elusinor · 3 months
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by roksolyana_hilevych
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elusinor · 6 months
I think everyone should curse more
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elusinor · 6 months
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Santa Susana Mountains, Jason Fitzgibbon
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elusinor · 6 months
I think everyone should curse more
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elusinor · 6 months
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elusinor · 6 months
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elusinor · 6 months
childhood was so crazy. my parents were kind of young. a meal seemed to last forever. i could run for ages. everyone was alive
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elusinor · 6 months
as a girl who is literally just a girl i am always yearning. always longing always missing always wearing my heart on my sleeve. always feeling like my heart is on the verge of exploding. the sight of the sun makes me cry. anyway
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elusinor · 3 years
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Graves Park 🍁🍂
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elusinor · 3 years
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elusinor · 3 years
“Ever since she’d discovered—but really discovered with a note of alarm—that she would die some day, then she no longer feared life, and, because of death, she had full rights: she’d risk everything.”
— Clarice Lispector, from “The Departure of the Train”, Complete Stories (trans. Katarina Dodson)
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elusinor · 3 years
this is honest to god what we should all feel like at all times
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elusinor · 3 years
Just because the days are repetitive at the moment, it does not mean you are not still making progress. You are not wasting your life. You still have time.
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elusinor · 3 years
the sunlight on my windowsill and the air on my face is enough to make me peaceful
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elusinor · 3 years
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15.02.21, monday
morning, afternoon & evening; from calm to an absolute chaos.
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elusinor · 3 years
to the people who feel paused ☁️☕ - Christy Anne Jones
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elusinor · 3 years
Do you ever feel like you’re missing out on so much just because of being who you are and not someone else? Whenever I see a beautiful girl I wonder how it must feel to be that beautiful and if I’ll ever feel like that. Or when I see someone who’s confident and extroverted and I imagine how nice and easy it must be to be that way. Or when I see someone that’s my age who has already accomplished so much or been in so many places and experienced so many things, I can’t help but feel like time is falling from my hands like sand and I’m not getting better or going anywhere. I grew up watching movies and reading stories that made me believe that life was supposed to be constantly exciting and I haven’t felt that way many times and I just feel so stuck being myself. I wish I could be someone else for a while.
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