Katherine was bored to say the least. Not having the gall to make deals while in such a fragile state with Elijah, but unable to put his most recent business out of her mind she was at a metaphorical crossroads. Ironic given her line of work. Bleached hair caught the demons eye and her interest was suddenly piqued. Jordan told her all there was to know about this one… Vampire with a soul. The more allies she lined up, the better. Self preservation wise and everything. It depended mostly on her abilities to flaunt herself in a coy and sexual manner though… Which is something the raven haired doppelganger boasted about typically because lets face it; it was like second nature to her.
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“The coffee here isn’t really the best, but if you take it with the Pralines it’s hardly even noticeable.” One hand gently placed near the girls mouth to cover a gentle laugh that falls directly after she’s spoken and within moments she’s retracting shyly. The Katherine Pierce persona was in full effect. “I apologize, that was rude… You don’t work here, right? Some days the coffees just fine,” There was a couple swats of that hand as she removed it from the generalized area of her mouth in hopes that his eyes had already focused there. “My name’s Katherine, Kat, for short.” Extending the hand out she’s wearing a brilliant toothy smile and is sure to keep her chocolate eyes fixated on sky blue hues.
Let the Sun Go Down
Spike sat in the small coffee house a few blocks from the Hyperion, playing a game of bathtub solitaire until the sun went down. He was bored. He hadn’t killed anything in weeks and it was starting to make him itchy. He’d tried tracking the Mohra but it’d given him the slip. There was no new news on Illyria, and Angel was still MIA..
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He let out a sigh and looked at the tepid paper cup of coffee and made a face, “Well, this is… sad.”
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Every single ounce of tension she held before rolled off with such ease when Elijah addressed her by the name she was use to. Formerly when the suited original lashed out and called her by the name she previously requested it left an emptiness that had yet to be filled. That was a start though. “Then who?” Too bold and she retracted. “I feel a sole responsibility and the guilt won’t just wash down with alcohol like it use to, Elijah… I can’t let it, because I’m terrified if I do then I’ll lose myself completely. Have you ever felt that? This uh— There’s this overwhelming darkness inside, and I have to fight against it every single day to keep myself together. Others don’t even get that kind of an opportunity.” Katherine’s sins already made up a majority of who she was now. Unable to even attempt a determining guess at who that person was as a whole, it was becoming more and more impossible to separate herself from the splintered pieces she was already so familiar with inside herself, but even more impossible to put all of them back together well enough that she could start to heal and be who she was meant to be. “Of course you have,” Katherine sighed. “You’re a vampire, but it’s different this time around… I swear it. When I first became a vampire back then I could at least pretend like it wasn’t killing me to have done the things I’d done to you. I could shut it off… Metaphorically speaking,” Katerina tucked back her bangs and continued sweetly. “Now it’s like a constant struggle to keep myself from letting go. Before I had such a perfect balance and I’d gotten use to pushing others away so that I was ensured survival, but now I’m being forced to hold on and sometimes I’m not even sure there’s anything left to hold on to. Numbness succumbs what I was and I’m left with whatever remains… That infinitely suffocating darkness.” Katherine had never been so open before in such a public area, but to say that she’d never been open with the man beside her was far off from true on many different levels. It was safe to assume that she’s never been so honest before though. Not one lie or fabricated truth amongst her explanation although her expression was blank. It was bad enough she was cracking into more submissive responses, but to let it show would have made it harder to deny if he’d still been too pissed to discuss matters seriously. “Oh that’s right, I almost forgot… You’re far too mature for all that nonsense.” Katherine had a weak smile in place as she looked over at the man who could hopefully discern that she was being playful. Singular attempt to knock the anxiousness out of this conversation entirely. “You’ll have to excuse the rest of us.” Normally who Elijah chose to kiss wouldn’t have bothered her so much, but the fact that it was Elena made her blood hot. That’s not what this was about though and she wasn’t going to be so vulnerable as to bring it up after what she’d already said formerly. “Threats aren’t nearly as callous unless you’re willing to follow through,” Katherine explained simply “Which I don’t particularly think you can. Not in regards to Stefan anyways… Elena still cares about his well being.” Silent jabs. Mostly the jealousy displayed came from the desire to let Elijah know that she cared… Whether or not it was immature she didn’t bother to let it get to her as he’d given his point of view and perhaps the words triggered something inside of the suited original far more than she’d meant because he was acting coldly with his commentary. “I get the point already.” Chocolate eyes moved to find the emptied street once again when she let out a heavy breath of air to express the frustrations she’d felt. Once again feeling as if Elijah had just thrown all that of which she could ever hope to be now back in her face without mercy… Katerina had known well that she deserved it, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. “Yeah? Well if that’s the case then I’d really prefer not to know the detailed specifics of Stefan’s previous relationship with Klaus.” Not that she hadn’t already known bits and pieces from having kept tabs on the younger Salvatore brother over the centuries. “Do you honestly believe you’re ready for death?” Nothing she would have said could ever prepare him or anyone else who has lived timelessly as they have for what awaited them on the other side. That is, of course, presuming each had gone to said level of hell she’d been cast into on her final days. However with so many different levels and dimensions it would’ve been unrealistic to believe. “The pain and eternal suffering that comes along with it? We’re not as we had been all those years ago, Elijah. None of us are innocent.” If there was no way to absolve their sins here on this Earth how in the world could he believe to find it once he’s left it? The mere thought of his absence made her stomach feel sick, but she rolled her eyes at his next comment to push back those feelings lingering from the hell dimension. “Nevermind then, okay, sheesh… Forgot I even mentioned it and just go back to doing it your own way perusal.” Katherine’s former comment now proven to be truth as Elijah had clearly made it known that he’d still cared somewhat for Elena regardless of his feelings toward either Salvatore brother. “Not really necessary,” Katherine said with a shrug and a subtle roll of her dark eyes at the lingering annoyance that was Elena Gilbert. “He’s plenty satisfied.” How damn petty could she get? Apparently, very. “You’re right,” Katerina admitted. “I should have come when— wait a second,” Her eyes found their way back to focus on Elijah. “I didn’t come to you.” It was the man beside her that found his way here. “I will though,” she promised. “When I know more.” Katherine swallowed down thickly and shifted in her seat uncomfortably as the idea sat on the very tip of her tongue until she was ready to share, but for now she just started at his fawn colored eyes somewhat in disbelief to be granted permission to spend any time with him whatsoever… Thankfulness washed over her in waves as she listened and tried not to be so damn harsh despite the amount of bitterness held in his voice. “No surprise there really. You’re always the first ousted, Elijah. Regardless though you shouldn’t place the blame on yourself so definitely because if it wasn’t for their lack of respect towards what you’ve done in the name of family things would be different, but it never fails and each of your siblings continuously falls short of what is owed to you.” Opening herself mentally to deals again the Petrova doppelganger reaches over to gently place a hand delicately over his. “I can show you how it works…” If he wasn’t going to get all jealous over the finalization, why not? “If you really want, that way, you’d be able to get a hold of me physically whenever you needed. No cellphone records required.” Not that she thought he’d let his siblings get his phone if she’d given it to him, but it would just be safer that way for everyone involved. Mostly herself. “You just have to be open to it…”
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There would always be things that they did not agree on. It was nothing new. For as long as Elijah could remember they were opposites of the same coin, things held them together, while other things tore them apart. Exactly how they found themselves in the situation to begin with, where they weren’t lovers, yet, not quite true enemies. He did not think that they would be enemies. Not truly. Not the way his siblings formed their own opinions of her. He never did, never thought of her in such a light, where there was nothing good in her. His words spoken were more of himself than anyone else, unable to see the truth of what exactly he was. Times came in which he wished he could be a different kind of man, but it was nothing that he was truly allowed to be. No, he was as he was and there was no going back. “It is not just you, Katerina.” He told her calmly, not wishing that she believed he was only speaking of her. He wasn’t. More or less he spoke of himself, while also being able to apply the words to her. Something within him felt more cold than he could remember feeling, withdrawn almost, as if something had just broke within him and it was far more difficult to care. He’d never been emotional, not like any of his siblings. He never acted out as Kol did, never ranted and raved as Niklaus, never got too emotionally invested and cried at being challenged as Rebekah did. He was not the small boy who was attached to his mother or father, he did not allow himself to love readily. The amount who had managed to steal his heart remained on one hand and there was nothing he would do in order to change that. But there, it was as if the truth didn’t bother him, as if he was all too pleased in simple taking things as they came, unworried and unbothered by so much. Perhaps he was just waiting for the series of dominoes to find him and leave him as he was. Or maybe his siblings had pushed one time too many and it was as if he could just couldn’t be bothered any longer. When they needed him he would be there, but until then, he was too pleased in just sitting there, hands in lap, speaking with Katerina as if the world was going to implode within the coming moments and there was absolutely nothing either of them could do. Something that very well could have been true. “I have no plans to get involved. Some of us do not act like teenagers in romantic matters.” It was a slight at nearly everyone he kept around him, including Katerina. Something he held no apologies for. He didn’t care who spent their time with who and when. It mattered so little to him who Rebekah kept in her bed, or who Elena did. Not as if they truly effected him in any way. “I would think my previous threats would be considered ruthless, not that I do not care more for them.” He couldn’t even pretend to comprehend why it would matter his opinion. “Stefan is alive because of my siblings. Some reason they have taken a shining to him, ripper tendencies and all. Damon relies entirely on Elena and is unable to find some form of decency, no matter how hard he tries to convince everyone he doesn’t want to murder every pretty young girl he sees just for fun. Or perhaps it is an act, much like with Kol. Either way I do not need to clean up messes for two. At least Kol is blood, justification enough. Or perhaps, I should respect you took them both to bed and they were stupid enough to fall for you as if you were the sun. Maybe, it’s allowing history to repeat itself in falling for same woman again. If that all makes me ruthless than so be it.” He likely should have controlled himself but he found her words to be utterly ridiculous. “Perhaps you need to sleep with one in order to realize their potential. I hold no interest in either.” Sometimes he could be a little too petty for his own good. “If death is to come, then it does.” While he truly did enjoy his position of power, to be one of the most powerful beings in the world, he couldn’t help but wonder if they lived too long for their own good. Not that he was going to get himself killed, but maybe then they would be absolved of their sins. Why he was feeling an edge more…too calm to care, he wasn’t entirely sure, yet, would blame Niklaus near instantly if she pressed on. “Yes, thank you. I will consider allowing my brother to torture the poor human girl.” The sarcasm was evident and if it was someone else he would have agreed with her. Only he did actually care for the well being of Elena. It was a battle he had to choose, but he did wish that nothing happened to her because his brother wanted something. Elijah did not have many limits, but some did exist. Some that kept him from giving into the opinions of others completely. His eyes rolled at her words and tone, not that he was entirely unamused. “Hope you’re paying him overtime,” he countered, taking a brief moment for the sake of not allowing everything to be doom and gloom. “What am I supposed to be worried about? We know so very little. I am not going to waste my energy. When my father held a stake to my chest, or when my psychotic aunt was taking revenge against us for something our mother did, it was hardly worth the moments. You cannot waste your time in a frenzy if you hold little information.” He remembered hardly worrying over Silas when he held the cure, as well. After a thousand years he took to pick and choose his battles, when the threat became more apparent, when they knew anything that could bring them closer to a situation he would allow himself to worry more. It hardly helped his siblings were seemingly Hell bent on keeping everything to themselves. “You didn’t help, that was for sure.” His blunt words came with a shrug, casting a look at her. “My siblings have seemingly decided they would much rather keep to themselves. Not that I have ever done anything to put this family in danger. Hardly surprising why Kol acts out as he does when living in his own little world.”
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“… and her soul is dark, I think, and she knows it.”
Zulawski on Adjani (via lunarwrites)
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katherine pierce week | favorite romantic relationship: katherine and elijah. 
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The answer given didn’t come as much of a shock. If she was honest with herself it was probably a bad idea to even ask in the first place. It only stirred up emotions that she wasn’t readily stable enough to handle at this specific moment in time, but instead of letting it show on her features Katherine just let it tear her insides apart. That would be easier to mend than what their last encounter forced her to deal with. Katherine was still completely broken after the screaming match outside the bar that day and yet she wouldn’t let it affect her now. Even if Katerina thought and pushed herself to ask the question so that maybe she would break down again only to drive them apart because her worth hadn’t been determined one way or another yet. Katherine wanted so desperately for all of this to be some sort of fictional illusion brought on by the demons in the hell dimension. Maybe it was… Somehow it would make things better, but just knowing that made her believe in the reality of just how far things had drifted apart for them. Katherine would always love Elijah, as much as she could possibly allow herself to love anyone when her selfishness was most prominent, and for that reason alongside the latter mention she would always hold onto that sliver of hope that someday they would find their way back to each other. Not in this strangely comfortable sense either… Because while it was nice; hell it was more than just nice, but Katherine desired something far more and even though Katerina didn’t think she deserved it she’d be lying if she denied that same progression down the line with anyone other than Elijah. “What if they already have? I lost myself so long ago,” Katerina spoke weakly, but her eyes didn’t move from their fixated position on the streetlights and the bright rays that bathed the dark tared pavement of the streets. “All that remains are my sins. Is there no hope?” The word alone triggers something and Katherine’s flinching. “Nevermind,” Eyes averting to her lap as she continued to play with her thumbs. “I don’t want to, can we just… Just forget I said anything.” Despite her efforts to remain cool and collected she cracked. Straight face unable to hide the nervous tone her voice held now and she’s trying beyond all reason to keep her lip from twitching, but there was a chill that shot down her spine that wouldn’t let the guilt physically leave her damn body. “She’s better off without ‘em,” Katherine commented harshly. The remark about Stefan caused a pang in her chest that she actively ignored to refrain from become emotionally overwhelmed. “As for that, I’m sure either Klaus will find a way to put an end to it or Rebekah will screw it up all on her own. Either way… It’s bound to get messy and you shouldn’t get involved.” Not that Elijah had to worry about his survival in regards to his siblings, but seeing as Klaus hasn’t paid her a visit yet she assumed that he’d made good on his word and kept her dark secret to himself. So in return she offered some advice with strong undertones of a plan to keep her own promise “That’s ruthless,” Katherine said releasing a light puff of air “I’d have thought you to respect the Salvatore's in some regards.” mainly Stefan, but she didn’t say that out loud. The subject was shrugged off her shoulder in the next passing moment “So what… You’re just willing to accept it as fact and now you’re going to move on without considering solutions? Don’t be vain, Elijah,” Katherine hadn’t meant ill will. She knew that he was smart and had good reason to boast on his abilities, but she also knew that if rumors had been true… The Originals could be killed. Klaus alone had more enemies than she’s ever made and over the centuries she’d made a few hundreds. While noting that a worry settled in the pit of her stomach and revealed that as much as she hated the bastard she couldn’t bare the idea of the loss. Maybe it was selfishness which drove this. Katherine aimed hatred at him for so many years and if he was suddenly gone before she’d gotten her fill of a pointless revenge she was to drop after their last conversation… There would be nothing else she had to live for, but a brief thought passed in which Klaus had been removed from the picture. The life she could have with the original beside her was played out in the theater of her mind and yet still no happiness was found. If his brother died — a breathy laugh sounded, finally Katherine realized the error in what she’s gone and done. Recalled back to said night when she’d told Stefan that should he let Klaus die, Damon would die alongside him… Katherine turned Klaus into an irredeemable monster and hadn’t equated that previously. Now it made sense. Klaus was just a man. Someone that she once knew and someone that Katerina surely remembered… Dark natures tainting what little memories she made with him before the rotten truth was revealed to her all those years ago. Katerina’s attention was fully caught and she’s got her eyes fixed on his form “Have it your way then, Elijah. I was just offering a practical and simplistic method to keep him busy while I worked to find a solution encase what I’ve heard rings true. I’ll just have to be quicker about it though. Oh! I got an idea… I’ll have my lapdog work holidays and weekends to pick up on the slack,” Katherine used a tone which implied she was teasing, but extra hours would be added to fit Parrish’s jam packed schedule. There wasn’t any part of her that cared if Elena lived or died. Not after she fed her the cure and not so much before that really either, but despite how self conscious it made her feel to know that he’d cared for Elena in even the smallest Katerina tried not to focus on being thought of as Tatia in the eyes of the man she’d loved. “You aren’t even the slightest bit worried, are you?” Katherine swallowed down thickly. “You— uh, is everything alright?” Clearly their last conversation had been proof he was not “Did I um… I mean, um. It was me, wasn’t it? I did this.” part of the girl blamed herself, but deep down the demon knew something more sinister was at play. Regardless it was far too blood a question for her chocolate hues to find his, heart beating rapidly in her chest.
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It wasn’t often that Elijah wished he had answers. More often than not he had them, or at least, he had the ability to find them. When it came to Katerina he never did. For as well as he could think he knew her, he never did know her as well. He wanted to, however. No matter what a part of him always wanted to be able to know her as well as he knew himself. Of course, with himself, it seemed she knew answers long before he ever did. Only coming to truly understand the desire for a facade as hsi mother tortured him. He always had one and for that, he could not blame her. Never quite did even if it seemed otherwise. He only wanted her to not hide completely from herself. Something Niklaus said to him before had managed to stick with him. If there was hope for his brother, surely there was hope for himself. Only that managed to apply more to Katerina than Niklaus, before everything had fallen to pieces and he found himself living in New Orleans, while she lived and died within Mystic Falls. As he sat on that bench he only believe for things to be far more cynical than before. He was not someone with much hope left, not when the darkness existed within himself so readily that it was so very difficult to see the happier sides, the one where the world wasn’t existing as if there was some sort of dark cloud handing over them all. If only. Instead, they were all made to believe the world was full of something that could not possibly exist. For as much as he loved his niece and how she seemed to bring a light to their family, he was all too aware such did not apply to him. There was nothing that could save him, change him into the man that perhaps he should have been. Time and his parents twisted him into a darker version of himself, something he could never escape from, and nothing that he would. He felt little guilt for holding onto the secret of Katerina’s involvement. Perhaps one day the truth would come to light and no apology would fall from his lips for not disclosing the truth to his siblings. She was one of the few people he held as close as he did his siblings. Through everything the love he held for her did not die, never, only remained deep within him. For centuries he cared about her far deeply than he should have. Even during his angriest moments he did not wish her dead, only wished her alive, to live and perhaps, one day the right timing would find them. It never did. Maybe it never would. But as he was there with her, he easily found that there was no other place that he really wished himself to be. “No,” he finally answered her. “We cannot make things right, we cannot be absolved of our sins. The only thing we can do is try to accept our wrongs and hope that they do not impact our lives so greatly they become everything we are.” He was one who forgave nearly everything, but not anything that was forgotten. When he looked at his brother he saw every sinful deed he’d ever done and was all too easily reminded of them. Elijah did not use them against his brother, but it was not as if they never existed at all. When he looked at Rebekah he saw how she put them all at risk for her own happiness. It was different to acting as if nothing was ever done. He didn’t think true forgiveness even existed. “They are,” he commented with a nod, “Stefan has seemed to be spending his time with Rebekah. We’ll see how long that lasts.” Even when tensions were high he loved his sister dearly, but also completely aware of how hot and cold she could be with ones she deemed to be worthy of her time. “Neither Salvatore brother is worth anyone’s time. You, Elena, and Rebekah have poor judgment.” He spoke as if it was simple fact, rather than his own opinion. “I’ve always been in danger.” He spent his life always being in some kind of danger of losing his life and he truly did not think that it was anything that was going to happen anytime soon. He was perhaps a little too confident that he was not going to lose his life, but that was his nature. He’d come close to being killed by his own father, one more ounce of pressure, his aunt doing no batter, and yet, he was alive enough to attempt to control the chaos his family found themselves in. “I know you hardly care for the girl, but to let her suffer in order to keep my brother from getting into trouble is hardly fair. He’ll find out as much whether it is now or in six months time. To allow Elena to suffer is as cruel as anything.” He cared for the most recent doppelganger and no matter that he knew Katerina wouldn’t take kindly to as much, he hardly stopped himself from explaining that he couldn’t simply allow her to suffer. “I suppose time will tell if there is another way.”
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“You think I’m trying? Please… I don’t have to Elena, and it’s pathetic to claim that you’re standing when clearly you’re living a complete lie because you couldn’t even handle your own damn life problems. FYI — the Salvatores never stopped caring about me, and I do matter… a hell of a lot more than you ever will.” That last bit wasn’t based on actual facts or anything, but she caught herself holding onto fabricated words to keep from letting go. Katherine wanted so desperately to believe that she meant something more to everyone she’s involved herself with over the centuries, but Katerina had known the honest truth. No one could love someone so cruel. None of the affections she’s ever shown to others during her existence as Katherine Pierce were true enough to be returned. Not even to the one man she changed for… “Elijah can do whatever he pleases,” There was a roll of her eyes and obviously she was hurt by his actions, but Katerina knew she hadn’t the right to be jealous. Katherine had more suitors in and out of her life during the centuries than most while Elijah mostly appeared to be cracking under the pressures of his lifestyle. There was always that insecurity when she was seeing him formally. Did he even see her? Over the years it became obvious that it wasn’t about his former love for Tatia, but the kiss he shared with Elena made Katherine doubt what she once firmly believed. “It was more you that I found myself surprised by to be quite honest.” Not true… The harshness of her tone would imply otherwise though she felt confident that it might have made her more believable “You’re really giving me a run for my money though, aren’t you?” Katherine had known Elena took a high offense when compared so it made her attacks seemingly more effective. “Good luck.” Sickly grin in place, but she couldn’t stop from poking jabs when her doppelganger hadn’t give a reaction that suited her liking immediately. Huff of breath escaped before the demon reverted to smoke form and blew away with in the direction the wind carried her as thoughts clouded her mind thicker than her form covered the sky. If Elena wasn’t willing to deal… Maybe, no. Damon wouldn’t dare. Guess it came with the lack of trust.
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✥ The shadow of my reflection || Katherine & Elena
“Break me?, you’ve tried everything you could to ruin my life, and yet I’m still standing. I’m beginning to feel sorry for you, all these wasted years and you’re still trying to do what you can to make yourself matter again.” like trying to have the life Elena was living, and honestly, Elena wasn’t even offended, she just saw Katherine as some sad girl, who still to this very day, sought attention because she was a girl who wasn’t born evil, life had made her that way. Hearing her say that she didn’t serve her purpose, what did that even mean? and there Katherine went, trying to get inside Elena’s head by making her feel uncomfortable, she was an adult, what was Katherine, like ten? “Are you saying that because you weren’t there when he had kissed me? or because it wasn’t you on the receiving end?” she countered, being as when Elijah kissed Elena before, it was because he thought she was Katherine. Fighting fire with fire, and Elena knew not to take shit from anymore, not even Katherine. Elena just shook her head at Katherine, disgusting. “You really are twisted” and that was the truth, Katherine was messed up and Elena would continue to be everything Katherine was not, that is what made Elena different, because she wasn’t Katherine. The jab about Caroline and Klaus angered Elena, but she wasn’t going to give in to the bait, into the reaction. Elena trusted Caroline, and if there was something going on with Klaus, she’d would hope that Caroline would tell her, she wasn’t going to believe Katherine. “I won’t be changing my mind soon, and whatever it is you have going on Katherine, it’s going to crash and burn, like all your plans” She stated passing by Katherine, Elena will find out just what Katherine was now, so she could finally put an end to the term Doppelganger.
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“I don’t want to make my own choices Damon, I need too,” Katherine said, but she was growing rather bored.. Pretending to be this drab and innocent was wearing her thin, less fun then when it first started. She’d toyed with him just enough to get pleasure from the pained look in the beautiful sparkling blue of his eyes. “Listen, we shouldn’t be doing this.. I don’t want to do this, it just won’t work,” she tried to pull off that sympathetic sadness her shadow self wore on more than one occasion when letting the eldest Salvatore down. “After everything.. I shouldn’t be sitting here, drinking bourbon and hanging out at your place… Not without Stefan around,” she sucked in a fake type gasp of a whimper, “I can’t trust you, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to trust you.” With that, Katherine set down the glass and turned toward the door, twisting the knob before looking over her shoulder. 
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“And if I loved you... why don’t I remember it? Why didn’t seeing you spark my memories? Your just.. I could never love you,” She gave him no time to answer. “Goodbye Damon,” and with that… Katherine left, hoping she’d done enough damage for the night.
Damon watched as Elena pressed her fingertips to the wrinkle forming between her brows as she closed her eyes tightly, “Elena just drop this— it’s really not even worth fighting about. You want to make your own choices, well then I’ll let you make your own choices, but known— you may not like my choices for you but It will be my choices that have kept you alive.” Damon nodded subtly as he looked at Elena— that was his opinion, but he was merely confident that his was truly the right one. Even if she didn’t believe it herself, and it wasn’t like Damon completely cared what she thought about choice making. Damon normally was cruel to his brother, it wasn’t an uncovered revelation. It might have partially risen from the fact that he was envious of his brother who was in touch with his morels such as not wanting to feed on innocent human, where Damon didn’t care. “Okay Elena— you want to make your own choices go right ahead,” Damon uttered as his eyes uncontrollable rotated in a circular motion. “Do what you want Elena— I don’t care,” Damon said as a tingling of aggravation had risen in him. 
Damon got a little curious as to why the last living doppelganger was ignoring his questioned. Maybe she isn’t here to dance, Damon thought as he began heading to where she was sitting on the couch to pass off the drink he had poured for her. Damon nodded at her gratitude and he watched as Elena had scanned the place. Was she assuming that someone else would be there? He asked himself unable to tell what was happening. He knew Elena was different now, she was human, and they didn’t have the luck to where her memories came back after ingesting the cure. Damon watched as she puckered into a sour look when she swallowed down the amber drink. Damon smiled slightly,  “ Wait, what are you talking about Elena?” Damon was having a hard time processing what she had just said. 
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Either way, you’re a survivor. @onlyhumanxelena
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Katherine pressed her fingertips to the wrinkle forming between her brows as she closed her eyes tightly and breathed out heavily in attempts to keep herself calm so that she didn’t blow her cover by going off on him. “That’s your opinion,” Hers too, if she was being honest. Elena never made the right choices and while she admired Stefan’s ability to allow her to make those decisions, in the end, it would be Damon that kept her alive. “I didn’t say that he was,” Now her eyes focused on his and she debated walking away. Katherine hated when Damon was cruel to his brother after everything he’s put up with over the last hundred years… It wasn’t right. “It’s not about who makes the better choices, Damon, it’s about who’s willing to let me make my own. I’m human… We make mistakes,” Yuck! That left a foul taste in her mouth and the memory of being human caused her to tense up. “How so? I’m going with you, aren’t I? IT’s not exactly like you’ve given me anything in return to deserve that and with the way you’re treating me… Maybe it’s best that I don’t go.”
The demon had to literally bite her tongue on that one. There was plenty of ways for her to rip his still beating heart from his chest, but she’d keep it to herself. Ignoring his question with a roll of her eyes as her left hand slowly went up to her mouth and she rubbed her thumb and index finger over her bottom lip. “Thanks,” Katherine said as her eyes scanned the place. It didn’t appear that Stefan was around which had been a good sign because every once in a while the younger Salvatore could pick up on Katherine’s dirty tricks and seeing how close they’d gotten before her departure from this world she didn’t want to place anything in the hands of chance. “I appreciate it,” Katherine said as she reached for the drink and slowly took a swig. Not too hasty Kat or he’ll catch on… The demon thought, face puckered into a sour look when she swallowed down the drink to fake an effect from the contents of the glass. “My tolerance is a joke now, it’s just so glorious.” Whoops! Too much sarcasm! “I mean, uh, never mind. This was a bad idea.”
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Damon didn’t understand her reasoning completely for the restored insults that came his way, but he was doing his best to ignore them. “I’ve let you make your own choices, but unfortunate for Elena— you would always pick the bad ones.” Damon said rolling his eyes slightly, “You can’t honestly tell me that shady Stefan is all-knowing in choice making Elena.” Damon was suspicious about Elena chose Stefan over him again. It was the reason he was hesitant about giving her the cure in the first place because Elena and Damon both being vampires made them similar, because they were both monsters. Elena being human left Damon different from her, and Damon was still hopeful that she would get her memories back. Damon was growing tired of her telling him to show her that he wasn’t the bad guy, “Okay Elena— I would show you, but you’re not even really giving me a chance to,” he said watching as she shook her brunette curls. 
“Harsh Elena,” Damon said looking down, “How many more times do you plan on ripping my undead living heart out of my chest?” Damon questioned turning his icy blues back to the doppelganger.Once they got to the place that he was staying at Damon watched as Elena made herself comfortable. He couldn’t but watch her as she peeled off her shawl that was draped over her shoulders. For being an living dead person, he felt as though he couldn’t breath as he watched her click clack across the wooden floor as she fall back onto the couch and then crossing her legs like the lady she was— Damon lips slightly upturned, “I’ll get right on that then,”he said as he quickly fumbled around the bar area to pour Elena a drink. He watched her out of the corner of his eyes. She acting like a completely different person— side effect of the cure, he thought. Damon ignored his suspicion as he turned away from the girl he was in love with. Damon quickly began walking back to Elena handing her the glass he had just poured and then taking a drink of his own. 
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@rippermade​ asdfghjkl!!<3
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Steferine + “Paparazzi” by Lady Gaga requested by @miikaela (video | lyrics)
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“I wasn’t going to spin a story, Elena. You wouldn’t be able to handle what I’ve been through and I’d hate to break you before you’ve served your purpose.” Katherine was vague and eerie with her explanation, but she knew that being human again wouldn’t bode well for her shadow self in Klaus’ city and once word got out his paranoia in protecting Hope would lead him straight to Elena’s door. Nothing that she’d give warning to seeing as Katerina wanted nothing to do with the more purified version of herself. Obviously the venom from her hurtful words seeped in through the wounded surface of her flesh as though Katherine had used her rounded teeth to rip into Elena’s skin to feed. Old habits died hard and although the demon tried hard not to be translucent it appeared that questioning about her affairs with Elijah had proven to show just how much she cared. “Well—- did you like it?” No sense in hiding the fact anymore, but she could have some fun making her double uncomfortable for a while seeing as she hadn’t made a lousy deal since the blowout fight she had with the suited original. “I bet you did, didn’t you? Got a taste for it when you pretended to be me and now you can’t get enough,” Katherine wore a devilish smirk as she stepped closer to intimidate the fragile human girl. “Maybe you’re done with the Salvatores… Tell me something though,” Tongue brushed over her top lip before she continued “Do you honestly think Klaus would go for the same ruse? I doubt you could pull it off, but I’d give you kudos for trying. Hell… Caroline did it,” but Caroline wasn’t like Elena and Katherine. The Petrova face was doomed to love triangles for centuries and most of those included spars between a pair of brothers. “Oh lighten up already,” Katherine said with a subtle roll of her eyes. “You’re so over dramatic about things.” There was a shake of dark curls and she’s turning on her heels to primp herself in the window of the nearest store. “Have it your way,” Katherine responded coldly wearing that same taunting smirk. “If you change your mind though, I’ll be around.”
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✥ The shadow of my reflection || Katherine & Elena
“You, decide enough was enough, after everything you put them through, spare me your sad story.” and Elena was done with Katherine. She truly apologized for the things that happened and tried to understand Katherine’s side. The small fragile girl who had no where to go, whose life changed because of her choices and Katherine didn’t deserve it, but with what life had changed Katherine into —Elena couldn’t forgive her like before. She lost that when Katherine took over her body – for her own selfish needs, all because she wanted her life. Her life. Great…Katherine was an even more powerful being, which meant her tricks would be more dangerous. She wasn’t human nor a vampire and something told her she was one of those things….maybe Katherine’s body was being possessed, maybe she wasn’t even talking to Katherine at all. Yes Elena was sure that she wouldn’t choose either Salvatore, she knew Stefan and Caroline were somewhat of a couple, that they liked one another. Caroline had told her about her feelings for Stefan and Elena learned to pick up the signs over time. Damon didn’t even cross her mind because all he ever did was hurt the people she cared about, the fact that whenever she was in danger, he was there, was still confusing for this Gilbert. The mention of Damon made Elena raise a brow, why was Katherine even putting her two cents in and what game was she playing. Elena didn’t even bother to respond. Elena just figured this was another one of Katherine’s mind games to mess with her again. She shook her head, before hearing Katherine’s next reply, so it didn’t strike a nerve, then why bother saying it in the first place. She learned to read Katherine, between what mattered and what didn’t. Since Katherine was human, she couldn’t lie like she used to, so the subtle way Katherine avoided it, only proved to Elena that it did  mean something. “Please, if you wanted information you would have gone to the source, and being as you are questioning me and not Elijah, means you want to know my view.” narrowing her eyes once again at her reflection “Your talking usually ends with someone getting stabbed in the back and last I tried to talk  with you, you deceived me, so no, I don’t think we ever can just talk.” plus that conversation when Katherine tried to kill her back at the high school. A deal? Katherine asking rather than taking? now that was interesting. “I’ll pass.”
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When it all started to boil down to a point Katerina found it difficult to keep her eyes fixated on the man and his broken spirit. Blame that could only be placed on herself for having put him through a Quin centennial of pain and misery. Selfishness exceeded all when she became a vampire and Katherine flipped her switch to lose the guilt that accompanied having abandoned Elijah, but after she found her family slaughtered there was no use in pretending that she couldn’t feel anymore. Punishment for having been so heartless was long past due and from there on she never turned it off again. Everything was amplified to a maximum and this included an insatiable hunger for revenge in regards to all that she’s lost. More than anyone her age ever should… Katerina’s sense of self was gone. Had there been a part of her that was glad to know the demon who truly plagued her was put in his place at last? Of course there was, but it wasn’t as strong as the overwhelming regret she felt as his dark eyes locked with hers and she witnessed all the ghosts from their histories past swimming endlessly inside chocolate hues. There was no escape and no hope for a future. It was made clear in the stories he told, but she couldn’t help feeling like if she erased those sins and fell to her knees; bowed down before the merciful God she came to view him as and begged for a forgiveness that she might never deserve than perhaps she wouldn’t have reason to feel so distant when sitting right beside him. “We’re ageless,” Katerina began. Fire climbed up her throat in thick chunks that swallowed down painfully “Does that not matter, do we not have choices and opportunity to make things right?” Katherine took advantage of Elijah’s forgiving nature, but Katerina didn’t want that. The demon that blackened her soul and shared her physical body thrived off the chaos created whenever she was around the elder Mikaelson. His own distress feeding into the darkest parts of herself. Whoever that was. Doppelgangers had been cursed since the dawn of time to feel a lack in self understanding, but this had spanned over centuries and it left her split in two. Multiple personality disorder. There was Katherine, and Katerina, but only the man next to her seemed to bring out the latter. Not unlike traveler magic the conflicted brunette had a passenger — a third half to complete her as a whole, the demon. Hitchhiker. It wasn’t as much a part of her as it should’ve been and she gathered that much was because of her special blood, but more or less it still affected how she acted during certain points. The two had known each other better than she had known herself and it was as if she’d always possessed the essence. Eyes now focused on the movements of her fingers as her stomach turned. Katherine didn’t see what in the world she could have possibly said to gain a laugh, but hearing it again caused an instantaneous smile to befall her features as she shyly looked up to him through darkened lashes. For the moment in which Katerina was taken aback the idea of what it would have been like should the suited original chose to accept her invitation to Europe was entertained. Mornings would be spent under thin sheets as the light from their balcony window poured in to bathe their bare flesh in sunlight. Fine wines, solace at his side and the constant laughs just like the beautiful one that broke the uncomfortable silence after she’d asked her questions. If only it could be that easy. “So it’s true then, huh. Elena’s memories got wiped clean? Here I thought it was just an act after she’d come to realize Stefan was the better choice.” There was a confident roll of her shoulders, but her eyes didn’t move. It was uncomfortable speaking about the Salvatore’s with Elijah though she didn’t catch a hint of jealousy so there was the lingering presumption that he didn’t care that burned nicely with the desire inside the fibers of Katherine’s immortal being to make him and yet it was snuffed out quickly by the need to ease his mind. “I know that, but I also know of a breed that requires a different kind of blood to make a new kind of monster. Something more dangerous and twisted. I’ve heard rumors that it’s capable of wiping out the old ones entirely, but if that’s not just some kind of fabricated story than it means you’re in danger too.” Katerina went on a search the night after their horrific argument outside the bar and found what seemed to be a tale of hybrids born throughout centuries. Niklaus might have been the first of his kind, but those not bound by the sun and moon curse had previously found a way around dying gruesome bloody deaths. “These werewolves are turned by a true alpha’s blood, Elijah. Much like a doppelganger these occurrences aren’t often, but you’re going to have to really trust me when I say this… Letting Klaus squander his time with Elena’s blood is better than leaving him to find what power comes from these other breeds. Illyria isn’t going to be an easy target, but if there’s another way, I’m going to find it.”
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It was entirely unsurprising just how often Elijah wanted to stop his little tale because of her. Katerina had a certain charm about her that caused him to roll his own eyes more often than not. Though now as much as he did with Niklaus. No one could get under his skin like his younger brother. None of what he was speaking of was anything that he actually liked to think about. Not when it was all so fresh within him, problems that were dredged up time and time again. His family was not able to let anything go, and his father hadn’t been gone for that long. Never completely gone. He haunted them all in their own ways, his mother having the similar impact. If there was anyone he never wished to think about again it was his parents, but alas, there he was, forever unable to escape them. “My point,” he eventually came to say, looking at her no matter how difficult it was, “is that we’re always defined by the choices we make.” It pained him to say that. It was never something he thought before, but as he looked at her, it was something he came to believe. How could he think anything else when Rebekah had done what she’d done? With seemingly little regret. If he couldn’t hold his sister accountable it was difficult to think he could do the same with Katerina. Forgiveness was something he was quite good at and that was likely where it all stemmed from. No matter what he was able to forgive and for everything his sister and Katerina had ever done, it was never to intentionally hurt him. That was the striking difference between he and Niklaus. Forgiveness was never something he could truly extend when his actions were on purpose. Certainly he stood by his side, but there was no part of him that believed they could ever be what people actually saw them as. Even what Katerina had viewed them as could hardly be true. His gaze dropped from her as he returned to looking out at the city. Something that was far easier. He wondered what it would have been like if he had taken her up on her offer. He should have, he knew that. They would be in Europe, together, enjoying one another without the mounting tension and ache within him so deep that being near her was the only thing that managed to soothe it. Odd. How she was the one who caused him the most pain, yet, being next to her was the only thing that managed to make him feel better. Perhaps it was him being able to actually keep his eyes upon her, rather than wondering if she was making moves against his family. Trust was not something he had quite yet, maybe it would never come, but he would take the small moments of peace as he was next to her. A chuckle escaped him at the mention of Damon. The last person he wished to discuss and someone he didn’t like to think of in relation to Katerina. It made him think things that would give away just much he cared, when the last thing he wanted to do was make it obvious he did. That would only work against him and when it came to her, he couldn’t afford to have anything but hostility. Only, that was far gone already, wasn’t it?  “Do not give yourself so much credit. He was going to go on a bender regardless. That boy is a wreck without Elena.” Boy, because that was exactly how he felt towards him when he acted like he was a child. The topic of his brother was something he wished to speak of even less. “You say that as if I’m expecting something else.” Elena was human and that meant his brother could get whatever he desired. “After all, my dear brother doesn’t cherish the family he has. Power and loyalty without question is the family he desires. By week’s end we may just end up with daggers, locked away in a basement to make things easier.” It was his version of being humorous, yet, he was certain they both knew how serious his words could be.
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Rihanna - Stay (Ft. Mikky Ekko)
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Katherine & Elena || Follow you
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