Rain Dancing Silently
56 posts
Digital Devil Saga/Quantum Devil Saga OC RP blog. Multi-fandom Welcome!
Last active 60 minutes ago
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 months ago
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The Embryon Tribe + Atma Avatars
DIGITAL DEVIL SAGA  ▴   dev. Atlus, PS2, 2004
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embryon-heartbreaker · 2 years ago
So I found this saved on my hard drive from somewhere.
Japanese Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner advertisement.
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embryon-heartbreaker · 4 years ago
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
Here’s my list of FFXIV songs that could fit Zuki! This was really fun to think about! :D I’m not terribly great at keeping top favorites, so please forgive the ‘honorable mentions’.
 Garuda’s Theme (Fallen Angel)
 Seiryu Theme (From the Dragon’s Wake)
 Eden: Shiva (Refulgence) (Due to the central themes of Reincarnation and the strain of having lived similar lives over, and over, and over again, as well as having an actual demon/personification of all of her darkest and most intense personality traits living inside of her and threatening to take over her body every waking moment.)
 Tsukuyomi’s Theme (I used to associate the whole fight theme with Zuki, but now it’s more like the build up to Wayward Daughter, rather than including it. The inclusion is more optional for me, as of rn.)
 Eden: Shiva (Refulgence)
 Some honorable mentions that are more fun than fitting would be “Lakshmi’s Theme (Beauty’s Wicked Wiles)” for obvious reasons, “Eden: Ifrit and Garuda” for thematic reasons considering Zuki/Rati and Heat/Agni, The Burn (A Land Long Dead), and Dancer’s Theme (Vamo’ alla Flamenco) for clear reasons.
Tagged by: @grahatiax
Tagging: @xiajatia​, @maribel-bat, @sonoora, and anyone else who wants to give this a try! :D
FFXIV Song Meme
Five Songs from FFXIV OST that represent my character!
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Tomorrow and Tomorrow ( Reprise as well, I count it as one)
Eternal Wind
To Fire and Sword
Tears in the Rain
A Better Tomorrow
Tagged by: @candideangel​
Tagging: @xiajatia​, @musicalherbalist​, @savannahbunnyrp​, and @thefirstthaumaturge​. Anyone else who’d like to take part in this meme is more then welcome to.
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
Reblog if you want to build non-romantic relationships!
Relationships between muses not necessarily have to be romantic and it doesn’t make it any less interesting. Just imagine what adventures can two good friends go through! Maybe your muse will find themselves a new rival? Or maybe they will be enjoying presence of their relatives? These and many other relationships are just as important and intriguing as (romantic) ships.
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
Tenchi Universe OST - Memories
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
Unused Decepticon Theme for Transformers the Movie
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
shin megami tensei: strange journey - sorrow
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey - An Honor Befitting That Name
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey - Take the Shield, Raise the Spear
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
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digital devil saga  Official  BG data  by  enterprise KUSANAGI
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
One of my favorite songs from the OST…
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
Zuki walked back over to the group and gave Lue Reeq a cheerful smile, clasping her hands behind her back. “We’ll be your bodyguards on your trip! We’re rather new to this land, so I hope you’ll forgive that we don’t know much about it’s residents or the area in general... Still, you can be sure that we’ll do our best to protect you!” At hearing her voice, Cielo stood up, several different types of flowers and leaves in his hands as he hurried over. He grinned excitedly, bouncing on the flats of his feet. “So, I take it we got the job? Are we gonna go and see the outside world?!” Zuki laughed as he held his fists up in front of himself, flowers sticking out from between almost every one of his fingers. “Yep! We just gotta keep a low profile and stick close to Lue Reeq.” Heat lifted his head up from one of the several flowers that Cielo had handed to him, putting down all except for one flower that had caught his eye. It was deep red in color, and had petals that branched out in a star-like pattern. Cielo had found it growing on a rather odd vine, one with leaves that grew in needle-like points. Despite the fact that Cielo had cheerfully handed it to him, saying that “the red suits you like a glove, brudda!”, he couldn’t help but feel like it meant something else... He shook his head slightly, clearing his thoughts. Why should a flower of all things scare him? It wasn’t like it would poison him by touching it or something like that. It was probably nothing. Still, he held onto that flower as he stood up, walking over to the group as Cielo handed her a rather odd-looking white and yellow flower. It’s bottom-most set of white petals blossomed downwards, while the center-most set streched upwards into a shape that reminded him of a cup. She smiled and took it, deciding to slide it it in with the hair that she kept tied back, situating her red chord so it’d hold it in place. ....It rather suited her, honestly. Kind of cute. He walked over to her as Cielo tried to weave a couple of surprisingly large flowers that seemed to resemble orange and yellow firework explosions into a couple of his braids. He grasped her arm, nodding to the Exarch and Lue Reeq as he pulled her over towards the tree he and Cielo were just standing by. She looked up at him in confusion as his grip tightened just slightly and he narrowed his eyes at her. “What did you say to him? How did you convince him to let us go?” She cocked her head to the side for a moment before sighing through her nose, lifting her left hand up to ease his off of her. Zuki’s hand lingered gently on his wrist as she met his gaze. “I simply told him... some of the truth. I told him that we’d likely be able to stand up against those “Sin Eaters”, and that the three of us would be more than enough to keep Lue Reeq safe. I did divulge the fact that you keep denying as well to seal the deal.” He gritted his teeth, shaking his hand free of her grasp to cross his arms. “And what fact would that be?” Hurt crossed her features for a moment, causing Heat to feel a pang of regret. Zuki put her hand on her hip, now half-glaring up at him. “I think you know it very well. I shouldn’t have to tell you. Especially since you’re not the only one who’s affected by it.” She closed her eyes, turning her head away from him. Why did he feel like that had a double meaning to it...? He opened his mouth to reply, but Zuki was already turning to leave. “Come on, we shouldn’t keep them waiting.” Zuki quickly made her way back to the group, leaving Heat to stammer for a moment before scrambling to regain his composure(or previous lack thereof) and catch up with her. She took a deep breath, trying to calm down from Heat’s ‘interrogation’, before giving the group an apologetic smile. “Sorry about that! We’re ready to go whenever you guys give the ‘OK’-!” Grrrrrrrmble~ Zuki blinked in surprise, looking between the people present to see where the sound came from, only to let out a soft laugh when she noticed that Cielo was holding his stomach with an embarrassed grimace. He pouted at her, wining softly. “Ey, it’s not my fault that we didn’t eat any real food before stormin’ the Karma Temple!!” Unfortunately, his dismay only caused her to laugh a bit harder, now holding her stomach with one arm as she tried to muffle her mirth with her free hand. GRRRRRRRRRRRMBLE~!!! The pair jumped, eyes wide with shock as they stared back at the red-head who now stood behind Zuki, arms held casually behind his head. He looked back at him, cheeks flushed just slightly as he looked away, glaring at an empty bench further away from them. “What? You guys know that long fights like that make me work up an appetite.” Zuki started sniggering again, only to freeze when her own stomach growled softly. Slowly, she wrapped her arms across her stomach, sheepisly smiling at the Exarch. “S-So...haha... What were you saying before about a place called the Pendants...?”
An Unexpected Call
“I know that I don’t know shit about this land.” He scoffed, then motioned towards Lue Reeq with his free hand. “That’s why he’ll be giving the directions. We’re just his bodyguards. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve worked a job like this.” He gave the Exarch a rather confident smirk. It wasn’t coming from someone who thought their abilities were far greater than they actually were; it came from someone who knew that they were far stronger than most people thought. Besides, they’d bested the horrors of a land plagued by endless war, and were victorious against the one who had given them these cursed power. Besides, he quite wondered what one of these “Sin Eaters” would taste like… Zuki looked up at Heat, sighing through her nose. Did he always have to try and get them in over their heads…? Well, if they did succeed in this, then maybe they could prove their worth to the Exarch and the people here. She stepped away from Heat, walking closer to the Exarch. “Excuse me, but may I speak with you in private?” She looked back at her two comrades, silently asking their permission as well. Heat kept a level gaze with her for a moment before nodding. Cielo grinned back at her in response, then grasped Heat’s arm. “Yo, bro, you need to check out these flowers over here! They smell so much better than the shampoo and soaps that even the Maribel had!” Heat blinked in confusion at the response, and seemingly begrudgingly let Cielo drag him away. Although, as Cielo plucked a few flowers near a bench several feet away, Heat’s eyes lit up at the red blossom he was handed and took eager sniffs of it’s sweet scent. After waiting until she was certain that her comrades weren’t paying complete attention to it, and the Exarch was able to speak with her, she crossed her arms. Her gaze was somewhat uncertain, like she was struggling to word what she wished to say correctly. “Exarch… I’m sure you’ve gathered from what we’ve told you that we’re far from ordinary. Even though we struggle to maintain the image of it, one would even say that the three of us, and the rest of our Tribe, are ‘inhuman’. I know that this land is completely new to us in more ways than one, but…,” She bit the inside of her cheek, her gaze darting off to the side as she chose her words carefully. “,we want to help. We’ve fought monsters and creatures beyond comprehension; other denizens of the Junkyard who could become creatures that would take me quite a while to describe. People who were both dear friends, and those who were the most awful, vile individuals you could ever conceive. We want to help you fight back against those creatures you told us about. And…And that’s not the only reason. Zuki glanced over towards Heat and Cielo, then Lue Reeq. “There’s another reason why Heat suggested helping him. One that’s hardwired into all of us, but differently for Heat and…a couple others.” Returning her gaze to the Exarch, she figured it wouldn’t be wise to divulge her most intimate secret to someone she’d just met. “This young man here looks strikingly like our own Tribe Leader, Serph. All of us think highly of him and hold him dear to our hearts, Heat…especially so.” She hoped that the hurt she felt while saying that wasn’t audible. “Heat just… doesn’t want to see him get hurt. And neither do I, and likely Cielo as well.” Zuki reached a hand up to rub the back of her neck sheepishly with a small, embarrassed smile. “Sorry, I figured you’d want to know why Heat suggested that, and why the rest of us would go with him. Besides, you’re allowing us to stay here, and this would let us earn some of our keep while sustaining ourselves. It’s beneficial to both parties, no?”
Lue Reeq blinked slightly as the redhead suddenly pointed in his direction, he didn’t understand why this man was offering to help him unless he wanted money….like everyone who ‘helped’ him did which honestly made a lot of sense to the mystel. The Exarch would sigh slightly, it would seem that Heat was very confident in his abilities as a fighter and didn’t seem to fear the possible threats beyond the Crystarium but despite this the Exarch was ready to deny the trio from leaving the Crystarium, but stopped as Zuki requested to speak with him in private “….Of course.” he nodded curious as to what she wished to discuss.
Citizens walking by Cielo and Heat would stare at the two as they smelled all the flowers muttering to themselves at how strange they were acting but never approached the two to question them. The Exarch would watch the two silently for a moment before shifting his gaze to Zuki, offering the girl a smile “ My apologies, you have my undivided attention.” he assured her waiting patiently for her to find the right words and would listen attentively as she spoke.
From what he witnessed within the tower before was proof enough that Zuki and her allies were not your standard hume’s, though at first glance none would have thought that these three had the ability to shift into strange creatures, the Exarch himself had only seen a fraction of their abilities….there was no telling how Lue Reeq would react if he witnessed them shift forms suddenly.
The Exarch would remain silent as she spoke, glancing towards Heat before looking to Lue Reeq who seemed perplexed by the two’s fascination with the flowers “ I see…so because Lue Reeq shares a striking resemblance to your Tribe Leader in your world you feel the need to protect him?” Sighing the Exarch would cross his arms and lowered his head as he processed everything “…very well…you may help Lue Reeq to his destination but take care not to wander off by yourselves.” he offered Zuki a smile before walking towards Lue Reeq “ Heat, Cielo, and Zuki will escort you to your destination, I only ask that once you’re done you return with them to the Crystarium….I have a feeling they might get distracted along the way if they don’t have someone to keep them on track.” 
Lue Reeq was surprised that the Exarch was actually letting him leave the Crystarium “ Great i’ll let the guards know that I- wait what?” it took a few seconds for him to realize that if he wanted to leave the Crystarium then he needed to bring the trio with him. The Exarch explained to him that while he was sure he could handle himself just fine on his own it would be best to have others there to help him, safety in numbers.
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
Lazy Afternoons | Yoko Shimomura | Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories Original Soundtrack
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embryon-heartbreaker · 5 years ago
Thank you! That’s awesome of you! I’m really happy to get to know you! 8D
I don’t really have anyone else i’m rping with rn, but...! @cheir , @idamdra , @maribel-bat , @sonoora , @grahatiax , @austinonymous are a few of the people I’ll tag with this as well!
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. ~Keep up the fabulous work you awesome person you!!! ~
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Aaaww thank you so much that’s so sweet of you. 
Because i’m lazy, and don’t want to spam others who might have already gotten this i’m going to just tag them!
@embryon-heartbreaker, @lisaudacieux, @dythynn-the-bard, @windup-dragoon, @theicebeastofthenorth, @candideangel ( Yes i’m tagging you in your own ask shush ) aaaaand @literally everyone who puts up with me.
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