embellishd · 1 month
closed starter for @wesxalexandre / location: outside wes' apartment
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reese knocked on wes' door, hoping he'd be in, she'd got herself locked out of her apartment. "c'mon dude, answer" she muttered to herself, she had no idea when her roommate would be home.
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embellishd · 1 month
closed starter for @sydneyxbean / location: random park!
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reese had agreed to go out with sydney and emma, she wasn't great with kids. finding it hard to connect with them but she tried her best, they'd come to the local park, "what are we thinking first? swings? slide?"
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embellishd · 1 month
closed starter for @m4gnet1c / location: reese's apartment
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reese sits with the other on her couch, a feast of junk food in front of them and the tv was blasting a random, trashy reality, tv show. "i always get bad vibes from that blonde guy" she points towards the tv, "i dunno man. he just seems creepy".
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embellishd · 1 month
closed starter for @mjwallace / location: the bar where they work together.
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reese was sat on one of the bar stools, scrolling through her phone, "it's dead in here tonight" she said, absentmindedly. she looks up at mj, a grin forming on her lips, "i think this is a sign, we should close early, right?".
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embellishd · 1 month
reese had been watching what had been going on with wolff and the drunk stranger for a few minutes now. she wasn't afraid of getting into the middle of fights, she was confident and it was a big part of her job. she'd made her way over when wolff had bumped into her, she almost fell but steadied herself and grabbed onto wolff's arm "i'm fine dude" she replied. her eyes dart back up to him, "what about you? how are you doing?" she asks, "i hope everyone's getting on, i don't want to kick anyone out".
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open to all: @marinastart
location: Wolff has been drinking and his in an argument with a npc (unless you want it to be with your muse them go ahead) and he bumps into someone passing by.
Wolff found himself in the midst of yet another little situation, his temper flaring as he confronted someone. "If you have something to say, tell me, not them," he warned, his eyes narrowing as he stepped back, accidentally bumping into another person. Instantly, his hands shot up in a gesture of apology. "Sorry, darlin' / buddy," he said, not intending to involve anyone else in his heated moment. He quickly reached out to catch their arm, ensuring they didn't lose their balance. "You good?" he asked, his voice softening with genuine concern despite the anger still simmering in his gaze.
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embellishd · 1 month
reese was on her way home from work, she'd just finished a long shift and was ready to get home to her bed. she was in her own little world, listening to some tunes when she was stopped by liza, reese took her headphones off, listening. she felt sorry for liza, when reese first moved to chicago, she had moments like this, "i'm on my way back to the towers" she tells the other, "you're welcome to walk with me if you want" reese shrugs her shoulders in reply.
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open - @marinastart
While Liza was usually a big fan of instacart, she decided today to go do grocery shopping on her own for the first time since moving to Chicago a few weeks ago, which was fine in theory, until she took a wrong turn and her phone had died, resulting in a GPS-less situation with arms full of grocery bags and panic starting to set in. She stood on a street corner as she looked around at the signs, trying not to look as flustered as she felt before she finally just swallowed and took a chance with a random passerby. "H-Hi, sorry. I um...I'm a little lost. Would you happen to know how to get to Marina Towers? Or even just to Cornerstone Bakery?"
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embellishd · 1 month
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( chase sui wonders . cis woman . she/her ) - the chicago resident , ( reese huáng ) , was heard blaring ( living human girl / the regrettes) this morning . the ( twenty eight ) year old is a ( bartender / wannabe actress ) in the city & has lived the ( west ) tower for ( two years ) . since being here , they have been told to be ( wayward ) , but also ( affable ) , i guess we'll find out soon !
full name: reese elena huáng
birthday: 21st may 1996 (28 years old)
gender: cis woman (she/her)
sexuality: pansexual
relationship status: very single
occupation: bartender/wannabe actress
filming self-tapes with the help of friends, scruffy converse, memorizing lines on the way into work, nails always adorned with black nail varnish, bright grins, late night road trips with friends, ripped skinny jeans, endlessly queuing up for auditions, trying your hardest to make a good impression, loud shouts, always having an answer for everything.
this will be updated accordingly!
reese is originally from pittsburgh, pennsylvania. she's the oldest of three & has two younger brothers.
she moved to chicago around two years ago and has been living in a two-bedroom apartment in the mariana west tower for the same amount of time.
growing up, she always knew what she wanted to do, she wanted to be an actress, like her mother was.
before her mother met her father, she starred in a few daytime tv adverts and low-budget crappy films, to earn some extra cash.
but she saved a copy of everything that she'd been in & shared it with her kids.
reese LOVED watching back the tapes, as a kid, that's all she'd spend her time doing, she was fascinated with it all.
she declared that she wanted to be an actress one day at the dinner table, her parents thought she was just being silly, but oh no, she was being serious.
so they took her to all the after-school classes, she performed in all of the school plays, but something wasn't working, it was clear education wasn't right for reese.
as she started high-school and became a teenager, acting fell to the wayside a little bit & she became a bit of a rebel, getting into trouble and causing mischief.
once she finished high-school, she decided that she didn't want to go to college, work it was.
she had a variety of different jobs, but she struggled to hold anything down, as she had a big attitude.
annnnnd that's when she fell into bar work, it's perfect for her. but not what she wants to do full-time.
recently, she's fallen back in love with acting again, so she's filming self-tapes, and going to auditions, she's trying to become an actress this way instead.
she just wants to get noticed!!!!
reese is also very confident, she's the one that kicks people out of the bar she works at when its closing time, she's the one that gets in between fights etc.
she is really just trying to do her best to figure out where she wants to be in her life, bc no one else has got it figured out?! right?!
fwbs / hook-ups
crush (??)
co-stars (so far she's been in 2 low budget indie films)
let's brainstorm!!
if you'd like to plot with reese then please either hit me up on discord @ radcorrie or like this post. i can't wait to start writing with you all!! x
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embellishd · 1 month
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embellishd · 1 month
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embellishd · 1 month
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embellishd · 1 month
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KIARA CARRERA Outer Banks 2.08 The Cross
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embellishd · 1 month
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