
Sylvia Plath, aged 19, in a letter to her mother (dated Friday, 24 October 1952)
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The night tho’ clear shall frown — And the stars shall look not down From their high thrones in the Heaven, With light like Hope to mortals given, But their red orbs, without beam, To thy weariness shall seem As a burning & a fever Which would cling to thee forever But twill leave thee, as each star With the dew-drop flies afar
--Spirits of the Dead by Edgar Allan Poe
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home library so I never have to leave the house 📚
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Nosferatu (2024) + trivia
#wake up babe#they conlanguage’d dacian#nosferatu 2024#was wondering what they were trying to do with the words he was saying
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"i want to talk to you...without speaking"
queer, 2024 (dir. luca guadagnino)
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Detail from Lorenzo & Isabella by John Everett Millais
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— Abundance, Amy Schmidt (in memory of Mary Oliver)
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List of Interesting Latin Phrases
A list I made just to satisfy my vain cravings for resonating mottos for a secret society I'm working on. Enjoy!
abi in malam crucem: to the devil with you!
ad astra per ardua: to the star by steep paths
ad augusta per angusta: to honors through difficulties
aegis fortissima virtus: virue is the strongest shield
amor vincit amnia: love conquers all things
animo et fide: by courage and faith
arbitrium est judicium: an award is a judgement
aut mors aut victoria: either death or victory
aut vincere aut mori: either victory or death
bello ac pace paratus: prepared in war and peace
bibamus, moriendum est: let us drink, death is certain (Seneca and Elder)
bonis omnia bona: all things are good to the good
cede nullis: yield to no one
cito maturum, cito putridum: soon ripe, soon rotten
consensus facit legem: consent makes law
data fata secutus: following what is decreed by fate (Virgil)
durum telum necessitas: necessity is a hrad weapson
dux vitae ratio: reason is the guide of life
e fungis nati homines: men born of mushrooms
ego sum, ergo omnia sunt: I am, therefore all things are
pulvis et umbra sumus: we are but dust and shadow
quae amissa salva: things lost are safe
timor mortis morte pejor: the fear of death is worse than death
triumpho morte tam vita: I triumph in death as in life
tu vincula frange: break your chains
vel prece vel pretio: for either love or for money
verbera, sed audi: whip me, but hear me
veritas temporis filia: truth is the daughter of time
vero nihil verius: nothing is truer than the truth
vestigia nulla restrorsum: foosteps do not go backward
victus vincimus: conquered, we conquer (Plautus)
sica inimicis: a gger to his enemies
sic vita humana: thus is human life
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
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💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2
Reference: <Latin for the Illiterati: a modern guide to an ancient language> by Jon R. Stone, second edition, 2009
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Booked my editor for January. New book’s closer to being a real thing 🥲
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