embellishd · 28 days
closed starter for @mjwallace / location: the bar where they work together.
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reese was sat on one of the bar stools, scrolling through her phone, "it's dead in here tonight" she said, absentmindedly. she looks up at mj, a grin forming on her lips, "i think this is a sign, we should close early, right?".
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rottenrewards · 1 month
Closed starter for MJ Wallace ( @mjwallace ) Location: Outside of MJ's apartment
Elliot's life had been out of control the moment he won the lottery. He'd been in the depths of mourning the loss of his relationship when he won 16.8 million dollars (after taxes) and as life altering and amazing as it was it really threw a wrench in how Elliot was coping with his new single life. He'd been unable to process the celebrity status he skyrocketed to back in Amarillo while still dealing with his heartache and that's exactly why he packed up his old apartment in boxes and put them in a storage unit back in Texas so he could start over somewhere else. Everything was still so fresh. It hadn't even been a year since everything in his life changed and he'd only been living in Chicago for two months now. Elliot was very much so living in the whirlwind of it all. Some days were great, some were awful, and some felt downright terrifying. He was thankful that in Chicago he was able to fly under the radar. People didn't know he'd won the lottery and he wasn't about to tell anyone else who didn't already know. People got incredibly greedy once they know you've got money and he didn't want to handle severing ties with folks before they could even be established.
It was on one of his many nights out that he ran into MJ. They were a hot bartender at a bar he was at and one thing led to the next and now they were... friends? Dating? Fuck buddies? Elliot didn't want to throw any labels down. He was incredibly unpracticed when it came to the dating scene and really he didn't even know what he wanted. He'd gotten with his ex when he was only sixteen so he didn't know what it was like in the world as an adult to be single. He didn't even get his first dating app until moving to Chicago and he found it pretty disorienting scrubbing through people just to find folks he found attractive. It was all a lot but Elliot was pushing through. His ex had moved on incredibly fast which only meant he should do the same, right?
Tonight Elliot was going to try not to think too much about anything and simply have fun. He wasn't going to think about his ex or any of the other shitty stuff that kept him up at night despite his good fortune. No, he was a lottery winner god dammit he was going to enjoy his new found wealth. He didn’t have a plan for his night with MJ he simply was seeing if she was free because she conveniently lived in the same high rise as him and he was growing to like her company. He found himself at her door and knocked. A smile was on his face when she opened the door. “Hi,” he greeted her warmly. "I'm not sure what you want to do tonight. I was thinking we could go out," he offered. "But if you wanted to stay in that's cool too. I can always run and grab a six pack of something down the street."
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eviexwatson · 30 days
closed starter: @mjwallace where: parking garage
It had been a busy night and she hadn't had the chance to take a smoke break. And she had been so ready to go home that she'd forgotten all about how she'd been craving a cigarette. Reaching into her jacket pocket, she let out a loud, "Fuck!" She'd left her pack at work. Her last pack. Looking up, she noticed someone approaching. "Hey! Oh, sorry, that was... loud. Do you have a smoke I can bum off you?"
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