emoonsworld · 6 months
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince- jj maybank x reader
Warnings- none :)
Summary- the kook princess has the perfect life, perfect boyfriend, during the perfect day she meets the pogue bad boy and she now questions her life.
I looked at myself in the mirror. Today was an important day for the kooks, the midsummer. Basically the Met gala here in the obx. My dress was beautiful, a long light blue dress, strapless, a corset built into it. My hair is half up half down with white flowers placed inside. My heels were a white kitten heel, just enough to put height but not long enough to hurt my feet during the night. I hear a knock on the door.
“Come in!” Sarah came walking into the guest room. She looked like an angel, a long white dress, with her golden hair down and a flower crown wrapped around it. “Look at you Y/N, blue is definitely your color. I'm happy you forced Rafe to match with that color.” I lightly chuckle at the memory of Sarah, Wheezie, and I annoying Rafe into matching light blue with me for this day. Without turning I looked at Sarah in the mirror, “well Sarah you look like a princess in that dress. Topper is a lucky man. Is he walking with you with the family?” She couldn't even look at me, “No he’s not.”
I finally turned at her, “ Is something wrong with you two? This summer feels different with you guys.” There was silence until she looked at me and said, “ I meet someone else.” I was confused for a second, how can she find someone else? Her and Topper are perfect, “Who is this guy? And how can he break you and Topper?” She was still silent as if she said what she was thinking the whole outer banks would crumble down to ashes.
  “He’s…… a pogue.” My jaw has never dropped to the floor that fast. “A pogue! Sarah, are you crazy?!” How could I possibly be in love with a pogue? “ I'm praying to god that it's not JJ or John B, cause Sarah that would get both of us killed.” She looked at me with a guilty smile, “It's John B.”  I gasped and sat straight to the bed, “ Now you better tell me how on Earth you two got together.” 
“ And that's how we basically got together. I'm helping them and I'm going to be with them more often than with you guys.” Sarah told me everything, to them sneaking to the boat, to them kissing in the rain like a movie. “So they're trying to find the gold? Do you think they can do it?” “Yes I know they can do it, but it's going to be hard.” Sarah gets off from the bed and heads to the door, but before she can leave she turns to me, “ Are you ready to go?” She holds her hand out for me to grab. I take her hand, “Okay let's go out there.” 
The midsummer was amazing, the beautiful flora decor all around the house. The live band playing soft music, and everyone dressing up with they're elegant long dresses. One problem I had with this was the fact that the other side of obx was still powerless and was still suffering after the hurricane. Even with me feeling down about it I couldn't show it on my face, the girlfriend of the kook prince, Rafe Cameron. With the Cameron’s being the host Rafe wanted us to match and to walk down with his family. As I walked with Sarah I felt someone grab my waist, “Hey princess.” I heard Rafes voice right behind my ear, I quickly turned and put my hands around his neck. “Hey handsome, you're looking good in your suit.” “Well I definitely don't look as good as you, blue really is your color.” As I wanted to keep talking to him we heard Ward’s voice calling for his son. “ I have to go right now but I'll be back.” He kissed me on the cheek before entering the place. 
As I was waiting for Rafe I went to go look for Sarah. As I was searching for her I saw JJ heading towards her…. How the hell is JJ here, better yet why is he here?  I head to go to him before anyone else does, “ JJ why are you here?!” Look down at me, “ Oh hey princess, um can't tell you John B’s words.” I rolled my eyes at him, before I said anything I took a good look at him, he was wearing a button up with a black vest and black pants. He looked better than he ever did. “ Do you want to take a picture doll since you're looking a little too long?” JJ had a smirk when he said that, “ No Maybank but I know the whole thing with Sarah and John B, so spilled.”  He chuckled a little, “ It's just about the gold princess that's it, but now I need to go give it to her before I get kicked out.” As he was walking away he turned to me, “ Also you look amazing in blue princess.” He winked then he headed to Sarah. I had a little blush on my cheeks when he said that. He gave Sarah a note then as he was walking away Rafe grabbed him. My smile dropped as Rafe and his friends took JJ inside. I wanted to follow but I was too afraid to go after them.
“ Pope I feel like something is happening to JJ.” I found Pope with his dad and I needed to tell him about Rafe. His face was covered in a concerned look, “ Wait how do you know.” Before I can say anything I heard JJ coming out of the place with a security guard holding him. I couldn't really hear him but all his pogue friends started heading towards him and John B, both parents of Kie and Pope started yelling at them to come back but they didn't listen to them. A part of me wanted to go to them but obviously I couldn't. I ran straight to Sarah as she was going in the place. 
“ Hey where are you heading?” She quickly turned to me, “ With John B, you want to join?” I stayed silent for a while before nodding my head. We waited tell the coast was clear and joined them. As we go there you can tell Kie was not happy, not because of me but because of Sarah. “What are you guys doing here?” Said Kie, that made all the boys look at us. The first person I laid my eyes on was Maybank, he had the same smirk when I saw him in midsummer. “ John B told me to come and I wanted to bring Y/N because the more the merrier. They all looked at John B, before they all could say anything to him, he spoke first, “ Please just work with them. They have accused us of stuff we don't have.” “ I'm okay with princess Y/N, Sarah is cool I guess.” JJ said while turning to me and winking. Kie rolled her eyes and sighed, “ Okay whatever but they won't have a big share of the gold.” I chimed in, “ I don't want a share, I really don't need it.” 
“ Okay cool come on guys.” Pope said as they started walking in. As Sarah and I joined in, JJ came behind me, “ Maybe your reward is to go on a date with the incredible JJ Maybank.” I laughed at his response, “ In your dreams Maybank, in your dreams.” “I'm sure a date with me would be better than Rafe.” For a moment I forgot I was even with Rafe,..... How can I forget I was with him?!!! Is that how much of an infect Maybank has on me?  “ Maybe, in some kind of dream I don't end up with Rafe maybe, just maybe I could even think of going on a date with you” He grabbed my hand and turned to me so I could face him, “ Well I'll pray to god for  that dream to come true princess.” He started walking past me to the group. What the hell did I just put myself into?
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this, if you want more parts let me know and I'll try my best to make parts of this story and if you have any characters you want me to do let me know!!!! I won't do smut right now. I still want to get used to writing stories like this. Hope you have an amazing day <3
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emoonsworld · 2 years
Midnight Rain | Rowan Laslow X Reader
A/N: hello! This is my first ever thing I wrote so it's not going to be good. I'm in love with Rowan so I wanted to write about him, also because he barely has any stories. I'm happy to do requests but not smut at all. I'm terrible at that but will do anything else. This writing has some lyrics to Midnight Rain by Taylor Swift so if you want to, listen to it as you are reading it.
WARNINGS: none :)
I sat in my room bored out of my mind. Sat next to me was my roomate, Enid fiddling with her hands looking around our semi-messy dorm. As she had wonder in her eyes, she turned and saw my record player. Like lightning she got up and was next to it, her eyes glowing while looking at the albums I call mine. Her fingers brushed the top of them as she was trying to find the one album I knew she wanted.
¨It's already in the record for you to play Enid.¨ I turned to look at her. A smile appeared on my face like the Cheshire cat when I saw so much joy in her eyes. ¨How did you-¨ I stopped her, ¨I know you like the palm of my hand Enid. I also stopped it on your favorite song so you can hear it.¨ She instantly played the song, Midnight Rain by Taylor Swift. As we kept listening to the song I was deeply listening to the lyrics:
Rain, he wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain.
These lyrics made my smile disappear. Enid saw it and had a concerned and confused look on her face. ¨Y/N, is something wrong?¨ My eyes went up to my star ceiling not wanting to look at her face. ¨Yeah I'm just, thinking.¨ Nothing but silence except the song still playing, Enid looked at the record then to me, then to the record, ¨ I know something is wrong just tell me.¨ Just as I was about to say what's wrong I heard the lyrics.
I broke his heart cause he was nice,
It brought me back to those times. Those times where I was with him, the sun in my life when I had him. I can hear his voice.
¨Hey love, so are you up for the date tonight?¨ Rowan said, my lover. I turned to look at him, hair combed perfectly like it was everyday, glasses placed on his face angelically, and his clothes ironed without a single crease. He was the textbook definition of perfect. I gave a small smile looking at him,¨ I have to double check Ro, I'm pretty busy.¨ His face dropped, not showing a bit of emotion. It hurts me that he tries and tries, but I'm the reason that stops the plans. ¨Okay, just let me know if you can.¨ He gives me a quick smile, then the bell rings, ¨I'll see you later okay?¨ I looked at him with both pain and love in my eyes,¨ Yeah I'll see you Ro.¨ I was still in that memory until Enid snapped her fingers, ¨ Hello, earth to (Y/N). Do you hear me?¨ I came back to reality and shook my head a little bit, ¨Yeah I'm lost in my thoughts.¨ There was silence as the song continued to play:
'Cause he was sunshine, I was midnight rain.
I looked at Enid, her eyes still on me, ¨This song it…it reminds me of him.¨ I looked back to the ceiling where the stars are glowing,¨ A part of me regrets leaving him, you know breaking his heart. He never did anything wrong, I was the problem. He loved me, but I wasn't okay. I led him on and then broke his heart Enid. When I realized I actually wanted him-¨(Y/N). It's not your fault.¨ I looked at her with glossy eyes, tears ready to fall down like midnight rain, ¨No Enid it is my fault. I get it, I dated him and that was like what? 2 years ago, so I should forget about him, but I can't because I see him everyday, and I hate that.¨ I paused for a second hearing my voice crack,¨I hate that I did that.¨
She stood there a few feet away from me as she saw the first rain drop fall from my eyes. She walked a little closer to touch my shoulder, ¨ (Y/N)-¨ I moved away from her comfort and buried my face in my throw pillow, ¨Just leave me Enid. Please, I'll be okay.¨ I can feel her eyes are on me so I never looked at her, never saw her emotion, ¨Okay. I'll leave, call me when you want me to come back.¨ My face was still on the pillow until I heard the door open and close. I couldn't help until the past with him flashes in my thoughts. All of them were until, but not one. The worst one.
¨ Rowan I need to tell you something.¨ We were walking from the quad to my dorm. He looked up at me and smiled, ¨ Yeah what's on your mind.¨ I was scared to tell him. ¨Umm let's wait until we are at my dorm, it's better private.¨ He looked at me with a confused look on his face, ¨Okay.¨ As we entered the room nobody was here, it's a ghost town, he closed the door and was scared to turn to face him. I always hated the silence, but I never wanted to break it. He knew that so he broke it like always, ¨What did you want to say sweetheart?¨ Man, I hate when he calls me by nicknames. ¨ It's over Ro.¨ Still my back is facing him, not wanting to see him sad. ¨What? (Y/N) what did say.¨ Without looking at him I can tell he is going to break. I finally have the guts to look at him. ¨ Rowan I love you, I really love you but I can't continue this relationship.¨ I felt numb since I couldn't really feel the tears on my cheeks. I was able to see his face, tears already falling down, mouth open a little bit. There was silence again, this time even more painful than the ones we had before. Everytime we had silence it was nothing, just us enjoying each other's company. This time I finally broke it, ¨Row-¨ ¨So that's it. We’re over? Just end like it was nothing? I LOVE YOU! THIS WHOLE TIME I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED YOU! WHY?! Can I atleast know why?¨ I couldn't say anything because I didn't even know the answer to that question. We just stood there,¨ fine¨ he muttered. Within seconds he opened the door with his telekinesis and slammed it close. I was frozen in my spot, this time I could feel the tears and closed my eyes. When I opened them I was back to the present. I must have fallen asleep because it's now 12:30am, midnight. I looked over to Enid's side to see her fast asleep. I got up and went to the record and played the song that haunts me. I was just sitting there listening to the song when I decided to do something I was scared of. I grabbed my phone and went to his number and all I said was, ¨hey¨. Just as I put my phone down these lyrics came up,
And I never think of him except midnights like this.
I swear it was like this was written from a book, but as the song ended, on cue, I saw rain and not just any rain, but midnight rain. I still sat there, waiting, waiting for him to say something. My desk vibrated. I was too scared to see it, but I put some courage in me and looked at it. On my screen it had just a simple, ¨hey¨
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