo, if I didn’t know better I would say you have a little bit of a crush on me.”
Logan stood up, crossing his arms and looking away. “I- If you are referring to the childish term for having romantic feelings, I most certainly do not.”
Virgil chuckles softly as he takes a step or two closer to him. “So you are all red in the face for nothing? Lo, I’m smarter than that.”
“W-what..? I’m not red.”
The grin on Virgil’s face was clear proof that he wasn’t buying any of his bullshit. “You know, if it makes you feel any better, I like you back.”
“...huh?” Logan replied with wide eyes, sounding very intelligent.
“I like you too, Logan. Thought I was making that pretty obvious…”
Virgil though he was being obvious? Thinking back on it, Virgil had offered to stay up with him a few times, and one of them falling asleep propped up on the other’s shoulder was something that happened at least once a week, and all the comments they had made about the other standing a bit too close.… that's not just friend things? Wait, of course it’s not! Logan facepalmed, the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. “I’m an idiot-”
Virgil laughs softly. “I would say you are more oblivious than idiotic. Say, how about we steal the imagination away from Roman tonight and go stargazing? I think that would give us plenty of opportunity to talk about what this means for us.”
A date. Virgil is asking him on a date. Holy shit! “Yes! Yes, that sounds like a good idea.” He nods, maybe a bit too eagerly as he straightens his tie, trying to not seem as excited as he felt.
But man, did Virgil’s smile make everything worth it. “I’ll see you later, then.” With a swift movement, Virgil had leaned in and gently placed a kiss on Logan’s cheek and walked back into his room.
He froze, gently grazing his fingertips over the spot Virgil’s lips had been seconds ago. A deep red blush washes across his face as he realized that had been a kiss. Virgil had kissed him!
It takes him a minute to clear his thoughts before he walks over to his room, absolutely swooning over what had just happened. Not only does Virgil like him back, they are going on a date! A happy sigh escapes him as he flops backward onto his bed, not being able to shake the feeling that tonight is going to be a life changing one.
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emotionalsupportowl · 3 years
Can I be Sappy..?
It’s day one of Analogical week! Hosted by @analogicalweek !! (This is my first time using tumblr AND writing, so please bear with me.)
I chose the prompt “Anniversary” for today!
Also, there is a brief mention of alcohol (they drink a glass of wine)
Anyway, on with the story!!
“Virgil, I think this is a tad excessive.” Logan says as he stumbles through their apartment, holding his boyfriend’s hand tightly as his eyes are covered.
“Shh… it’s so it won’t ruin the surprise!” Virgil giggled as he led him carefully to the kitchen. He had been planning this all day, their 5 year anniversary. Sadly, Logan had to work that morning but it gave Virgil more time to set everything up. A nice romantic, homemade dinner and a planned night full of stargazing and finally… Virgil shakes his head to clar his thoughts. If he thinks about it too much he will definitely chicken out.
Once they got into what Logan would hope to be the kitchen, his boyfriend’s hands were removed from his eyes. With a small “Ta-dah..!” Virgil stepped away from view, leaving Logan to take in the sight. Purple and blue streamers elegantly hung around the ceiling, a fancy tablecloth draped over the table where two wine glasses, steaks, baked potatoes, and a salad were sitting... it looked amazing.
“Happy anniversary, darling.” Virgil smiles proudly, leaning over and kissing Logan’s cheek.
Logan smiles as he shakes his head. “Starlight, you didn’t have to do all of this. You know I-“
“I know, I know. You don’t like me going overboard, but I think 5 years is something to celebrate.” He smiles even wider as he wraps his arms around the other’s neck, pulling Logan’s body closer to his own.
“Well, I can’t argue with that logic.” He smiles, holding around Virgil’s waist as he leans into a brief kiss to which his boyfriend gladly reciprocates.
After about a minute, Virgil pulls away. “Logan, darling. As much as I love kissing you, our food is getting cold.” He smiles.
Logan nods a little, still slightly zoned out from the kiss.
Virgil chuckles, kissing him on the cheek before pulling Logan over to their seats.
The meal was absolutely wonderful. Everything was cooked to perfection. Hours flew by as they laughed and ate, reminiscing about the past five years somewhere along the way. Logan glanced at his watch, when did it get so late?
Virgil smiles, head propped up in his hand as he looks over at the male in front of him. They both had a little bit over a glass of wine. Not enough to be drunk, just enough to get rid of some of both of their nerves. “What time is it, Lo?”
“Perfect time for stargazing, c’mon.” Virgil smiles even wider as he walks over to him, holding his hand and urging him to stand up.
Logan stood up, basically dragging Virgil outside. Of course, Virgil didn’t complain. He knew how much his nerd loved astronomy, hence making this the ending of their date night.
They were soon standing in the middle of their yard, gazing up at the sky… well at least Logan was. Virgil was too busy trying to take a mental picture of Logan’s expression. He just looked so calm, so intrigued, so…
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Logan smiles as he sits down on the ground.
“Not as beautiful as you..” Virgil sat down, pecking him on the cheek, panic checking his jacket pocket to make sure the box was still there. Of course it was, it’s been there the entire time.
They stay quiet for a while after that, basking in each other’s company. That is until Virgil broke the silence.
“Can I be sappy for a minute?” He blurts, figuring now would be better than ever.
“Hmm…” Logan pretends to be thinking, “I’ll allow it.”
Virgil chuckles softly, taking a breath before continuing. “It’s just… these past five years have been the absolute best years of my life. I don’t even want to think about what I was like before I met you…” he takes another deep breath, holding Logan’s hand.
“You have changed me, Logan. For the better, obviously… but I can never thank you enough for that. I love you from the absolute bottom of my heart..”
Logan’s eyes started to water, intertwining their fingers. “I love you too, Starlight..”
Virgil smiles brightly as he continues. “You are the love of my life and no one is ever going to be able to replace you. I know the plan is for us to stick together until the end of the time, and I intend to stick by that plan.”
Logan seems almost confused by the statement “Virgil..? What are you saying?”
Virgil sighs softly, pulling his hand away and stuffing them into his coat pockets. “I never want to lose you, Lo… I’ve been thinking about this for awhile but I believe I’m finally ready to ask you..” He props himself up on one knee, bringing out the small, velvet box to reveal an engagement ring, “Will you marry me..?”
Logan gasps softly as he sees the ring, covering his mouth before nodding incessantly. “Yes! Oh my god, a million times yes!” was all that could be understood before Logan practically tackled Virgil to the ground, laughing.
Once they both had sat back up, Virgil slid the ring onto Logan’s finger, smiling like a maniac. “So, Mr. Soon-to-Be Logan Storm… may I kiss you?”
Logan chuckled softly, not even bothering to answer as he pulled Virgil into a kiss.
They stayed like that for hours, kissing and cuddling underneath the stars until they could barely keep their eyes open.
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