emin3m · 4 years
Bin Laden with a pen, bodyin' again
I begin slaughterin' your men, prolly shoulda been
Ali or the Svengali embodiment of sin
Like a Saudi in the Taliban plottin' an event
In the lobby of the Intercontinental with an obvious intent
And I would not even relent up on a little
Like Osama with a bomb under the bin and down the middle
Of the Pentagon and hit a kindergartner with a rental
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emin3m · 4 years
I'm tryna rewind time like a tape
Find an escape, make a beeline, try and awake
From this dream, I need to re-find my inner strength
To remind me, even if a steep climb I must take
To rewrite a mistake, I'm rewinding the tape
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emin3m · 4 years
A kind man knows a blind man holds grudges
A wise man knows a wise man knows nothin'
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emin3m · 4 years
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