emilywastakenwastaken · 9 months
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Almost to 20!!! Thank you all for the support even though I’m barely active!!!! 😭🩷🫶🏼
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emilywastakenwastaken · 11 months
Birthday Boy
Warning(s):Cursing, Gn reader, Use Of Dreams Real Name.
A/n:This is my first Gn one shot so if it’s bad I’m sorry! Also Happy Birthday Dream!! 💚
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Today was my beautiful boyfriend's birthday and me being the best partner I'm making him breakfast in bed! I woke up earlier than I normally did to Clays arm wrapped tightly around my. I carefully moved his hand and did my morning routine. After I was done I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. After I was done I carried the plates of pancakes, eggs, and a drink. I pushed open the door and put the food down. I sit on the bed and gently shake Clay “Babe wake up” I whisper smiling as he stretches. “Morning baby!” He smiles he puts his hand on my hip. “Hey happy birthday!” I grab the food giving it to him “Here I hope you like it!” He smiles and sits up and starts eating. After he eats he puts it on the nightstand “What do you want to do today my love?” I say softy. He’s smiles and pulls me down beside him causing me to laugh “m’wanna cuddle with my perfect partner. I’m so lucky to have you in my life” he says burying his head in my neck softly kissing it. Let’s just say we had an amazing time watching movies and eating junk food.
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Hope You Enjoyed I’m Sorry It’s So Shitty It’s 1:23 Am And I’m Very Tired!
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I’ve Got You
Requested: No
Pairing: Sapnap x Reader
Type: Fluff
Warning(s): cursing, sad stuff, fluff, use of Sapnap’s real name
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I’m on me and Nick’s bed crying hearing the news my best friend passed away I was in my own world I didn’t even hear Nick come home from hanging out with his friends “Darlin’?” I sniffle but don’t respond to him. I hear the bedroom door open and shut “Oh Darlin’ what’s wrong?” He asks sitting beside me on the bed hugging me “S-She’s gone.” I sob hugging him. “Who’s gone babe?” “M-My best f-friend Lilly” I continue to break down sobbing on his shoulder my tears soaking through his shirt “It’ll be ok I promise darlin’ I’ve got you.” I sniffle pulling away “I’m sorry Nick.” I say looking down letting out a breathless laugh. “Why?” He asks holding my hands “Because I’m a mess” I sigh refusing to look at him. He grabs my chin and makes me look at him. He smiles at me and cups my cheeks wiping my tears “Don’t apologize you lost someone close to you, you have every right to be upset” I smile have kiss him gently happy I have this man in my life.
Super short and sad but if you like it please follow and dm me for a request love y’all ❤️
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