emaginariumm · 8 days
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emaginariumm · 11 days
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emaginariumm · 11 days
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emaginariumm · 11 days
strong people break too. we just do it quietly
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emaginariumm · 11 days
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Sumba Island, Indonesia by Anastasia Saul
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emaginariumm · 22 days
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emaginariumm · 22 days
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emaginariumm · 1 month
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Adonis, from a poem titled “Unintended Worship,” featured in If Only the Sea Could Sleep
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emaginariumm · 1 month
Yesterday I was reminded that people don't see me as the broken, hardened woman who dreams of softness. They see my softness, it flows through me no matter how guarded I try to be. I'm so grateful for the reminder that although I'm shattered glass taped back together, I glisten more than I ever did and it's so much more beautiful now than it ever was.
Ive hidden myself because of outside manipulations. I've absorbed others negative energies that had nothing to do with me. I shrank to fit in to a box that never wanted me and felt abandoned when they turned their backs. But I shrank for you, I said. To myself.. alone in my dream life, in the city that's my home.. surrounded by people that should be family, that want me to feel like I don't belong. I was born here. You're the visitor. But I'm not like you. I give so much. I do so much for everyone even you. This dream we get to live, this career.. is sunshine. It's warm and there's room for all of us.
Ive been reminded that shrinking was the worst thing I did. That it's okay to stretch back out. Life got in the way for awhile. But today I feel different. I stood up, stretched a wing. Felt the sun on my face. Okay. I remember how big I was, i remember how big I can get.
Thank you to the beautiful glistens of light that float into my life and remind me of my softness and my original height. I'm warming up. I'm stretching out.
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emaginariumm · 1 month
“Trust yourself. You have survived a lot. And you will survive whatever is coming.”
— Unknown
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emaginariumm · 1 month
I needed to hear this
time heals a whole lot and today is better than two years ago
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emaginariumm · 1 month
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emaginariumm · 2 months
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177 notes · View notes
emaginariumm · 2 months
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emaginariumm · 2 months
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By shx.photography
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emaginariumm · 2 months
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emaginariumm · 2 months
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