emma-mack · 6 days
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Emma Mackey as Emily Brontë
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emma-mack · 6 days
I honestly try not to lay awake at night, thinking of such things. Because when I tell you I wouldn't sleep at all, believe me. I'd just be this walking looking Zombie, sleep deprived and the darkest circles around my eyes. Can't help your true opinion, and it's not like it's going to please everyone. So what, if you're classed as basic? See, Ryan is built differently, I still stand by this. To be able to come up with an answer like that, as quickly as he would have, it is just his pure talent. I'm pretty sure he's writing for himself, so give him all the credit he really truly deserves. Rethink my answers — like I said, I do really try not too, in the fear that I would criticize myself for the rest of my life, but there are certainly some moments. But as far as the best sandwich, for me you simply cannot go wrong with a ready salted crisp sandwich. Real childhood food, that is.
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Does anyone else lie awake thinking about answers they've given to questions on national television that just... didn't... go over right? Or is it just me in a permanent state of self-doubt? Case in point: Colbert's Questionert, three years ago, got asked what the best sandwich was. I said meatball sub. But the looks I got from Stephen himself and the crowd... I feel like it was an amateur answer, even if I mostly stand by it. I mean, I feel like a meatball sub is pretty universally hard to fuck up – no? But then Gosling goes on and says ice cream. Ice cream sandwich. That genius. I don't know who's writing for him, but I need them on my team. I guess this leads to two questions: 1) do you rethink your answers to the point of insanity like me? and 2) what is the best sandwich, and why? @hfrpstarters
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emma-mack · 6 days
Em: Be open with that, babes. Tell me that at the end of the day you value the friendship. So whatever happens, there may always be a way back to the friendship? But also, I think friendship is a big key to a successful and healthy relationship. I hope that you will take a chance, girlie.
isabela: it is a guy i've known for years, also the reason for me to be terrified as well. i don't want to ruin my friendship with him. he did, yeah! i went on a date with him and it was really good. we'll see what is going to happen. isabela: fuck yeah! let me know how it goes.
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emma-mack · 6 days
Yes, please. I am in LA currently, so once you are back from your trip in Asia, and I make my way back, we'll get together for some real bonding time? I do love a little bit of wildness, it's where the fun is at, right?
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So true. Pwssh we are so going to carve out some time to properly bond! I love a honest lip totally need more in my life! Oh please I mean if you admire us and our wildness you are definitely our kind of people I think thats what it says. Fun and wild attract? Thats a rule right? Well the husband snuck me away again to asia for a bit.
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emma-mack · 6 days
Working on your birthday is rough — but I hope they made it worth your while. Did they take you for birthday drinks, at least? I'm still in the middle of a break, currently. I tend to take extended breaks between filming, but I'm also a little bit picky on taking up future roles, so do like to take my time before jumping into anything too quickly. Summer has been a good one, and I've been having fun. I was on a road trip in Paris last month, and now I'm in LA on a road trip, so making use of my time off.
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oh hey, it's never too late. gosh no, you're not a terrible person. just a busy one, which i can't knock you for. that's absolutely not necessary but you're such a dear for it. between rehearsing for brazil and finishing up filming a luca guadagnino movie, it was a pretty hectic birthday but at least it kept me busy and moving. how's your end of summer been? are you working or taking a break still?
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emma-mack · 6 days
I honestly hate how many people mistake Frankenstein as a monster — it's clear to see just how many people choose not to educate themselves. It's like, completely different characters here but, Eeyore. We all understand he was depressed, right? But people always just presumed he didn't like people, or communicating. But actually, his depression was shown as that, but in fact he always liked being invited to events, and people were not in fact the problem. His story is one of my favourites, ever. So inspiring and also very relatable to so many people. If you go round saying your the Doctor, people will start thinking you're the new Doctor Who or something, right? And that's just as confusing?
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It wasn't until I started working on Frankenstein that I truly realised how many people mistake him for the monster. At this point I've lost count on every time someone thought I was playing the monster when I say I'm Frankenstein. As if I could ever do him any justice, Jacob is doing an amazing job. Maybe I should start saying I'm the Doctor instead, just to avoid any confusion. Have you ever gone your whole life believing one thing, only to realise as an adult that it was completely wrong? // @hfrpstarters
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emma-mack · 10 days
Look at us hyping up September and I've heard there been nothing but rain over the last day or so — it's betrayed us, and I'm in a little to no rush to get back to it. That one is the worst, I will agree with you. We don't get much of a summer, so when the weather man tells us we're in for a heat wave and it never happens, it cracks at our heart. Think we should let global warming take this one, and also come to terms with us as humans destroying the world we live in — we've only got ourselves to blame here really. We honestly wouldn't know how to start a conversation, would we? Give me a better conversation starter.. now. Another one we're good at is either, how's the family and sometimes we may not even know them, but also when conversation gets really dry 'Want a cuppa and biccy?' What do you think we love more, the weather or a good cup of tea? Good one, I'll give you that, and it's not commonly used either. For me, it's a clear winner for Mayo, what about you? Also, have you tried the Mayonnaise Ketchup sauce? It's debatable, not the worst thing but hasn't made my top 5.
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September's such a weird in-between. You wake up and it's chilly enough for a jumper, but by lunchtime, you're regretting not wearing shorts. You think summer's over, and then September rolls around, acting like it's the height of July or something. It's all backwards. What about when you're waiting for the heat to kick in, and it just never does. Honestly, I’ve given up trying to figure it out! I'm just gonna chalk it up to global warming. Have you ever wondered if we didn't have the weather to moan about, what would we even talk about? I think I talk about it too much, can't think of a better ice breaker for when the interest in the conversation is running low. I'll throw in a good "ketchup vs mayo?" debate.
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emma-mack · 10 days
You're quite literally part of the gang now, with one foot in the door — so of course you haven't missed your chance. I was trying to play it cool whilst asking, didn't want to come across as a little desperate to spend some time with you again, after all we hadn't seen each other that long ago. But now I know for next time, to just ask. You burned a little more than you thought you did? You poor thing. By tend to you, do you mean you'd like me to come massage some after sun onto your back? Because I can do that, maybe even tend elsewhere if that is needed too.
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When Ryan asked my, I thought this was perfect since we had talked about me attending some of the Barbie cast sleepovers. I didn't ask him about it though, so hopefully I didn't miss my opportunity. You know that there wasn't anything extra needed, just an ask and I was happy to stay with you and hit up some of the beaches. I think I got a little burnt, so I need to do a lot of laying down. Maybe you can tend to me?
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emma-mack · 10 days
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Happy Birthday to my day one, ( @grealishxoxo ) You're literally the best friend a girl could ask for, and thankful for you forever. You best have the best birthday, working or partying, it best be in real Grealish style. Miss you as always, see you soon xo. Em x
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Essential organizer
After shave sets
Birthday cake
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emma-mack · 11 days
Always happy to be of assistance to you. No no, you are firmly one number, I promise you, nobody ever takes your place, ly. But you know I love that girl, too. You better be fit and fighting, however I heard you scored a goal in the most recent England game, so that's good news for you to take back to City? I'll pop in soon, promise. I've been in Paris mostly, little bit of a road trip and then popped over to Jamaica for the Skarsgård wedding. Will start slowing down a little bit soon, settle somewhere before I put my working cap back on.
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nah, you're never annoying and i never mind explaining things to you. it's kind of rough sitting on the sidelines, so having a friendly face there to chat with helps loads. any time you wanna come watching something with me, just lmk. i respect going to see hollie first, but i still wanna make a claim to being your second fave grealish xo. i'll be around, feeling fighting fit and hopefully get to start a few matches for city soon. what you been up to, babes?
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emma-mack · 11 days
Em: Of course, and it's okay to be scared. I mean it's perfectly normal with your history. But this is a guy you've known for years, yes? And he knows what you've been through. So whatever happens, he's got to be a pretty terrible person to screw you over in a similar way, don't you think? Wait, back up one step. He asked you out on a date? That's got to be a good thing, at least? Em: Okay, you're right. And I do feel that he is worth it. Will update you. Em: Nooo, I listen but sometimes take a detour and use my own, non helpful advice. But don't we all?
isabela: i don't do feelings for a reason, em. i'm terrified i'll get hurt again, kianah really fucked me up, you know? well... i did try to run away but he came talking to me and i just felt bad. he does mean a lot to me, we've been friends for years and i'm scared i'll ruin our friendship. yeah, we've been talking... he asked me out on a date? so, i'm still processing everything, really. isabela: i definitely know what you mean. honestly, em, just go for it! if he's worth it then why not give it a try? please do let me know because you know how much i care about you and i want you to be happy. isabela: always? most of the time you just ignore my amazing advices.
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emma-mack · 11 days
London is London — weather could be better, but couldn't it always? Are you not a fan on London, or I guess there's no other real reason for you to come and visit? I appreciate the invite to come, so thank you again. I've always had some questionable tastes, apparently. At least that's what my brothers tell me. But you're in the top two, that's got to count for something, right? Don't be too heartbroken.
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how's london these days? don't think i've been there since our last tour. thanks for coming by for the baby shower. i think i can safely speak on hailey's half and say we both appreciated you being there. calum is your favorite member? my heart. rip it out and stomp on it, why don't ya? calum is lame. you're in the wrong lane, em.
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emma-mack · 11 days
Last time we spoke, you had potential plans to go off to Korea, have you been and gone yet, still in the pipeline to go?
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Plus when you're going to a festival with the likes of Saoirse Ronan, ye wanna get away from the crowds when ye can, and the camping areas are still hectic. That's what we try to do, got plans to go to Korea as soon as I'm done with the play.
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emma-mack · 11 days
Dance rehearsals were great too. I've loved every set I've been on since, but that was definitely one of the top favourites. I don't think many take you seriously though, Ry — but that's the best thing about you. Never change. Yes okay, I understand I've been slacking and even more so after the festival. How can I make it up to you now?
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Listen, I'll take the blame if it keeps the peace haha Absolutely! Start it up, Ems! You've got a point. I do miss the dance rehearsals though, those were my favorite moments haha Of course! You know I'm a certified goof off set. I don't know how Emily takes me seriously half the time. Hurt you haven't seen it yet though. Need to make it up to me by possibly performing I'm Just Ken with me during the music festival haha
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emma-mack · 11 days
Of course I'm not judging you, just thought I would throw you off guard a little bit and see if your natural instincts kicked in or anything. No stress, or judgement here from me ever, sweetie. Oh my god, these secrets, however at least I know you'll be in Paris regardless. I shall be there — I used to attend the fashion week every year, and because of work priorities, I've missed out the last couple of times. So I'll be there this year.
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You're not catching me off guard here, though I won't pretend I can actually answer in French, so... I'm good! It's one of those things I hear and understand but my mind is blank and can't answer. As long as you're not judging me, we good! Big thanks to the awesome waiters and salespeople in Paris for that. Can't tell… however I can tell I'll be at Victoria's Secret Fashion Week this fall, and even if I'm not performing in Paris Fashion Week I'll definitely be attending to see it. Are you going to the show yourself?
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emma-mack · 14 days
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emma mackey via chloé
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emma-mack · 14 days
Wow. You're beautiful.
Austin — oh my god, please stop.. you'll make me blush. Miss you already.
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