emmamerer · 4 years
The Killer Hornet
If you didn’t think there could be any more bad news you were wrong. Just recently we have found that the Asian Giant Hornet has reached the US. This vicious killing insect is now another problem we are going to have to face.
Key Term #1: Asian giant hornets
The world's largest hornet that can be very aggressive and if a bunch were to attack you could kill you
Key Term #2: Hives
The homes of bees and hornets
Key Term #3: Madibles
The jaw of an insect
“With queens that can grow to two inches long, Asian giant hornets can use mandibles shaped like spiked shark fins to wipe out a honeybee hive in a matter of hours, decapitating the bees and flying away with the thoraxes to feed their young. For larger targets, the hornet’s potent venom and stinger — long enough to puncture a beekeeping suit — make for an excruciating combination that victims have likened to hot metal driving into their skin.”
These ginormous vicious hornets are not only a danger to us but to others of their kind. These raging hornets kill other bees and can potentially kill you too. With these hornets coming to the US we have another huge problem along with the Coronavirus.
“In Japan, the hornets kill up to 50 people a year. Now, for the first time, they have arrived in the United States.”
With the US being about 26 times bigger than Japan and having around 200 million more people living here we face a much larger risk of having many people die.
How are we going to handle the Murder Hornets in the US?
Are we going to find some medicine or shot to protect us from it. Are we going to have something to spray so they start to die. There are so many things we have to think about doing to take care of our new problem.
One goal I have for next year that I hope to accomplish is to make our school have more spirit. Next year I will be in student council and I want to make it a goal to introduce more school spirit and activities to bring our school together and have more fun.
One business knowledge I learned about this year that I think is going to be the most relevant in the world right now is the stock market. I think this is important because of the economy right now with Coronavirus the stock market is really crucial.
Now that we know what this thing can do what are you going to do, and are you scared?
Thanks for reading!
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emmamerer · 4 years
What’s an Essential Worker?
“And workers are starting to question why, if they’re so essential, their lives and paychecks are so cheap.”Now that many are starting to understand how crucial their jobs are to this world why are they getting paid the bare minimum? Their jobs are just as important as others and are hard-working labor-intensive jobs, why are they getting paid so little.What is an essential worker to you? Do you think of them as someone who just delivers packages to you or someone who has helped save lives? Right now essential workers are one of the biggest people we can thank right now. From risking their lives to bring us things we need to survive and risking their families’ lives.
essential workers
An essential worker is someone whose job revolves around the safety of others and basic necessities that we need to survive
Freedom is the right to do what you want
A crisis is a time when there is danger
“Now these “essential workers” — the cashiers and health care workers and bus drivers and elder-care aides and sanitation workers and cable guys and Amazon warehouse pickers, who for years have been told by their paltry wages and benefits and lack of dignity at work that they’re unskilled and utterly replaceable — are being lauded as heroes for risking their health to keep the country running.”
Essential workers are a part of what is holding our world together right now. They are the ones who have risked their lives to keep our world going. For them to do this is incredible as they are risking theirs, and their families lives to do this. Along with that, they have never been appreciated in the past. They have always been the ones who were just seen as the truck drier or grocery store clerk. Now they are seen as heroes.
“And workers are starting to question why, if they’re so essential, their lives and paychecks are so cheap.”
Now that many are starting to understand how crucial their jobs are to this world why are they getting paid the bare minimum? Their jobs are just as important as others and are hard-working labor-intensive jobs, why are they getting paid so little.
“Every year for the past few years has had a record-breaking number of strikes and walkouts. And it’s coalescing into something we haven’t seen before this pandemic, like the organized walkouts at multiple Amazon warehouses and fast-food franchises simultaneously. ”
Now that we know that these jobs are so important and these people are risking their lives for us, don’t you think they deserve more. They should be paid more and recognized more on how much they do for us. They should not have to have walkouts to get their point across.
What are you going to do for your essential workers?
Next time you see an essential worker are you going to thank them and appreciate them for what they do for all of us. With everything happening right now are you now going to understand that just because their job doesn’t seem fancy doesn’t mean it’s not important?
What do you think should be done for essential workers?
Do you think now that essential workers should have a raise or get better opportunities for themselves of anything else?
Today I interviewed my dad who works at a company called Health Edge
How has your job changed?
“My job has not changed that much the reason is that my job and role was already as a remote employee i have been working from home for many years when i am not traveling but one thing that has changed is that i am not doing any travel at home so i am only home probably 60% of my company was already remote staff with travel.”
Has it negatively or positively impacted you?
“There has been no negative impact to my company, my company is still actively hiring new employees and we are extremely busy.”
Do you think your company will be affected?
“Most likely my company will never be affected negatively. we probably will just not meet our yearly goals.”
If this happened 20 years ago how bad would it have affected your work life?
“It would have drastically impacted it because we wouldn’t have had the internet. the internet has saved us now.”
What are you going to do for the people around you and the people risking their lives to help others? How are you going to do your part?
Thanks for reading!
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emmamerer · 4 years
How is Amazon Trying to Limit Shopping?
As we know we are in quarantine right now, which basically means we have to limit our public outings to where we will be around large groups of people. However we still obviously have to go out for groceries or cleaning supplies right now, but online shopping is a great alternative. One of the biggest places to shop from right now is Amazon. With that though Amazon has been receiving a lot of orders that they can’t keep up with and is not safe for their employees. Here are some of the ways Amazon is trying to get people to stop ordering things.
Key Terms:
Key Term #1: Advertising
Promoting a product to increase interest and sales in that specific product of company
Key Term #2: e-commerce
The buying and selling of goods and services
Key Term #3: Service
Providing help in any way to someone
“began quietly doing away with the “customers who bought this item also bought” widgets that recommend additional products to users based on what’s in other people’s carts. The company is also backpedaling on its one-day shipping guarantee for Prime members in Europe, setting the default instead to two days for in-stock orders.”
With the coronavirus there are lots of health precautions we are taking such as not going to work and staying at home. Unfortunately there are jobs that are just not able to do those things like delivery workers or factory workers. They have to keep working in a potentially dangerous environment. One way companies are trying to help their employees who deliver and work at factories stay safe is making shopping not as easy for customers. For example Amazon takes away features of the website that bring in a lot of orders like their section for things you would like or one day shipping.
“In March, its delivery service shifted its priorities to focus on household goods and medical supplies”
Since not many other businesses are opened right now that can sell and provide resources to help stop the spread of the virus to your house, companies like Amazon are prioritizing those goods over unnecessary goods. By doing this it shows customers who are getting unnecessary things that it is going to take longer to arrive possibly leading them to not place the order.
“Groups of employees across the country have been holding demonstrations in a bid to push Amazon to implement more safety measures at the facilities and to cease shipping nonessential items so that the volume isn’t so stressful”
Although Amazon is doing a lot of good things to help with what’s happening in the world right now they still have some flaws. One being the fact that they are hiring lots of new employees right now. As great as it is to be hiring people and giving our jobs it is also extremely dangerous to have groups of people together right now working together. This has been causing some anger with existing employees who do not think this is safe and needs Amazon to work on it.
How is Amazon helping us?
Right now Amazon is helping us in a big way by putting medical supplies and cleaning supply orders above unnecessary items. By doing this they are helping contain the virus in peoples homes and helping the sick and doctors with medical supplies being brought to them quickly. Also by doing this it is having customers not want to buy as much unnecessary things as it won’t get to them quickly possibly resulting in them not wanting to buy it right now.
What is Amazon doing wrong?
Amazon for the most part has been helping people around the world positively, but not as much for its employees. One thing they have done over the past 4 weeks is hire thousands of new employees. By doing this they are helping them by giving them jobs but they are also putting them at risk with being around others. Amazon needs to find a new system in a way that they can keep their factory workers safe.
What companies are doing well in the stock market?
Amazon because online shopping is a very important thing right now and one of the biggest online stores in the world is Amazon.
Amazon is doing well right now and investors have confidence in this company because they have almost anything you could possibly need and is online. As we are in quarantine right now we are trying to limit or public outings so things like online shopping is great for the world right now.
Starting in march the company had a declining stock going to the lowest of 1,676.61 but since then it has been continuously growing upward to today which is 2,380.05.
So are you going to do your part and limit your unnecessary shopping. Please do as it may save factory and delivery workers lives!
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emmamerer · 4 years
How Can I Be A Leader In This Pandemic
Why are people still seeing their friends? Why are people still going to the store for unnecessary things? But the big question is, how can I be a leader to my community?
Key Terms:
Basic Management
Basic Management is the planning of something for a company or anything in the future 
Leading a group to success
National Poll
A national poll is when the entire country votes on things they would want
What is it like to be a leader:
One of the first things that stood out was:
“When the situation is uncertain, human instinct and basic management training can cause leaders — out of fear of taking the wrong steps and unnecessarily making people anxious — to delay action and to downplay the threat until the situation becomes clearer.”
This is important to know from the article because it is explaining how we need to really think in these situations about the steps we are going to take so we don’t make irrational bad decisions that could really hurt us.
A big group of leaders for this world are our major league athletes:
“The suspension of the NCAA’s historic “March Madness” college tournament; the National Hockey League (NHL), Major League Baseball (MLB), and other sports leagues halting their own operations; and the rescheduling of the Boston Marathon”
By showing how such big money-making important things to this world is getting canceled shows people that this is serious and you have to quarantine. By doing this these athletes are being leaders and setting the example that you have to be following the government’s orders and that it is really crucial.
A big part of leadership is the way you lead:
“How a message is delivered matters. Ardern’s communication was clear, honest, and compassionate: It acknowledged the daily sacrifices to come and inspired people to forge ahead in bearing them together.”
By being a leader you have to find a way to really convince people to do these things. So by communicating well and being kind influences more people to do it instead of being rude and maybe almost making them want to rebel.
One of the big questions is:
How can I be a leader to my community?
This article is about the steps to be a great leader in hard times. Since this is such a hard time we are going through right now everyone can think about different things and how they can help to stop the Coronavirus.
Throughout this pandemic, many things have changed for me and my family. One of the biggest things is social distancing and when and how we are spending money. A big part of my family’s lives before the Coronavius was socializing. We have always loved to hang out with our friends and go into social places. So a big personal habit has been staying home and not being able to physically see our friends. Another big change was our spending habits. One big thing is going out to eat or getting take out. As we don’t want to go out for unnecessary things or be in contact that much with people we have only been going out once a week for getting take out so we can support our local restaurants. Another big thing with spending is we are spending money now in larger amounts, this is because now we are stocking up on food so we only have to go to the store every other week. Before we would go once or twice a week and spend a lot less at once.
At the end of the day stay home and be an example and leader to others in your community. One more person staying home is helping us go in the right direction for ending this horrible virus. When you do need things stock up on what you need only and don’t take everything others need things too. Where your mask, where gloves, disinfect things, do what you can to help our world and be a leader yourself.
Thanks for reading!
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emmamerer · 4 years
Our Economy Needs To Open Fast!
Hi everybody. This is a very hard time for everyone right now at the moment. I know you want to go see your friends and not be at home for this long, but we have to stay at home so we can soon be out of quarantine. The big question is, is what is the U.S doing to help us and our economy? For the economy, they are trying to find a way to help give people who are out of work money, and have been trying hard to make this quarantine as short as possible but it is mainly us that can make or break it.
But first a few key terms.
Key Terms:
Economy: A expenses of goods and services traded globally and commercially
Policymakers: Individuals who set to policies and rules of an organization
Economist: A person who studies and works with data that has to do with supply and demand
What is the government doing to help?
“Government officials are setting competing targets. President Trump has pushed his expected date of reopening the economy to the end of April. “We have to get back to work,” he said in a briefing on Saturday. “We have to open our country again. We don’t want to be doing this for months and months and months. We’re going to open our country again. This country wasn’t meant for this.”
With the economy already booming in the past month in the United States, our country can not handle this going on for any longer. With the number of death rates still increasing we have to stay in quarantine and not go to our regular jobs. Some have been lucky to work from home, but others like small business owners can’t handle being out of business anymore. If our country continues to be in quarantine, in the long run, the U.S will suffer. Sooner or later we will have to find a new way to stay safe but still be able to go outside and interact with others to save the economy.
What we have to do.
“I don’t think you can force hundreds of thousands of small business owners to voluntarily shut down and let failure happen to them,” Mr. Ozimek said. “They won’t do it, the public won’t support it, and frankly I don’t think local authorities would stop them.”
With many people out of jobs right now they are expecting to soon be able to get back to work and make a living. However, it may not be possible as it could still be very dangerous. However, some may think the risk of not having any money and being able to afford things is more of a risk than getting the Coronavirus. Many officials think that as well but at the same time do they want thousands of people dying or finding a way to somehow give people who need it money.
The Big Question.
What is the U.S doing right now to control the Coronavirus?
As of right now, all states are in quarantine, to where they are not allowed to leave the house unless for necessary things such as groceries. They are putting acts in place such as if they see you at a public place like a beach or park they will give you a ticket or arrest you. These acts are put into place so everyone stays home and prevents the spread of the coronavirus. Eventually, we may be realized but most likely will have rules like wearing masks in public and more.
To conclude, we as U.S citizens need to stay home to help our community and world to stop the spread of this horrible virus. So just wait a little longer and you can soon see your friends and family. And the government is doing everything they can to help our economy and the people in need.
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