emeraldsorcerer · 5 years
Hey so, final post for a long time.
Hey all. It’s been a while, and chances are it’s going to be even longer still after this. I want to get back into RPing. I want to get back into RPing this character, actually. I’ve wanted to for a long time. 
But...I had to have it explained to me that the stuff I was doing here was wrong.
Particularly, taking others’ fanart without permission and recoloring it to fit my uses and my muse.
I’m not sure to blame it on my privilege, sheltered background, or my neurodivergent-ness or just plain sheer stupidity as to why it wasn’t an obviously immortal thing for me to be doing to begin with, but by myself, it never struck me as something particularly wrong until about 2018 when an art friend of mine called me out on it. And regardless of the reasons, it was wrong to do, and nothing changes that.
I’m not even sure to this day that I’ve fully come to terms with the fact that I was, indeed, doing a pretty abhorrent thing, basically outright art theft, and that it could very well have driven many away that I hadn’t even realized. But...I feel pretty intensely guilty about it.
I can’t bring myself to let go of the blog itself and delete it for a couple of reasons. The first is entirely selfish, I’ll admit, the six or seven years of activity on this blog were some of my fondest memories I have of my post-teenage life, I still to this day remember some of my very first interactions, I remember how much Sakana has grown and changed over the years. He’s developed so much that I can’t throw him away completely. I just can’t. He’s too deep a part of me.
That said, there is a second, more legit reason. Last year I acquired a tablet and took up drawing, and I’m starting from scratch, so it’s going to take a long, long time before I even feel remotely capable of doing it, but...I want to come back to this blog with my own, fully original art for Sakana someday. That’s including the background, avatar, header, and all the icons. A complete overhaul.
I want to roleplay Sakana again someday. But in the current state of things, I can’t in good conscious do so. 
So, consider this message an announcement of my permanent hiatus until I’ve gotten good enough at art to justify making enough assets to come back and roleplay Sakana again without relying on anyone else’s fanworks.
To those that I harmed or made uncomfortable due to my ignorance, I apologize profusely. To those I stole fanart from, an apology will only do so much, but I still offer it. 
If/when I come back, all the assets I use going forward will be my own.
Until then, I thank all of my mutuals for bearing with me <3
If anyone wants to get into contact with me, hit me up at emeraldfishy either on Tumblr or Twitter.
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
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I’ll be honest. 
My self worth as of late has plummeted so far into the negatives that I find it difficult to do anything.
Even simply eating or playing video games has become difficult, on account of my brain saying I don’t really deserve to.
That’s probably why my activity has been so sparse the past few months.
I’m not sure I see an end to this.
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
I also like following you, for what it's worth.
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Awwh~ thank you! ^_^
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
Does Sakana appreciate any forms of fine art?
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“As scared as I was of it a long, long time ago, I’ve found a certain appreciation for fine arts through Guertena’s art gallery. It wasn’t something I could have possibly understood back then, but putting one’s self in the creator’s shoes is a fun thought experiment to have every so often, especially when you see abstract and postmodern art pieces. A sort of...how you say...flipping the chessboard, in that regard?”
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
Does Sakana have a favourite kind of music?
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“I like a lot of different kinds, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a weakness for some punchy, fast-paced jazz or some big band stuff~ I’ve also got a pretty soft spot for solo acoustic guitar and solo piano songs~”
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
@emeraldsorcerer || ❤︎’d (Not Accepting.)
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‘ Tell me do you know what you seek from this Golden Land? ’
The sorcerer calmly asked the other. This was a typical question asked to any new wanderers in his territory. He wouldn’t be a very good head of this land if he didn’t ask and evaluate motives of his invited guests.
‘ Do you want knowledge? Wealth? Or maybe a place to spend eternity? ’
These were just a few of the reasons someone held interest in the Golden Land, but there could be an abundance of reasons this stranger was here.
It had felt like a lifetime since the tall blonde had met anyone from the Golden Land. This was quite a welcome sight, and he happened upon it by coincidence. As soon as he realized what this place was, he couldn’t help but make a beeline to it.
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“Want? Ah, well, I just wandered in really~ nice place you got though~”
What did he want, anyways? Really it was more of an impulse to come here when he saw it. Aah, the sweet scent of nostalgia, and yet to be expected, it was always subtly different with each encounter.
“Well, if you’re offering, I could go forrrr...someone interesting to have tea with~? I’m a pretty lonely witch, y’know~? Name’s Sakana, what about yours~?”
He didn’t have to ask; he knew already, having studied this place’s mysteries relentlessly his former master. But, may as well keep up the act for now. It was fun.
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
if you’d be willing to write with a battler (and tohya by extension) from umineko, could you like or reblog this? this also serves as a general self promo of sorts. i’ve been roleplaying off and on for quite some time so i have experience and i’d like to get back into doing this.
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
Further Exploration of Garden
From what Sakana understood, it wasn’t like outsiders were strictly forbidden from Garden. Just, pretty uncommon. So, after taking on multiple more inconspicuous forms for safety reasons (see: a combination of people watching and slight shyness towards strangers) he challenged himself - time to walk the halls in his normal form! Scandalous!
As he strode freely in his usual attire for the first time, he noted the occasional strange look, but it happened far less than he expected. Well, this was a place where magic exists and is known about, and he’d heard about some guy rocking three belts that was apparently a high roller here? The only glances he got were ones from unfamiliarity, rather than looks.
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Although...it could have been the weird seaweed-ish portion of his hair. 
That...yeah, yeah that might have played a part. 
That was probably weird even for here.
Still, he poked his head in the Library without much fuss, noting that he might come back here for new magic ideas, and he’d already explored the Training Center pretty thoroughly (recently he’d taken to spooking some of the younger ones, posing as a secret rare boss enemy taking on whatever form struck his fancy at the time, but of course never really hurting them at all). Boring parking garage, and he wasn’t bored enough to start sneaking into dorms yet. Infirmary was self-explanatory, as was the cafeteria, though he glanced someone very enthusiastic about the hot dogs there. Not paying it much mind, he wondered what the Quad had to offer.
Whoa. Looked like a lot of setup for something was going on down here. And who do we have here...?
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“Pffffbt, just boring ol’ Selphie. And here I was huntin’ around for Carbuncle this whole time.”
...nope, he didn’t have the heart to keep up his ruse, and within seconds cracked a grin.
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“Aaaah, just kiddin~ how ya been~? Looks like some big stuff’s happenin’ over here, huh~?”
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
I’m back!
I suck at announcements so bad that I forgot to announce I was on hiatus to begin with.
But now I’m not on hiatus anymore!!!
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It’s been a crazy few weeks, what with graduation, moving, and going on vacation to Vegas for a short time (I’m not rich, I just have family there is all), but I’m back if anyone cares! And I’m pretty short on RPs right now soooo…
If you wanna RP with me, like this post and I’ll throw Sakana your way! If you wanna RP with Aurora, Luna or Lily, shoot me a comment or a message saying so and I’ll throw any of them (or any combination of them) your way too~!
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
I’m back!
I suck at announcements so bad that I forgot to announce I was on hiatus to begin with.
But now I’m not on hiatus anymore!!!
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It’s been a crazy few weeks, what with graduation, moving, and going on vacation to Vegas for a short time (I’m not rich, I just have family there is all), but I’m back if anyone cares! And I’m pretty short on RPs right now soooo…
If you wanna RP with me, like this post and I’ll throw Sakana your way! If you wanna RP with Aurora, Luna or Lily, shoot me a comment or a message saying so and I’ll throw any of them (or any combination of them) your way too~!
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
I’m back!
I suck at announcements so bad that I forgot to announce I was on hiatus to begin with.
But now I’m not on hiatus anymore!!!
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It’s been a crazy few weeks, what with graduation, moving, and going on vacation to Vegas for a short time (I’m not rich, I just have family there is all), but I’m back if anyone cares! And I’m pretty short on RPs right now soooo...
If you wanna RP with me, like this post and I’ll throw Sakana your way! If you wanna RP with Aurora, Luna or Lily, shoot me a comment or a message saying so and I’ll throw any of them (or any combination of them) your way too~!
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
’ PLEASE  s do not ruin my grand entrance by talking about your… tentacle fetish. ‘ bleh. disgusting. how boring! everyone knew that slime was the new thing! creators, it’s like he never learned anything. she makes a mental note to send him the latest issue of BRUJA KINK MONTHLY if he’s ever going to join the senate. ‘ Where’s your abyss, your swirling sea of hot marshmellow fudge? I personally copyrighted that   don’t take it. Heck, don’t even ask why I offered the idea. ‘
she floats about, a cloud of blue cotton candy <POPS> into existance to carry her around for further inspection… before stopping abruptly at Sakana’s confession. at least he knew this place needs a witch’s touch!
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 ‘ Ah, he can be taught ! ‘
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“You...did teach me for a solid 40 or 50 years so...eheh~”
Of course, she was just messing around, Probably. Right? Right.
“I mean, this kind of already is an abyss. It’s endless until I want it to end. Makes it so I can just...y’know...trap people in here forever. Although I did have a dark red harsher abyssal section where I threw grey faces hardly worth mentioning in forever in the old place.”
Implying this was the ‘new place’.
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“F-fetish? Ahah...nah, no way, nuh uh. Besides, they’re tendrils, not tentacles~! Eeeehhhh...”
Slightly exasperated yet for the most part still very happy to see her, he laid front-down in the air with his legs lazily kicking upwards like some kind of schoolgirl laying on her bed.
That was pretty much normal for him around Lambdadelta. Exasperation and elation. The pureness of the old days when she was his beginning and end still held some grasp despite knowing better.
“Anything else you’d like to criticize~?” he asks with a small smile.
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
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“…man, I really miss Higanbana…”
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“D-don’t call her thaaaat~! She’s the only one that was totally into doing the sort of stuff you and Bern do~! Everyone else is all goody-two-shoes or too boringly self-absorbed; can ya blame me~?”
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
Sakana looked at her a little strangely. 
“Uhh…huh. Expected you to go out and start doing like…mystery stuff right away, but this is probably for the better~! Remember, if things get really hairy, you can call these two as backup to get you outta there, but if it’s what you say, it shouldn’t be an issue~.”
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“Y’betta climb on miss. Don’ worry, I ain’ slimy or nothin’. ‘nless y’like sinkin’ in purpley goop, hah! Geddon already, let’s fuckin’ go! Y’too, bookworm!”
Shirakansu was perfectly capable of seating probably more than two, he’s a pretty big flying fish. Saki climbed on around the middle, probably expecting Erika to take front.
“It is for the best this time around. Start off small for a new venture.”
Erika visibly winced.                This is what she had in store for the foreseeable future?                                                      …
She got onto Shirakansu and leaned down to him.
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“We will be staying quiet for this voyage unless absolutely necessary.           U n d e r s t a n d ?”
The most potent kind of sweet verbal venom oozed from these words.
Not a lot frightened Shirakansu, but something about this tone made him shiver ever so slightly.
“A-a’ight a’ight, calm y’self, message read loud’nclear.”
Sakana’s eyebrows raised. That was probably the first time he’d seen Shirakansu react like that before.
But, no matter. It was time to start this!
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“Now go! Let the legend come back to life.”
And with that, the trio were teleported into the Sea, and began their voyage under Erika’s discretion.
Are the voyaging preparations complete?
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“Yeah, I’ve got the team ready. Shirakansu will be your voyager, and Saki will be your backup, just like you requested. Shirakansu is pretty…uh…belligerent, let’s say, but he’s the best we’ve got aside from myself as far as voyaging goes, and Saki is quiet, but a pretty great sorcerer.”
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At the snap of his fingers, two beings were summoned from the ground. One of them seemed to be a large, painted-looking fish that swam through air as though it were water, and the other was a tall, stoic, grey-haired man with purple eyes holding a tome of some sort.
“Shira, Saki. You both know about our co-founder Erika? You are to ferry her to any one fragment she desires, wait until she’s done there, bring her back once she’s had her fill, and act as backup when requested. This is everyone’s first time voyaging without a Voyager Witch, so I don’t want anyone going too far or gone for too long until we know how this pans out. Got it?”
The grey-haired sorcerer simply nodded, while the large fish gave a scoff. 
“Fuckin’ kid, think I can’t handle my own shit out there?”
“Remember Shira, you’re responsible for both of them as well. If it were just you, I wouldn’t be too concerned, but you’ve got people depending on you.”
“Tch…fine, alright I get it, I’ll be your fuckin’ boat.”
“Good. Don’t let me down. In the meantime, I’ll be trying to train Levi up to the point where he can voyage himself, and see if I can get the ORKAL up to speed. You got a place lined up, Erika?”
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
Shirakansu.                          Saki.                                          One who can travel.                                                                                 One for insurance.                                 Sounded like a solid plan for a first voyage.
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“Worry not.                   I do not plan to be gone for too long.                   This is an initial test after all.                   In fact…I have an item I must return, and this is the perfect opportunity to do so.                                        …a quick in-and-out, to return something long overdue.       If this works out, then we should start more investigations of mysteries with this system. Shall we, then?”
Sakana looked at her a little strangely. 
“Uhh…huh. Expected you to go out and start doing like…mystery stuff right away, but this is probably for the better~! Remember, if things get really hairy, you can call these two as backup to get you outta there, but if it’s what you say, it shouldn’t be an issue~.”
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“Y’betta climb on miss. Don’ worry, I ain’ slimy or nothin’. ‘nless y’like sinkin’ in purpley goop, hah! Geddon already, let’s fuckin’ go! Y’too, bookworm!”
Shirakansu was perfectly capable of seating probably more than two, he’s a pretty big flying fish. Saki climbed on around the middle, probably expecting Erika to take front.
Are the voyaging preparations complete?
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“Yeah, I’ve got the team ready. Shirakansu will be your voyager, and Saki will be your backup, just like you requested. Shirakansu is pretty…uh…belligerent, let’s say, but he’s the best we’ve got aside from myself as far as voyaging goes, and Saki is quiet, but a pretty great sorcerer.”
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At the snap of his fingers, two beings were summoned from the ground. One of them seemed to be a large, painted-looking fish that swam through air as though it were water, and the other was a tall, stoic, grey-haired man with purple eyes holding a tome of some sort.
“Shira, Saki. You both know about our co-founder Erika? You are to ferry her to any one fragment she desires, wait until she’s done there, bring her back once she’s had her fill, and act as backup when requested. This is everyone’s first time voyaging without a Voyager Witch, so I don’t want anyone going too far or gone for too long until we know how this pans out. Got it?”
The grey-haired sorcerer simply nodded, while the large fish gave a scoff. 
“Fuckin’ kid, think I can’t handle my own shit out there?”
“Remember Shira, you’re responsible for both of them as well. If it were just you, I wouldn’t be too concerned, but you’ve got people depending on you.”
“Tch…fine, alright I get it, I’ll be your fuckin’ boat.”
“Good. Don’t let me down. In the meantime, I’ll be trying to train Levi up to the point where he can voyage himself, and see if I can get the ORKAL up to speed. You got a place lined up, Erika?”
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emeraldsorcerer · 6 years
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“...man, I really miss Higanbana...”
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emeraldsorcerer · 7 years
Are the voyaging preparations complete?
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“Yeah, I’ve got the team ready. Shirakansu will be your voyager, and Saki will be your backup, just like you requested. Shirakansu is pretty…uh…belligerent, let’s say, but he’s the best we’ve got aside from myself as far as voyaging goes, and Saki is quiet, but a pretty great sorcerer.”
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At the snap of his fingers, two beings were summoned from the ground. One of them seemed to be a large, painted-looking fish that swam through air as though it were water, and the other was a tall, stoic, grey-haired man with purple eyes holding a tome of some sort.
“Shira, Saki. You both know about our co-founder Erika? You are to ferry her to any one fragment she desires, wait until she’s done there, bring her back once she’s had her fill, and act as backup when requested. This is everyone’s first time voyaging without a Voyager Witch, so I don’t want anyone going too far or gone for too long until we know how this pans out. Got it?”
The grey-haired sorcerer simply nodded, while the large fish gave a scoff. 
“Fuckin’ kid, think I can’t handle my own shit out there?”
“Remember Shira, you’re responsible for both of them as well. If it were just you, I wouldn’t be too concerned, but you’ve got people depending on you.”
“Tch…fine, alright I get it, I’ll be your fuckin’ boat.”
“Good. Don’t let me down. In the meantime, I’ll be trying to train Levi up to the point where he can voyage himself, and see if I can get the ORKAL up to speed. You got a place lined up, Erika?”
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